All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 10: Campus routines are deep


Because of the "fighting for justice" incident last semester, Su Feng has now become a celebrity at Nefalia High School.

During recess, many classmates would take the initiative to greet Su Feng, and some more open female classmates even hinted that they wanted to have an indescribable relationship with Su Feng...

Of course, Su Feng chose to reject all of these female classmates who had bad intentions towards him.

After all, as Kobe said, people's life is limited, and the limited life should be put into the great basketball career.

Well, Su Feng felt his conscience and vowed to the sky:

He, Su Feng, definitely didn't think that his female classmates were ugly because of these hints!

Absolutely not!

Otherwise, he will be stunned. . . .


Closer to home.

After finishing the first day of school, Su Feng, who had made up his mind, decided to go to the basketball gym first. After all, if he really wanted to get into NA, he had to find a way to get into the high school league first.

Bang Bang!

In the basketball hall of Nefalia High School, a group of iron-blooded youths are following assistant coach Anthony in intense shooting training.

And head coach Tony Jones looked at the players in the arena with a sad face.

"Hey, these bastards, they must not have practiced well in the summer vacation. What are they shooting? My grandma can shoot better than them." Tony Jones sighed.

And just when Tony Jones looked troubled, Su Feng just stepped into the basketball hall.

As the only Chinese student at Nefaria High School, Su Feng's entry at this time should be accompanied by a GM...

Because as soon as he entered the field, he instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"Hey, isn't this Su?" Point guard Towns, the captain of the Nefalia High School basketball team, said in surprise.

"Is that the superhero?" Center Campa asked suspiciously.

"Oh, I remember, he's in the reserves!" Shooting guard Miles suddenly realized.

"The reserve team? No one from the second team dares to come. He is a reserve team..." Small forward Thomas asked curiously.

Su Feng, who instantly became the focus of everyone's attention, obviously hadn't reacted yet, but Su Feng was as calm as always, and went up to say hello to head coach Tony Jones.

Before coming to the basketball hall, Su Feng carefully checked the memory of "Su Feng".

In fact, even if you don't look at Su Feng, you know that American high school and college basketball attach great importance to seniority and rank seniority in terms of seniority.

Therefore, this is why many superstar resumes, you can see the introduction of "the first year of high school has become the absolute core of the team, and the first year of freshmen has become the main force".

Because he was able to play in a famous basketball school in the United States, the first-year or rookie stage player who made a name for himself, in the eyes of the world, are all gods.

As we all know, 15- to 20-year-old teenagers develop very quickly. Even if they are only one or two years old, their physical conditions and confrontation ability will be very different.

Therefore, players who can make a name for themselves in their first year of high school or freshman year are nothing more than geniuses.

And these days, the wizards, in their respective schools, will attract attention and enjoy some privileges...

For example, not being bullied by old birds.

You know, whether it's high school, college, or a future NA, training a rookie is a big unspoken rule in the American basketball world.

In Su Feng's previous life, the little emperor James had been chosen by his teammate, Ricky Davis, to assist him during his rookie season.

So, in order to train his younger brother James, Davis asked the emperor to help him lift his shoes...

As a result, Davis is naturally indispensable...

Cough, it was inevitable to be swept out the door.

In the future, when Dayao entered NA, he was bullied by many people in the rookie season.

But fortunately, he met Francis, a big brother with great loyalty.

Later, Dayao respected Francis because, during his rookie season, in the locker room, Francis made it clear that Yao Ming was covered by him.

At Nefalia High School, there is also such a corporate culture.

For example, the second team, the third team, and the reserve team, as long as they are not from the first team, they are all members of the first team.

So, you think, anyway, except for the first team, who can't play the game, many players from the second team, third team, and reserve team are naturally not so active in training.

Except for the players of the first team, everyone's mentality is probably that they can do what they can.

After all, not everyone likes being bullied.

And this is also the reason why Su Feng attracted everyone's attention as soon as he entered the arena.

Of course, there is another reason why...

Su Feng is now a celebrity in the school.

"Hello coach, what do I need to do today?" Su Feng looked at Tony Jones modestly and said.

Tony Jones was obviously questioned by Su Feng.

Because a reserve team player...

Can't let him train with the first team

You know, when the reserve team was training with the first team, they were all responsible for picking up the ball...

However, considering Su Feng's current popularity and his influence, even the school leaders have given orders to take care of...

Tony Jones looked affectionately at his assistant coach - Anthony.

Anthony: "..."

Sure enough, a coach who can't take the blame is definitely not an excellent coach.

Anthony confessed.

"Su... Go and change into the jersey and practice with the first team." Sure enough, an assistant coach without emotional intelligence is by no means a good assistant coach.

Anthony quickly resolved the embarrassment of the scene.

Because in Anthony's opinion, Su Feng wanted to come and have a look because of his interest. After he had trained with the first team, he should have known that his level could not be reached and retreated.

After all, he is a hero who is righteous and brave, and this face, in Anthony's view, has to be given.

Soon, Su Feng changed into the uniform of the Nefalia High School basketball team, um... Because it was the reserve team, Su Feng's uniform did not have a number.

For Su Feng, he never expected that he would get the opportunity to train with the first team so smoothly.

After all, in Su Feng's heart, shouldn't there be a few wicked people who say bad things to him, and then he pushes back with a wave of arrogance

Sure enough, there is a gap between reality and it.

Tony Jones and Anthony are not stupid. At this time, Su Feng's enthusiasm for acting bravely has not passed...

Although the United States does not advocate bravery, Su Feng's textbook-like bravery even appeared in the local Philadelphia newspaper.

Think about it, if there are rumors that "the basketball team bullies Chinese students" and "the basketball team bullies Philadelphia heroes" at this time, then Tony Jones and Anthony probably don't want to continue working in Nefalia.

Anyone who can get this far is not an idiot.

Besides, even if someone on the basketball team may discriminate against Su Feng, there is absolutely no one willing to take advantage of this at this time.

Perhaps, Su Feng never dreamed that an unintentional act when he was in school actually helped him invisibly twice.

Once, Kobe felt that Su Feng had a good personality, was brave, calm, and spoke nicely, and could make friends with him.

Once is now, creating a chance for Su Feng to change his fate.

"what should I do?"

Although Su Feng's basketball level is not bad in the day-to-day hand-to-hand combat with Kobe, as a basketball player, he is indeed an uncompromising rookie.

As for Su Feng's question, Anthony seemed very patient. After all, he knew that under normal circumstances, players from the reserve team would not have the opportunity to train with the first team.

"The next thing we're going to do is a one-minute rapid-fire drill."

"Have you seen the points I've marked, within a minute, you have to keep changing the shooting point to shoot, I will help you time and record your shooting accuracy..."

"Myers, give the ball to Su." After explaining to Su Feng, Anthony turned his gaze to a black guy about the same height as Su Feng...

Miles spread his hands and threw the ball to Su Feng.

The ball was not passed very well. Su Feng knew that this was because the players of the first team did not regard him as a teammate at all...

After all, in their eyes, the previous "Su Feng" was just a tool person.

"Phew..." After scanning the shooting spot, Su Feng took a deep breath.

Now, it's time to test the results of your special training.

Su Feng chose to start with a three-pointer from the left corner. On the court, there were a total of 10 shooting points, 5 3-pointers, and 5 mid-range points. After signaling to Anthony that he was ready, Su Feng... … .

Start your own show!


The first shot, a three-pointer from the left bottom corner, hit.


The second shot, a 45-degree three-pointer on the left, missed.

On the field, Su Feng frowned, while on the side, the players of the first team had formed a circle, ready to wait for Su Feng to taunt him after humiliating himself...

Great hero, this kind of ridicule can't be said to be us insulting you, it was you who sent it to us to mock you...

"The shooting posture is quite decent, but it's a pity that the second shot point exposed his true strength." Miles complained.

"This one-minute quick shot is very difficult. Who held our record before?" Campa asked.

"Of course it's Captain Towns. Captain Towns hit 11 goals in one minute!" Thomas took the opportunity to lick.

"It's nothing, just 11 goals." Towns, who was comfortably licked by Thomas, puffed out his chest subconsciously.

At this time, on the court, Su Feng frowned and hesitated for two seconds before running to the top of the arc for a three-point shot.

"Maybe, he was afraid of being ridiculed by his teammates and wanted to give up." Assistant coach Anthony thought to himself.

"For a while, let the players restrain themselves, after all, Su..." Just when head coach Tony Jones was worried that Su Feng would not be able to stand the ridicule of his teammates for a while...

On the field, Su Feng, who was holding the ball, suddenly took two steps back.


now it's right.

Kick legs, hang in the air, shake your wrists.


Members of the Nefalia High School basketball team: "!!!"

"What is he doing? My God!" Thomas said in surprise.

"He just took two steps back?" Campa said.

"Is the ball just 7 meters away from the basket?" Miles said in shock.

On the field, before waiting for his teammates to be shocked, at the next 45-degree three-pointer on the right, Su Feng also took two steps back before making his shot.


Enter again!

And next is:

Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish!

We often say that if you succeed once, it may be luck, if you succeed twice, it is strength...

What if there is continuous success

That is... ...

Hard power.

Su Feng's one-minute rapid-fire training stunned the players of the first team.

Assistant coach Anthony hurriedly handed a quick-acting rescue pill to head coach Tony Jones.

"Come on, tell me, I'm not dreaming?" Tony Jones gasped.

"I swear to God, Mr. Coach, we're not dreaming," Anthony said solemnly.

"This is a pitcher! God! The pitcher we need most!!" Tony Jones said excitedly.

"Yes, Mr. Head Coach." Anthony echoed.

"But why is he shooting from so far away?" Tony Jones asked.

Anthony secretly rolled his eyes at his head coach, and the expression couldn't be more obvious...

You ask me, who am I to ask

"God, what have we done before? We just threw gold into the trash!" Tony Jones became more and more excited, and this expression was about to be high...

Soon, Su Feng's one-minute rapid-fire training was over.

In 1 minute, Su Feng made a total of 26 shots and hit 20 goals.

"Be so-so!"

In the previous life, Su Feng had watched the shooting training of Ray Allen and Curry on the Internet. To be honest, compared with those great gods, Su Feng knew that there was still a gap.

After all, the great gods are always in hundreds of consecutive...

Therefore, for his shooting training results, Su Feng felt that he could only give himself 80 points at most.

Well, giving 20 points less is worrying about my pride.

And when Su Feng finished shooting training and was about to ask assistant coach Anthony what to do next, Su Feng found that the entire basketball hall, except for him, had all been petrified...

Su Feng: "..."


You don't want to be purple!

Come on, come on someone who doesn't look good to me, come and humiliate me, and then apply for a one-on-one fight with me, and let me flatter me!

It is clear... ...

Su Feng has seen too much.

Reality, how can there be so many routines.

In reality, it's just that you will continue to practice routines, and then go against the routines, and then go back to the anti-routines again...