All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 115


One thing to say, although Davis' guess is entirely based on brains, but in fact, the process of this game is really exactly the same as what he guessed

In the third quarter of the game, Harris, who found that the difference between the 76ers and the 76ers, hurriedly adjusted his tactics.

What's the matter

Not right!

Why are we separated by the 'stinky fish and rotten shrimp' like the 76ers

Didn't Kobe play well tonight

Wake up!

Su Feng's one-on-one defense is well-known.

Even Boss Qiao praised Su Feng after experiencing Su Feng's service.

Jieqiu, you can pass over Su Feng's head.

But the hit rate is good, just ask Daben if he is happy or not, and you will know.

Unfortunately, Ben Wallace once again ushered in the peak of his life tonight.

If he could play this kind of game every night, he could have patted his chest and said, "The NBA's rebounding king, starting today, will change his name to Wallace!"

Although Su Feng has few assists, his understanding of the game is not bad.

As Kobe became more and more excited, Su Feng had already quietly handed the unlimited blacksmithing license to Iverson on the 76ers side.

Iron slave, nothing more than that.

Basketball game, where can you be happy if you don't win

Especially with a game that's sure to go down in history.

It's a pity that Harris came to his senses, but on the court, "Madman" Van Exel began to go crazy.

The 76ers had a lead in the fourth quarter after Van Exel's consecutive three-pointers helped.

Just relying on O'Neal's two-point, two-point chisel, the 14-point difference is not easy to catch up.

This Lakers team had a big problem in Su Feng's previous life, that is, when they fell behind, other players didn't dare to take the blame.

Once the outside line feels cold, O'Neal can shake the world no matter how he is, he is just a "fat head fish".

Before Kobe Bryant has grown up, this Lakers can only be regarded as a tyrannical team.

They are obviously still some distance away from the championship-level team.

In the second half of the fourth quarter, when the Lakers requested a timeout, O'Neal was also in a hurry, seeing that they were always behind by about points.

He looked at the other Lakers players angrily and said, "Don't you dare to throw any of you except Kobe?"

Fisher, who was sitting in the corner of the bench, wanted to raise his hand and throw it, but he was familiar with "scheming", and he knew that whoever went up and tossed now, if he didn't get in, he would be the man behind the pot!

In Su Feng's previous life, Fisher had a classic lore, but most of the time, he held Kobe and O'Neal's ankles tightly.

Unfortunately, Fisher is doomed to miss the classics today.

With 4 minutes and 27 seconds left in the fourth quarter, looking at the difference between the two sides, Kobe looked up and said to O'Neal: "Shaq, give me the ball and trust me once."

O'Neal, who scored 12 points in the fourth quarter, was also a little tired at this time. He nodded and patted Kobe on the shoulder, "It's over to you, Kobe."

The timeout ended, and on the field, the Lakers attacked.

Van Exel, who made 1 of 7 three-pointers tonight, dribbled the ball to Kobe Bryant after halftime.

Bryant caught the ball on the flank, took a step to the left, and then pulled out decisively.

During this period, Kobe's shooting skills were not yet complete, but this ball, he raised the arc and brought a back.


, Great Western Forum Arena, as Kobe scored his 18th point tonight, the Lakers fans at the scene also chanted Kobe's name again.

Back to defend, the Lakers defended, Jones played against Iverson, Kobe came to defend Su Feng, Su Feng didn't think much, saw Stackhouse, who was out of position with Van Exel, and decisively sent the ball over.


Stackhouse's name tonight could have the word House crossed out.


Stackhouse's attack was a complete surprise to Su Feng.

No, you play Van Exel, is it that hard

You dignified Tanhua Lang in 1995, Junior Jordan, can you use it a little bit!

Stackhouse is extremely wronged, and when it comes to the shooting guard's bad feel, can he rely on him

Looking back, the Lakers still handed the ball to Kobe, and O'Neal went to the high post to screen for Kobe.

And after Bryant borrowed O'Neal's cover, he raised his hand for another three-pointer.


Still in!

In Su Feng's previous life, although Kobe's 3-point shooting rate in his rookie season was as high as 37.5%, it was because he did not shoot as much as in the future, and the NBA's three-point line during the season became shorter.

Tonight, Su Feng blocked Kobe Bryant as Westbrook. Who would have thought that Kobe actually scored two three-pointers in a row

, the Lakers finally caught up with that damn score!

Datianchao TV, Director Zhang smiled and said, "Hey, the game looks good now, the two teams are only 5 points apart."

When retreating, O'Neal touched Kobe's head excitedly, "Good shot, just play like this!"

Kobe's confidence is also getting stronger and stronger. When the 76ers attacked, he directly elbowed Su Feng's offensive line.

Anyway, after the game, Su Feng was invited to have a late-night snack. In Kobe's opinion, Su Feng would not mind even if he slapped Su Feng a few times.

The 76ers failed to score in this offense because Iverson could not be accurate for the entire game.

Tonight's answer is already super-level performance, can you believe that 6-of-8 three-pointers

Allen Iverson hit the basket halfway, and O'Neal grabbed the rebound with all his might, "Open them all and make way for my little brother!"

I don't know how grand the barrage will be in the next 20 years, when the recording and broadcasting of this game will be posted on major websites.

The 18-year-old Kobe looks very much like Su Feng's previous life ten years from now.

Kobe's eyes were full of murderous intent. Although his offensive tactics were a little immature, don't be afraid, he has O'Neal!

This was the most embarrassing match Su Feng had ever had to go around the pick and roll.

Too bad, this O'Neill is here to block, how can he get around

Ratliff had to switch defenses for this ball, but unfortunately, Kobe only had the basket in his eyes at this moment.

With half a step away from the three-point line, Kobe fired again!

Swish! !

Kobe Bryant stopped the 76ers with three three-pointers in a row!

And this is also the 24th point he scored tonight.

If Su Feng remembers correctly, Kobe's highest single-game score in his rookie season was exactly 24 points.

"Good job! Kobe!"

When returning to the bench, O'Neal hooked Kobe Bryant's shoulder, and the two formed a "world famous painting".

"Shaq, it's up to you to end the game next!" Kobe looked up at O'Neal and said.

O'Neal patted his chest, "Don't worry, next, the sharks are going out to sea for food!"

"If we put Shaq's and Kobe's names together, it's 'ok'," commentator Williams quipped on NBC.

I think, now no one will question Jerry West's choice, Kobe, is the 'future' of this Lakers! "

It is worth mentioning that when Kobe and O'Neal returned to the bench together, Fisher was carrying water and handing towels, wishing he could shake more in front of the camera.

On the 76ers' bench, Su Feng and Iverson were listening to Davis's next offensive tactics.

"Allen, you are the first attacking point, Su, you cooperate with Allen, you two can play freely."

To be honest, at such a decisive moment in the game, even if Davis is a genius, he would not dare to set up too fancy content.

In the NBA, handing over the ball to the star at the decisive moment has always been the most commonly used way of play.

Because reducing mistakes is the most important thing.

At this time, there are still 2 minutes and 46 seconds on the court. After the timeout, the players of both teams have bayonets and are ready for the final fight.

The 76ers attacked, and Ratliff came to cover for Iverson.

Because Ratliff has a certain mid-range range, O'Neal didn't dare not follow the ball.

But in the face of the dexterous Iverson, O'Neal did not dare to switch defenses.

Jones failed to bypass Iverson's pick-and-roll, and Iverson, who broke into the inside line in one breath, made a layup!

After scoring, Iverson pulled his jersey. This was his 32nd point tonight.

"Iverson is really fast. Look at this breakthrough. The Lakers players can't keep up with him at all." Datianchao TV, Director Zhang said with emotion.

When the Lakers attacked, Kobe lobbed the ball to O'Neal on the inside. O'Neal squeezed lightly and opened Ratliff. Facing Big Ben who was making up the defense, O'Neal did not hesitate.

Although fighting is at heart, on the field of play, O'Neal will not counsel anyone.


O'Neal made a dunk with both hands. Not surprisingly, this wonderful dunk is going to hit the top five.

"O'Neal is too difficult to guard. Neither Ben Wallace nor Ratliff can guard against him tonight," Zhang Guizhu explained.

The game continued, the 76ers attacked, and this time Iverson's breakthrough was blocked.

With 8 seconds left in the attacking time, Su Feng hurriedly stood up for the ball.

On the flank, after Su Feng caught the ball with one hand and made a false move, Kobe didn't dare to block him when he took off for the second time. Su Feng made a mid-range pull at a 45-degree angle on the flank.

This is the 21st point Su Feng has scored tonight, the golden double gun, and he has scored 53 points tonight.

As the game time passed, the Lakers fans at the scene began to stand up again to watch the game.

Nicholson, who ordered a new cup of coffee during the intermission, held the coffee in one hand and put his arms around his female companion, and the female companion he was holding had a look of despair and grief.

On the court, Ratliff was out of the question. When O'Neal tried to turn around and hit the board, Ratliff took the lead and wanted to foul.

However, O'Neal, who noticed Ratliff's movements, hung up on this black and hard man and made a direct hit.


The whistle blew the ball, Shaq-style three-pointer!

The Lakers fans at the scene kept shouting Shaq and Shaq, while Su Feng took the opportunity to walk in front of O'Neal, closed his eyes in front of him, and made a free throw.

O'Neal: ""

Believe it or not, I really beat you!

Big Ben on the side: Would you give it a try

Forget it, O'Neal is a nice big man.

O'Neal, who walked to the free throw line, seemed to be disturbed by Su Feng, and he really missed the shot.

Big Ben grabbed the rebound and the 76ers attacked.

At this point, 1 minute and 30 seconds left on the field.

Iverson used his speed to wipe out Jones this time, but unfortunately, his layup was disturbed by O'Neal who came from the defense.

At this moment, Iverson hated that his height was not really "183", otherwise, he designated the ball to go in.

O'Neal, who was protecting the rebound, took a deep breath. The Lakers attacked. This time Bryant stood up. After catching the ball from the outside, he used O'Neal's cover to break into the inside.

Big Ben and Ratliff defended Bryant at the same time, but Bryant made a spiritual stop and passed the ball to Jones who was plugged in.

Jones, who was able to glide from the three-point line for a layup, did not miss the opportunity and succeeded in dunking with one hand. !

The Lakers tied.

On the VIP stand at the Forum Arena in the Great Western Conference, Jerry West was delighted.

"Kobe really deserves to be your appointed 'Magician' successor!"

The little Bass on the side hugged West. At this moment, the little Bass felt that he had found his idol for the next 20 years.

And, not one!

The 76ers attacked. After Iverson shot a few times in a row, the ball was a bit tired. Su Feng took the gun in time.

Su Feng played Kobe on the right flank, and after feinting left and right, turned over and made a jumper.


Su Feng shot down his 23rd point tonight! .

Race, 52 seconds left!

Instead of calling a timeout, Harris motioned for Van Exel to give the ball to Kobe.

Perhaps it was because of the crazy blacksmithing performance of "Mad Men" tonight that Harris didn't dare to trust him at such a time.

In fact, Harris forgot that before making three three-pointers in the last minute of the fourth quarter, Kobe Bryant was pretty solid tonight.

Kobe Bryant pressed the rhythm with the ball, and after O'Neal screened, Kobe started.

Su Feng didn't give O'Neal a chance this time, bypassing the pick-and-roll one step ahead and following Kobe closely.

However, Su Feng, who had played against Kobe countless times, never imagined that the sins he made with his own hands would have to be repaid by him today.

The "Pennsylvania Magic" did not attack, but threw the ball over his head to O'Neal imaginatively.

In the middle, O'Neal kept up with the dunks two steps before the free throw line!

This is also a wonderful shot to remember the top five balls! !

On nbc TV, Williams felt like he was suffocating.

How classic is this

In this game, the two teams not only have stories, but also a lot of wonderful pictures.

You come and go, it's really exciting.

The game was over with 36 seconds left, and the 76ers didn't call a timeout. Iverson got a hint from Su Feng's eyes that AI dribbled the ball directly across the half court, trying to leave a last chance for the 76ers to attack.

It's a pity that AI failed to hit the ball, and with 28 seconds left, the Lakers made their final attack.

Harris didn't call a timeout either. He yelled at the Lakers on the court: "Give the ball to Kobe!"

At the scene, the Lakers fans were patiently waiting for Kobe to launch the Lakers' final attack.

Su Feng took a deep breath, lowered his center of gravity, held Kobe's waist with one hand, and used the other to maintain balance and prepare to steal at any time.

In addition, Su Feng also observed O'Neal's movements from the corner of his eyes.

With 14 seconds left in the game, Kobe started.

Su Feng noticed O'Neal who was about to come to cover for Kobe, and bypassed it in advance again.

However, at the moment when Su Feng detoured, Kobe suddenly changed the direction of his dribble.

This is Kobe's best way to change his direction in a small space. You must know that in Su Feng's previous life, this trick Kobe has been using in his retirement battle.

His change of direction through the mid lane under the Jazz's two defenses was accomplished by his amazing flexibility and agility.

Su Feng was stunned, and Ratliff's attention had to be attracted by Kobe.

O'Neal took advantage of the situation, Kobe Bryant was not greedy, once again presented a classic assist.

In the penalty area, O'Neal dunked with one hand. After landing, he kept pointing back and forth at Kobe with both hands!

Great Western Forum Arena, a complete explosion.

On the sidelines, with 5.1 seconds remaining, Davis requested a timeout.

In front of the TV, both Chinese fans and American fans couldn't help thinking of the dunk lore that Su Feng performed in his career debut.

Just this ball, will the 76ers give it to Su Feng to play

Davis almost only hesitated for 0.1 seconds, because Iverson felt very good tonight. It was not that Davis did not want to complete the story, but that Iverson shot deeply today.

At the last moment, Davis replaced Smith to serve and removed Big Ben.

The 76ers set up a pick-and-roll 3-pointer because Davis knew that the 76ers would have no chance in overtime.

The depth of this Lakers lineup is much stronger than that of the 76ers.

On the Lakers side, Harris also used Scott to remove Van Exel to increase the height and prevent the 76ers from playing the final attack.

On the court, when the players of the two teams were vying for the spot, Kobe hugged Su Feng directly, with that expression as if telling Su Feng, "Give it up, I won't make mistakes and give you a chance".

Su Feng was helpless, but fortunately, the 76ers were looking for Iverson in this attack.

Eh, no, wait, serve, Kenny!

The 76ers almost missed the ball. At a critical moment, Su Feng took advantage of the referee's attention and gave Kobe a slight push.

Su Feng, who opened the distance from Kobe, quickly raised his hand to signal to Smith.

After seeing Su Feng's rooster head clearly, Smith did not dare to neglect and threw the ball directly into Su Feng's hand.

Timer, start counting the seconds!

Outside, O'Neill, who was closest to Su Feng, rushed towards Su Feng with his exaggerated steps.

Su Feng had nothing to do, he dribbled the ball and took a half step back.

At this time, there is not much time left for the 76ers.

At this time, as "", should I learn from Jordan in 1997 and pass the ball to Kerr, or

Soon, Su Feng gave his answer.

Although this ball came into his hands by chance, but since it has come, how can this pot be thrown to his teammates

Su Feng didn't think much about it, looking at the position between himself and O'Neal, he was still a long way from the three-point line, and he shot decisively!

finished calf

Su Feng, who shot from the side, glanced at the ballistic trajectory after the shot, and there was so much despair

Unfortunately, Su Feng closed his eyes.

Actually he forgot.

Like this side three-pointer, sometimes, it really doesn't matter if it is a little bit off.

Let the basketball fly for a while!

Bang, shh!

When Su Feng was about to open his eyes and say sorry to his teammates, Iverson had already rushed into his arms.

"Tell me, tell me loudly, are you the king of lore?"

Su Feng: ""

NBC TV, after being silent for a long time, Williams' voice spread to thousands of households in North America.

"Su, shoot Shaq O'Neal!"

Seconds later, Williams revised his wording.

"Su, shoot the Los Angeles Lakers!"

ps: The 20,000-word update is here! Ask for monthly passes, subscriptions, recommended tickets, and rewards!

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