All The Bigshots Love Me [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 144: Wheelchair Boss 05


The person sitting under the bamboo forest wears a strange silver mask. The whole mask has only two small openings in the eyes. The white silver and the black eye holes look more and more eerie in the dark night. Chilling.

Although he couldn't see his face, Jiang Rui knew that it was Ling Yuan. At this time, he was not as gentle and elegant as he was during the day. From the inside to the outside, he showed a kind of madness and coldness. It seems to be more and more violent and manic, like a wild beast that is completely irritated.

Jiang Rui was not surprised when she saw him like this. Before, she always felt that Ling Yuan looked a bit discordant. If this is his true face, then the previous discord will be explained, and it seems that he Legs that don't seem to need the help of a wheelchair

In the short breath of her thinking, the murderous aura grew stronger. With Jiang Rui's keen five senses, she could almost see the murderous aura condensed into a substance, cutting towards her like sharp lines.

Jiang Rui knew that he really wanted to kill at this time, and the reason why he didn't do it immediately was probably waiting for an opportunity. She could feel another team of guards walking past the bamboo forest in the distance. He should have noticed it too, so he didn't want to startle the snake and attract more people.

Before he actually started, Jiang Rui spoke, as if unaware of the killing intent, cautiously and slightly panicked: "Yes, who is where?"

She can't let him really shoot, although he can't kill her, it will expose her skills, and it will also make everything in the past few years in vain.

In front of a person who is so vigilant and dangerous, if you want to dispel his killing intent, you can only make yourself appear harmless, but sometimes harmlessness is not enough, maybe you should appear weak, so weak that he disdains to do it.

She swallowed softly and asked, "Why are you sitting here alone?"

The other party has never answered, but what can be noticed is that after she asked these two sentences, the murderous aura that has been increasing finally stopped increasing. Although it has not dissipated, it seems that he is not ready to act immediately. Maybe he has already judged. , the incoming person is too weak to pose any threat to him.

This reassured Jiang Rui a little - not because she was lucky that she escaped, but she found that although Ling Yuan looked violent and cold, it was fortunate that he was not addicted to murder.

If he has become a cold-blooded weapon that only knows how to kill and has no humanity at all, then she may have to reconsider this mission.


"leave here!"

When she was about to ask another question, the other party suddenly made a sound that sounded horrifying, as if it didn't come from her throat, and it didn't feel like a spring breeze in the daytime.

Jiang Rui shrank in fright, and subconsciously took two steps back.

"Who's where?" A vigilant question came from outside the forest, it was the guards.

Jiang Rui looked at Ling Yuan, he was still sitting still, but he was a little more alert than before.

There was a rustling on the periphery of the bamboo forest. I thought it was the guards who noticed the change and wanted to go inside to investigate.

Jiang Rui suddenly took a few steps out, and she could feel a line of sight falling on her behind her, and there was a murderous aura that seemed like nothing, and the other party probably had murderous intent again.

"Guardian Zhou, it's me!" Jiang Rui said loudly before the guards entered.

The leader of this team of guards today is guard Zhou, who often appears in the mouths of the servants in the house. Among the many guards, he can be regarded as young and promising, handsome and handsome, and is the best husband-in-law candidate. question.

When Jiang Rui slowly emerged from the bamboo forest with a lantern, everyone in the escort team lit up. "It's so late, why is Miss Qin here?"

Jiang Rui embarrassedly pursed her lips and smiled: "During the day, Liu Liu and I were playing in the bamboo forest, and I accidentally dropped an earring, and I didn't notice that I was careless. ."

Zhou Huwei said diligently: "Have you found it? Do you need help?"

Jiang Rui hurriedly shook her head, "I found it, look, it's on my ear."

She tilted her head, and a small lilac-shaped white earring swayed slightly in the night. It was cute and charming.

"I'll take a look." Zhou Huwei took another step forward and stretched out his hand abruptly.

Jiang Rui turned her head quickly, and did not let him touch her ear, but only brushed lightly on the earring.

The other guards let out ambiguous low smiles.

Jiang Rui took a step back, and there was shame in her voice: "It's late at night, so I won't delay the errands of the guards, I'll take a step first."

After speaking, she left in a hurry.

Before walking far, more and more wanton laughter broke out behind him, and a guard deliberately asked guard Zhou in his voice: "Brother Zhou, does Miss Qin's earrings feel cool to the touch?"

"Yes, yes, is it cool and happy?"

"Tell me about it, brothers."

The more they talked, the more frivolous their tone became, sometimes mixed with the frivolous sentence of Zhou Huwei, "Don't talk nonsense."

Jiang Rui was just behind a rockery not far away, and when she heard their words, she sneered in her heart.

The earrings just now, she deliberately let Zhou guards touch, dare to give her a salty hand, then make the next three months, not a man's consciousness.

When the guards left, she returned to the bamboo forest where Ling Yuan was still inside, not even changing her posture.

Jiang Rui hesitated and approached a little: "Are you... hurt?"

Ling Yuan didn't answer, but under the mask, he lifted his eyelids and glanced at her. He has an unforgettable ability, and when he heard her speak before, he recognized that this was the cook who was always mentioned by Liu Xingfeng.

He thought that she had just run out to rescue soldiers, but in the end, she took people away. After she left, she ran back herself. Apart from stupid words, he couldn't think of how to describe what she did.

He didn't speak, and she didn't mind. She took out a few pieces of cake wrapped in handkerchiefs and handed them to him: "I don't have any medicine, you can eat something, and see if you have the strength to leave when you're full. I know you're not from the village, so don't come again in the future. Our village owner is a good person, but there are also bad people in the village, like those just now..."

She paused for a while, and spoke again with a slight choking, "Like the few just now, they like to bully people the most, they also know martial arts and have a high status in the village, if you are encountered by them, you will definitely be There is no escape."

Ling Yuan still didn't speak, and didn't reach out to pick it up, Jiang Rui had to put the cake beside him, "You can eat a little bit, although I don't know if you are also a bad person, but you shouldn't be worse than them... I have to go back. ."

She stood up and walked out. After walking a few steps, she seemed uneasy. She turned back and said to him, "Don't come again in the future. If you are caught, you can't escape. Zhou Guard is very good."

Hearing that she kept emphasizing that the few people just now were powerful, Ling Yuan scoffed.

Just a few strokes of Zhou Laoba, can it be called kung fu

It's just to deceive idiots. When they are bullied, they only dare to cry and cry in the dark. Just kill them.