All Stars are My Gourmet Fans

Chapter 82: 082 Jiang Qiuqiu's temporary eating and broadcasting


When it came time to eat, everyone was silent.

It's almost time for the next broadcast, Jiang Qiuqiu was going to turn off the live broadcast, but now Mingmei hastened to send a special line communication.

Mingmei: The broadcast time is a bit short, and it’s hard to arrange recommendations. Qiuqiu, you can live broadcast for a while, and make up half an hour.

Boiled pork slices is indeed a very simple dish, so simple that it takes less than half an hour to taste it.

To increase the time, Jiang Qiuqiu took the camera robot to the small living room with a bowl of boiled pork slices.

"It seems that there are still many people who haven't eaten this dish today, and they keep asking people who have eaten it how the taste of this dish is on the bullet screen—"

As the 'ma ma' of this dish, Jiang Qiuqiu decided to demonstrate it himself, "What other people say is not intuitive on the barrage, so let me say it!"

The small camera only captured the bowl, the table, Jiang Qiuqiu's hands and her brown sweater today.

Oh, and her chopsticks.

The camera focused, and some blurred slices of meat gradually became clear, and the delicious smell kept rushing into everyone's nostrils along the sensor, "Let's taste the slices of meat first."

Then the slices of meat disappeared, only the sound of chewing lightly remained.

After that, Jiang Qiuqiu sighed.

"Although I didn't taste it when I made it, the taste is the same as I guessed."

"The biggest feeling in the mouth is numbing and spicy, which should be the reason why there are more peppercorns. The taste of the meat is still relatively layered. After tasting the spicy taste, there is still the aroma of the meat slices."

"The only fly in the ointment is that the meat slices are still cut a bit small, and they will be gone soon."

The person on the screen gave a chuckle, then lowered his chopsticks, and suddenly picked up a large amount of meat, "So I suggest that you pick up more meat when eating this dish, and eat more meat, the taste will be richer."

#? ? ? ? #

As Jiang Qiuqiu introduced more and more in-depth, a bunch of question marks soon appeared on the barrage.

#Is that what I think it means? This is called introducing the taste of food? Isn't this really to greed me? #

#I am from the Department of Psychology. After watching this live broadcast, I feel deep malice! It's fine if I didn't get the quota for Jiujiu, but I still want to stay here and watch her eat and abuse me? I haven't eaten yet! #

#Yeah... And, damn it! / Boss Ba sighs, even so, I am reluctant to quit this live broadcast room. #



#Is this what it is to be human, masochist? #

#This woman better not show her face! Otherwise, wait for the quilt to be covered with sacks! I want to rob her into my house, then put her in a small black room, and give me every day—#

#烤烤吃咲肉? #

#Fried Gu Gu Pai? #

#bibilean meatballs? #

#Or braised bamboo shoots with sausage powder and oil? #

#Children make choices, me! Want it all! #

In the pleasant chatting atmosphere, Jiang Qiuqiu had almost finished eating the boiled pork slices.

There are quite a lot of dishes in this bowl, and she burped a little, "In general, the bean sprouts are the best, they are full of soup, and the taste is crisper."

"Thank you for still watching in the live broadcast room at this point."

"Because I can't eat, so I squatted here and watched? Hmm..."

"Although I do more every time, it seems that every time someone can't grab the spot—"

#So! I feel that this Huatou is beneficial! #

"Jiujiu is still a long way from 100 million followers. If I can rise to the next level when the broadcast starts next time, I will cook 30 meals, and there will be about 60 million places. In this way, more than half of the people can enjoy the food. La."

"It doesn't matter if you don't arrive, I will also prepare 20 servings of food, and release as many places as possible!"