All The Bigshots Love Me [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 121: Rogue local tyrant 02


Different from the quiet and low-key situation of the Shen family, the Xing family mansion is located in the famously wealthy area of Lincheng.

Xing Yan scoffed at this.

It's true that you don't necessarily have money to move in, but it's okay to have a lot of money.

Carrying a small wooden box, he staggered into the door, and saw two elderly people sitting in the living room, one playing chess with his left and right hands, and the other making tea beside him.

Seeing this scene, Xing Yan hissed like a toothache.

Arty, pretending to be cultural, as if it wasn't the parents who chased him down the street with a mallet as a child.

The Xing family has been in the family for three generations, and he is still the eldest peasant brother who shaves food in the fields. When he arrived at Xing Yan's father, there were too many children in the family and they could not get enough to feed the land, so he went out to seek a living when he was a teenager.

I have done all kinds of work, and I was in my twenties. When I encountered a little opportunity, I first became a team leader on the construction site, then I became a small contractor, and then I became a large contractor. Only then did I develop.

The Xing family's industry involved construction, mining, and chemical industry. Later, it was in the hands of Xing Yan. The young people's brains were more flexible than the older generation.

Others don't seem to be doing anything right, but their vision is accurate, and their shots are never ambiguous, and the family business is like a snowball.

Those old-fashioned rich people with rich background look down on upstarts like them, but they can't stand their wealth, their waists are thick, and their breaths are full of gold.

It is said that the economic base determines the superstructure, and after material needs are met, people will naturally begin to pursue spiritual identity and enjoyment.

After seeing the rich and connotative cultural people, Xingfu Xingmu began to approach them with every move.

What displeased Xing Yan the most was that they approached as soon as they approached, and even forced him to approach together. Father Xing even went to an old gentleman and asked someone to change his name. The old man said that the word "Xing" was too strong to kill, so he had to get a tolerant name that complements Yin and Yang, so he abruptly changed him from Xing Peng to Xing Yan.

In this regard, Xing Peng when he was a teenager—no, Xing Yan was very unhappy. At that time, he was simple and unhappy because his parents changed his name without his consent.

Thinking about it now, I'm still a little unhappy, because Peng's character is so good, Peng, and Big Bird immediately highlighted his strengths; what about Yan? It's soft to read, not masculine at all.

"Sir is back." Seeing him enter the door, the nanny immediately greeted him and took the coat from his hand.

This is another point that Xing Yan wants to complain about. After his father wants to be elegant, he will not let the family nanny be called Lao Xing Xiao Xing. He has to call him old man and Mr. Xing Yan.

When he was outside, people called him Mr. Xing, which was a polite word in the scene. When he got home, he had to be called by Mr. Xing. He was not born a day before anyone in this family!

Mother Xing heard the movement, raised her head and smiled peacefully, "Xiaoyan is back."

Despite a lot of slander in his heart, Xing Yan walked over honestly, "Dad, Mom, I'm back."

Father Xing focused on the chessboard in his hand, only nodded inexplicably.

"Come on, try the tea that Mom made today. It's the first tea of the year." Xing Mu poured the tea from the teapot into the justice cup, and then poured it from the justice cup into the tea cup. After pouring it twice, it was brought to Xing Yan. , there is only a small cup like a vinegar saucer left.

He squeezed the tea cup and controlled his strength so as not to accidentally crush it, he raised his head and poured the tea into his mouth.

Well, just enough to moisten the mouth once, not much at all.

Mother Xing looked at him reservedly and expectantly.

Xing Yan knew that this was waiting for him to boast. He frowned, searched his intestines and scratched his stomach, and said with difficulty: "Good tea..."

The mother-in-law nodded, still looking at him.

So he had to say again: "The tea soup is clear and green."

"anything else?"

"Sweet and mellow."


"Well..." Xing Yan really couldn't think of it. Those two sentences were memorized in order to cope with the old mother. They were able to fool them in the past, but I didn't expect that they would not be enough this time.

He thought and thought, thought and thought, until he was a little thirsty, and couldn't help but say, "It's just a little bit, it doesn't quench my thirst. Give me a bigger glass next time."

The mother of Xing smiled and lowered her head under the coffee table, not knowing what to look for.

Xing Yan felt as if he saw a mallet flashing inside, and his strong desire to survive made him quickly put the wooden box he brought back on the table, "Mom, look what I found for you, imitating Song Guanyao Fenqing Xiaofang. The pot, from the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty, I showed it to Mr. Shen, and they said it was a good thing."

Mother Xing raised her head, carefully picked up the small square pot and looked at it carefully, her love beyond words, "You mean Mr. Shen Ke Shen? Isn't it rude to visit?"

"No." Xing Yan said firmly.

"I heard that the rose flower in his house was planted by Mr. Shen for his wife, and they are cultural people who have sentimental feelings." Xing's mother said, with a bit of yearning on her face.

Father Xing snorted, "Emotions can't be eaten as food."

Mother Xing glanced at him, "Youqing is full of water, how could a layman like you understand."

"I'm a vulgar?!" Father Xing stared, "You've spent a lifetime with me as a vulgar, and you didn't go there elegantly!"

"Just living with you for the rest of my life will set me off. If I married a literate person back then, I might have a rose garden now!"

"You blame me for not planting it for you?"

"I didn't say that!"

"That's what you mean!"

The two of you started quarreling with each other. Xing Yan looked at this and that. He couldn't ignore it. He had to clear his throat, "Dad, Mom—"

"Shut up!" The two turned around and drank at the same time, and the guns were immediately aimed at him.

"It's not that you stinky boy doesn't get married, what about my daughter-in-law?! Where is my eldest grandson?!" The torture mother glared with akimbo.

"That old man Li next door scolds his two grandsons in front of Lao Tzu every day. How could Lao Tzu give birth to such a coward like you? You can't even get a girl at your age!" The criminal father was furious.

"Yo, you're still soaking up the girl, doesn't it look like the treasured sword is not old?" Mother Xing suddenly turned the blade and turned towards Old Master Xing faintly.

"I-I said he!"

"You dare say you don't think about it?"

"You are making trouble without reason!"

"You dare to yell at me? Okay, you punish Dashan, if I don't take care of you today, you don't know why the flowers are so red!"

Seeing the escalation of the battle, Xing Yan did not dare to persuade him any more this time. The two had already taken off their gentle coats, and the old man shouted, indicating that the next step was the rhythm of sticks and washboards, and he did not want to be harmed by Chiyu again.

He slipped out of the living room on tiptoe, looked back, saw that his father's ear had been picked up by his mother, and felt that this was the familiar formula.

May is the season of blooming flowers. The roses in the Shen residence are in full bloom, and the pomegranate in the corner is not lonely, blooming bright orange-red flowers.

The pomegranate flower is like fire, it is a very beautiful and warm color.

The old lady Shen saw that she wanted to use pomegranate flower juice to make rouge. Jiang Rui volunteered to help. At this time, she wore a straw hat and picked pomegranate flowers with a bamboo basket.

She has been in this world for more than a month, and so far she has only seen Xing Yan from a distance, so she is not anxious at all.

Because the band had just finished their tour in various places before, she had a long vacation. Every day, she practiced the violin on the balcony, watered the flowers, and talked with the two elders, very leisurely.

This pomegranate is a flower pomegranate. The tree is not high, so she didn't move the ladder. After picking the bottom circle, there were a few on the top but couldn't pick it. She was about to call Xu's mother to move a chair when a hand suddenly stretched out behind her. , a few times to pull all the flowers.

Jiang Rui turned around and raised her head again to see the full face of this person.

Xing Yan obeyed his old father's will, and shamelessly went to the door to ask for the rose flower seeds produced by the Shen family, but he never expected to see the scene of the beauty picking flowers.

Looking at the little beauty, he smiled gracefully, showing his big white teeth: "Miss Shen, we meet again."