All The Bigshots Love Me [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 152: Wheelchair Boss 13


The night wind is swaying, with a faint scent of gardenias in the wind.

Under the candlelight, the two sat opposite each other, one of them held the other's hand and lightly touched her cheek and ear from time to time. The movements were intimate, but the atmosphere was somewhat subtle.

Ling Yuan looked at the little chef's profile in the dim light, her brows and eyes were drooping and supple, her eyelashes trembling slightly, she looked very well-behaved. This satisfied him.

He didn't mind staying alone with her for a while, but the indulgence just now made the toxins invade his meridians unscrupulously. If he didn't suppress it, he would probably lose control. He couldn't expose himself in Liu Mansion, even if there was no one around.

He finally scratched the little cook's cheek and leaned over slightly, as if he wanted to do something, but stopped halfway and just said, "Go ahead."

Jiang Rui stood up, her fluttering eyelashes and blushing complexion showed shyness. Once she was allowed to be free, she immediately wanted to avoid it, but she was worried when she walked both sides and looked back at him.

Just now, he kept his head down, only to hear his abnormal voice, and now he realized that the expression on his face was not right. His usual gentle face, at this time, under the jumping candlelight, looked a bit strange. Those eyes that were always smiling seemed to be There is a strange light beating.

Of course Jiang Rui knew what happened to him, but the little cook didn't, so she was startled and worried: "Is the owner really all right?"

Ling Yuan closed his eyes and looked normal when he opened them again. He smiled and said, "It's nothing, I'm getting drunk." His voice was still unpleasant.

"Then... I'm back in the room. The owner of the village has a rest early. If you have any orders, just call me."

"Go and rest." Ling Yuan nodded, watching the little cook go out, carefully closing the door, the face that was still smiling immediately became expressionless, and there was blood in his eyes.

He found that he was a little reluctant to let her go. She was so obedient, and promised him that he would be obedient. Even if she stayed and saw something, she was not afraid to spread it out.

But he felt that he should be more cautious. He was a normal man. Although he was not close to women before, he would not think that if she was allowed to stay, the two would just sit opposite each other for one night.

He didn't know when he had such thoughts, but he had it, and there was no need to endure it deliberately, but it was on someone else's territory, not entirely under his control, and some things could not be done.

Jiang Rui blew out the candle and pulled the quilt to cover it.

Looking at Ling Yuan's appearance just now, it seems to be a sign of going crazy again. I don't know what happened to his practice.

She thought about how to solve this problem after he trusted her, otherwise it would definitely be harmful to his body, spirit, and longevity in the long run. She didn't want to spend a long time to get a short-lived ghost.

The next day Ling Yuan went out very early. He came to the Wulin League not to play, but to discuss ways to crusade the Demon Sect, which was naturally not easy.

After they arrived at Liu Mansion, many more people came to visit, both men and women, young and old, all for the same purpose.

Jiang Rui is usually in the guest house, and there is no need to go out. These people in the arena are used to fighting and killing, and their temper may not be good. Although she is not afraid of them, she does not want to get into trouble for no reason.

For a few days, Ling Yuan went out early and came back late. Jiang Rui stayed alone and did not feel lonely. She was very old in her heart. The fragrance of flowers can last a day.

One afternoon a few days later, Ling Yuan came back early, Jiang Rui ran to open the door, and Liu Xingfeng also came.

Although Ling Yuan was sitting in a wheelchair, he had a lot of internal strength. When he drove the wheelchair, he was no different from ordinary people. After entering, he naturally held Jiang Rui's wrist. This is what I'm used to doing these days.

"Zhuang Zhu, Liu Shaoxia, did you finish your business so early?"

"Well." Ling Yuan asked with a smile: "What did you do today?"

"I carved a small wooden flower to pass the time." Jiang Rui said embarrassedly.

Liu Xingfeng looked at the hands of the two in amazement. Although he had noticed something between Brother Ling and Sanniang, he did not expect that the two would hold hands so calmly in front of him.

Jiang Rui followed his line of sight, only to realize that it was inappropriate to do this in front of outsiders, she hurriedly blushed and pulled her hands back, stammering: "Zhuang, Zhuangzhu and Liu Shaoxia sit for a while, I'll go make tea. After speaking, she turned around. ran away."

Ling Yuan smiled and said, "Brother Liu Xian, please take a seat."

Liu Xingfeng watched Jiang Rui enter the room, sat down and observed Ling Yuan as if he had just met him, but he saw that his expression had not changed at all, he was gentle and elegant, gentle and upright, not like he just held the little girl's hand frivolously.

He couldn't help hissing, "Brother Ling, are you and Sanniang here?"

Ling Yuan smiled and asked, "What happened to us?"

"You, you..." Liu Xingfeng racked his brains, trying to come up with an appropriate, more elegant word, but he couldn't come up with it. I couldn't help but feel a little wicked.

"Brother Ling, do you remember the agreement we made earlier?"


Ling Yuan was dropping a piece on the chessboard. He had already played this game by himself for many days, "What agreement?"

Liu Xingfeng said with a wicked smile: "We agreed, as long as Sanniang nodded, let her stay in Liu Mansion, shouldn't you forget?"

Ling Yuan raised his head and glanced at Liu Xingfeng after holding the hand holding the chess piece.

Liu Xingfeng suddenly felt a little cold on the back of his neck. He reached out to touch it, and then looked at Ling Yuan again. Seeing his gentle expression, he thought that he had been wrong just now, how could there be murder in Brother Ling's eyes.

He smiled and said, "Brother Ling can't pretend to have forgotten about this. I still remember it clearly. At that time, you said that a gentleman said that a horse is hard to chase. Now it's too late to regret it."

Ling Yuan seemed to notice something, ignored him, and turned to look inside the room.

Liu Xingfeng also followed and saw a figure walking out of the room, wondering if he heard their conversation.

"Uh... Sanniang..." He had a bad premonition in his heart. Although he really wanted to keep people in his mansion before, but since he knew about Ling Yuan's relationship with her, he had pinched this thought. It's just a joke, but it just feels a little off.

Jiang Rui's face was as usual, holding the tea tray with a smile: "My tea making skills are not as good as Sister Ningxiang, and I feel wronged by the owner and Liu Shaoxia."

Liu Xingfeng glanced at her, and then at Ling Yuan, although neither of them could see anything from their faces, but for some reason, the bad premonition was getting stronger and stronger, and he smiled dryly: "How can you drink Sanniang? It's my honor to make tea."

As he said that, he took a sip of the tea. In a guilty conscience, he forgot that the tea was freshly brewed. He was so hot that his eyes were hazy.

Jiang Rui hurriedly made him spit it out, poured him another cup of cold tea, and asked if he wanted some medicine.

Liu Xingfeng's eyes were full of tears, like sitting on pins and needles. The more thoughtful she was, the more vacuous he became. More importantly, Brother Ling drank tea slowly while smiling, which made him unable to sit still. He took advantage of Jiang Rui's return to the room to look for medicine. Got an excuse and got out.

"Hey, where's Liu Shaoxia?" Jiang Rui was puzzled while holding the medicine bottle.

"President Liu is looking for him for something." Ling Yuan said, looking at her with a smile, "Come, sit with me for a while."

Jiang Rui walked over and sat in the place where Liu Xingfeng had just been.

Ling Yuan still held her wrist with one hand, and pondered for a while with the chess piece in the other hand, then slowly fell, and then looked at her.

She lowered her eyebrows softly, as ever.

"Did you hear that just now?" he asked.

Jiang Rui looked at him and nodded slowly, "I heard, Liu Shaoxia said that he wanted to keep me in Liu Mansion. The owner... agreed."

Ling Yuan was not surprised, his face did not change, and he said, "That's a joke by Brother Liu Xian, and it shouldn't be taken seriously. How could you let you go with him if you are so good."

Jiang Rui pursed her lower lip. She knew that today was an opportunity. She and Ling Yuan could be unclear and ambiguous for a while, but it wouldn't be like this forever. Now is the chance to change.

Based on Ling Yuan's understanding of Little Chef, he thought she would not say anything, but he heard her speak, although in a low voice and with hesitation.

"If I'm not good, am I..."

Ling Yuan looked up at her, she glanced at him and turned away, bit her lip and said the following words: "If I don't behave well, should I give it to someone else?"

The courtyard was silent for a while, Ling Yuan stretched out his hand to remove her hair, "How can you be ill-behaved?"

But his hands didn't come down to the ground, and the little cook turned her head away, as if she was angry, as if she told him with actions that she was not good now.

His hand paused in mid-air and slowly retracted. This is the first time she has shown rejection in front of him, Ling Yuan thought.

He hoped that she would be obedient, and he also imagined that if she was not well-behaved, he would deal with the people and things that made her not well-behaved.

But now there is no other person, no other thing. And he found that even if she was disobedient, he didn't seem to be angry as he imagined.

It's not that no other people have disobeyed him, but those people have no chance to speak now. At this moment, he looked at the back of the head and the thin white neck of the little cook who expressed his rejection, but he was thinking, should he do something at this time to let her take care of him