All The Bigshots Love Me [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 40: Ascetic Actor 15


Shen Yuchuan and Jiang Rui were on the hot search again, and the Internet almost exploded.

The cp fans of the two are naturally rejoicing. The onlookers who are not fans or black still eat melons. The rest are rational to express their blessings. Some go to Jiang Rui's Weibo to spit and curse, and some are full of righteous indignation. When I met Shen Yuchuan, I thought he was a connotative person, but it turned out that he didn't like an eighteen line who had nothing but his face and chest.

There are also some sunspots who took the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and said some unclear words, alluding to Jiang Rui's previous movie role, which she stole from another newcomer by improper means. It is also implied that in addition to Shen Yuchuan, Jiang Rui has a close relationship with a famous director.

Jiang Rui has only participated in two works so far, one is still being filmed and has not been shown. Who this famous director is referring to, needless to say, everyone knows.

However, not many people believe this rumor. Although Wang Qikun has a bad temper, his talent and character are still admired by many people.

Sure enough, after that, members of the original Xia Dao crew came out to clarify, but instead they cleaned up the newcomer and the gold master behind him.

There were waves of melons on the Internet, and the two parties turned off their mobile phones and went on vacation abroad.

It is winter in the northern hemisphere at this time, but summer in the southern hemisphere is hot.

Jiang Rui was lying under the parasol in a bikini, with a pair of sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, holding a coconut in her hand, and her two long straight and white legs were swaying on the reclining chair, making people uneasy.

Shen Yuchuan said that he would build a castle for her on the beach. After a long time, he couldn't even get a prototype. He kept glancing at her, and finally threw the shovel away and sat directly on the sand to look at her.

Jiang Rui noticed his gaze, turned over on purpose, lay on the reclining chair, and looked at him expectantly, "Is my castle ready?"

The two balls of soft meat that were as white as mutton fat were squeezed, ready to come out.

Shen Yuchuan touched his nose subconsciously and felt a little itchy in his nasal cavity.

He coughed dryly and pretended to be nonchalant with difficulty, "The sand is boring, let's go to the real castle someday."

Jiang Rui shook her legs, held her chin and said, "Will he be upset if we didn't bring Brother Chen with us?"

"He has no choice but to go out, he can stay at home." Shen Yuchuan approached her.

Jiang Rui rolled over and sat up, took the phone, and put her head on his shoulder, "Say yes."

Shen Yuchuan obediently made a gesture of yes.

Jiang Rui took a photo and started playing with Weibo.

"What are you going to do?"

"Send the photos, the little girls who like dolls come to leave a message under my Weibo every day, saying that they will unswervingly support the two of us, let us insist, and I always have to express that I will take a photo for them. have a look."

"Don't post this." Shen Yuchuan took her cell phone.

"Why?" Jiang Rui reached out and grabbed it, but didn't grab it.

"This one is not good, let's take another one."

Shen Yuchuan looked around, took the coat that was thrown aside and put it on Jiang Rui, then hugged her and took another picture.

Jiang Rui glanced at it. Compared with the previous one, she was tightly wrapped, not to mention her chest, not even her neck was exposed.

"This one is ugly," she protested. "I don't want it!"

"How come, it's beautiful."

"Where's the beauty? I'm talking nonsense with my eyes open, and I don't even have a neck. I look like a toad. No, either post the first picture or take another picture."

The two bargained for a while, and finally Shen Yuchuan was defeated and agreed to take a picture of her showing her neck, arms and collarbone.

The closer the two are, the more she shows the side that others can't see, and the more he can't take her.

Now as long as she raised the corner of her eye and said it in a tender and angry voice, no matter what it was, he had to agree.

But sometimes, she's cute and soft, like right now.

Jiang Rui rubbed his forehead against his chin, and kissed him on the neck, "Mr. Shen took me so beautifully."

Shen Yuchuan could only hug her, watched the photo sent out, and secretly swallowed the sour water in his stomach.

The entertainment industry is always full of topics. The two of them had a lively affair for two days, which was soon overshadowed by the news of another famous male star's derailment.

Jiang Rui's photo was sent out, and many comments immediately appeared below.

"Really together?"

"It turns out that I went on vacation with Shen Da, and the two seem to be a good match!"

"There is still a face to appear, and the garbage gets out of the entertainment circle!"

"Which family's dog is upstairs? It's not good to watch me be beaten to death."

"It's true that the scolding people are unqualified. What's wrong with people falling in love? They don't break the law, and they don't violate the bottom line of morality. It's better than those who get married and go out and mess around."

"Wow, Miss Sister's skin is so white. [Slobber]"

"Shen Da reposted it! Does this mean it's completely public?"

Jiang Rui clicked on Shen Yuchuan's Weibo, and his comments were much more peaceful.

In fact, compared to the bloody storms of the past few days, the comment area now can be said to be as warm as a spring breeze. Although there are still one or two brainless blacks, most fans are still reasonable.

Jiang Rui took a few glances, turned back and smiled at Shen Yuchuan: "Sure enough, I have to rely on my peers to set off. If someone cheated in front of me, it doesn't matter if I hug my thighs."

"You didn't hold your thigh." Shen Yuchuan said.

Jiang Rui was about to make a joke when she saw Shen Yuchuan stretch his thighs towards her, with a tone of regret, "It has never been held by you."

"You're so naive." Jiang Rui was speechless, stretched out her hand and flicked on his leg.

There was a beach bonfire party in the evening, and neither of them liked the fun, only watching from the hotel balcony.

Xiao Chen's voice message came in: "Brother Shen, my aunt called me and asked about Xiao Xia, what should I say?"

Shen Yuchuan turned to look at Jiang Rui, she was lying on the balcony railing, concentrating on watching the beach activities, flames and lights fell into her eyes, like stars twinkling.

Aware of his gaze, Jiang Rui turned around, "What's wrong?"

"My mother asked Xiao Chen about you."

"Then what?" Jiang Rui took a step closer, "Does Teacher Shen feel that my ugly daughter-in-law can't see her in-laws?"

The two were very close, Shen Yuchuan hugged her waist and slowly tightened, "I'm afraid you think it's too fast and too sudden."

"As a person who asked to live together on the first day of confession, don't you blush when you say this?" Jiang Rui teased him.

Shen Yuchuan was about to speak, but she added: "I know you must say that it won't be so fast according to the original plan, but I'm actually very curious. According to the plan in Teacher Shen's mouth, if it is a normal situation, there are several procedures for falling in love. Woolen cloth?"

Shen Yuchuan really told her one by one, "First, there must be a stage of pursuit. After a formal confession, we will start dating, then hold hands, hug, kiss, and then — um..."

Jiang Rui laughed lightly, stretched out Yubai's finger to draw circles on his chest, and asked deliberately, "What do you mean? Why can't I understand it at all?"

"... You know." Shen Yuchuan's voice was a little hoarse.

He now knows that she still likes to tease people, but he still hugs her and doesn't let go.

Jiang Rui smiled again, "Then according to your plan, when will you be able to—hmm?"

Shen Yuchuan's throat clearly rolled, and he said, "After deciding to get married."

"It seems that Teacher Shen is quite conservative, but this is also a manifestation of responsibility." Jiang Rui's topic changed, "Did you reply to Brother Chen?"

"not yet."

"You let Brother Chen tell the truth, and you don't have to cover up for me. If I were an aunt, my son would finally have a girlfriend when he was 30 years old. I must be anxious and curious."

Shen Yuchuan hugged the person with both hands, resting his chin on the top of her hair, "You are fine, don't hide it."

"Huh? The mouth is so sweet, let me see if I'm stealing candy." Jiang Rui held his face, stood on tiptoe, licked his lips, and sipped his lips like a aftertaste, the tip of the pink tongue. Invisible between the lips and teeth.

Before she could say the answer, Shen Yuchuan couldn't hold back, and he chased after her with a passionate kiss, wishing to swallow her whole.

After a long time, his voice was hoarse and attached to her ear: "If I said that I wanted to get married as soon as possible, would you think it was too hasty?"

"Well..." Jiang Rui touched her lips, it was a little swollen and itchy, "sloppy and not sloppy also divides people, some people are not suitable, even if it takes three or five years to break in, they still can't get together in the end, but if It's Teacher Shen-"

"How is it?" Shen Yuchuan asked.

Jiang Rui had enough of his appetite, and then burst out laughing: "If it's Mr. Shen, when we meet on the first day, I'll know it's you and no one else."

Shen Yuchuan held his breath, as if he couldn't believe it. After a while, he looked calm, but in fact asked nervously, "Didn't you mean to be afraid of me? He avoided me at first."

"Do you want to listen to half or the whole?" Jiang Rui looked at him with a smile.

"I want to hear it."

"It's really greedy." Jiang Rui smiled, "I told you before that I was a little afraid of you and thought you were not easy to approach. This is only half. The other half, when I saw you on the set, I felt very happy. Very, but Teacher Shen is so cold and doesn't look at me at all, there is no way, I can only try to get your attention."

Shen Yuchuan was silent.

Jiang Rui looked up at him, still smiling, "What's wrong? Do you think I'm scary?"

"No," Shen Yuchuan shook his head, "I just... feel very fortunate that you saw me at first sight."

"That's why." Jiang Rui tapped on his chest, "You said earlier that there must be a stage of pursuit, we have it too, but it's you who I pursue. If people ask later, don't say the opposite, I But the Shen Da Shadow Emperor was chased by his ability."

"what about me?"

"What are you? Of course you attracted me by your face." Jiang Rui grabbed his cheek, "If you didn't have that face, I wouldn't look down on you."

Shen Yuchuan touched his chin and thought, "It seems that I have to pull a skin, cut a bone or something."

Jiang Rui said: "If you are completely disabled, I will kick you."

"Then I will stick to you in the form of brown sugar."

"Incarnation is cheeky, right! By the way, did you forget something?"

"should not."

The mobile phone that was thrown aside received several messages in a row.

"Brother Shen, why didn't you reply?"

"Brother Shen?"

"Xiao Xia?"
