All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 59: He rode happily but drove 11 in disappointment (6000 words!)


"Calm down, calm down, it's just that I underestimated the enemy!"

While thinking so, Stackhouse searched for a way to break Su Feng's defense in his mind.

After all, he is the former North Carolina ace, and Stackhouse's talent is definitely worthy of his pick.

I saw that Stackhouse didn't turn around with Su Feng anymore. He directly picked up the ball and shoved it in.

Off the field, Kobe, who saw this scene, shook his head silently.

Because no one knows better than Kobe how terrible Su Feng's defense is.

Sure enough, on the field, Stackhouse felt the call from Stark again.

After cutting into the hinterland, he actually threw the basketball straight up because he exerted too much force...

Stackhouse: Hey!

As the so-called expert watches the fun and the layman watches the doorway, on the sidelines, 76ers assistant coach John Davis said in surprise: "If you only look at defense, Su's defense can even be ranked in the top three in our team."

John Lucas nodded, "He reminds me of Doug Christie.

Considering he is only 17 years old, I believe he will be a good defensive specialist in the future. "

On the court, Stackhouse has begun to doubt life.

This... ...

Are today's high school students so good

Um... ...

If you compare the current Su Feng with Stackhouse, then Su Feng is definitely no match for Stackhouse.

After all, Stackhouse has comprehensive skills, can play with or without the ball, and has excellent physical fitness.

However, singled out this thing, without looking at who Su Feng's opponents have been in the past year and a half

In Su Feng's previous life, it was no accident that Kobe Bryant could defeat Stackhouse in this duel before graduation.

Because of his offensive skills, Kobe, who loves to study, is now a small offensive encyclopedia. In the future when the Lakers try out, he will impress the Lakers with that gorgeous offensive combo.

And compared to physical talent, Kobe did not counsel Stackhouse at all.

Even compared to defense, although Stackhouse did not have a kaleidoscope in defense, he was definitely not as good as Su Feng and Kobe.

So the question is, why in Su Feng's previous life, Kobe was in charge of the water dispenser after entering the league, but Stackhouse was happily scoring points

The reason is very simple. First of all, the silver fox Harris, who was the Lakers coach at the time, did not want to encourage the growth and was very cautious about the use of Kobe.

Secondly, Kobe's tactical awareness at the time was still at the high school level, and it was difficult to get along with his teammates.

The last thing is, the logo man has cultivated Kobe as a star from the very beginning.

He doesn't want and doesn't need Kobe to change, he just needs Kobe to keep moving forward.

And Stackhouse's growth path is obviously different from Kobe's. When he entered the league, the 76ers were a bad team that couldn't be worse.

He has unlimited right to fire, and he can brush how he wants.

Coupled with his status as Jordan's junior brother and the third flower in 1995, many veterans in the 76ers were reluctant to offend him.

But this situation was different after the man named Allen came.

In the 1996/97 season, Iverson was just a tad higher than Stackhouse in terms of shooting percentage.

But don't forget, Iverson's breakthrough can attract double teams.

So, when Stackhouse always believed that Iverson should be there to assist him, the 76ers management told him the cruel truth with a trade:

I'm sorry, since you don't want to assist Iverson, then get out of here.

All in all, Stackhouse is indeed a very strong player, but he took the wrong script.

Born with the "protagonist" script, he really didn't have the life to be the protagonist.

In Su Feng's previous life, the sixth man was the most suitable for Stackhouse, because he had a substitute and could fire at will.

And his style of play would be very effective in the second unit.

After all, the strength gap between the starters and the substitutes of the NBA teams is very large at the moment, and Stackhouse will not face too high-intensity defense when playing the sixth man.

You know, from the 1990s to the early 2000s, under the influence of "old hooligans", whose starting lineup did not have a defensive expert

In accordance with the HC rules, you can't be a star if you don't have unique skills at this moment.

On the court, after defending Stackhouse three times in a row, it was Su Feng's turn to attack.

This time, Stackhouse learned to be smart, and after serving Su Feng, he directly pounced on Su Feng.

It's just that Stackhouse thought that Su Feng would not dare to vote like this

Just kidding!

Before this duel started, Su Feng knew that he currently lacked offensive means, so it would naturally take some luck to defeat Stackhouse.

Therefore, at this time, the shooting action of Su Feng's equipment is of course the most suitable for the 'Maddy's dry pull' on the following grams!


This is a dry pull that ignores everything!

During the summer vacation, in order to allow his dry pull to ignore the opponent's defense and force his shot anywhere, Su Feng deliberately asked Fraser about the dry pull.

At that time, Fraser's suggestion to Su Feng was: Your current shooting posture is already very standard. If you want to force a shot in a higher-level game, you must shoot at a higher jumping point.

When shooting, keep your body straight and keep your elbows and wrists at right angles. Even if you suddenly stop and shoot during exercise, Su Feng must maintain this beautiful shooting posture.

And this, is the handsome **** opening the door for handsome, and the handsome ignoring the strong vote!

Su Feng is very clear that in the current environment with HC rules, it is useless to pursue hand speed blindly.

And don't think that the shooting posture of elementary school students in the future can be practiced by individuals.

To be honest, if Curry's shooting moves were so good, everyone in the NBA would have been Curry by now.

As a Kemi, Su Feng always liked to imitate Kobe to play in his previous life, so this also allowed him to practice a beautiful shot.

Su Feng is used to dry pulling, and he has long arms in this life, so there is no need to give up his advantages.

Therefore, under Frazier's guidance, Su Feng has now gone further and further on the road of ignoring strong bets.

After all, that's how this era is, you can't even make a shot, why do you strike iron...

You can't use Chinese to shout an old iron on the other side, right

But it is worth mentioning that although the shooting action equipped in the system will not change Su Feng's shooting posture in reality...

But I don't know why, every time when the 'Maddy's Dry Pull' is installed, Su Feng always subconsciously wants to show off his scissors.

Look, if Stackhouse hadn't dodged quickly this time, he would have almost been kicked by Su Feng.

It's 3 to 0...

Stackhouse's jaw was almost on the ground.

He can't really beat me, can he

Stackhouse, who was almost "schemed" by Su Feng, was completely panicked at this moment.

And underestimate the enemy, careless, self-chaotic...

Such a Stackhouse, how can he not be defeated by a calm, composed, reckless plan...

The most important thing is the handsome Su Feng

10 to 8!

Although the "pirate Iron Man" Stackhouse with Stark in his name and the "genuine Iron Man" Su Feng without Stark in his name, in the next bullfighting competition, "one iron respects the sun, one iron Respect the Moonlight"...

But with tenacious and tenacious defense, Su Feng had the last laugh!

The team of three no longer knew how to evaluate Su Feng.

I saw that Su Junyang kept shaking Zhang Gui, "Zhang Gui, Zhang Gui, Xiao Su won the NBA player, did you see it, did you see it?"

Director Zhang, who felt a little dizzy, said: "I saw it, I saw it, that old Su, don't shake it, I want to vomit..."

"The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, Xiao Su really opened our eyes today." Xu Jicheng laughed.

Lower Merion's basketball hall was instantly boiling.


Su Feng actually defeated Stackhouse!

At this moment, the tools of Lower Merion suddenly felt that everything they suffered in the past was fair and a gift from God!

"Su, do you want a sip? It's still hot! Aside," Swartz excitedly handed Su Feng the thermos cup filled with wolfberry tea.

"Thank you." I saw Su Feng calmly took the thermos cup and took a sip.

So handsome!

so cool!

Victory is not arrogant, defeat is not discouraged, even if you win the NBA player, you are not complacent, really worthy of Su!

Swartz felt that at this moment, Su Feng in his eyes was so unpretentious and handsome.

Back on the field, Stackhouse is going crazy...

Who am I, where am I, and I was beaten by a high school student

At this moment, Stackhouse even thought about killing people and killing them.

Because if this is spread out, what will be your face

No, no, no, calm down, you must pretend that you didn't fight seriously just now.

Well, that's right!

I'm a decent NBA player, how could I have a real relationship with a high school player

So, looking at Su Feng, who was surrounded by the melon eaters, Stackhouse took the initiative to walk over.

I saw him giving Su Feng a thumbs up and smiling, "You played well just now, come on, although I didn't use all my strength just now, but in my opinion, you are ready for the NBA. "

nice, Jerry!

Stackhouse couldn't help but give his wit a big thumbs up.

At this time, the melon eaters surrounding Su Feng were a little confused.


I didn't really play hard...

Also roar, after all, they are NBA players.

But Su Feng is already amazing!

I have to say, Stackhouse is a fucking talent.

No wonder that after being punched so many times in the past life, he had to give Carter experience points in the 2000 dunk contest...

Su Feng did not care about Stackhouse, because it was possible to care about it, but it was not necessary.

Su Feng originally just wanted to know how far he was from the NBA through this heads-up.

And if he continued to fight, Su Feng knew that there was a high probability that he would lose a lot.

Anyway, as long as you know that the path you are currently taking is the right one.

Su - calm - Feng, that's how amiable.

But here comes the problem!

Su Feng doesn't care, it doesn't mean that someone doesn't care.

"Really? Then you play a game with me, and I hope you don't make excuses and use 200% of your strength!"

Kobe, who originally wanted to come over to celebrate with Su Feng, was unhappy when he heard Stackhouse's words.

Not serious

Not doing your best

Hehe, were those elbows you elbowed out of love

Kobe was angry because he felt that Stackhouse was bullying people because of his status as an NBA player.

As Su Feng's best friend, how can you say Kobe can bear it

And this time, it was Stackhouse's turn to be stunned...


Still fighting

Stackhouse glanced at his head coach with a look of help, but he didn't expect that the two "Johns" were now having a great time discussing the one-on-one match just now...

"Are you afraid? You are Michael Jordan's junior? Did you leave your courage and xx in North Carolina?" Kobe looked at Stackhouse disdainfully and said.

Stackhouse: "???"

Yo heh.

The world has really changed.

Isn't the labor and capital just lost a game

Make it seem like a high school student can beat me now

"You're Kobe, right?"

Stackhouse's expression at this moment is very similar to the scene of Su Feng watching a costume TV series in his previous life, and the military general in it shouted "Lai Jiang's common name".

"Yes." Kobe replied tuggingly and coolly.

"The same rules as just now, we talk with basketball." Stackhouse said to Bryant.

"No problem," Kobe replied.

On the court, the melon eaters once again began to sell cola, melon seeds and drinks.

I didn't expect that after Su Feng and Stackhouse finished fighting, this Kobe would come again soon

This time, whether it is a team of three or the two coaches of the 76ers, everyone has refocused their attention on the field.

It is worth mentioning that before Kobe played, Su Feng pointed to his thermos and said to Kobe, "Would you like to take a sip? It's delicious, and it's still hot."

Su Feng knew that although Kobe would fight Stackhouse even if he didn't have him, Su Feng was still moved when he recalled the scene where Kobe just stood up for him.

Therefore, this wolfberry tea mixed with nutrient solution, of course, should be drunk with good brothers.

"It's okay, I will end this duel soon." Kobe turned around and smiled at Su Feng and said.

At this moment, looking at Kobe's Mamba-like expression, even Su Feng couldn't help giving Kobe a thumbs up, "Cool!"

On the court, Kobe vs Stackhouse.

Same rules as just now, then...

Stackhouse was stolen by Kobe as soon as he came up.


What an international joke, Kobe has been watching Stackhouse's every move when he was just off the court.

The observant Mamba never misses a good opportunity to observe an opponent.

And Bryant found out from observation that Stackhouse's dribble center of gravity is very high, so as long as he can find a way to get around his weak side, he can find opportunities for steals.

Kobe's defense is different from Su Feng's. If Su Feng's defense is likened to a piece of candy that sticks to Stackhouse all the time...

That Kobe is a hedgehog, constantly taking the initiative to attack Stackhouse from all directions.

Stackhouse was too careless.

Even though he has put away his underestimation this time, he still doesn't know enough about Kobe and Su Feng.

After all, in this age when the Internet is not yet developed, as a arrogant NBA player, who would have nothing to do to pay attention to two high school students

"It's okay, it's okay, it must be an accident!" Stackhouse so comforted himself.

But then...

It was Kobe's turn to attack, and when Kobe was dribbling to the left, the basketball seemed to lose control...

Looking at the basketball that had been out of Kobe's control, Stackhouse thought it was Kobe's mistake.

However, at this critical moment, Kobe suddenly pulled the ball back!

Then, after completing a handsome crotch dribble, he threw off Stackhouse's Kobe and went straight to the basket!


A heavy dunk from Kobe!

"Your defense is far worse than Su. At least, Su won't let me break through so easily."

"What a joke, I have to fight Soda for hundreds of times a day in a duel like this. If it wasn't for Su Fangshui, you wouldn't even be able to score a single goal."

"NBA players? Wait, Su and I will go to the NBA sooner or later."

After the dunk landed, looking at the dumbfounded Stackhouse, Kobe said disdainfully.

I don't know why, although I knew that Kobe was pretending, but Su Feng felt that...

Nice job!

Also please step up!

Um... ...

Don't say it, in fact, Kobe's words are sometimes very good.

Off the field, all the melon eaters, except for Su Feng, were stunned.

Oh my God... ...

Lower Merion, this pair of CPs, can really beat NBA players!

Philadelphia 76ers head coach John Lucas has gone crazy," told Erwin, next, Bryant and Sue reports, three times a week!

If he dares to keep copying the Philadelphia Evening News report, let him pack up and go! "

John Davis knew that Lucas was completely moved by the talents of Su Feng and Kobe.

All right... ...

In fact, John Davis has also been stunned by Su Feng and Kobe on the court.

Although one-on-one cannot explain all the problems, but...

These two boys are only 17 years old!

And just when the two Johns were shocked, on the field...


Stackhouse failed to attack. When it was Kobe's turn to attack, Kobe used his speed to throw Stackhouse directly, and then completed a backhand dunk in the air!

"Poor Stackhouse..." Su Feng knew that Stackhouse was completely lost.

10 to 7, Kobe's one-on-one win was much faster than Su Feng's.

Although Stackhouse showed his all-round skills as third overall in the next game, but helpless...

Kobe's one-on-one experience is too rich.

When he was a child, Kobe did not miss his father.

When he grew up, Kobe liked to ask his teammates for a heads-up fight whenever he disagreed.

And after meeting Su Feng, Kobe was studying how to dunk on Su Feng's head every day.

To put it bluntly, Stackhouse has suffered from the loss of Morde Culture.

Now Kobe and Su Feng are already preparing for the NBA.

But Stackhouse still treats them as high school students, doesn't that mean...

Did you come here on horseback to give the head off

"I..." On the court, Stackhouse wanted to say to Su Feng and Kobe, no, let's play another round.

But I don't know why, this sentence is on his lips, he just can't say it.

"Kobe, Sue, I'll go back and ask John (Davis) to send you some 76ers tickets. If you're interested, you can come and watch the game at any time."

After Kobe and Stackhouse ended, 76ers head coach John Lucas said to Kobe and Su Feng.

"You guys played really well. If there is a chance, maybe we will have a chance to cooperate in the NBA in the future." John Davis, assistant coach of the 76ers, added.

Hearing the praise of the two Johns, Kobe was very happy, but Su Feng was very calm.

Because Su Feng knew that although John Lucas was courting himself and Kobe...

But Su Feng knew very well that if the 76ers in this life were still the No. 1 pick, they would not choose someone else for that No. 1 pick.

And if Su Feng remembers correctly, John Lucas will not be the head coach of the 76ers next season.

So his promise doesn't make any sense.

Although Su Feng was very happy to be recognized by an NBA head coach, Su Feng, who has always been steady, didn't care too much about it.

As long as everything doesn't settle down, it's just a matter of time.

"It's amazing, what kind of psychological quality this is." Looking at Su Feng's calm face, 76ers assistant coach John Davis silently praised Su Feng in his heart.

that's it... ...

Stackhouse lost.

He rode happily, but drove 11 away in disappointment.

After sending a wave of experience to Kobe and Su Feng and hiding his merits and fame, this NBA legend still has to clean up his mood and continue to go back to the NBA.

And the trio's trip to Philadelphia is coming to an end.

For the trio of squads, this trip to Philadelphia, they can be said to have broken their integrity and destroyed their three views.

In particular, the battle between Su Feng and Stackhouse convinced the three of the squad that there might be a Chinese player in the NBA soon.

And not long after Su Feng and Kobe tested their purity...

"Oh, interesting, you mean Philadelphia 76ers head coach John Lucas took their ace Jerry Stackhouse to Lower Merion?"

Los Angeles, when Jerry West got a call from a scout he sent to Philadelphia, he suddenly felt sleepy.

"Yes, Jerry Stackhouse also played a bullfight with Kobe and Sue in the basketball arena," the scout replied.

"What was the result?" West asked curiously.

"Kobe and Su, both won!" the scout continued to reply.

"Do you have a video?" West demanded.

"No, but boss, I can guarantee that everything I say is true!" the scout swore with his conscience.

"Well, I'm not doubting you.

I just wanted to see how they beat Jerry Stackhouse.

After all, that's Michael's junior, the third pick in '95..." Jerry West said.

"By the way, does anyone else know the news?" Jerry West asked rhetorically after thinking for a while.

"No, except for the 76ers, I can promise, only we know!" the scout replied.

"Well, well done, remember, never reveal your identity, because I don't want anyone to know, we're investigating Kobe, remember, anyone!"

"I understand, boss!" Soon, the scout hung up.

"Philadelphia Twins?"

Looking at a copy of the Philadelphia Evening News on his desk, Jerry West silently flipped it to the sports page, and continued to read it with gusto...

ps: Uh, I fell asleep yesterday after coding all night, sorry. I forgot to update it regularly, but for the sake of 6000+, Ah Qiao believes that you will forgive me! Ask for recommended tickets, collections, and rewards!