All The Bigshots Love Me [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 131: Rogue local tyrant 12


As soon as Xing Yan got off the plane, he went home and changed his clothes, bought a bunch of flowers and went straight to the orchestra.

In the past, he heard others say that it was like three autumns after not seeing him for a day, and he only felt sour, but this time he was on a business trip without seeing the little beauty for two days, which really made him feel that time was difficult.

And he can't call her, because the teacher is unknown, and the relationship between the two is now barely considered a friend of the opposite sex.

So he thought and thought in his spare time for the past two days, and felt that Xu Xutuzhi was necessary, but he should also strive for a change in identity, otherwise he would really be suffocated.

Jiang Rui looked at the delicate flowers in front of her, and hesitated before taking them, "Thank you, but Mr. Xing should not spend any money in the future."

Xing Yan smiled and took out the bunch of small pendants. This little thing won him two chances to meet each other. Now it's time to return it to the owner. After all, the same routine will be suspected if you use it too much. The flower is to apologize to Miss Shen, for my bad memory."

Jiang Rui put the pendant back in her bag, shook her head and said, "Mr. Xing is well-intentioned, so I don't need to apologize for this."

Seeing her serious rebuttal, Xing Yan really wanted to pinch the white cheeks, and it took a lot of effort to get his hands to settle down, "It's still early, find a place to sit?"

"Well..." Jiang Rui said, "I told my grandma yesterday to go home early today and cook dinner with her."

"That's it." Xing Yan looked a little lost, and quickly said, "Then at least allow me to send Miss Shen back."

In situations where one request has already been rejected, people are often embarrassed to reject the second, especially when the request is not excessive.

Mr. Xing finally got his wish and was able to take the little beauty home.

Jiang Rui sat in the passenger seat, holding the tulip in her hands, the pink petals just touching her chin, she lowered her head and sniffed the fragrance from time to time.

"When will there be a performance in the near future?" Xing Yan turned his head and asked her during the red light. He happened to see the little beauty with half of her face buried in the bouquet. She couldn't tell which one was more beautiful.

Hearing the question, Jiang Rui raised her head, "Next Saturday the premiere of the new movement will be at the Grand Theater."

In addition to the pink tulips, the bunch of flowers was also matched with gypsophila and star flowers. The petals were sprinkled with water. When she got close to smelling it, a star flower petal stuck to her eyes, and the blue petals added to her cold face. Pretty.

Xing Yan saw it in his eyes, and after a few more glances, he reached out his hand very naturally, took off the petal, and scratched his thick-boned fingers on his fair cheeks, and took it back as if nothing had happened. Seeing his calm demeanor, people who didn't know it really thought it was unintentional.

He smiled and said, "I'll join in the fun then." As he said that, he quietly observed her expression, judging in his mind how she would react to his touch.

Jiang Rui turned her face uncomfortably, and only hummed.

Xing Yan raised one corner of his mouth, although the little beauty looked uncomfortable and unaccustomed, but at least there was no disgust, which was good news for him. As for what you are not used to, you will naturally get used to it after touching it a few times.

After sending people home, Xing Yan still did not enter the door. On the one hand, his current status is not confident enough, and on the other hand, he did not prepare gifts. Now that he plans to kidnap someone's granddaughter, he can't just come to the door as he did the previous few times.

When Jiang Rui entered the door, the old lady Shen was sitting in the living room with a gift box in front of her.

"Grandma, are there any guests today?"

"I'm back." The old lady saw the flowers in her arms at a glance, and waved to the front to look at them, "The flowers are pretty fresh, are they from a friend?"

Jiang Rui nodded, "Yes."

The old lady had a guess in her heart, so she didn't ask much, pointed to the gift box, and said, "This is from the Gu family."

"Why give gifts for no reason?"

The old lady smiled inexplicably, "It's not for no reason, they are guilty and have done something unkind, but they have to rush to apologize? Just ask for peace of mind."

Jiang Rui frowned slightly: "Do they really plan to lie to other girls?"

"Don't worry, if you want to cheat, you can't cheat. I don't know who it is. She has faster hands and feet than grandma. She has already released the news that the Gu family is planning to cheat the marriage. Now let alone Gu An, even the other young people in the Gu family, no one else dares. Talk to them easily." The old lady wanted to vent her anger on her granddaughter before, but she didn't expect someone to act faster.

Jiang Rui nodded slowly. Although there was no evidence, she had a hunch that Xing Yan did this.

Speaking of him, I think of what happened in the car just now. Although he still seems to be restrained and gentle, the temptation in his words and deeds has become more and more obvious.

After dinner, Jiang Rui accompanied Er Lao to enjoy the shade in the courtyard.

The evening wind wrapped around the few people with the fragrance of flowers. In the distance, the sunset glow dyed half of the sky red. In the still blue sky, a plane slowly passed from time to time, and the fuselage was covered by half of the golden sunset.

Xing Yan suddenly sent a message: "There is a cloud in the sky like a pomegranate flower, very much like what Miss Shen picked that day."

Jiang Rui looked up and returned: "It's quite similar."

"Have you finished eating?" Xing Yan asked.

"Well, enjoy the shade with grandparents."

"It's a coincidence, I also accompany my parents to enjoy the shade." Xing Yan replied, and soon sent the next one: "Actually, there is something I want to ask Miss Shen for help today, but I don't know how to say it, but now I have the courage to use my phone. "

Jiang Rui looked at the second half of the sentence, and felt that it was unbelievable, would he have no courage

Even so, she still responded cooperatively: "Mr. Xing, please speak."

Xing Yan doesn't care whether he can be trusted or not, as long as he can break it, he continues to shamelessly send another message: "I want to bribe Miss Shen to see if you can be accommodating and allow me to pursue Miss Shen?"

The author has something to say:

Old Seven: I have no shame anymore, I will never have one in this life.