All The Bigshots Love Me [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 134: Rogue local tyrant 15


The premiere of the orchestra's new movement was a success, and the audience responded well.

After the curtain call, several close colleagues hugged excitedly. With a faint smile on the corner of Jiang Rui's mouth, she lowered her head to clean up her violin.

There was a commotion at the entrance of the backstage. It turned out that some audience had ordered flowers for the members of the orchestra.

This kind of thing is quite common. The only difference is that there seem to be a lot of flowers today. Each member receives a bouquet. Most of the others are lilies, tulips or carnations. Only Jiang Rui is a bouquet of red roses.

A female colleague saw this and joked with a smile: "It seems that the flowers were given by Mr. Xing, and we all got the light of Hatsune."

"It's really enviable, why no one picks me up from get off work every day and gives me flowers."

"Hatsune, when will you and Mr. Xing do good things, remember to invite us to a wedding wine."

"That's right, we are also the witnesses of the relationship between the two of you."

No matter how the others joked, Jiang Rui only smiled lightly and didn't say much.

The members of the orchestra left one after another after packing up. Jiang Rui carried the piano on her back and held a bouquet of roses in her arms. Because the bouquet was too large, it affected her vision a bit, and she walked slowly.

As soon as she left the lounge, the flower in her arms was picked up, Xing Yan smiled and looked at her: "Tonight's performance was perfect."

"Thank you, thank you for your flowers." Jiang Rui said.

Xing Yan immediately said: "Why don't you give me a chance to invite you to dinner?"

He didn't miss any opportunity, Jiang Rui slightly bent the corner of his mouth, "I'll ask Mr. Xing to thank him for sending me home last night."

"Then I have to fight for the opportunity to give it a few more times, so that Miss Shen can invite me a few more times." Xing Yan smiled.

The two went down to the parking lot together, because the bouquet of roses was too big and could only be placed on the back seat. Jiang Rui couldn't help but say, "Don't send flowers in the future."

"What's the matter, don't you like roses?" He used to send flowers, but they were relatively low-key, usually tulips, hyacinths, lilies, etc. Today, it was the first time to send roses, and they were bright red.

This is also a test for him. If the little beauty thinks roses are not suitable, then he will send another one next time. If she didn't say anything, then she would only send roses in the future. After all, the meaning of roses cannot be compared with other flowers.

Xing Yanke didn't speak out loud about his love for the little beauty, but let the rose say it instead of him.

Jiang Rui shook her head, "This is too expensive and inconvenient."

"Then send a small one next time."

"Why do you have to pay for it?"

Xing Yan smiled and said, "How can the flowers for the lady be called expensive? As long as Miss Shen feels happy, the cost is not worth mentioning at all."

Jiang Rui shook her head gently, this person just had the ability to speak for himself, and others couldn't make sense, but her original intention was not to reject it completely, he could just let him do whatever he wanted.

The two found a tea restaurant. Because it was a late-night snack, they didn't plan to eat more, but simply ordered a few snacks.

"Tonight's premiere was a success. What are the orchestra's performance plans after that?"

Jiang Rui scooped up a wonton and blew lightly, "There are still a few performances at the Grand Theater before the end of the month, and the domestic tour will start next month."

"Isn't that tiring?" Xing Yan frowned, "Is your body able to handle it?"

"No, the performances are not very intensive, there is time to adjust the state."

Xing Yan nodded, thinking in his heart to get the orchestra's schedule.

A few days later, Jiang Rui started packing.

The old lady Shen sat on the bed and helped her fold her clothes. Every time the granddaughter leaves, it is more than a month or two. She and the old man are actually very reluctant and worried, but this is the child's preference and her profession. They can only support and understand as the elderly. Although it was not the first time that her granddaughter had left home, she still explained a lot.

"Your grandfather said, be careful when you are outside, what you do normally, try your best to be with your comrades in the regiment, and remember to call back every night. Alas, he babbles, even more rambling than me, just to save face, I'm embarrassed to be here. Mother-in-law in front of you." The old lady exposed her wife's bottom without any pressure.

Jiang Rui stopped, sat by the bed, took the old lady's hand, and leaned on her shoulder, "Grandma, don't worry about you and grandpa, I will pay attention to safety."

The old lady Shen sighed.

In fact, Jiang Rui has also thought about it for a while now. Shen Chuyin's wish is that she can accompany the two elders more. After all, the two elders are very old and have no children under their knees. She is the only grandson, although there is still a mother Xu at home. And so on, but in the end it's different.

If Jiang Rui planned to stay in the orchestra, it would be contradictory to her desire to accompany her, because the orchestra's performances often needed to run across the country and fly all over the world. If something happened to the two old people during this period, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to come back in time.

And she herself doesn't really like this kind of upside-down life. Recently, she gradually had an idea. After this tour, she wants to quit the orchestra and open a violin training school in the city. In the future, she can continue to play the violin and have more time with family.

Seeing that the old lady was worried, she said this idea in advance.

"Really?" The old lady was quite surprised.

"It's true, I've thought about it many times."

The old lady was overjoyed, "Okay, okay, I'll go tell your grandfather now, he's going to be very happy." After a while, she trotted quickly, not looking like she was in her seventies at all.

At this time, Xing Yan was also packing his luggage. After packing, he dragged the suitcase to his parents' room.

Before the father and mother could rest, they leaned against the head of the bed to read a book, each with a pair of reading glasses on the bridge of his nose, which seemed to be a bit of a cultural person.

But Xing Yan's eyes were sharp, and he glanced at the book in Xing's father's hand. On the envelope was written "Slaying Gods and Demons". Xing's mother's little fresher, the book was called "The CEO's Little Runaway Wife".

He twitched the corners of his mouth and called out to his parents.

The two of them were about to put down the book, and their movements were surprisingly consistent, with the cover facing down.

"It's Xiaoyan, what's the matter so late?" Mother Xing was kind.

"I'm going out for a while, Dad, please take a look at the subsidiary company for a while."

"Going on a business trip?" Father Xing asked, "Three to five days a week, the company will leave it to Xiao Gu and the others, and there will be no trouble."

"It's not just three or five days, it may take a month." Xing Yan said.

Father Xing frowned and said, "What's taking so long? A subsidiary company has already opened."

"My son asked you to help you look at the company, so just go and see, what are you doing? Look at what you do at home every day, and what books do you read? Why don't you go out for a walk to save your old age? Demented." The torture mother said dissatisfied.

Father Xing was also impatient, and immediately retorted: "What kind of books I read, you don't read very well, and you run away from your wife. If a man appears, he will have an affair with him, and if another man appears, he will have an affair, and he will cheat. It's an octopus."

"You are questioning my taste, Xing Dashan! My heroine is just flirting with people. Look at your hero. If a girl appears, she is indescribable to others. , my sister-in-law is not spared, I don't think he and his old sow are even rude!"

"You—there's no old sow!"

"So you really want to have it?!"

Xing Yan broke into a cold sweat, sometimes he felt that compared with his parents, he was so pure.

After finally waiting for the two to calm down for a while, he said, "Dad, don't keep arguing with your mother. You are tired and tired. Maybe when I come back, I will bring you a daughter-in-law."

Xing father and Xing mother turned their heads and ignored each other at this time, and did not react much when they heard this. Xing mother also said: "Son, let's keep our feet on the ground and stop dreaming."

Xing Yan was speechless. In the past, he didn't find a girlfriend, and his parents urged him like a debt collector. Now he is chasing someone, but the two of them are reacting this way. Can you give people a little confidence

He wanted to regain some face, and continued: "Really, Dad, Mom, I recently fell in love with a little beauty, a scholarly family, beautiful, gentle and good-natured, and can play the violin, like a little fairy. , and I think she also likes me a little bit, I went out this time just to go after her, I have a hunch that she will agree soon."

The tortured mother finally made a move, but instead of facing him, she pushed the tortured father, "Look at you, how tired your son is? You start talking in your sleep before you sleep, I don't care, you must I have to give my son a big vacation!"

At this time, the father Xing couldn't care to shirk. After all, he was the only son, and he was his own son. Seeing him talking nonsense with his eyes open, he couldn't help but reflect for a second, thinking whether he was really lazy and tired of his son, so He also said with concern: "Son, go have fun, the company has dad watching, don't rush back."

Xing Yan calmed down for a minute, and kept telling himself, no matter what, it's a good thing that the holiday is over, and then he smiled and said, "Mom and Dad, I'm leaving, I'll contact you when I get there."

"Son, why did you leave in the middle of the night?" Xing mother asked behind him.

Xing Yan had already stepped down the stairs and said loudly, "The little beauty is going to perform outside tomorrow. I'm going to be there early to give her a surprise."

The father and mother looked at each other.

In fact, it's not that the two of them are too unconfident in their son, but that they haven't seen their son hold a girl's hand for so many years, and now suddenly there is a "scholarly family, beautiful, gentle, and good-natured. "Playing the violin" girl, not to mention so many conditions are met, it is very rare to meet only one of them, and there is one last point, the son actually said that the girl likes him, is this not a dream talk

The tortured mother sighed in worry, always feeling that her son's dream was a bit deep.

Early the next morning, Jiang Rui was about to leave when she passed the main room when old man Shen stopped her.

"Grandpa, got up so early?"

Old Shen nodded, "What time is the flight?"

"Nine fifteen."

The old man Shen asked again: "Have you brought everything? Don't lose your documents."

"Well, I brought it all," Jiang Rui said. "I just checked it after I went out."

The old man also asked how much clothes he had brought, and whether the violin had been maintained in advance. In fact, these questions have been said before, he asked them again, and Jiang Rui answered them again patiently.

At the end, the old man Shen said the question he wanted to ask the most: "Your grandma said that you are going to open a training school? Why do you suddenly have this idea, and you are not happy in the orchestra?"

"No, grandpa, this idea has been around for a long time. The band is good, but it's not suitable for me." Jiang Rui said.

Old Shen frowned and said, "Is it because of me and your grandmother? You young people, do what you want to do, don't get caught up easily, we are not old enough to be supported by you."

Jiang Rui smiled and took his arm and shook it lightly: "There is a reason, but it's not because my grandparents need me to support me, but I feel homesick when I'm outside alone, and I can't bear my grandparents. It's good, grandpa will support me, right?"

The old man was shaken by her, so his face couldn't hold back. In fact, the granddaughter was willing to stay by his side. He was only happy. He didn't want to push her out. Decide.

He coughed lightly and said, "If you think about it clearly, I will naturally not object. If you need help, you can ask. Although Grandpa is old, he still has some connections."

Jiang Rui nodded again and again.

The old man Shen had to say more, but the old lady came out of the room to interrupt him, "Yinyin has to catch a plane, don't drag her to talk non-stop, be careful to be late."

Old Shen had to swallow the rest of the words, and watched his wife explain a few words to his granddaughter before sending him out.

Jiang Rui rushed to the airport in the driver's car at home, and received a message on the way, from Xing Yan, with four simple words, "Safe journey."

"Thank you," she replied.

After that, Xing Yan didn't do anything else, but Jiang Rui always felt that he would not be so calm.

This hunch soon came true. When she walked out of the airport corridor with the band, she saw Xing Yan waiting there holding a bunch of flowers.