All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 116


At the Great Western Forum Arena, the Lakers fans on the scene all turned their mouths into "O-shapes" at the moment.

On the sidelines, Nicholson's girlfriend suffered another disaster.

Because Nicholson, who was dumbfounded, once again spilled the coffee in his hand on the female companion.

Fortunately, this cup of coffee is not very hot

This blond female companion felt that life was too difficult, and it was too difficult to come out to make a living.

She, who doesn't understand basketball, wiped her shirt with a tissue and forced a smile, "I'm fine, don't worry about me."

On the court, when Iverson plunged into his arms, Su Feng, who opened his eyes, was stunned.

Calm down.

Don't panic.

"The goal was just scored?"

Because just after the shot, Su Feng felt that the ballistics was very biased, so Su Feng closed his eyes.

He failed to see the picture of the goal.

In addition, the scene was too noisy, so Su Feng only heard a bang.

But looking at the excited Iverson and the overwhelmed O'Neal, Su Feng can confirm.

Just that ball, it went in!

So, "pretending to be calm", he enjoys the privilege that only he has with his right hand: the head of Iverson's trench will be 100% forgiven;

On the other hand, he locked Iverson in his arms with his left hand.

After the last lore experience, Su Feng was much more witty this time.

Let's die together, Allen!

The rest of the Sixers quickly rushed towards the pair.

And when he saw countless pairs of big hands reaching out to the top of his head from the corner of his eye, Iverson was desperate.

Do not!

damn it!

Don't touch my hair!

after a while

Where is the "golden double gun" still handsome and handsome in the past

It's better to be miserable alone than to be miserable together.

Su Feng, who casually stroked his hair, took off the headband and felt that he was in a very comfortable mood at the moment.

"183" in Philadelphia silently picked up the headband that had fallen on the ground. At this moment, Iverson was as sad and angry as he was.

, This is the final score of the two teams tonight.

The regular season was a lot of fun, and the 76ers once again smashed a tyrannical team incredible.

In the first month of his career, he contributed two lore. Su Feng, the first Chinese player to enter the NBA, has become the magical rabbit in the eyes of the Mi Li family.

It is worth mentioning that Su Feng, who was playing with his teammates, did not notice that he scored a career-high 26 points in this game, while on the other hand, Iverson contributed 32 points.

So here comes the problem.


"Your high school classmates are waiting for you."

On the court, aside from grief and anger, Iverson elbowed Su Feng's waist and reminded.

At this time, in the Great Western Forum Arena, the Lakers players have returned to the locker room one after another.

No one is a masochist, after all, watching others celebrate this kind of thing after being killed is too heart-wrenching.

Emmmm Kobe is certainly not a masochist, but he has something to say to Su Feng.

"When you finish the interview, come to Area B of the parking lot." Kobe said while looking at Su Feng with his hands on his hips.

Kobe's mood tonight can be described as extremely complicated.

From the great sadness to the great joy to the great sadness, the ups and downs of life have taught the young Black Mamba a lesson.

But no matter what, in Kobe's view, the supper that Su Feng should be invited to eat still has to be invited.

Su Feng nodded. To be honest, Su Feng had not recovered from the joy of lore at this time.

After all, in the last shot, Su Feng threw it in the mood of resolutely not to throw the pot.

Because as '', he must set an example for his future heirs.

As for what if you don't get in

Wake up!

Even Jordan has missed dozens of lore shots.

But then again, the nickname "Golden Double Guns" is really "poisonous".

Because Su Feng remembered that Carmelo Anthony, another old man of the "Golden Double Guns" in his previous life, was a "Lore King".

In the season, Anthony staged a total of 11 lore.

And that season, when watching the Nuggets game, Su Feng was most impressed that the commentators often complained, "The Nuggets have begun to create lore opportunities for Anthony again", "Today, let's see what kind of dry pull Anthony will change. Killing".

"Otherwise, let me think about it, how can I get involved with 'melon'?" Su Feng thought to himself mockingly.

In fact, if a team always has to hit a critical moment before it can win or lose with others, it can only prove that the team is not strong enough.

Because a really strong team rarely has the opportunity to hit the last moment with others.

After thinking about this, Su Feng knew that he and the 76ers still had a long way to go.

All in all, the "Save Davis Project" is doing pretty well now.

Su Feng is one step closer to becoming a basketball star, one of his three ideals in life.

But don't be proud or complacent.

It's been 6991 years, and stability is king.

After the game, Su Feng became the protagonist, and the media reporters surrounded him.

"Su, tonight when you made your last shot, we saw that you closed your eyes, because you felt you were going to finish the game, didn't you?" the reporter asked.


Is there such an explanation

Su Feng was shocked.

"Yes, at the time I felt that I would definitely be able to make it, 100%." Su Feng replied solemnly.

There was an uproar at the scene.

God, is he so confident

"Su, where did your confidence come from?" asked a local Los Angeles reporter.

"Because I am a pitcher, I must have absolute confidence in myself." Su Feng replied.

After a pause, Su Feng added: "My idol, the great Michael Jordan once said that failure is no big deal, but if you haven't fought for it, how do you know you can't

Could it be that just because you think you can't make the shot, you won't make the shot? "

In the 1990s, Jordan would throw the blame for indecision.

Jordan must be right anyway.

Just like when Su Feng reasoned with others in his previous life, he would always say that this sentence was said by Ma Yun.

And those who originally thought he was messing around, when they heard Ma Yun said it, they would all fall into a state of contemplation.

"Su, in the first quarter of tonight's game, we can see that you yelled at the Lakers coach to put on Kobe, or you'd be in Los Angeles.

Excuse me, did you ever think about the consequences of what you said? ' asked another Los Angeles-based reporter.

"I thought about it.

But maybe you don't know, when I was in my third year of high school, I was only a member of the varsity reserve team.

Later in the game against Lower Merion, it was Kobe that gave me the opportunity to play the way I did tonight.

So when I saw Kobe on the bench today, I did the same thing.

Because this is my first conversation with him in my career, I don't want to have any regrets. "Su Feng replied frankly.

I see.

The reporters at the scene suddenly lit up.

In their opinion, this interview of Su Feng is definitely worth reporting.

With antecedents, tonight's game is the consequence.

Many reporters believe that the story of Su Feng and Kobe will definitely be mentioned repeatedly in the future.

Because this is a topic worthy of hype!

What is the topic

The topic is the story of the stars themselves, the stories between the stars and the stars.

In Su Feng's previous life, many times when he was chatting with his friends, in addition to talking about the game, what everyone talked about the most was these stories.

For example, to ask who gets the second Bird, such as Pippen's sentence "The postman doesn't work on weekends", such as the "grudge and hatred" between ok, and the black history of Jordan being hanged and beaten early in his career, and James's various decisions

Without these stories, where would the NBA be so exciting

As early as before the game, when he made a plan to make a big noise in Los Angeles, Su Feng considered all the consequences, and left himself a complete set of 100 million sets.

Su Feng knew that there must be people who sprayed him afterwards.

But for the sprayers of this era, it is reasonable to say that there is no keyboard, otherwise Su Feng can drive 8,000 trumpet sprays and make him doubt his life.

Those who support him will account for the vast majority. After all, the people who eat melons love to watch the fun.

And in Mi Li's house, if you don't have a little temper, the future will not be easy.

Su Feng remembered that the funniest thing in his previous life was that many keyboard warriors who claimed to be Duncan fans thought Duncan was an honest man.

But in fact, Duncan's heart is ruthless.

Because Duncan casually debuted a math problem, who can answer the group of scumbags opposite him

Duncan was chatting with Robinson during his rookie season as the two were arguing about the law of gravity and the theory of relativity.

As a result, Duncan suddenly said: "So, after we have mastered the acceleration of gravity, how do we deal with giants like 'shark'?"

In the future, Popovich once said that in the Spurs at that time, except for Robinson, no one "dare" to take the initiative to chat with Duncan, because you can't answer the questions Duncan said!

Don't take sullenness for honesty, there are not many honest people in the NBA.

If Dayao could be a little blacker back then, it would be another situation.

After the interview, Su Feng saw Kobe waiting for him in the parking lot.

I saw Kobe casually throw the car key to Su Feng.

Fortunately, Kobe felt good today, and the car keys were not wrought iron.

"My new Audi tt, try it?" Kobe laughed.

Su Feng nodded. He and Kobe took the driver's license test together, but after getting the driver's license, his "old driver" hadn't touched the car for a long time.

In order to exercise his physical strength, except for Iverson or Big Ben who usually drove to pick him up, Su Feng went to the arena on foot.

Not wasting a minute and a second is Su Feng's standard of being mad at himself.

"Where to?" Su Feng asked curiously after sitting in the driver's seat.

"You drive, I'll show you the way, I know there is a very delicious pizza restaurant nearby." Kobe said.

Su Feng spread out his hands, and then

There's no after that.

"Damn! Stop it! Stop it!" Su Feng was frightened by Kobe's cold sweat.

ten seconds later

"Su, how did you get your driver's license at that time?" Kobe asked curiously, looking at Su Feng who almost drove his car into a pillar.

Su Feng blushed, "Isn't this the one who never touched the car, trust me, give me another chance!"

Looking at Su Feng's confident expression, Kobe hesitated for a while, then nodded.

"Oh no! You're reversing, my God, hurry, hurry up and stop!" Kobe panicked.

Really panic!

Kobe swears that if he goes out with Su Feng in the future, if he lets Su Feng drive again, he will be a dog!

"Kobe, I think there is a problem with your car." Su Feng said solemnly.

"My new car!" Kobe retorted.

"Then let me try again?" Su Feng said, blinking his eyes.

"You come down, I'll drive." Kobe didn't give Su Feng another chance. He didn't want to make headlines with Su Feng tomorrow because of a 'car accident'.

Su Feng, who was in the passenger seat, wondered, "It's weird, my driving skills are obviously not comparable to Fujiwara Takukai!"

cough cough

After switching to Kobe to drive, Su Feng was slapped in the face by the speed of light.

Because it turned out that it was really his problem.

About twenty minutes later, Su Feng and Kobe arrived at their destination

Bryant ordered a Southern California-inspired pizza topped with blooming squash blossoms, tomatoes, and slow-melting burrata cheese.

The two chatted while eating, and the topics of conversation were basically three sentences inseparable from basketball.

For example, Kobe criticized Su Feng's tumor-like play by name, while Su Feng quibble and said, can the scorer be called a tumor

In addition, Kobe also curiously inquired about Su Feng's private life.

When he learned that Su Feng, like himself, regarded basketball as his girlfriend, Kobe was relieved.

Because after failing to hit Brandi's base, Kobe is still single.

"This pizza tastes average." Su Feng commented, watching Kobe who killed three-quarters of the pizza by himself.


And Kobe, who was still eating with relish, suddenly felt dull when he heard Su Feng say this.

You know, the Wellington steak made by Su Feng in the summer, Kobe changed several stores after returning to Los Angeles, but he couldn't taste the feeling of Su Feng's cooking.

"Su, you say, how about we open a pizza chain together in the future?" Kobe looked at Su Feng curiously and asked.

"Pizza chain?" Su Feng asked rhetorically.

Because he grew up in Italy, Kobe's favorite food is pizza.

After Su Feng's comment just now, Kobe suddenly felt that he didn't have to wait until he was in Philadelphia or on vacation to eat delicious food.

Pizza isn't difficult to make. As long as Su Feng handed over his recipe, can it be done by asking someone to make it

You think, if there is a pizza restaurant like this in the city where every NBA team is located, wouldn't Kobe be able to eat delicious pizza every day

Kobe felt that he was too witty.

After signing with Adidas, many people around Kobe were persuading him to invest in something and do something quickly, otherwise he would have to live on his own after retiring.

In the Lakers, O'Neal is a person who is particularly good at investing. Just the 1 million Google's original shares, God knows how many so-called NBA investment experts can be hammered.

"Su, how about our pizza restaurant, called Flame Pizza?" Kobe always disliked procrastination in his work, and this kind of character was related to his half Leo blood.

After listening to Kobe's words, Su Feng almost choked to death by lemonade.

Pizza chain, also called Fire Pizza

I drop a Westbrook

If Su Feng remembers correctly, the pizza chain invested by LeBron James in the future seems to be

It's called Fire Pizza.

This, this, this is too crazy, right

Are you really not going to leave anything for the emperor who is still here

However, looking at Kobe who has already started planning the future of Flame Pizza, what can Su Feng say other than sighing

In this way, Kobe Bryant finalized the development plan of Flaming Pizza. In short, he will start a pilot project in Los Angeles.

Look at the development in the future, and then make the next plan.

And Su Feng became the second largest shareholder of Flame Pizza.

After having supper with Kobe, Kobe sent Su Feng to the airport.

"Su, when you visit Los Angeles next time, we can eat our own pizza together." Kobe laughed.

Su Feng: ""

Feel sorry for James for a second!

God knows what the future will be like when James enters the league.

Su Feng felt that the people around him were getting more and more mad, and they really didn't leave anything to anyone.

Saying goodbye to Kobe, Su Feng returned to Philadelphia with his teammates.

Su Feng's 'Rookie Month' will end in two games. In the next game, they will face the Orlando Magic.

After O'Neal's westward journey, the Magic is no longer a top team.

At present, "Penny" is lying on the hospital bed and teasing the nurse, just like Su Feng remembers.

Nick Anderson, who offended the "old hooligan" back then, is also fighting against his "inner demon" at this time.

Because he missed 4 key free throws in a row in the 1995 Finals, and was beaten by Jordan in the Eastern Conference finals last season, Anderson's free throw percentage in the new season is only a pitiful 40.4%.

You know, before that, his free throw percentage has been around 70%, not good, but not bad either.

Anderson's mentality has completely collapsed.

Because in addition to being dubbed "the number one war criminal" by Oran Multimedia, in the new season, even Magic fans will ridicule him and boo him when he makes free throws.

That is to say, there is no social network at this moment, or God knows if Anderson will give himself a shot.

Su Feng knows the story behind Anderson. The essence of this product is not bad, but the psychological quality is not strong enough.

Therefore, the primary quality of playing in the NBA is to have a thick skin.

Because the fans or the media, they can support you today, and they can step on you tomorrow.

ps: I have a headache. I have been in pain since I woke up in the morning. Sorry, the update is late. I will try to be earlier in the next chapter.

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