All The Bigshots Love Me [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 122: Rogue local tyrant 03


The Xing family's previous quarrel ended with the punishment of the father's defeat without any suspense.

The two people who were over 100 years old had a cold war for two days. It should be said that the punishment mother unilaterally ignored the punishment father. He couldn't stand it anymore. He told Xing Yan in private and asked him to find some rose seeds. And with a stinky face, he specifically explained that he wanted the flower seeds of the Shen family.

Immortals fight, mortals suffer. Although Xing Yan is very beautiful outside, he is at the bottom of the food chain when he arrives at home. How dare he disobey the orders of the Emperor Taishang? Today, he deliberately ended his official business ahead of schedule and came to visit the Shen family again.

As soon as he followed the nanny into the Shen family yard, he saw a man wearing a straw hat in the corner, standing on tiptoe, trying to reach the flowers on the branches, but it was always close, and he couldn't reach it.

Although it is May, when the weather is good, the temperature is not low, and the sun is shining brightly, and the arm that is trying to stretch seems to be glowing white under the sun.

Even if it was just a back figure, Xing Yan recognized that it was the Miss Shen family who had a relationship with one side. Thinking of that cool and cold little beauty, he turned around and walked over.

The pomegranate flower tree is a little tall for the little beauty, but it is easy for him. He picked the flowers and turned around. He admitted to himself and grinned softly, "Miss Shen, we meet again." come cooked.

The face under the wide-brimmed straw hat is very small, and it looks more beautiful than the previous glimpse. The slender black eyebrows, the cold and indifferent eyes, and the white to translucent cheeks, because they have been sunburned, they show a shallow light. Her crimson, this color somewhat dilutes the coldness around her.

Jiang Rui glanced at the pomegranate flower he put in the basket and nodded slightly, "Thank you, who are you?"

A beauty is a beauty, even her voice is so nice, Xing Yan thought to himself, and said, "It's just a job, my surname is Xing, I visited Mr. Shen a few days ago, I wonder if Miss Shen still remembers?"

Jiang Rui nodded again, "Naturally remember, it turned out to be Mr. Xing."

"I'm here to disturb you again today." Xing Yan said with a smile.

Jiang Rui smiled politely, "Grandpa is in the house, Mr. Xing, please do it yourself."

Xing Yan didn't say much, said goodbye, and followed the nanny Xu's mother into the house. When he came out, there was no sign of the beauty in the garden. He looked around and shook his head regretfully.

Assistant Xiao Lin saw it in his eyes, and he hesitated after getting in the car.

Xing Yan was looking at the flower seeds in his hand, and he caught a glimpse of his movement out of the corner of his eyes, and said, "If you have something to say, do you have an appointment with a girlfriend at night and want to get off work earlier?"

Xiaolin blushed, "Mr. Xing, I'm still single."

"Single is single, why are you blushing at me?" Xing Yan said in disgust.

"..." Xiaolin silently turned around.

After a while, Xing Yan put down the flower seeds and said, "Tell me, is there any other order from the old man and the old lady?"

Assistant Xiao Lin was recruited into the company by Xing's father, and at the behest of Xing's mother, he was arranged by Xing Yan's side. In addition to the assistant work, he also had an important responsibility - as the speaker of the old man and the old lady, he urged him to find a girlfriend quickly.

The two placed eyeliners in an upright, righteous manner, but Xing Yan lost his temper about this. Anyway, the second old man was not for supervision, but just to make people chatter in his ears. Besides, apart from being long-winded, Kobayashi's work ability is indeed very strong.

Xiaolin considered his tone and hesitated: "You just now, you can actually take the opportunity to exchange contact information with Miss Shen."

"What contact information is exchanged for no reason?" Xing Yan raised his eyebrows.

"Uh... Doesn't Mr. Xing have a crush on Miss Shen?"

Xiaolin is also in a dilemma sometimes. It stands to reason that, as a qualified subordinate, he should not meddle in the boss's private life, but he also has another heavy responsibility on his shoulders, entrusting the ardent expectations of the boss's parents, and he also receives this high salary. , I can only bite the bullet and supervise two sentences every day on a routine basis.

Xing Yan asked curiously, "Which eye do you see that I am interested in Little Beauty?"

It was as if... both eyes saw.

Xiaolin whispered in his heart, a little beauty, the second time he saw him, he helped people pick flowers and talked to him.

Although he didn't say it, Xing Yan could see it clearly from his expression, so he patted him on the shoulder, "Okay, Assistant Xiaolin, I originally thought you were a gentleman, quite reserved, but I didn't expect your thoughts to be more unrestrained than mine. , aren't you the kind of person in legend who sees a girl the first time, and even decides which kindergarten your child will go to in the future?"

"No, nothing..." Xiaolin blushed and stuttered.

Xing Yan said with a smile: "Don't worry, don't worry, they are all men, I understand, if you have a girl you like in the future, remember to tell me in advance, I will prepare the red envelopes for marriage and the full moon of children first, so as not to be too late."

Xiao Lin was completely speechless by him.

Xing Yan leisurely shook Erlang's legs. He didn't think he had any bad intentions towards Miss Shen, and he didn't expect to be misunderstood.

Are you a beauty? Everyone has a love for beauty. When you see a beautiful woman who is pleasing to the eye, you will naturally look at it more. Lingzhihua's cold beauty needs to take a second look.

He disapproved of his parents' arty style. It can be seen that a truly implicit and connotative cultural person will never despise others for no reason. On the contrary, not only does he not despise, but he respects them.

Interestingly, after so many years, among the people he met, those who boasted a lot of self-cultivation often concealed the contempt for him as a nouveau riche.

It would be fine if it was just contempt. After all, he admitted that in terms of knowledge, he was indeed inferior to others. But some people look down on him and want to benefit from him at the same time. When talking to him, no matter how well their faces are concealed, they have condescension written in one eye and desire for money in the other.

Beauty, Xing Yan has seen a lot.

With such a wealth and status, he will naturally become a big head and a sweet tooth in the eyes of many people. The beauty from a bad background hopes to climb up to him and find a meal ticket for the rest of her life. A beauty from a good background, arrogant and self-control on her face, unwilling in her heart, and pointed at him to bring huge benefits to the family behind her.

He saw this kind of thing a lot, and he gradually got used to it, so he didn't take it to heart, and even his appreciation for beautiful women became uncaring.

However, the Shen family is indeed different from other families. Unlike others, who look down on him in the heart, but pretend to be warm on the face. Cold inside and out.

But this kind of coldness will not make people feel despised. After all, in terms of etiquette, they have no rudeness, it will only make people think that this family is probably so arrogant and unpretentious.

Xing Yan found that he had a good impression of this family.

Realizing this, he touched his chin and thought to himself, could it be that his hidden attribute is to love a hot face and a cold butt

On the other side, Jiang Rui was picking petals with old lady Shen at this time.

She naturally knew that Xing Yan was gone, but she didn't deliberately create an opportunity to go out and meet.

Before she got the identity of Shen Chuyin, she had observed Xing Yan secretly for a while, and found that he looked casual and uninhibited, and laughed when he saw people, but it was actually not easy to approach. If you do it too deliberately, it is likely to backfire, it is better to take it slowly.

"Do you have any arrangements for the day after tomorrow? If you have nothing to do, accompany grandma to watch a play." Old lady Shen said suddenly.

Jiang Rui recovered and nodded, "Okay."

The old lady looked at her and sighed helplessly: "You child, resting at home for so many days, you don't go out for a walk or play with friends. Other girls go shopping, date boys, and enjoy life while you are young. Can you live your whole life with a violin? It's more boring than my old woman, and it was all caused by your grandfather."

Jiang Rui said with a smile, "I'll spend more time with Grandpa and you, isn't it good?"

"It's good, but we two old ladies, how many years can we stay with you?" When she mentioned this, Mrs. Shen was very worried.

She has only been a child in her life, and she left early, leaving behind a little granddaughter, who was raised too innocently by them. Went with my wife, leaving my granddaughter alone, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. If she didn't find a good partner for her granddaughter while she was still alive, I'm afraid that when the time comes, she won't be able to close her eyes.

"Grandma, don't say such things, you and grandpa will live a long life." Jiang Rui said with a frown.

"Okay, okay, don't talk, don't talk." Afraid that her little granddaughter would be sad, Mrs. Shen said.

In the afternoon of the day after tomorrow, Jiang Rui accompanied Mrs. Shen to the Lincheng Grand Theater. When I got there, I found out that the old lady had also made an appointment with a friend, who was also a grizzled grandmother, and was accompanied by a young man.

Seeing this, Jiang Rui had a hunch in her heart.

Sure enough, as soon as the two old people met, they exchanged a few words of greetings, and then they introduced their grandchildren to each other.

Jiang Rui saw the surprised and helpless expression on the young man across from him, and knew that he too had been tricked.

"You young people can't watch this kind of drama, why don't you sit and drink a cup of coffee, talk, and wait for the two old ladies to come out." The old lady opposite said.

The old lady Shen glanced at her granddaughter's face and said cautiously, "Yinyin, are you optimistic?"

At this point, what else can Jiang Rui say? The old man worked hard for her, but he couldn't turn around and leave, so he had to answer.

The author has something to say:

Seventh: Hey! Why is there a queue cut, do you want to be singled out

Xiaolin: Don't you mean you're boring to others? [whispering in a low voice]