All The Bigshots Love Me [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 146: Wheelchair Boss 07


Spring thunder bursts, and the rain is getting heavier, covering up the fighting in the forest.

Swords, lights, swords and shadows, screaming again and again, the blood was washed by the rain, gathered into strips of blood, and slowly seeped into the ground.

Ling Yuan and Liu Xingfeng led away most of the men in black, and the rest were dealt with by the guards.

Jiang Rui and Ningxiang didn't know martial arts, so they hid under the carriage and were temporarily safe.

Miss Gu and Young Master Gu hid in another car. Young Master Gu was so frightened that he was so frightened that a sharp sword flew out of the sky and slid straight into the wood beside his ear. After shaking a few times, there was a smell of urine on his body, and he fainted.

Jiang Rui paid attention to the situation of the battle. There were about 30 enemies in total, and there were only a dozen people who were besieging Ling Yuan. Although he was strong in martial arts and strong in internal strength, he was not agile enough in a wheelchair. Slowly pushed to the edge of the cliff.

The scene was shocking, but he was still unhurried, and his shots were steady and accurate, one sword at a time.

Liu Xingfeng had to deal with seven or eight demon sects by himself, and he was already a little stretched, and he had to be distracted to take care of his cousin. Busy, anxious for a while.

It rained a few times in the early spring, the land was loose, the cliff could not withstand the weight of a dozen people, and when no one noticed, it slowly cracked a few cracks.

Jiang Rui was paying attention to the other side, and when she saw this, she immediately said, "Be careful, the owner of the village!"

But it was too late, Ling Yuan killed the last man in black, and before he could leave the edge of the cliff, the whole person and the wheelchair were poured down by a large stream of mud!

"Brother Ling!" Liu Xingfeng exclaimed, under the anger, the shot became more and more ruthless.

But only a whistle was heard, and the group of men in black seemed to have received a signal, and they retreated as quickly as they came, leaving behind the bodies of their companions.

Jiang Rui ran to the edge of the cliff and looked down. Because of the white mist in the mountains and forests, the scene below a few meters could not be clearly seen.

She frowned slightly, not only worried about Ling Yuan's safety, but also felt that this matter was strange.

She has seen the other side of Ling Yuan. Although he didn't make a move at that time, what is certain is that his skills are more than what he showed today. Before he fell off the cliff, he was able to save himself with his ability, but for some reason, he let himself fall. go down.

Does he have another purpose

If it was his intention to fall off the cliff, isn't today's raid as simple as it looks

"Brother Ling!" Liu Xingfeng limped to the cliff and shouted loudly.

Jiang Rui also shouted: "Zhuangzhu—"

Responding to the two, only echoes from the mountains and fields.

Liu Xingfeng sat on the ground, beat the ground a few times, then wiped his face and stood up.

The current situation is not optimistic. Although the enemy has retreated, on their side, Ling Yuan fell off the cliff, and his life and death are unknown. A group of guards died of dead and wounded injuries. He also had multiple wounds on his body. There were women and children in the team. The group of demon sects turned around again, they had no ability to fight, and now they could only rush to rescue soldiers in the rain.

"Sanniang, let's go, let's find someone to rescue Brother Ling."

"No," Jiang Rui shook her head, "Liu Shaoxia will take everyone back to heal their wounds, and then let someone come to rescue the village owner. I'll go down and have a look now."

Liu Xingfeng was startled and hurriedly stopped: "In the wilderness, how can you ensure safety as a woman? Let's go with us."

"Thank you Liu Shaoxia for your concern, but I've made up my mind." She returned to the carriage, and while Ningxiang was watching, she took a few bottles of wound medicine, dry food and fire zhezi, and bundled them into a small cloth bag. On his body, he picked up a dagger from the corpse of a man in black, put it in his waist, and finally picked up a wooden stick, followed a steep path on the edge of the cliff, and slowly climbed down the vines.

Liu Xingfeng stared blankly at her firm back, but he couldn't keep it out.

It seems that he only really knew her today, a little cook, a lonely and weak woman, but she is more courageous and decisive than many so-called seven-footed men, and knows more kindness and righteousness than many people full of loyalty.

The grass grows vigorously in the spring. Jiang Rui explores the road with a wooden stick, holding the grass on the side of the road with one hand and slowly moving down. Although the place where Ling Yuan falls is a cliff, there are steep slopes on both sides of the cliff. Now she is walking along the steep slope. Going down, the road conditions are very bad, and it is not difficult for her.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, I still couldn't see the bottom of the valley. Looking up, it was white, and I couldn't see the top of the cliff. After walking for another quarter of an hour, I suddenly heard the sound of gurgling water. It turned out that there was a small stream underneath.

Clouds and fog only wrap around the mountainside, and the view at the bottom of the valley is clear. Jiang Rui stood by the stream to judge the direction, and slowly searched upstream along the stream.

On the edge of a mud pile, she found Ling Yuan's wheelchair and looked around, but couldn't see anyone else.

"The owner of the village - the owner of the village -" Jiang Rui called out, wrapping her hands around her mouth, and there were echoes from the valley.

Ling Yuan was sitting under a tree at this time. He fell off the cliff just now. The distance from the top of the cliff to the bottom of the valley was too far. In order to land safely, he spent a lot of internal energy. The toxins in the meridians showed signs of backlash. No one would come to look for him, just as he was about to let it spread, he suddenly heard someone calling him, and the voice seemed to be the cook again, which was a little strange for a while.

He lowered his head and glanced at his legs, because he had practiced a strange kung fu technique since he was a child. Although he could practice it in a short period of time, a lot of toxins would be produced in the meridians. The deeper the kung fu, the more toxins. In the end, it will make people lose their minds and become monsters who only know how to kill.

He didn't avenge his great revenge, and naturally he couldn't make himself into a monster, so he spent all his energy to suppress the toxin under his legs. He had to rely on a wheelchair to travel on weekdays, and he would only release it when he was ready to make a move.

Right now, his internal strength has been consumed a lot. If he wants to divide a part of it to suppress the toxin, it will be more difficult than usual.

The eyebrows gradually wrinkled, Ling Yuan sneered in his heart. He was sure that no one would come to look for him today, and he did not feel any weak feeling of loss and sadness. Even Liu Xingfeng, who had the best friendship with him, would not let go at this moment. Everything came to him, and no one was what he wanted. He knew how to deal with all the situations of being alone. Someone became a problem.

And he didn't expect that it was not his friend, not his subordinate, but a cook.

In fact, a little cook, if you want her to be troublesome, there are ways.

These hands, I don't know how many lives have been involved, so I don't care about one or two more.

The voice was getting closer, but Ling Yuan stared at his hand in a daze.

Jiang Rui had already noticed where Ling Yuan was, but she still acted like she didn't know, looking around to approach in that direction.

She was also thinking about one thing in her heart, which is the face Ling Yuan will appear in front of her.

According to her observation, Ling Yuan should have a problem while practicing, which is a bit like going crazy, so when he is in a wheelchair and wearing a mask, his behavior is completely different.

And what he revealed in front of others was the identity of the owner of Mingshan Villa. Obviously, no one knew his other identity for the time being. If she happened to meet him in an abnormal state later, I wonder what he would do with her

If he wanted to attack her, she could only do so first.

Jiang Rui even thought about the possibility of knocking Ling Yuan out and imprisoning him, and slowly treating him.

"Master!" She finally saw Ling Yuan sitting under the tree and ran over happily.

Ling Yuan slowly raised his head, his face was a little pale, but the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, and his expression was still gentle. He was quite surprised to see her, and he disagreed: "How could Brother Liu Xian let you come down alone?"

Seeing that he was not ready to reveal his true nature, Jiang Rui said with a look of surprise: "Liu Shaoxia is injured, and the guards in the house are also injured, he will take everyone to heal, and then find rescue soldiers to find the village owner, only I am fine. , I can't help you if I stay there, so I came down to find the owner of the village on my own initiative. Is the owner injured?"

Ling Yuan shook his head slightly, "A little injury, it's fine."

Jiang Rui took off the small bag from her body and spread it out in front of him: "This is the medicine I brought from the car. I don't know if the owner of the village can use it."

"Thank you for your hard work." Ling Yuan looked at the wound medicine, picked up a bottle of golden sore medicine, and untied the front of his shirt, only to see that he had been stabbed in the opposite direction at some point in his shoulder.

Jiang Rui let out a low cry, but could not avoid avoiding it, she hurriedly found a ball of gauze, and after he sprinkled the gold sore medicine, he wrapped the wound tightly.

Ling Yuan ignored the other minor injuries on his body, he looked up at the sky, and said to Jiang Rui, "While it's still early, you can go back on the same path, and after reaching the top of the cliff, go all the way east, you can do it before it gets dark. When you arrive at Chong'an City, you take this jade pendant to the largest pawnshop in the east of the city, and there will naturally be someone to welcome you and arrange for you to return to Ming Villa."

"What about the village owner?" Jiang Rui rolled her eyes.

Ling Yuan smiled and said, "I'm fine now. Brother Liu Xian will bring someone to look for me at the latest tomorrow and the day after. After that, we will have to run around all the way, and the Wulin League is a group of people who fight and kill. It's not suitable for you to follow me. go."

"No," Jiang Rui just shook her head, "I won't leave the owner alone."

"Now is not the time to show loyalty. Besides, as a girl, you are not afraid of being in this wilderness at night?"

"The village owner doesn't need to scare me. If you say you won't leave, you won't leave. Even if you want to punish me for being disobedient, you have to wait until you leave here before you can punish me." Jiang Rui stubbornly said.

Ling Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at that night, facing the bullying of Zhou Laoba's group, she didn't dare to say anything more. He thought she must be cowardly, but now it seems that it may not be the case.

But think about it, if you were really timid, how dare you approach him when you saw him in the bamboo forest at that time, and how dare you climb down the cliff to find him now

But what makes people wonder is why she came to him, because of her loyalty

This is a bit funny. The subordinates he spent energy training may not have much loyalty to him, but is there a casual cook in the house who is loyal

In the lush grass on the side, there was a sudden movement of the grass being trampled down. Listening to the sound, it seemed that it was a large animal.

Jiang Rui immediately said nervously, "What is it?"

Ling Yuan turned his ears to judge, smiled lightly, and pulled her behind him: "Don't be afraid, it's lunch."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a black-skinned wild boar suddenly rushing out of the bushes, covered with steel hair and iron-toothed fangs.

The author has something to say:

So this copy is also called: See who is the real drama