All The Bigshots Love Me [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 43: The boss and his uncle 01


On both sides of the winding mountain road, tall French plane trees are planted, black cars circle up the mountain road, and there is a courtyard full of Western European style on the halfway of the mountain.

Jiang Rui was sitting in the living room of the mansion at this time.

Her identity in this world is that of a wealthy girl named Zhou Qiaoqiao. She is the only daughter of the Zhou family. She has a wealthy family background and a bright appearance.

It is a pity that such a charming girl died alone in the apartment due to excessive drinking. The reason is that his fiancé Lou Minglang changed his mind and fell in love with a female college student who was an intern in the company.

Zhou Qiaoqiao disdains robbing men from other women, and similarly, she can't stand someone trampling her self-esteem under her feet. So her wish was that no matter what means Jiang Rui used, she would make Lou Minglang bow her head in front of her and not be able to turn over in her life.

And Jiang Rui's goal in this world is Lou Minglang's third uncle, Lou Wenyuan.

"Miss Zhou, drink tea." The servant Li Li brought tea.

"Thank you." Jiang Rui nodded slightly.

This courtyard is the main house of the Lou family. In the past, Zhou Qiaoqiao used to come to visit Lou Minglang, and was a frequent visitor here. Until Lou Minglang moved out a few years ago, she didn't come much. The old servants in the house recognized her.

Although Zhou Qiaoqiao is proud and has a little girl's willfulness, she has received good tutoring since she was a child, so that even when she speaks to the servants, she is reserved and polite, and everyone likes her very much.

"Miss Zhou is coming, so she should have called in advance. Mr. Li has been back quite late these days," said Mrs. Li.

"It's okay, Sister Li, go get busy, don't worry about me."

"Would you like some snacks? I remember that Miss Zhou liked lava cakes the most when she was a child."

According to Zhou Qiaoqiao's current mood, how can she eat? Jiang Rui politely refused, "Thanks Mrs. Li, I'm not hungry yet."

"Hey, if you need something later, just say it."


This kind of temporary intention to run to the door is actually considered impulsive, but Zhou Qiaoqiao is such a temperament, can't bear the grievances, saying that the wind is the rain.

Fortunately, Jiang Rui was lucky. In the evening, Lou Wenyuan came back.

The wrought iron gate slowly opened, and a black car drove in and parked outside the gate of the main building.

The housekeeper was already waiting outside the door, waiting for the car to stop, then stepped forward and opened the rear door.

Inside the car, a foot stretched out first, wearing exquisite leather shoes, and the straight trousers were not wrinkled.

"Miss Zhou has been waiting for you all afternoon." The housekeeper reported.

Lou Wenyuan's expression did not fluctuate, "Ming Lang is here?"

"No, Miss Zhou made a special trip to find you."

"I see."

Jiang Rui heard the sound of unhurried footsteps and looked up.

Although Lou Wenyuan was Lou Minglang's elder, he was not much older than him, but he was only thirty-five or sixty-six. He was dressed in a suit and leather shoes and wore gold-framed glasses.

However, the older people in Hong Kong City will not forget how Lou Wenyuan, who was just over twenty years ago, quietly won the title of the Lou family's patriarch more than ten years ago, forcing the two illegitimate brothers to be unstoppable. Not far to go to another country.

After he took over, the Lou family has gradually grown. There used to be several families that could be compared with it, but now it is hard to compare. In Hong Kong City, if the Lou family was second, no one would dare to recognize the first.

No one dared to regard Lou Wenyuan's harmlessness as truly harmless. Those who couldn't handle it had already paid a painful price for their contempt.

"Uncle Lou—" Jiang Rui stood up and greeted him. Uncle Lou had already exited. Thinking of the purpose of the trip, she changed her words abruptly: "Mr. Lou."

Lou Wenyuan didn't seem to notice anything unusual, with a smile on his lips and a gentle tone: "Qiao Qiao is here, why didn't you go to Ming Lang today?"

Only he and Zhou Qiaoqiao knew about Lou Minglang's empathy for the time being, and no one else knew about it.

Hearing Lou Wenyuan mention him, Jiang Rui's eyes flashed a trace of sadness and unwillingness, but she forced herself to bear it, pursed her lips, raised her chin, like a proud little phoenix, "I have something I want to talk to Mr. Lou. Talk alone."

"Oh? It's worth taking this seriously. It's definitely not a trivial matter. Come with me to the study." Although he said this, looking at Lou Wenyuan's expression, he probably regarded it as a child's request and didn't take it seriously. superior.

Jiang Rui followed him to the study on the second floor, and Sister Li served tea for the two of them.

"Bring Miss Zhou a snack." Lou Wenyuan ordered.

Before Mrs. Li could answer, Jiang Rui said, "No need, thank you Mr. Lou."

Sister-in-law Li looked at Lou Wenyuan and saw him nod before leaving.

"Have you gotten into trouble with Ming Lang?" Lou Wenyuan spoke while the two sat on the sofa facing each other across the coffee table.

Jiang Rui didn't answer, she was silent for a while, and after plucking up her courage, she directly explained her intention: "I hope Mr. Lou can marry me."

Unexpectedly, she would say such a thing, Lou Wenyuan raised his brows slightly.

His mother was French, and he inherited her deep eyes and nose, the iris of the eyeballs are light gray, and when they meet people, they are almost as cold as cold-blooded scaly animals.

So he often wears glasses, and this thin layer of isolation makes him look much gentler.

But the simpler the person, the sharper the intuition. Although Lou Wenyuan always shows people with a smile, Zhou Qiaoqiao has been afraid of him since he was a child.

Like nature, herbivores have an innate fear of top predators.

Jiang Rui looked at him and was about to move away almost immediately, but she bit her lip and forcibly held it back, her back was straight, and her palms on her knees clenched unconsciously.

Lou Wenyuan still hooked his lips, taking her words as the willfulness of a child, "Is it really awkward with Ming Lang? I'll call him later and ask him to apologize to you."

"No." Jiang Rui categorically refused, pursing her lips stubbornly, forcing herself to look at him, "I don't like him anymore, I want to break off the marriage with him, I hope to marry Mr. Lou, what conditions do you have to mention. "

Hearing that she regarded marriage as a negotiation, Lou Wenyuan seemed amused, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more obvious, "Don't say childish words, I will call Ming Lang back now and ask him to apologize to you in person, and then have a meal together. At dinner, Uncle Lou will teach him a lesson for you, so that he will never dare to provoke you again, how about it?"

He said, getting ready to take out his phone.

"Don't call him! I said I don't like him anymore! I just don't like him anymore!" Jiang Rui finally couldn't keep the calm appearance she pretended to be, and shouted to stop him, her tone was fierce, but there was a hint of anger in her words. cry. Like a kitten that shows its teeth and claws at the enemy, trying to maintain the last shred of dignity. But its sharp claws have no power at all, it will only scratch people's hearts, and it wants to bully her unscrupulously.

Lou Wenyuan stopped temporarily.

Jiang Rui couldn't hold back her emotions for a while. It was also possible that she wanted to take advantage of this impulse to say everything, otherwise, when she calmed down, I'm afraid she wouldn't have the courage to speak to Lou Wenyuan like this.

"Didn't you always dislike him? Now that I break off our marriage with him and marry you, the Zhou family will also stand by your side, and we can bring down Lou Minglang together with you. Isn't that what you want! Don't you? Satisfied? Or if you have any conditions, say it!"

These words can be called anger, but Lou Wenyuan was not angry, and handed her a tissue, his tone was still tolerant: "Ming Lang is my nephew, how can I dislike him? There is no need to bring him down. Where did you hear the nonsense, don't say it again."

Jiang Rui wiped her tears indiscriminately, her nose turned red from crying, and stubbornly repeated: "Anyway, I don't like him anymore, I didn't like him first!"

As if thinking of something, she looked up at Lou Wenyuan suddenly, "Why don't you agree to marry me? Am I not pretty enough? Do you also like those female college students who are sober?"

One word immediately made Lou Wenyuan understand the ins and outs. But he didn't speak, just looked back at Jiang Rui quietly.

Jiang Rui rolled her eyes almost instantly. Her intention to him was so obvious, but in order to get revenge on the other person, she pushed herself to such an extent.

At this time, she was like a little phoenix that had only fallen into the water, propping up her feathers, just to protect the last bit of pride.

She forced herself to look at him again, her tone was coquettish and unreasonable, but with a choked sob, "I won't give up, I will keep looking for you until you agree."

Lou Wenyuan did not respond to this.

"I'm not going to give up," she repeated, sniffing, chin up, and leaving.

Lou Wenyuan worked for a while in the study, changed into home clothes, and went downstairs for dinner.

Sister Li took the bowl and chopsticks, looked at his face, and asked carefully, "Sir, what's wrong with Miss Zhou?"

"It's just a little milk cat." Lou Wenyuan smiled casually, not knowing what to think, his smile solidified slightly, and he murmured silently: "It's another cat..."

On the other side, Jiang Rui drove the car down the mountain. Although her eyes were still red, the expression on her face was calm as water.

She knew about Lou Wenyuan before, and knew that he was not as gentle as he appeared, and even very dangerous. Such people are often thoughtful, suspicious and sensitive. If they play tricks in front of him, I am afraid they will be seen right away. And the more coquettish and impulsive, the more unreasonable, the more brainless true temperament shows, perhaps it is not easy to be suspected.

At least today's test was considered a success. Although Lou Wenyuan regarded her words as a childish joke, he also did not reject her request to come to the door again.

that's enough.