All The Bigshots Love Me [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 147: Wheelchair Boss 08


This is a male wild boar, with a big shoulder and a round waist, thick and short limbs, two pairs of long, curved fangs protruding from the mouth, and the mane on the back is sparse and hard. It rushed towards the two men fiercely, and the surrounding ground trembled slightly due to its steps.

The bushes were only a few feet away from the big tree Ling Yuan was sitting on. The wild boar was getting closer and closer, and he was about to fly the two of them together. Clamped between his two fingers, he injected internal force and flicked it out, slamming into the hard head of the wild boar.

The wild boar didn't seem to react, and rushed forward a few steps aggressively, and then fell in front of the two with a bang, bringing a stench of wind.

There was no movement behind him for a while, Ling Yuan thought that the little cook was frightened, but when he turned around, he saw that she had drawn a dagger from her waist and wiped it on the hem, looking eager to try.

"What is this for?"

"Cooking, didn't the owner say it's lunch?" Jiang Rui circled the wild boar, came behind it, made a few gestures to the piece of the back, and said, "Which one does the owner want to eat? The meat of the part? Generally speaking, the tenderloin is tender, the pork belly is fat and thin, and the meat on the ribs is also delicious. Even the wild boar is rougher than the domestic pig, and it is more muted. Fortunately, I brought pepper powder to remove the fishy smell. taste."

Realizing that she was seriously discussing cooking, Ling Yuan also thought about it seriously and said, "Then let's have the tenderloin."

"Well, I also think the tenderloin is good." Jiang Rui nodded again and again, holding the dagger, aiming at the part on the edge of the wild boar's spine and inserting it, and then quickly pulled down.

There is no pull.

Although the dagger is very sharp, obviously, the ribs of a wild boar cannot be cut with her strength.

Ling Yuan saw it in his eyes and said, "I'm coming."

Jiang Rui looked at him and looked at the pig.

Ling Yuan was looked at like this, and he realized that even though the poison was on his legs, he was still able to get up and move around, but it would be more difficult, but in the eyes of others, the owner of Mingshan Villa was a paralyzed man. The wheelchair has fallen elsewhere, and now it is a question of how to move to the wild boar.

He felt more and more that he was asking for trouble for leaving this little cook before. If there was no her, why would he waste his energy to suppress toxins now? Why bother pretending to be paralyzed

Even if you have doubts about her origins, there is not no more straightforward way, feed a medicine, and ask all questions, why keep her until now

"I remember, the village master wait a minute!"

Ling Yuan raised her eyes, she had already run a dozen steps, and her small figure was quickly submerged in the bushes.

Jiang Rui walked back along the route she had just found, and found Ling Yuan's wheelchair in a pile of debris. When it fell, it should have been blocked by a tree a few times. It fell so high, except for the broken armrest and back of the chair, both wheels were broken. Still good. She dragged the wheelchair into the stream to wash and then dragged it all the way back.

"The wheel can still turn, Master Zhuang shouldn't just sit there?" Jiang Rui asked for his opinion.

"Okay, it's work." Ling Yuan nodded, patted his palm lightly on the ground, and the whole person rose into the air and landed on the wheelchair. He controlled the wheelchair to the back of the wild boar, held the dagger still inserted into the pig's back and slashed down, just like cutting tofu, easily loosening the skin and breaking the bones.

"The owner is really amazing." Jiang Rui couldn't help but admire.

"Which piece of meat do you want?"

Jiang Rui pointed out, "It's the inner side of the rib. It's all long. There's no fat in the loin. I'd like to ask the owner to cut another piece of fat and boil the oil."

Ling Yuan followed suit.

The meat that has just been cut is still hot, and there is not enough meat, and firewood and a stove are also needed.

Jiang Rui built a rough stone stove by the stream, found another round and flat stone, and rolled it to Ling Yuan's side, "Is there any way for the village owner to make it thinner?"

Seeing her appearance, she seemed to think that he could cut stones as easily as vegetables. Ling Yuan nodded, put down his dagger, drew his sword, and erected the stone, cutting it into two, the section neatly like a mirror.

"It's really amazing," she said again.

When he killed the enemy, he didn't see her saying she was powerful. He cut a piece of meat and cut a stone, and he was regarded as a god of war. Ling Yuan looked at the aggrieved sword in his hand, shook his head and said with a smile: "What else do you need?"

"Just wait for me to find some dry wood." Jiang Rui used half of the slate as a chopping board, and the other half as a pot, and then got up and looked around.

Although the rain had stopped long ago, it was still wet everywhere. She searched around and found a bundle of firewood in a cave on the side of the mountain, and said excitedly, "Villager, there is a cave over there, it should be a hunter. A temporary place to stay, we don't have to sleep outside tonight!"

Ling Yuan applauded: "Thank you for your hard work."

All the necessary items have been prepared. Jiang Rui skillfully lit the fire and cut the meat. When the slate was hot, he threw the fat on it. Suddenly he heard a squeak. fill the entire valley.

The oil was boiling over there, Jiang Rui cut the tenderloin into thin slices, sprinkled with pepper, marinated a little to remove the fishy smell, then put the boiled meat dregs aside, and spread the tenderloin slices on a slate, thin and thin. The edges of the thin slices of meat were quickly fried until they were rolled up. She skillfully picked the slices of meat and turned them over. After both sides were slightly charred, sprinkle them with salt and put them on top of the washed leaves and bring them to Ling Yuan.

"The lord has a taste."

"Thank you." Ling Yuan took two bamboo sticks as chopsticks and sandwiched a piece of meat. Although it looked rough, it wasn't as refined as his usual food, but the meat was delicious, smooth, tender, and fragrant. It is a rare delicacy.

"Very good." He nodded in praise.

Jiang Rui said happily: "Then the owner eat more."

"You eat too, don't patronize me, the two of us are now in the wilderness, and we don't have to stick to our identities anymore."

Jiang Rui hesitated for a while, then smiled and nodded.

Although the barbecue is delicious, it makes me feel tired after eating too much.

Spring is the season for wild vegetables to grow, she quickly found what she wanted, ran away, squatted on the ground and dug for a while, dug up a few bushes of mustard greens and wild onions, and said excitedly: "Zhuangzhu, let's make meat. Roll and eat!"

Ling Yuan only knew how to eat, and didn't know anything about cooking. Hearing that, he just smiled and nodded: "Okay."

He now understands a little bit why she dared to come down to find him. When the wild boar attacked, he pulled him away, took the opportunity to check the muscles, and found that she really did not know any martial arts, but even so, with her ability, In this wilderness, as long as you avoid the beasts, you can obviously survive smoothly.

The so-called meat rolls are vegetables wrapped in meat. Jiang Rui washed the mustard greens, fried them in oil, sprinkled some salt flowers, and rolled them into the roasted tenderloin. The entrance of the wild vegetables was a little rough, but with Share the fragrance, just solved the greasy.

A pig's tenderloin weighs three or four kilograms. It's not much, but it's not too little. It's all eaten by two people.

Just after cleaning up, there were dark clouds gathering in the sky. The spring rain was always so continuous, and the two entered the cave that Jiang Rui had discovered before to shelter from the rain.

The hole is not deep, but it is relatively clean, and some hay and wood are stored in it.

Jiang Rui tapped a wooden stick in the corner to make sure that there were no insects or snakes, and then she was relieved.

The rain fell quickly, she walked to the cave and looked at the sky, and sighed softly.

Ling Yuan was leaning against the stone wall and rested. Hearing her sigh, he asked, "But you want to go back to the mansion? When you get out from here, I will arrange for someone to take you back to Ming Villa."

"That's not true." Jiang Rui shook her head and said, "It's a pity that the pig has so much meat, it must have been eaten by other animals."

"Eat it and hunt again." Ling Yuan said with a smile.

She watched for a while at the entrance of the cave. After the dark clouds gathered, the cave became darker and darker, so she returned to the cave, a fire started, and she kept mumbling to herself: "That pig still has the tip of the rear buttocks and the head of the plum. , ribs, pork belly, are also good meat, but unfortunately there is no tools at hand, and lack of seasoning, otherwise they can all be delicious."

After hearing this, Ling Yuan felt that regardless of whether she had any other status, at least as a cook, she was quite competent.

Anyway, he had nothing to do, so he was a little free to go around slowly with her, and then asked: "In the mountains, apart from wild boars, what else can be delicious?"

"That's a lot." Jiang Rui suddenly became energetic, and counted with her fingers: "Hare can be roasted, snake meat can be used to make snake soup, pheasant can be used to make beggar chicken, if there are no such living creatures, wild vegetables and wild fruits can also make do. "

"You know more." Ling Yuan smiled.

Jiang Rui smiled embarrassedly: "I have been working in the kitchen since I entered the village, and this is the only thing I can do."

"Can you still remember where your home is and your parents' names?"

"I don't even remember." Jiang Rui shook her head, used a wooden stick to make the fire brighter, and said in a low voice, "I was abducted and sold. If the steward hadn't bought me, I don't know where I am now."

Ling Yuan paused for a moment and said, "When the matter at hand is over, I will send someone to look for it for you."

Jiang Rui immediately raised her head, her eyes shining brightly with fire, "Thank you, Villa Master!"

Ling Yuan smiled and said, "Why don't you say thank you, if you didn't come to look for me, I'm afraid I'm still soaking in the rain on an empty stomach right now."

"Ah yes, when it comes to eating, if you can meet a roe deer, you can also make delicious food."

"I saw a few clumps of mushrooms outside the cave, I wonder if I can eat them?"

"I also saw that some are edible and some are not."

The topic went back to eating, and the two of them didn't say a word.

Jiang Rui rubbed her stomach and looked at the non-stop rain. She was feeling melancholy when she heard a rooster crowing and immediately turned to look at Ling Yuan.

Ling Yuan was also looking at her, and the two made the same mouth shape.


The author has something to say:

The old man is in the midst of ignorance and degeneration. When he is completely degenerate, it is time for reckoning~