All Stars are My Gourmet Fans

Chapter 120: 120 Why do you have so many whys


Because Mosi is in the small castle recently, the left and right protectors will go out occasionally to do some things above.

Early this morning, Zuo Kai and Protector You ran back together, and when they opened the door, they heard Mo Chengyu's devilish laughter.

The two couldn't help asking questions in their minds: What happened? Admiral not here? Why is the minister so presumptuous all of a sudden

However, when they got closer, they realized that something seemed a little wrong.

In the hall, the general was sitting, and the minister sat opposite the general and laughed heartily, but the general had no joy at all on his face.

This situation is really weird.

The two of them didn't know what to say, they hesitated to speak, Mo Si raised his head, "Minister Mo and I have some things to deal with, you go out first."

"it is good… "

The two left the small villa together. For the first time, anxiety appeared on Zuo Kai's resolute face, "What's the matter, Minister? Could it be because of a mental breakdown?"

"I don't know, it doesn't look like it."

"That laugh—"


Mo Si felt that he had just made a wrong decision.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to teach his younger sister who is still sick. Isn't she laughing all the time, so he will punish her to keep laughing and not stop.

He thought that Mo Chengyu would not be able to laugh for a while on this matter, and she had to be subdued. However, it turned out that her laughing point was so low, from the very beginning to the present.

"So funny?"

"Ah, kind of oh, it's really funny."


"Stop." Mo Si's eyes were fixed, very serious, "Stop laughing."

He suddenly became serious, and Mo Chengyu slowly slowed down his laughter, "Brother, why are you so serious all of a sudden?"

"I have some questions for you."

"What, ask."

"Did she tell you that she is the anchor?"

"Ah, did you mean Qiuqiu? Yes." Mo Chengyu nodded, "Because she cooks every day, I was curious about her occupation."

"These days, you have eaten her dishes many times. Have you noticed any difference?"


Mo Chengyu is just unreliable when he speaks, but he is very reliable when he does things, "Yes, I wanted to tell you about this discovery before, but you didn't want to hear it, so I didn't say it."

Talking about the business, the atmosphere was a bit gloomy, "I found that Qiuqiu consumes more mental power when cooking, and the dishes she cooks have the same effect as the spirit warming liquid. I guess, she should be a spiritual Healer."

"I also have this guess."

"You have it too? But brother, haven't you only eaten virtual food—" Mo Chengyu thought of something, and asked in surprise: "Does virtual food also have this kind of spiritual healing effect?"

"There are some, but very weak." Mo Si said: "On the virtual network, her food brings more functions to eliminate fatigue."

"Is that so..."

The situation seems to be complicated again.

But what she wants to know more now is another question, "So big brother, are you watching Qiuqiu's live broadcast all the time because of the special dishes she cooks?"

is not it? Mo Si has his own decision in his heart, there are many ways to observe, and there can be many people, but to observe Jiang Jiujiu, he only used himself from the beginning to the end.

The throbbing at the beginning of each live broadcast, the joy at the moment of grabbing the food, and the anticipation of the live broadcast all come from the heart.

But why tell Mo Chengyu this!

"Why do you have so many questions?"

"Why do you get sicker and sicker? Why do you need to have so many guards? Why are they most guarded against others not hurting you, but you hurting yourself."

"Why is your immediate superior always nagging your father and not teaching you to cherish your life? Why..."


"Brother, please don't ask, don't ask, I won't ask either!"

Don't ask, if it is, then answer yes directly, and make such a big series, definitely not!

Seeing her shut up, Mo Si on the opposite side also stopped talking.

The two looked at each other, and in the end, Mo Si started to talk about the business: "Spiritual healers are precious resources of the Federation. We need to find out why Jiang Jiuqiu lives here alone at such a young age, whether she graduated from school, whether she has Relatives and friends, do you know your ability..."

"By the way, brother, I have something to report. Qiuqiu never went to school."

The previous words came to an abrupt end, and Mo Si frowned. After so long in the morning, he was really angry at this moment: "Didn't you go to school?"