All Stars are My Gourmet Fans

Chapter 41: For you, thousands of thousands


The mold is a small bowl that has been prepared a long time ago. Jiang Qiuqiu brushed the ghee on the bottom of the bowl and poured the custard into it. "In order to let more people taste the cake, we only put one small cake in each bowl. If there is one, we pour a little more paste into it."

The custard is slightly raised, with a small point, the same as every time before, only when Jiang Qiuqiu slowed down to explain and work while doing the first one, after the first one, her speed - almost Like fly.

One upside down, one upside down, and just a few words, twenty molds of custard are ready.

"For this dessert, we will use a new tool, the oven."

In this era, the ovens used in those years have been reproduced. Although the power and usage methods are a little different, the functions are still the same.

"Put the mold in the oven, and then we can start smelling it."

In the beginning, the fragrance was light and faint, very faint, and could not be smelled at all.

Only people with a developed sense of smell seem to be able to perceive a little fragrance.

Then, as time went by, the lens focused on the transparent plate of the oven, and everyone could clearly see that the still mushy cake was slowly expanding, and small bags were raised.

The scent became stronger.

Eggs are combined with sugar, then compatible with flour, and react at high temperature to become soft and fluffy, and the strong sweet aroma comes out of the oven directly.

#What is this smell? #

#Well, fragrant, so fragrant! #

#好甜, this feeling... too sweet! #

#Don’t know why, my tears flowed out from the corner of my mouth—#

#谢谢知话九Why did he say that this smell is completely different from braised goo goo meat but just as overbearing, this taste just goes straight into his mind, so greedy! #

"But now is not the most fragrant time."

Ten minutes later, natural cracks appeared on the top of the cake, and cracks appeared one by one on the top of the caramel color, revealing the snow-white 'belly' inside. Jiang Qiuqiu used a large clamp to clamp the mold out.

What a mouth-watering taste that is.

Changbei who was outside the holographic screen also swallowed, his eyes slowly turned into vertical pupils, and some orange pupils were full of longing, "This, this squishy suddenly looks good, does the color of the cake match my eyes? Pretty much the same color!"

"Autumn Knife, it smells so good!"


"En." Qiu Dao swept his tail.

Everyone praised on the screen that Qiuqiu's dessert was so delicious. She thanked everyone for their compliments, quickly removed the cake, and put it under the scanner.

"Although I am very happy to hear everyone praise me, it is getting late, let's finish eating quickly and rest quickly."

"I'm a little sleepy too."

The first wave of cakes will be distributed soon. This time, it is a welfare gift. It is not based on the speed of fans to determine the qualifications, but everyone to participate together, and then the system will randomly draw 10,000 lucky fans from the participants to taste the sweet and delicious cakes .

This time I made 20, which can benefit 200,000 fans.

But there are currently more than 700,000 people watching online. Jiang Qiuqiu didn't say much, and just took out a new mold.

"Fans who have already been drawn can start eating. Those who have not been drawn can wait. I will try my best to let everyone taste the cake tonight~"

She came up with smaller molds, and she used faster speeds.

Piece after piece of cake was sent to the scanning table, Jiang Qiuqiu became more and more tired, after distributing nearly 600,000 lucky people, he had no choice but to turn off the live broadcast in sleepiness and fell asleep.