All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 85: Pissed off volute!


On the 18th, at the Long Beach Summer League, the Philadelphia 76ers ushered in their second opponent—

Los Angeles Lakers.

Because Su Feng made waves on the phone before, but don't tell me, Kobe really didn't contact Su Feng in Long Beach.

Su Feng is really hammered, Kobe's intermediary is the "needle" Virgo!

During the warm-up before the game, Su Feng wanted to take the initiative to say hello to Kobe, but Kobe deliberately pretended not to know him...

At that moment, Su Feng felt that he still overestimated Kobe's heart.

But that's all, anyway, today Su Feng planned to hammer Kobe from the very beginning.

Now is the time to prove who is the Philly heads-up king!

During the warm-up before the game, Su Feng noticed that in the stands today, apart from Xu Jicheng, Zhang Weiping and Su Junyang, who had formed a deep friendship with him before...

He even saw Hu Weidong and Gong Luming.

I have to say, glasses are a wonderful tool.

Because he didn't wear glasses, Hu Weidong was a god of killing in Su Feng's impression, but after putting on his eyes, Hu Weidong became more gentle in an instant.

"Will I give you the main attack today?" Before the start of the game, some Iverson, who had not woken up, said, pulling the corner of La Sufeng's shirt.

"No, just Kobe, what's the point?" Su Feng said while taking the opportunity to rub Iverson's small flat head.

Iverson was woken up by Su Feng, "When you asked me to learn those breakthrough skills two days ago, I thought you were going to use it against Kobe."

Su Feng shook his head, "Allen, I'm not bragging. If Kobe can score 20 points under my defense today, I'll retire to be a truck driver."

"Okay, do you need me to go to the other side and tell you?" Iverson said with a smile with a slightly raised corner of his mouth.

Su Feng: "..."

Alan, can't you just let me pretend for a while

"That's fine, Aaron, you know, I've always been very low-key." Su Feng said righteously, and refused to refuse from the bottom of his heart.

I don't know why, on the side, when Ben Wallace, who got the chance to start today, heard Su Feng say that he has always been very low-key, all that came up in his mind was Su Feng's blindfolded three-pointer.

This... ...

Is it because I can't keep up with the times

At this moment, Daben vowed to himself that he must read and learn more in the future.

In other words, while Su Feng and Iverson were talking and laughing on the side of the 76ers, on the other side, Kobe, who secretly observed this scene, was worried about "happiness".

At this moment, Kobe's mind seemed to sound like this voice:

Young Kobe, what do you want to fight today, is this golden Iverson or this silver Su Feng

so annoying!

What do you want to do

One was the No. 1 draft pick in 1996. You said Kobe didn't want to fight Iverson. Is that possible

As for Su Feng, in Kobe's view, that must be cleaned up.

but... ...

Kobe, he's not Naruto, he can't do shadow avatars!

Fortunately, at the critical moment, as the existence with the highest emotional intelligence in this Lakers summer league team, Fisher saw through Kobe's careful thinking at a glance.

So, before the game, Fisher gave Kobe a suggestion.

"Kobe, in my opinion, from the point of view of the matchup, the 76ers will definitely arrange for Sulai to play against you.

So I think you can guard Allen on defense.

In this way, when you attack and defend, you can take care of both of them at the same time? "

After listening to the advice of Fisher, who is not an old fish at this time, Kobe's eyes suddenly lit up...

Makes sense!

Wouldn't it be double the joy at both ends of the offense and defense

On the other side, seeing that Kobe Bryant successfully took the bait, Fisher's mouth slightly raised.

Hey, I don't have to guard against Iverson today, it's so cool!

As a strength guard with a height of 185 cm and a weight of 90 kg, Fisher really does not want to guard Iverson if he can.

Moreover, in the usual chat, Fisher learned from Kobe that Su Feng, a player, is best at turning over and leaning back, apart from shooting through the face.

Therefore, in Fisher's view, compared to Iverson's flying speed, of course, Su Feng is better defensive.

To be fair, it's really not Fisher's bragging. With his big elbows, the average shooting guard really can't stand him.

As for Su Feng's best defense

Just a joke, even if Su Feng was in a hurry by himself and ran to confront him, do you think Fisher would be a coward


Fisher, who is very aware of his "position", is really not the kind of person who cares about points.

In his opinion, if Su Feng really ran over to defend himself, that would be really wonderful.

Because of this, didn't he help Kobe attract firepower

You may not believe it if you say it, Fisher will not, but "Pattern" still knows.

He is very clear that Kobe is the rookie that the Lakers focus on training, and it is right to hold Kobe's Achilles tendon anyway.

In Su Feng's previous life, Fisher won five championships, and his teammates have changed a lot. The only constant is Kobe Bryant every time he wins.

When ok broke up, Fisher ran faster than anyone else because he had won enough championships and it was time to make money for milk powder for his family.

But in the 07/08 season, after seeing the Lakers showing signs of revival, Fisher told the Jazz uniform with snot and tears: his daughter suffers from eye disease and must go back to Los Angeles for treatment.

Even in order to treat his daughter, he did not hesitate to retire immediately.

As a result, the benevolent jazz uniform at the time let him go without even thinking about it...

However, Fisher, who was still "father's love like a mountain" a second ago, showed his true colors immediately after returning to Los Angeles...

This guy put on the Lakers jersey and happily went to the finals with Kobe.

The mood of the Jazz fans at the time can only be described as a burst. What is this betrayal? This is simply an insult to people's IQ.

On the court, Fisher, who had made a wishful thinking, walked towards the center circle with a smile, and at this time, the technical station also announced the starting list of the two teams tonight.

76ers: Ben Wallace, Joe Cornet, Su Feng, Frank King, Iverson.

Lakers: Knight, Chris Kowiak, Jeremy Corsey, Kobe Bryant, Rumir Robinson, Fisher.

From the perspective of the height of the lineup of the two sides, the Lakers are undoubtedly the more dominant side, because Knight's height has reached 213 cm, and Chris Kwiak is also 206 cm.

On the side of the 76ers, you may not believe the tallest person. If he is taller than his actual height, Su Feng may be the tallest.

In the stands, after seeing the lineups of the two teams, Gong Luming shook his head again and again.

"The 76ers lineup is too short, isn't it

I heard that the No. 1 pick selected by the 76ers this year is the shortest No. 1 pick in the history of the NBA.

They don't have a soft spot for shorter players, do they? "Gong Luming pondered.

Hu Weidong on the side nodded. For basketball, most of the time, height means justice is the truth.

only... ...

As with anything, there will always be an accident.

In the jump ball, Daben proved with practical actions that not every insider with a height of 213 cm is a macho.

Although Knight is tall and looks good, with his elbows thinner than Fisher's and his 10-centimeter bouncing, how could he have a wingspan of nearly 220 centimeters, and dared to fight with Oakley when he was in high school" The Big Ben ratio of "friendly exchanges"


Gong Luming in the stands was stunned by the scene in front of him, because he saw Ben Wallace jumping high and jumping off the first attack for the 76ers.

Su Feng knew that Daben had already conquered Jason and Rick with the match against the sun.

And then, it's time for the undrafted rookie's counter-attack.

On the court, Iverson dribbled over half court, and Kobe was responsible for guarding him.

In Su Feng's previous life, AI and Kobe were both enemies and friends. Tonight is the first time the two of them fought each other in their careers. Kobe's concentration is far higher than before.

If it is normal, Iverson will do everything with Kobe in this ball. After all, Iverson is also at the age of blood.

However, because of being pestered by Su Feng to teach "secret skills" in the past two days, Iverson really didn't rest well.

In addition, seeing that there was a big dislocation on Su Feng's side, Iverson threw the ball directly to Su Feng on the flank without thinking about it.

Kobe: "..."

between... ...

How did it spread

The introduction is very unprofessional!

On the field, Iverson yawned. After ignoring Kobe's death, Iverson silently stared at Su Feng who was opposite Fisher with his big eyes.

Come on, Sue, show them your super-evolved you!

At this moment, Iverson looks like a Pokémon trainer, and he is looking forward to the results of his recent teaching to Su Feng.

As the so-called heads-up is cool, brotherhood crematorium.

Iverson, who was in the name of righteousness, started joking with Su Feng. You must know that in this game, he really planned to give Su Feng the position of "protagonist".

Iverson knew how long Su Feng had been waiting for this game. Since he came to Long Beach, Su Feng had been staring at the schedule.

It's just a summer league anyway, so what does it matter to the brothers to perform

Um... ...

It's not because Iverson didn't sleep well last night, he wanted to be lazy today.

On the court, after receiving the pass from Iverson, Su Feng looked at the short and stocky Fisher, and Su Feng didn't even think about it, only to see him directly raising the ball with his right hand, preparing to shoot...

"Sure enough, do you want to rely on your height to forcibly eat me?"

Fisher, who felt that he had guessed Su Feng's intention correctly, rushed forward, ready to put pressure on Su Feng.

But in the next second, Su Feng's right hand holding the basketball suddenly retracted the ball.

This move was exactly one of the "Awei Eighteen Forms" that Iverson had taught Su Feng in the past two days.

Well, don't think about it, the reason why it is called Awei Eighteen Styles is because the end of these eighteen moves is very similar to the turtle in the future, hence the name.

Fisher was stunned, because didn't Su Feng promised that he would only shoot and roll back...

On the court, Su Feng directly dribbled the ball to start speed, and then decisively held the ball as soon as he stepped into the three-point line.

In Iverson's words, who said you can't break through if you can't dribble

Picking up the explosive pack and rushing in, this Middle Eastern style of play is also a breakthrough!

In the penalty area, the Lakers' inside response was not as good.

The handsome Knight probably took a step back because he saw the equally handsome Su Feng, and it was Knight's step back that allowed Su Feng to complete this three-step layup.

In addition to having big hands, slender fingers, and broad shoulders, Su Feng had compared with Maddie when he was in Orlando, and their legs were definitely longer than Kobe's.

2 to 0!

After Su Feng succeeded in breaking through, Iverson immediately gave him a thumbs up.

On the field, Fisher froze in place, while Kobe glared at him hatefully.

Kobe is very unhappy at the moment.

Because he didn't enjoy the one-on-one fun with Iverson, and at the same time he actually let Su Feng score first.

And most importantly, Fisher couldn't even prevent Su Feng's breakthrough

From Kobe's point of view, can Su Feng's breakthrough be called a breakthrough

That's called a steal!

Pissed off the volute.

In the stands, after seeing Su Feng score this goal, Gong Luming had mixed feelings in his heart.

Although in Gong Luming's view, Su Feng's skill in this ball is not high, what is visible to the naked eye is talent.

But just like this, in Gong Luming's view, it seems that whether or not Su Feng is recruited does not affect whether or not...

On the court, just as Gong Luming was evaluating Su Feng, Iverson suddenly launched a gambling steal.

Don't ask, there is someone behind you.

Fisher was shocked, because he never expected that Iverson would dare to steal his own pass directly regardless of the defensive position in this place.

Kobe, who had just run to the frontcourt, was panicking in his heart, but he was blocked. This time, Kobe turned on the nitrogen acceleration and desperately chased back.

However, how can a man like Iverson be chased...

Hey, don't say it, Kobe really caught up.

Because Kobe was chasing Iverson, and Iverson was waiting for someone.

I saw that when Kobe jumped high and was about to reward Iverson with a big blood cap, Iverson suddenly didn't look at people passing the ball behind him.

Su Feng, who was following him, received the ball and slashed Huashan with a single stroke!


Kobe, who was played by the "Ai Feng" group, was reduced to a background board at this moment. In the stands, when he saw Su Feng's dunk, even Hu Weidong couldn't help standing up to cheer for Su Feng.

"Good pass, Allen, you really are the 'Pennsylvania Magician' in my mind!" After the dunk hit, Su Feng and Iverson bumped fists on the ground.

Aside, Kobe, who heard Su Feng's words, was not happy.

What 'Pennsylvania Magician'

Obviously I am!

Pissed off volute x2!

"Give me the ball, I'll carry it!" Bryant said angrily when he saw Fisher coming back to catch the ball while serving.

As a qualified Lakers guard, Fisher nodded, didn't dare to say more, and passed the ball to Kobe.

Don't say, in this life, after a year of swimming in the sewers with Su Feng, Kobe became angry, but this ball, he was really organizing an attack.

On the court, Robinson slipped out, and Bryant, who found that Robinson ran out of the space, passed the ball subconsciously.

As a result, Robinson smashed a board angrily. In the penalty area, Big Ben roared up to the sky, and I had the rebound!

By the way, after grabbing the rebound, Big Ben used his big elbow to intimidate Knight.

Young Knight's guts are already a bit frightened...

At this moment, he looks very much like the buddy who was scared to death by Fei Ge in Changbanpo.

Kobe felt like his emotions were getting out of control because...

This group of teammates of my own is a hammer!

The 76ers attacked, Su Feng and Iverson played a wall at a high position, but Kobe was blocked by Su Feng...

Although Iverson is willing to give the protagonist position to Su Feng, but such a great opportunity is in front of you, is it impossible for you to let Iverson not show

Iverson accelerated and rushed to the basket. At this moment, Knight, who saw Iverson jumping high, closed his eyes and stopped him in despair.


In the stands, Gong Luming, who was just complaining about Iverson's short stature, felt that his eyes were blinded.

What the hell!

Gong Luming felt that Iverson was not much taller than himself, but this bounce...

Are you still human

At 6-0, on the sidelines, the Lakers coach was already hesitating whether to call a timeout.

Because the 76ers opened tonight, it was like a rainbow.

On the court, after the dunk landed, Iverson completed a chest bump with Su Feng at a pace that he did not recognize. At this moment, Jason and Rick were in tears on the bench of the 76ers.

Did you see it, Mr. Pat Claus, the two rookies you appointed are doing well!

On the field, Kobe took a deep breath. The Lakers attack was still organized by Kobe.

In the end, don't say it, Kobe really gave his teammates another chance.

only... ...


Blacksmithing from Fisher!

At the basket, Big Ben grabbed the rebound and quickly handed the ball to Iverson.

At this time, Su Feng was already going down!

Su Feng, who has full confidence in Big Ben, believes that if Big Ben can't even grab the Lakers' stupid insiders with this kind of rebound, then he will not be called Big Ben in the future.

On the field, "Ai Feng" connected again. This time, Iverson directly found Su Feng with a ground-hitting pass that crossed half court.

After catching the ball, Su Feng succeeded in another split and dunk.

8 to 0!

On the sidelines, the Lakers requested a timeout.

At this time, Kobe had his hands on his hips and began to doubt his life.

At this moment, I don't know why, Kobe actually remembered his cooperation with Su Feng in Lower Merion...

Well, although he was still a little angry with Su Feng, Kobe had to admit that these teammates on the court today were not worthy of his passing.

However, after all, it is Kobe who has experienced the sewers, so I think so, but Kobe feels that he still has to take the lead during the suspension.

However, just as Kobe passed the 76ers bench...

"Allen, that pass you just made, I don't think even John Stockton could do it."

Su Feng, who had put on the towel handed over by his teammates, touched Iverson's head and smiled.

"I just passed it on casually, but speaking of it, your high school classmate was a little unlucky tonight.

His two passes were really good. ' said Iverson.

At this time, Su Feng's high school classmate clenched his fist tightly after hearing the conversation between Su Feng and Iverson.

Maybe Kobe has not made up his mind just now, but at this moment, he has decided to remove the pass button in this game.

Yes, that's right!

These "rubbish" are not worthy of my "Pennsylvania Magic" pass!

It is worth mentioning that, in the summer league, because the number does not matter, so in this Long Beach summer league, Kobe wore the number 32 that Magic once wore.

On the court, the game resumes after the timeout ends.

The Lakers attacked, and at this time, Su Feng, who was in charge of defending Kobe, found that Kobe's eyes were already breathing fire...




On the field, after receiving a pass from Fisher, an angry Kobe turned on the hard mode.

Angrily, he used both shoulders and elbows, wishing he could smash Su Feng apart.

After seeing Su Feng being pushed away by him, Kobe decisively turned over and shot a jumper.

Unfortunately, just as Kobe was about to turn over, Su Feng suddenly appeared in front of Kobe.

Are you surprised or not

What a joke, the guy who has been with Su Feng every day in the past is called Ben Wallace.

The distance that Kobe pushed himself was precisely what Su Feng gave him on purpose.

Man, it's always easy to lose your mind when you're angry.

If it was normal, Kobe would definitely be able to see through Su Feng's intentions.

But no matter what, he was tricked by Su Feng in this shot.

I saw that Su Feng directly took the basketball off Kobe's hand with both hands just like Iguodala steals James in the future.

Although Kobe tried his best to fish the ball back with his small hands, Su Feng's big hands clearly had the upper hand at this moment!

Kobe: "..."

On the court, Iverson took a pass from Su Feng and made a fast break.

10 to 0!

Kobe felt like his lungs were about to explode.

In the stands, Gong Luming and Hu Weidong looked at each other...

Because Su Feng's defensive ability really exceeded their imagination.

You must know that Su Feng was facing Kobe Bryant who blew the Chinese men's basketball backline two days ago.

"Give me the ball!" On the court, when the Lakers attacked, Kobe Bryant, who was really anxious, glared at Fisher and said.

Fisher hurriedly passed the ball over, while the rest of the Lakers hurried away...

Kobe can't believe it anymore, he can't do anything about Su Feng today

In this ball, Kobe used a crossover to shake Su Feng away from the outside, and after reaching the free throw line, Kobe then performed a set of elegant jumping steps.

Die to death, 76ers!


Just when Kobe was ready to end the attack with a noble layup, Ben Wallace, who had been waiting for a long time, arrived!

If I had to add a line to the big book at this moment, it would probably be:

The enemy will leave, and take my hat!

Kobe: "..."

ps: If you want to know what will happen next, please listen to the next breakdown. Rolling all over the floor asking for recommendation tickets, collecting and rewarding!