All Stars are My Gourmet Fans

Chapter 1: The scarier thing than time-traveling is that I have time-traveled and become poor


"Hello, dear citizen Jiang Qiuqiu, you have 1231.3 stars left in your Xingwang account."

"Hello, your house is due in one month, did you forget?"

"Hello, Ms. Jiang Qiuqiu, the nutrient package service you purchased will end in three days. Do you want to renew in advance?"

"Miss Jiang Qiuqiu, your electricity usage fee—"

"Star Network usage fee—"

"It's almost the end of the month, please pay in time~"

Jiang Qiuqiu's whole heart became numb after reading these. In this world, what is the scarier thing than time-traveling? I have time-traveled, and I have become poor.

Jiang Qiuqiu was originally a food blogger with fans all over Mouyin and Xiaopozhan in the 21st century. Because of an unfortunate accident on the way to shoot a vlog, she traveled to the interstellar era.

However, before she realizes that there are spaceships, robots, and holographic networks! Humans can really travel through space and use planets as cities! All kinds of information about Jiang Qiuqiu, the original owner with the same name as her, overwhelmed her.

Jiang Qiuqiu in the interstellar era was born on a low-level planet in the Federation Tribe. When she was eight years old, her parents passed away one after another, and she has been living in an orphanage ever since.

Fortunately, when she was 16 years old, the orphanage did a genetic test for her. Jiang Qiuqiu was found to have a B+ level of spiritual power, and was fortunate enough to obtain an admission letter from a school in the federal capital. But within a few days of her enrollment, she was expelled from the school for offending the powerful.

Jiang Qiuqiu, who had lost her admission qualifications, was unwilling to go back. While applying for federal relief funds and working part-time to make ends meet, she kept complaining to the school, hoping to get a fair ruling, but every letter of complaint fell to nothing.

Until Jiang Qiuqiu passed her eighteenth birthday, her letter of complaint was not responded to. The Federal Empire only distributes relief funds for children under the age of 18, and if there is no relief, the meager salary of the original owner cannot sustain the expenses in the capital star.

Thus, Jiang Qiuqiu, who had a gloomy future, committed suicide on his eighteenth birthday. On the same day, Jiang Qiuqiu of the 21st century came here.

Once, Jiang Qiuqiu was a rich young woman with a credit card balance of more than eight figures. Now, she is an interstellar poor man who is about to go bankrupt at the end of the month.

It was too late to mourn Spring and Autumn. From the memory of the original owner, Jiang Qiuqiu learned that in the Federation, arrears of fees is a very serious crime. If you fail to pay the fee on time, you may be sent to a low-level planet to mine or clean toilets in a harsh environment Repay the money at work!

It's worth it!

She first calculated how much she would have to pay at the end of the month. The electricity bill, water bill, and nutrient solution bill add up to about 1,100 stars. There is money in the account for payment. It was as high as 2800 star coins together, she couldn't afford it at all.

In the interstellar era, manpower without a diploma like the original owner is not expensive. A month of exhaustion is only about 1300 stars, which is not enough at all.

She had to do something, or she'd be kicked in the mines right after her new life.

In the memory of the original owner, the live broadcast industry is also very popular in this era. Perhaps, she can try to focus on her old business and support herself by live broadcasting food

Immediately doing what he said, Jiang Qiuqiu opened the star network and began to search for news about the food live broadcast.

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