All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 79: Party invitation from Iverson


On July 1, accompanied by Bill Duffy, Su Feng officially signed with the Philadelphia 76ers.

I Su signed a three-year, first-rounder contract with the 76ers worth 3.5 million green coins.

In 1994, after the Bucks selected Glenn Robinson, nicknamed "The Big Dog", with the No. 1 pick, because Robinson said the classic "If you don't give me 100 million, I'll fight".

In desperation, the Bucks could only offer a 10-year, 68.15 million sky-high contract to Robinson, who had never even played an NBA game at the time.

At that time, Robinson's contract attracted the dissatisfaction of many veteran players in the league.

In order to prevent future rookies from continuing to ask for sky-high prices, since 1995, the NBA has implemented a strict first-round draft contract system.

In the future, during the suspension negotiations of the 1998/99 season, the first-round draft contract system was studied by n experts, and finally became a four-year system, and the fourth year was a team option. After the contract expires, players will become restricted. free agent.

3.5 million in 3 years...

Apart from Xu Guoliang's "sponsorship", this should be regarded as the "first pot of gold" in Su Feng's life.

No way, young people's entrepreneurship is so "difficult".

It is worth mentioning that on the day of the signing ceremony, Su Feng originally wanted to ask Iverson why he passed the ball to himself during the trial training before, but he was helpless...

Iverson is just too popular.

After ai signed with the Philadelphia 76ers, ai with the Philadelphia No. 3 jersey in his hand has been surrounded by the media.

In Su Feng's previous life, how popular was Iverson

In his rookie season, just when other rookies were thinking about how to show themselves as much as possible, Iverson had already taken a step forward and signed a 10-year, 50 million shoe contract with Reebok.

And in this agreement, if Iverson makes the All-Star game for three consecutive years, the contract will be automatically upgraded to a lifetime contract.

So in the future, if you see the news that Iverson sells burgers and mutton kebabs on the street...

Just look at it, because even if people go bankrupt, they can still live comfortably in their small days.

At most, it is to sell a few beef buns in the sewer to subsidize the household.

As a past person, Su Feng knows how exaggerated the sales of the "Answer" series are. Because Iverson is similar in height to ordinary people, after the "Answer" series was launched, it was almost all the rage.

Speaking of which, Iverson's nickname "The Answer" is also interesting.

This is still the "answer" that Iverson himself gave when facing questions from the media in March Madness this year.

At the time, Iverson said that because when he was in the Hamptons, his friends said they were "the answer."

The reason is that he can score when he wants to, and he can dunk when he wants to.

So Iverson tattooed the word "answer" on his bicep early on.

In addition, in the face of the media, the media were surprised to find that Iverson never wanted to cover up his past.

AI's popularity is not without reason.

Stern was a shrewd businessman, and he knew that Hield, who played like a gentleman, was the type of gentleman Stern wanted to be.

Although rebellious and unruly, there are always friends and friends around, but Iverson is also a "bad boy".

Because "bad boys" like Iverson are the idols of many black children in the slums these days.

In the future, there will always be melon honeys who like to compare my melon origin with AI.

But in fact, compared to the big guys around Anthony, Iverson's "friends", Stern knows, are at best a group of thugs.

Iverson and Anthony are very different.

Iverson, who was born in the slum, was a local black idol when he played football in high school, because he played the quarterback that was dominated by white people at the time.

On February 14, 1993, Iverson was sentenced to five years for "leading trouble" after being reported by a group of white children that a white girl named Barbara was slapped on the head with a chair during a bowling alley brawl. , with a ten-year suspension.

This brutal sentence almost declared the "death penalty" of Iverson's career.

What is more cruel than the sentence is the chaotic sentencing process.

Testimony from 20 white people, each one different.

And the reason they decided it was led by Iverson was because...

In that group of black people, they only knew Iverson.

Years later, Iverson was still furious when he recalled it, "Come on, in a place where everyone knows me, I'm not stupid enough to lift a chair and smoke someone... . . .

And I'd rather they say I took a chair and smoke a man than I'm going to smoke the girl. "

Facts have proved that the air of Mi Li's house is such "free and sweet".

In order to save Iverson, in October 1993, 150 volunteers ran around the Hamptons, hoping that the court would return Iverson's innocence.

And during this time, the NAACP also appealed to the Supreme Court.

Finally, under pressure from public opinion, the court granted parole after Iverson was imprisoned for four months.

And allow Iverson to go on to participate in organized games.

All charges against Iverson were dropped two years after being released on parole.

After being released from prison, what moved Iverson the most was that while he was serving his sentence, the gangsters at the bottom of the society took good care of his family.

Therefore, since then, Iverson has firmly believed that for every slaughter of dogs, most of them are scholars.

Therefore, Iverson at this time in 1996 was a flow with his own protagonist halo.

He was an icon for many black civilians.

certainly... ...

This guy's vision of making friends is really problematic.

have no choice... ...

Looking at Iverson surrounded by the media, Su Feng, who was holding the No. 23 jersey of the 76ers, shook his head after seeing that he could not get the "answer" he wanted today, and had no choice but to... .

Righteousness stepped into the encirclement of another group of media.

No way, the first Chinese player to play in the NBA, plus the previous topics such as the Philadelphia Heroes and the Philadelphia Twins, how could Su Feng be let go by the media

You must know that after the trial training, NBC was going to arrange an exclusive interview with Su Feng.

But just because of Su Feng's good trial training results, NBC has rescheduled this exclusive interview to after the end of the summer league.

"Su, can you tell us why you chose the No. 23 jersey?" asked a local Philadelphia reporter.

"I wore a size 3 in high school, but that's now owned by Allen.

So then I wanted to pick 24, because my good friend Kobe wore 24 for a while in high school.

But unfortunately, as you all know, the 76ers' No. 24 jersey has been retired.

Therefore, I can only choose the 23rd.

Because in my opinion, I am a little weaker than Kobe, so 24 minus 1 is exactly 23. "Su Feng replied after thinking for a while.

The on-site media was stunned by Su Feng's question...

Holy crap, the number 23 jersey still has this interpretation

By this time in the '90s, No. 23 had been plated with a mythical protective shell because of Michael Jordan.

Just like wearing No. 10 on a football field, in Su Feng's previous life, if you wore No. 23 when you were playing field ball, you would have been sloppy...

The ability to attract taunts is absolutely no less than that when you are playing Hearthstone, you give the opponent a "played well".

However, Su Feng's reason is really impeccable.

Because you taste, you taste carefully, does he make sense

People said that he played a little worse than his friends, so he chose a slightly smaller number, and there was nothing wrong with that reason!

"Su Feng, as the first Chinese player to enter the NBA, do you have anything to say to the domestic fans?" Seeing Su Feng answering the question, Su Junyang, who was in the crowd, hurriedly raised the microphone and asked.

After Su Feng was successfully selected, Su Junyang has become the head of the Philadelphia reporter station of China Sports Daily.

Well...he is the stationmaster and the only reporter currently in this reporter station.

After listening to the old acquaintance's question, Su Feng thought about it and replied in Chinese: "I will definitely not embarrass the people of the motherland!"

After listening to Su Feng's answer, Su Junyang in the crowd silently gave Su Feng a thumbs up.

And then, Su Feng also encountered some problems that deliberately made things difficult for him.

only... ...

The media of this era is very uninspired in asking questions!

There wasn't even a ** that made Su Feng want to fight back.

I saw that Su Feng had one set with his left hand and one set with his right hand. Oh, not bad, huh!

Ahem, with Su Feng's skilled Tai Chi skills, the media at the scene were completely crippled by Su Feng.

"It's really just an 18-year-old kid

He is as savvy as a businessman who has been in business for many years! "

On this day, many media sighed in their hearts.

In this way, the signing ceremony between Su Feng and the 76ers ended happily.

Not long after the signing ceremony, Su Feng also received a call from Kobe, who had already gone to Los Angeles.

Kobe Bryant had just signed a contract with the Lakers at this time. Just as Su Feng remembered, Kobe told himself on the phone that he chose No. 8.

Because he wore No. 143 in Adidas training camp, and this year he was selected with the eighth overall pick in the first round, so Kobe felt that this number was very memorable.

Of course, Kobe actually wanted to choose No. 24 at first, but this number currently belongs to veteran George McLeod, so he had to give up.

"You picked No. 23?" Kobe asked in surprise.

Holding the Ericsson gh398 mobile phone that Kobe gave him before parting, Su Feng said with a smile, "Yes, I told the media that I originally wanted No. 24.

But because I was weaker than you, I ended up picking No. 23. "

I don't know why, although it was just a phone call, Su Feng felt that he could feel Kobe's joy through the screen of his mobile phone.

"Cool, so cool, when the Lakers' No. 24 becomes available, I must change the number." Kobe laughed.

Hmm... In fact, even if you don't say it, I know that you will change to No. 24 in the future.

It is worth mentioning that on the phone, Kobe also shared with Su Feng a story about his new arrival in Los Angeles.

That was when Kobe just got off the plane and arrived in Los Angeles. Because no one knew him much in Los Angeles, a passerby asked him, "Do you play basketball?"

"Yes, sir." The young Kobe replied shyly.

"Where are you from?" the passerby asked.

"I'm from Raul May in Philadelphia..." Years of habit almost made Kobe read that familiar opening remark that he could no longer be familiar with.

So, after taking a deep breath, looking at the sky in Los Angeles, Kobe replied with a smile: "I think, I'm a Los Angeles Lakers player now."


You're already part of the Los Angeles Lakers.

And I also put on the Philadelphia 76ers jersey.

Looking back on the past two years, until after entering the NBA, Su Feng felt that all this came a little too suddenly.

"After the summer league is over, I'll bring you to Los Angeles to see what the world is." At the end of the call, Kobe said to Su Feng.

"it is good... ... "

Su Feng, who is very familiar with Kobe's episode, knows that this guy won't take himself to "dry" for the time being.

Because Su Feng remembered that in the next whole summer, Kobe was burying his head in training in addition to practicing hard.

After the signing ceremony, Su Feng, who returned home, first opened the system panel.

Before the hard training in the summer began, Su Feng decided to fill up the potential of his strength after thinking hard for the past two days.

So, after Su Feng clicked three times, his power potential has now reached 56.

In addition to the 3 million strike points that he had dropped earlier, the attribute of strength alone had turned the 12 million strike points that Su Feng had saved into clouds.

Immediately afterwards, Su Feng clicked two more points on the bounce attribute.

In other words, the bouncing attribute is also ridiculously expensive, and it is also worth 300 strikes.

In the end, Su Feng focused his potential on the defensive attribute of 2 million strikes once.

After the point, his help defense potential has come to 89, his one-to-one man-marking potential has come to 93, his lateral movement potential has come to 92, his defensive insight potential has risen to 94, his stealing potential and block potential are 88 and 69 respectively. .

Well, Su Feng's ironwork value, which he worked so hard to save before, is now only 1 million.

In other words, the plus sign behind this ability also disappears after the point of help defense potential reaches 89.

This means that Su Feng's current ability has been fully potential, and if he wants to continue to upgrade his potential, he has to look for opportunities.

After the previous speed potential has broken the ceiling of 100, Su Feng has now developed the habit of looking at ability values from a higher dimension.

Don't say anything else, just talk about defensive attributes. After Duncan entered the league, Su Feng decided that he must use three chances a month to see Duncan clearly!

It is also worth mentioning that under the [Tianzong Wizard], Su Feng does not have a comparison template for every ability.

For example, his speed is currently based on Bolt, but the speed of holding the ball is automatically generated by the system, because Bolt has never done anything like pressing the ball with both hands.

His strength template matches Jordan, but when Su Feng checked Jordan's strength attribute, Su Feng found out that the old rogue's current strength attribute is 83 in the system's assessment...

"In other words, if I increase my weight to about 100 kilograms in the future, plus I study hard and practice hard, theoretically, my maximum strength will be 83!

But because the system has lifted my firewall to break the ceiling, I can rely on weight gain to change the template.

For example, if you gain weight to 150 kilograms or 160 kilograms, look for opportunities, and then train hard for a few years to participate in the strongman competition. "Su Feng thought to himself.

As for why the Hercules game

Isn't it nonsense...

You are a fat man who is 198 cm tall but weighs 160 kg. At that time, Su Feng's abilities are set according to the interlocking system of the system. I am afraid that the speed will not be deducted to dozens of points...

Innate power

It doesn't exist. In Su Feng's opinion, Jordan's 83 power is extremely exaggerated among NBA perimeter players.

The future James is an example. Fans who have watched James play in the early days of his career know that when the emperor ascended the throne at a young age, the protruding steps were very quick.

But as he goes further and further on the way to gain weight, you can no longer see James' light "Limbo Microstep".

O'Neal, who is about to swim to Los Angeles from Zhuang to Obese, is also an example.

After gaining weight, the short shark deterrent increased, but the big, fast man was gone.

Therefore, based on the comparison of reality, Su Feng felt that if he could digest all his strength attributes in the summer, his strength should belong to the middle and upper levels in this era of popular "light perimeter".

"Now how far I can go in the new season depends on how much I can digest the speed attribute." In the past two days, Su Feng has asked Bill Duffy to go to Jamaica to find someone for him.

A sprint coach named Mills.

Um... ...


Intermediary is a future Bolt coach.

No way, Fraser is his technical director, Mancias is better at strength training, and Alan Stein is better at bouncing. The three perform their own duties and have a clear division of labor.

So in terms of speed improvement, Su Feng had to find another brilliant.

In Su Feng's view, to do professional things, you have to find professional people.

Su Feng doesn't need to train like Bolt, because basketball and rugby are all sports that are more short-distance sprinting.

Mills trained Bolt in his previous life. Su Feng's height is similar to Bolt. He believes that Mills will definitely give himself a scientific and reasonable training method.

Of course, Su Feng would definitely not consider participating in a great sport such as sprinting.

Because in Su Feng's opinion, there is no difference between not letting him play basketball instead of sprinting and letting him die.

So, to break the limit of human sprinting, leave it to your future "junior brother" Bolt!

"This world... is so malicious towards me!

Why even my shooting attributes have Reggie Miller's template as a reference, but..."

On the day when the summer training plan was formulated, Su Feng silently closed the system interface.

Yes, yes, any of his attributes have matching objects for reference, but only dribbling and passing are not available!

Su Feng decided that if the next time the system is upgraded, his attributes such as dribbling and passing cannot be broken through...

Then he used that precious cheating opportunity to break the ceiling to take off his "dribble negative" hat.

On the 2nd, Su Feng woke up at four in the morning and suddenly found that...

Why are you up so early

But after opening the refrigerator, Su Feng realized that he was used to getting up at four in the morning to practice with Kobe every day.

Well, lo and behold, the sandwiches in the fridge are double.

"Hey, the first day Kobe was gone, I missed him!" Su Feng knew that he had to find a new plug-in.

Otherwise, according to the new method of obtaining iron value, it is really possible that the progress of one's iron value will not catch up with the upgrade three years later.

It is worth mentioning that when Su Feng woke up in a daze, Kobe, who had moved into his own house in Los Angeles...

Also staring at the wall in a daze.

The first day without a sandwich, think about it!

In this way, Su Feng sat until eight o'clock in the morning before going to the training hall he temporarily rented.

"Sue, Coach Allen Iverson Davies, let me tell you that he wants to invite you to a party at his villa tomorrow afternoon..."

In the training hall, Bill Duffy, who came to watch Su Feng's training purposely, patted Su Feng on the shoulder and said.


Iverson invited me to a party

Su Feng was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that this...

ai, have you already lived in a villa and held a party

I have to say, this is very AI.

It just so happened that Su Feng felt that he could take this opportunity to know the truth of Iverson passing the ball to himself, and by the way, he could also try to train Iverson to be his No. 3 tool man.

Of course, if this plan fails, Su Feng still has 100 million plans.

That is, before the start of the summer league, his third brother Tracy was taken to Philadelphia, and then with honey steak, Tracy turned into Iron Man and competed with himself on the top of the Iron King!

"Okay, where's the address?" Su Feng looked at Bill Duffy and asked.

"The address is at..."

ps: Ah! 007's codeword work is terrible, I almost couldn't wake up!