All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 28


The article titled "China's First NA Player" written by "Philadelphia Evening News" reporter Maxson is like a pebble hitting the calm lake, causing ripples while...

Well, such a big lake, of course, it will soon return to calm.

The speed of print media and TV cannot be compared with the social network in the future, so this is why it took 5 days for NA executive Mark to notice this report.

After all, the Philadelphia Evening News is just a local newspaper in Philadelphia.

If it weren't for Maxson's report being full of ridicule in the industry, it is estimated that Stern would not have noticed that there is such an interesting Chinese high school student in Philadelphia.

You know, even if ESN broadcasted the clip of the game between Lower Merion and Chester High School, when Su Feng and Kobe used Sam Gold, the focus of everyone's attention was mainly on this new breakthrough technique.

In Su Feng's previous life, "Sam Gold" had to wait two more years for it to become popular, but even if "Sam Gold" became popular in the future, Sam Gold himself would not be popular.

The reason is very simple, because Sam Gold himself did not make a name for himself in NA.

Therefore, this is also the reason why Maxson's report is generally considered unprofessional in the industry.

You mean talented high school student who plays basketball in America

That's really not the bragging of these American media. That person can really pick one out for you every day, and it doesn't have to be the same.

Unless it's Kobe, Carter, McGrady, the hot guy in the future, who frequently appeared in mainstream basketball magazines and newspapers in high school, otherwise, in the American basketball world, the ghost knows who you are

A player who has never even played in an official high school basketball league game is not worth bragging about in the eyes of his peers in the industry.

Therefore, after Maxson's article was published, everyone's cynicism towards Maxson can be described as wave after wave...

But it is precisely because of this that NA senior Mark has the opportunity to notice this report and notice Su Feng.

So, this is fate!

Mark and Stern are in different positions, and what he sees is naturally different from those of his peers in the industry.

In Mark and Stern's view, whether Su Feng can play NA is still unknown, but so what

In the future, they can provide Su Feng with other opportunities!

What NA needs is a bridge. Does it matter whether the bridge is a sea-crossing bridge or a stone arch bridge

Um... ...

At least it doesn't matter at this stage!

Of course, in Stern's view, the necessary inspection is still needed.

Therefore, he negotiated with Mark privately, and Mark sent someone to Philadelphia to further investigate the specific situation of the Chinese high school student named Su Feng.

If he's really talented, in Stern's view, he must brag.

Because you don't talk too much, just at the speed of news spread in the 1990s, who knows how long it will take to reach China, which is separated by such a huge sea.

If it can't blow up in China, how can we build bridges across the sea between NA and the Chinese market

And if you don't brag too much, what if Su Feng can really play in NA in the future, but he loses because the NA teams don't believe that the yellow race players can play in NA

For Stern, as the president, he must formulate a plan A and a plan C at the same time.

But in any case, Stern's mood has improved a lot these two days.

And looking at the young Chinese guy sitting on the chair with the basketball in the newspaper, Stern always felt that he looked like his long-lost man... Ahhh!

"It's pretty good-looking. If I can play it, I'll be another idol." Stern thought to himself with emotion.

The secret observation from the boss is not listed for the time being.


As a journalist with integrity and conscience, Maxson is now regretful.

Of course, it's not the story he wrote that Maxson regrets.

What he regretted was that he forgot to consider Su Feng's feelings when he was writing the report.

"He's just a kid now, I'm so stupid!

An under-substantiated report like this is sure to spark ridicule in the industry.

So I was mentally prepared myself, and the newspaper office was prepared, but what about him

What if he can't stand the pressure from the outside world and breaks down in his heart? Maxson felt that he had to go to Lower Merion and apologize to Su Feng in person.

Just when Maxson decided to express his apology to Su Feng, in the basketball hall of Lower Merion High School, the toolman Swartz was tremblingly feeding Kobe a cake.


Another picturesque back.

"Su, forty push-ups!" Kobe said with a smile as he looked at Su Feng after making the shot.

"Damn it!" It's also evil. You say it's okay to beat Kobe Bryant in a one-on-one match. Why did he beat him several times in a three-on-three

Uh... ...

It's not that Su Feng looked down on Kobe, but Su Feng thought that with his overall view and team consciousness, it would be impossible for him to lose to Kobe in a row three-on-three.

Ugh... ...

Fortunately, Stewart and Russman, who were on the same team as Su Feng, did not hear Su Feng's thoughts.

Otherwise, Stewart and Lassman would definitely kneel in front of Su Feng and humbly plead, "Brother, please, please put the pass button back!"

Well, it's not that Su Feng doesn't want to pass the ball.

But his current passing, vision ability value, and potential value are very low.

Therefore, in Su Feng's view, instead of passing the ball to the opponent, it is better to use his best shot to decide the outcome.

On the field, after doing forty push-ups in one breath, Su Feng looked at Kobe in disbelief and said, "No, come again!"

If you lose, you lose. After all, failure is success.

However, today's strike value has not been saved enough!

You know, since he set the goal of entering NA, Su Feng has been quite strict with himself every day.

Hmm... The UG thing, in Su Feng's opinion, means that his body can't keep up, otherwise he can fight with Kobe to the end of the world without eating or drinking.

"Let's rest first." Kobe suddenly waved his hand to Su Feng and said.

Su Feng was shocked, yo, Kobe... Did you go out today to recharge your EQ

As soon as Kobe's voice fell, Lower Merion's other tool people quickly fled the basketball hall that they spit out as the "Moria Mine".

At this moment, for the first time in their life, this group of Lower Merion's tool people felt the deep love from the boss.

"Su, you haven't read the newspaper or TV recently, have you?" Looking at Su Feng, Kobe asked worriedly.

"I read the newspaper, what's wrong?" Su Feng asked back.

"Then you... I, I mean, Su, don't pay too much attention to the opinions of the media, didn't they always compare me to Vince?" Kobe comforted Su Feng. .


Su Feng sent Kobe an O'Neal question mark emoji.

Oh yes!

Su Feng quickly reacted. Because of Maxson's report, the media in Philadelphia had a lot of complaints about Su Feng's desire to fight NA.

Even some professional basketball newspapers have commented on this matter.

And these complaints and evaluations are nothing more than the belief that Maxson is not professional enough and questioning Su Feng's ability.

but... ...

To be fair, after reading these media reports, Su Feng also felt that they were right!

Su Feng is not stupid. He knows very well that Maxson's report is nothing more than trying to make a big prediction, and after he succeeds, he can be a prophet.

Su Feng had seen a lot of such reports in his previous life. As for some media who questioned his ability, he also said that he was Maxson's long-lost son...

To be honest, Su Feng's first reaction after reading these reports was:

That's it

That's it.

Was the media in the 90s so uncreative

Can't even spray people

As a keyboard warrior who has fought with various NC honey and hemp powder countless times on major forums, and has received various badges, Su Feng felt that these reports could not affect him at all.

Moreover, even negative reports are not necessarily a bad thing in Su Feng's view.

Because it means that someone is starting to pay attention to you!

Black fan, if you cut him from the middle, isn't he also a fan

Su Feng really wanted to teach these media how to criticize him.

And in fact...

The wave of enthusiasm that Maxson brought up did not last long.

Of course, unlike Su Feng, in Kobe's view, these reports were already quite bad, so Kobe was worried that Su Feng would be affected by it.

After all, the ability of people today to withstand pressure from public criticism is incomparable with their future.

For example, take DOTA2, which Su Feng loved to play in his previous life.

As we all know, at TI4, Nebee won the championship in one fell swoop, and Chen Zhihao in the Nebee team was also consecrated for this reason.

But Chen Zhihao himself also said in his memories in the future that fortunately, the public opinion environment in those days was not so bad!

Otherwise, the moment he was hooked at TI3, he might have been jettisoned and retired.

In Su Feng's previous life, as social networks became more and more developed, in addition to the faster and faster information transmission, because the cost of spraying people was getting lower and lower, so the technology of spraying people can be described as varied...

Let's just say that LeBron James, whom Su Feng liked in his previous life, is reasonable. Just those reports that sprayed my emperor. If you were a normal person, you can see whether he explodes or not, and how long can he last

Although it is said that if you want to wear a crown, you must bear the weight, and many things are done by yourself, but the degree of stress resistance of people in the future is far from what people in the 1990s can compare to.

However, in any case, although Kobe's comfort was superfluous in Su Feng's view, as his best friend in this life, being able to get Kobe's comfort made Su Feng feel warm in his heart.

There is true love in the world, and there is true friendship in the world!

This is steel friendship!

And just when Su Feng was about to tell Kobe that he was fine, suddenly...

"Excuse me, Excuse me, is Su there?" I saw Maxson standing outside the basketball hall and asked loudly.

"Is it the report he wrote that caused you to be questioned?" Kobe clenched his fists, as if he might be ready to rush up to beat Maxson at any time.

Su Feng was very calm, because in his opinion, the report written by Maxson was beneficial to him in terms of actual effect.

Again... ...

As far as those doubts are concerned, Su Feng really wants to teach them how to question himself!

Otherwise, in the future, when you really get into NA, what's the cool point

"Su, I'm sorry... I came here specially to apologize to you because my report has damaged your reputation." Maxson walked up to Su Feng and Kobe, and sincerely apologized to Su Feng road.

Kobe, who was beside Su Feng, was just about to have a seizure when Su Feng stopped him, "Apologize? Why do you want to apologize?" Su Feng looked at Maxson curiously and asked.

"I'm sorry... I didn't take into account that you were only a high school student before publishing the story.

If you need psychological counseling, I will pay for the money. "Maxson looked at Su Feng and said.

Su Feng didn't expect Maxson to be such a conscientious journalist. This is not the same as the journalists in his memory...

"Are you talking about those reports? To be honest, I'm okay, and I think you know what I've been through.

And I'm not the kind of person who gets knocked down by setbacks. "Su Feng is not the Virgin, but he is also a person with a conscience. In Su Feng's view, there is no need to make others feel guilty.

"No no no, of course I know about your experience in Nefalia.

But Sue, it's all because I'm not doing well.

Maybe you're not willing to accept my apology, but that's okay.

Su, I have applied to the editor-in-chief.

The next season, I'll have a column in the newspaper devoted to Lower Merion's games. "Maxson said very seriously.

Lower Merion's column

Su Feng knows that Maxson's implication is that since those colleagues in the industry are ignoring you today, then I will use a report to record your story and wait for you to enter NA in the future. , so that they can't climb high!

Good thing, it is!

Su Feng is very clear that now what he needs most is this kind of report.

Because there is no such report, I will fight NA in the future!

Do you really think NA is generating electricity with love

Whether it's playing in the high school basketball league, or playing in the NCAA in the future, in Su Feng's view, this is all to pave the way for entering NA.

But since it is a foreshadowing, how can it be possible without media assistance

Especially in the 90s, there were no social networks.

Take Kobe as an example, his popularity is also piled up by those so-called professionals with reports.

Su Feng looked at Maxson's sincere eyes, and at this moment, even his wretched face seemed to Su Feng's eyes a lot.

"However, if you do this, I'm very worried that the industry authorities will question Su even more." While Su Feng was still thinking, Kobe beside Su Feng said with a worried expression.

"I know, I'm just an ordinary photojournalist.

My words, and my judgment, are likely to continue to draw ridicule from those in the industry.

But don't worry, I have sent Su's resume to my brother, he is very interested in Su.

By the way, I forgot to introduce, my brother's name is Jackson, he is an NA scout. "Maxson said to Su Feng and Kobe.

NA scouts

and many more... ...

Su Feng felt that he had to take a stab at this.

its not right!

The script is wrong!

Su Feng always felt that in this life...

It's too smooth, isn't it

"As expected, I'm so handsome that there are no blind spots in 360 degrees." Su Feng, who had questioned himself in front of the system roulette before, picked up his confidence and thought to himself.