All The Bigshots Love Me [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 127: Rogue local tyrant 08


There was soothing music in their ears, and the two stared at each other for about a few seconds. Jiang Rui first looked away, then tilted her head to look at the hand that was still on her shoulder, and pursed her lips, "Mr. Xing, thank you just now, hand… "

People have already reminded them so clearly that it's impossible to pretend that they didn't hear it, so Xing Yan slowly retracted his hand, and then sat down on Gu An's seat just now, smiling nonchalantly and said, "I passed by this way today. , I didn't expect to encounter such a thing. Miss Shen wasn't scared, right? I don't know if I have the honor to invite Miss Shen to dinner."

Normally, he wouldn't dare to invite the little beauty to dinner, but he wouldn't be able to invite her. Today's situation is different. He just helped him out, and people are grateful to him. Even if he wanted to refuse, he would definitely be embarrassed to say so.

If you don't seize such a good opportunity, why not keep it to feed the salted fish

Moreover, the brief contact just now made him understand a little bit about the character of the little beauty. Looking at the coldness and coldness like a flower in the high mountains, in fact, after a little physical contact with someone, he couldn't hide his panic and shyness. Kaolin's flower looks like a soft cotton candy.

Xing Yan looked at her, and the more he looked, the more he felt that everything was in line with his heart. He admired such a little beauty, and other wild bees and butterflies would definitely come after him. If they were like the so-called Mr. Gu just now, then Not good.

Beautiful flowers have to be drawn on their own territory to be at ease, and so should beauties who have an appetite.

Mr. Xing will not admit that he has bad intentions towards others, he is just worried that the simple little beauty will be deceived.

"This..." Jiang Rui hesitated and said, "I'm afraid it's not very convenient today. I'll invite Mr. Xing to dinner another day."

"I can't ask for it." Xing Yan said with a smile, and then hit the snake with a stick: "Why don't we exchange contact information and invite Miss Shen for tea later."

Such a request is naturally not easy to refuse at this moment. The two left each other's numbers. When depositing the numbers, Xing Yan asked Xiaomei her name for the first time.

But he asked, but the line for the name was written with the three characters of "Little Beauty". After reading it, he felt that it was not good, it was too frivolous, so he changed it again, leaving two words: baby.

That way it won't be frivolous. Mr. Xing thought contentedly.

The sky in early summer was cloudy and sunny. Not long ago, the sun was hanging diagonally in the sky. When the two walked out of the cafe, they saw that thick clouds had gathered in the sky.

Tiangong Zuomei is probably like this, Xing Yan glanced at the sky and smiled sincerely: "It's going to rain soon, it's not easy to take a taxi, give me a chance to take Miss Shen home?"

Jiang Rui hesitated for a while, but didn't refuse again: "Then trouble Mr. Xing."

Seeing the two walking towards the car, Xiao Lin was about to get out of the car and open the door when the boss glanced at him. He paused for a moment, not sure what that look meant.

Lao Zhang said with a smile: "It's better to leave this kind of diligence to Mr. Xing."

Xiao Lin took the letter back suspiciously, and saw that Mr. Xing personally opened the car door for Miss Shen, and then went around to the other side to get into the car.

He couldn't help but look at Lao Zhang with admiration. He felt that he still didn't do enough homework. What he had learned before was only on paper. For the boss's lifelong happiness, he had to learn more from Lao Zhang in the future, so that he could become a boss and work. All-round all-round assistant in life and feelings!

Except for the greeting at the beginning, the two people in front tried to think of themselves as invisible people, one focused on driving, and the other huddled in the seat to observe and study in secret. There were only a few conversations from the back row.

"The rose seed that I asked from Miss Shen's house has grown new leaves. The two elders in the family like it very much. My mother keeps asking when it will bloom." Xing Yan said with a smile.

Jiang Rui said: "Tender shoots are used to raise seedlings. If the soil and fertilizer are properly managed, they can bloom this year. Grandpa also likes the orchid sent by Mr. Xing."

In fact, the rose seeds that were taken back were taken care of by a gardener, and Xing Yan never took a fancy to him, but he still said calmly: "So that's the case, I don't know much about flowers and plants, it seems that I need to ask Miss Shen more for advice in the future. ."

Jiang Rui raised the corner of her lower lip slightly, "I don't dare to ask for advice, I'm just a half-ass."

At this time, Xing Yan had the scene of meeting for the first time in his mind. She was wearing a white dress, her hair was loosely rolled up, and she was holding a violin in her arms.

He didn't even think that this scene would be remembered so clearly, even when the wind blew, the trajectory of her hair fluttering on her forehead was clear.

"What kind of flowers does Miss Shen like?" he suddenly asked.

Jiang Rui thought about it, and seemed a little embarrassed, "My preferences are more tacky, and I prefer varieties with bright colors and lush flowers and leaves, such as roses, hibiscus, acacia, and pomegranate."

This is Jiang Rui's true preference. Although precious orchids are noble and clean, they always make people worry that they are not easy to support, and the flowers they bloom look thin. She prefers flowers and trees with tenacious vitality and lively and festive blooms.

Xing Yan was a little surprised to hear it, but thinking about it, if she stood among the flowers, surrounded by purple and red, the scene must be very beautiful.

Halfway through the car, the rainstorm fell, and when it arrived at Shen's house, the rain was still fierce. Fortunately, there was an umbrella in the car, and Xing Yan held the umbrella to send Jiang Rui off the car.

She knocked on the door, then looked back at him, "Mr. Xing, do you want to go in and sit?"

Xing Yan wanted to go in, but there was an old Shen who was not very easy to fool.

When they first met, he didn't expect that he would kidnap someone's granddaughter one day, so he didn't pay much attention to his image. Although he visited him twice later, the old man's impression of him was definitely average, and he was eager to come. It's better to send someone to the door of the house and then leave by yourself, just like doing a good deed without leaving a name, see if you can make old man Shen's view of him change.

Of course, it's impossible to stay anonymous.

"Today is too hasty. Next time I will visit Mr. Shen and Mrs. Shen again. The weather is humid, so remember to drink some ginger soup to get rid of the cold after Miss Shen goes back." Xing Yan said with concern.

Jiang Rui nodded, "I will, Mr. Xing also has an idea, thank you very much today."

Xing Yan said half-jokingly: "Don't say thank you, I do this, but I am waiting for Miss Shen to return. If I say too much thanks, I will be embarrassed to ask for compensation in the future."

Jiang Rui also bent her lips, "Mr. Xing is really humorous."

Xing Yan dawdled and talked to people outside the door, and only said goodbye to the little beauty when the nanny of the Shen family came to open the door and made sure that the nanny saw him.

It's not easy for him to go in, but as long as the nanny sees it, she will report it to the old man Shen, and they will naturally know that he helped the little beauty.

Saying it from someone else's mouth is definitely not the same as rushing to take credit for yourself. This kind of thing happens twice, and you are afraid that old Shen will not change his mind and give him his granddaughter

The more Xing Yan thought about it, the more confident he became, as if he had already married the little beauty.

The author has something to say:

Old Seven: I even thought about where to go for my honeymoon, but I just need a wife!