All The Bigshots Love Me [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 140: Wheelchair Boss 01


The sky was only bright, and on the southwest side of Ming Shan Zhuang, there was a sound in the small courtyard where the servants lived.

The chicken had just crowed when Jiang Rui opened her eyes, quietly got up from the bed, took the half-worn aqua-green jacket by the head of the bed and draped it over her body.

She was not alone in the house. The other two girls were fast asleep and snoring slightly. She didn't wake anyone up. She took the tub and toiletries, and went to the well in the yard to draw water and wash up.

Although it is spring, the sky is still very cold. The water drawn from the well is misty and warm, and the tentacles are cold to the bone. The cold cloth towel has just been put on the face, and the whole person is jolted and completely awake. .

Jiang Rui exhaled softly and looked up at the main house from a distance.

Her target is Ling Yuan, the owner of Mingshan Villa.

The tasks in this world are not as smooth as the previous ones, and this time the goal is not easy to approach.

It is probably that the soul power contained in the fragments is stronger than before. In the past, before she possessed herself, she could follow the mission target in the state of her soul, observe his character, think about the countermeasures, but this time, as long as she was close to the target Within a certain range, the other party seemed to be aware of it. Although she would not see her, she became obviously keen and vigilant. After she tried several times, she finally gave up.

Because she didn't know Ling Yuan well enough, she couldn't rashly choose someone around him to possess, so she could only think about it in the long run.

Just at that time, the original owner of this body had just been bought into Fuzhong, and he was sick because of the cold. The house steward didn't want to spend more time on the sick seedling, and left her to fend for itself. It will soon be gone. Jiang Rui and In exchange, she got the right to use her body.

She has only one wish, because she was abducted and sold since she was a child, and she is too young to remember her hometown, so she hopes that Jiang Rui can find her parents.

When Jiang Rui got her body, she naturally recovered quickly. Originally, their group of little maids were to be assigned to various hospitals to do the cleaning and chores. It happened that there were a few helpers in the kitchen at that time, and the kitchen steward came to pick people. Ask who does the kitchen chores.

Compared with going to the kitchen, it is of course more respectable to go to various courtyards to do work, and there is still a chance to meet the owner, guests, and some respectable stewards and guards, which is more attractive to those little girls than the greasy and dirty kitchen. Therefore, At that time, only Jiang Rui stood up alone.

Her idea is quite simple. There are so many people who want to go to high places, but there are only a few high places, one radish and one pit. This large group of people has broken their heads, and they may not be able to compete for one.

She is a lot of age, and although she has a task at hand, it is really impossible for her to pull down her face and fight with a group of teenage girls.

Going to the kitchen is not necessarily without a way out. She asked herself that she has some talent in cooking, and she has accumulated experience in the previous world. After a few years, when she becomes the master chef of the house, she is qualified to cook for the owner of the house. As long as you spend a little time in the meal and add some spiritual power, won't you also be able to achieve the purpose of nourishing Ling Yuan's soul

Even if this road doesn't work, it's a big deal until Ling Yuan dies of old age and then find him in the next life. Anyway, the most important thing she does not lack is time, and the most important thing is patience.

After she washed and combed her hair by the water, she went back to the room to wake up the other two little girls, and she rushed to the kitchen in a gray sky.

There was light in the kitchen, and when she stepped inside, she saw a middle-aged woman in her thirties or forties sitting under the stove. It was Li Ma, the cook in the house.

Hearing the sound, Li Ma raised her eyelids and saw that it was her, her stern face softened a little, "Sanniang is here."

Li Ma was the manager who went to pick people. Because only Jiang Rui stood up among the group of little maids, she simply took Jiang Rui away. She originally planned to use it to see. indivual.

In the end, I didn't expect that this little girl looked thin, she was very agile at work, her mouth was sweet, and every mouthful of Li's mother made Li's heart happy. Now she seems to have regarded Jiang Rui as her successor to train her. .

"Mother Li got up early again, didn't she just leave it to me about boiling water?" Jiang Rui approached a few steps and moved a small bench to sit beside her.

"Today's situation is different. Last night, the manager temporarily informed me that the owner's return date was earlier than expected, and he will be there at noon. I will go to the street with the people who buy it in a while, pick some fresh ingredients, and make a few things that the owner likes. I got up early. , come and boil some water."

"Oh." Jiang Rui supported her chin and nodded.

Li Ma tilted her head to look at her, the little girl's face was bright and lovely under the orange firelight.

Even she didn't expect that at the beginning, this little girl looked dry and thin, like a bean sprout. After working with her in the kitchen for a few years, she was completely reborn and slim, more than some first- and second-class maids. Be bright.

While she was content with her own meals, she was also a little worried. She was afraid that such a beautiful little girl could not be kept in the kitchen. She had seen a lot of them, and there were very few pretty maids in the house who didn't want to climb high.

But then again, if Sanniang can really climb up, not to be a concubine, but only to be the first lady who guards the chief and is in charge of affairs, Li Ma will be happy for her, after all, she can't bear to let her go. Such a flower-like little girl has worked hard in the kitchen all her life.

"When the owner of the village comes back, if you are free in the kitchen, you can also watch the excitement before you go." Li Ma said.

Jiang Rui tilted her head, "It's nothing to see, it's better to be warm in the kitchen."

"Silly boy, what's more fun than the kitchen?" Li Ma said, thinking of something, and then asked: "Did the maids in the main courtyard show your face?"

"No." Jiang Rui smiled.

Li Ma put her face down slightly, "Those maids have the name of a big maid, and they think they are future aunts. Usually they don't look good to the eye, but they are unhappy and domineering. I don't even think about it, so Over the years, has there been a person in the owner's room? Who has been allowed to come close? Although they are big maids, they are only good-looking. In fact, when the owner is present, they can't even get in the door. One just has a good dream, and doesn't even look at the fate of those in front of you. People, you must have self-knowledge."

Li's mother has a daughter who is now married. I heard that she was ridiculed by the maid in the main courtyard a few years ago, so when I mentioned those people, I was full of words.

Jiang Rui just listened and didn't interrupt.

After a while, other people in the kitchen came, and Ma Li stopped talking, explained a few words to Jiang Rui, and went out with the people who bought it.

The kitchen slowly became lively, the heat was steaming, and the coldness of the spring was no longer felt. Their kitchen is only responsible for the meals of the owner and the guests of the house. It is not like making a big pot in the kitchen of the servants. However, although the amount is less, it is more refined. Rui has been so long, and now she can only rest assured to give her breakfast.

There are many people working, some are responsible for cooking porridge, some steaming steamed buns with noodles, some chopping vegetables and stuffing, and Jiang Rui is in charge of the heat and seasoning.

Don't look at the simple steps, what seasonings are added and what seasonings are not added, it is important to add more and less, and not everyone can learn. Li Ma regarded Jiang Rui as her apprentice and taught her. Noodle kneaders don't even have the qualifications to learn, they just want to figure it out for themselves, and there's not so much flour stuffing they can waste.

Although Jiang Rui has already learned it, but Li Ma wants to teach her, she still learns it seriously.

Because the owner of the villa has not returned to the house, he doesn't have to do his share, but there are quite a few disciples. Not long after, the people who served in the gatekeeper's courtyard came to pick up the food boxes one after another, and when dozens of food boxes were all taken away, today's kitchen The first wave of busyness is over.

Everyone sat down to have breakfast together.

"It's not delicious! I'm starving to death. I can't help it as soon as I smell it. Anyway, it's our turn to eat." The speaker was an eleven or twelve-year-old girl named Liu Liu, who was younger than Jiang Rui now. How old is she, she was transferred into the kitchen to help last year, the little girl is very lively, laughs and can talk, she is very likable, "The third sister's craftsmanship is really good!"

Jiang Rui smiled and said, "Today's buns are delicious. It's all because Wu Er's noodles are good, and sister-in-law Zhang's chops are fine. I don't dare to take all the credit alone."

The other two were busy and shied away with a smile. While they were talking, a young servant suddenly rushed in and said, "The village owner is back, give me breakfast!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone at the table jumped up in fright.

Everyone knows that the owner of the village will only come to the house at noon, and he has not prepared his breakfast at all. When he comes out suddenly, where can he find something to eat for him

Everyone looked at each other, their faces turning pale.

The boy stomped his feet anxiously, "Come on, the general manager will come to scold people later!"

Thinking of the manager's face, the people in the kitchen were frightened for a while, and looked at Jiang Rui all at once.

Li Ma is in charge here. She was trained by Li Ma as an apprentice. Although she is younger than some people here, she is the only one who can stand out at this time.

Jiang Rui frowned slightly and thought about it, and quickly ordered the distribution, "Wu Er, I think there is more noodles just now, right? You cut some noodles right away, Sister Zhang, look at what fresh vegetables are in the kitchen, Find a few more and cut them into shreds, and Xiao Xu will fish out the eels that were raised in the back a few days ago and clean them up."

As soon as she spoke, all the people who were holding the pestle seemed to find their backbone and busy themselves.

Jiang Rui gave Liu Liu another wink, and asked her to use her sweet-mouthed strengths to say a few good words to the servant, so that someone could block them in front of the general manager and buy more time, and then she rolled up her sleeves. , put on an apron and get ready to cook.

The author has something to say:

Jiang Rui: I came back late and didn't have any food to eat! [waving a large spoon]

Old Eight: Madam said yes. [Smile]