All The Bigshots Love Me [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 65: Yin Prey Factory 04


For the next two days, Jiang Rui never stepped out of the palace gate.

Han Yan only thought that she was very angry with Lu Xingzhou, so she was reluctant to go out, for fear that she was just recovering from a serious illness, and she would be bored in the house, so she quietly went to the Chongzheng Hall to deliver a message, and when the little emperor was free, Please come to Chang'an Palace.

Originally, according to the rules, the little emperor should come to greet him every day, but Empress Dowager Xie felt bad for the child's young age and was reluctant to let him run back and forth, so she waived it. Now that the little emperor is under Lu Xingzhou's eyes all day long, he is not very comfortable talking and doing things, and even less so.


Jiang Rui opened her eyes, and happened to pick up the little body that rushed over.

"It's frizzy, what should I do if I fall?"

"No, is the Queen Mother doing well?" The little emperor climbed onto her legs.

"Okay." Jiang Rui hugged him, "Why do you have time to see your mother today?"

The little emperor said, "Gong Lu is fair. The father-in-law said that the mother is in a bad mood. After asking me to accompany her, why are you in a bad mood?"

Han Yan listened and pouted, why is the empress in a bad mood? It wasn't that he was offended by Lu Xingzhou, and now he is pretending to say so. If he didn't know, he thought he really cared about his mother.

Jiang Rui patted the little emperor's head, "The mother is not in a bad mood, what has Rui Er been doing these two days?"

The little emperor's attention was immediately turned away, and he pointed his fingers and said, "Last morning, I saw Eunuch Lu's approval of the book, and I played with Xiao Fuzi... But it's boring to play with Xiao Fuzi, he is too timid, that one doesn't dare to play, I don’t dare to play this, Queen Mother, I want to find the emperor and the others, can you?”

"Rui Er's royal brothers are going to school."

"Then I want to study too!" When the little emperor heard this, he was intrigued and pulled Jiang Rui's sleeve to act like a spoiled child. "The mother will go and talk to Eunuch Lu. Would you like me to study with the emperor?"

The princes were born at the age of five. Originally, the little emperor was supposed to enter school last year. Unfortunately, when the emperor died, it was delayed.

Later, when he took the throne, Lu Xingzhou didn't mention it, and no one else dared to say it. Only scholar Xie Da gave a book, please play it to the little emperor to choose the emperor, and Lu Xingzhou said lightly. The school was blocked.

Everyone knows that what he said is just an excuse. The little emperor doesn't know a single big character.

But even so, no one dared to mention it again.

Others can seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, but Jiang Rui cannot.

As soon as she promised Empress Dowager Xie, she would take good care of the little emperor and save his life and throne. Since ancient times, there has been no illiterate emperor, and it is imperative to enter school. Second, this is also an opportunity for her to have direct contact with Lu Xingzhou.

She hugged the little emperor and said, "Reading is not a joke. Once you enter the school, you can't go back and regret it. No matter the winter or summer, you must persevere. Can Rui'er do it?"

"Yes, yes." The little emperor nodded sharply.

Jiang Rui touched his round face and smiled: "Then I will find an opportunity to talk to Eunuch Lu."

"Thank you mommy!"

The little emperor returned to the Chongzheng Palace not long after, and Han Yan sent him out of Chang'an Palace. After returning, he frowned and said worriedly: "Miss, your Majesty's admission, I'm afraid Eunuch Lu will not easily agree."

"I know." Jiang Rui lowered her eyes slightly, "But as the ruler of a country, Your Majesty can't be so ignorant forever. No matter if you can succeed or not, you have to give it a try. Ask someone to give Eunuch Lu a message tomorrow. In the afternoon, I invite him to meet at Fubi Pavilion."

"Yes." Han Yan responded and sighed again, "I hope Your Majesty can understand the painstaking efforts of the Empress."

She retreated to make arrangements, and after about half an hour, she spoke back and forth indignantly: "Miss, Eunuch Lu said that the affairs are too complicated, I'm afraid I can't get away from it. If the madam has something important, please move to the Chongzheng Hall."

Jiang Rui frowned.

Han Yan was even more annoyed: "His air is too big, even if the empress can't invite him, he has to go to see him in person. Even when the first emperor was here, he wouldn't dare to neglect the empress like this!"

"Forget it," Jiang Rui was silent for a long time and sighed: "You haven't seen the current situation clearly, the world is already under his surname Lu, people are swordsmen, I am fish, why should he be polite to us."

After Han Yan listened, he was suddenly deflated, and he could only sigh.

The next afternoon, Jiang Rui went to the Chongzheng Hall. The little emperor was taking a nap in the inner hall. She retired the people who served and faced Lu Xingzhou alone.

"Yesterday, the niece invited me, and the minister was flattered, but there are so many chores at hand, so I can't do anything, so it's really the minister's sin to have to go to the niece in person." Lu Xingzhou came out from behind the large book desk and asked Jiang Rui to take a seat by the coffee table. , with a smile on his face, and a well-rounded manner, as if he was the master of this Chongzheng Hall.

Jiang Rui didn't look at him, and said lightly, "Why does my father-in-law have to talk about it? I'm here today for one thing. Your Majesty has reached the age of Kaimeng school. I don't know what your father-in-law has arranged for this?"

Lu Xingzhou said with a smile: "Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven, how dare this minister arrange for the Son of Heaven? Why don't you try this tea, it's the Mingqian Longjing just brought up from the bottom, there are only seven or eight taels in total, the minister thinks about it, such a precious and rare thing , I am afraid that only a noble person like the empress can enjoy it."

That's what he said, but the new tea presented this year has not even been seen in Chang'an Palace, and Jiang Rui is still drinking last year's old tea.

She took a deep breath, picked up the teacup, took a sip, and said, "Good tea."

Lu Xingzhou chuckled lightly: "Since that's the case, let someone send tea to the goddess in a while."

"No need, father-in-law keeps it for himself. I just ask father-in-law, when are you going to arrange for His Majesty to enter school?"

"Why do you feel embarrassed for your subordinates?" Lu Xingzhou said, but he said that he was embarrassed, and his eyes were clear and relaxed, with a casual look.

Jiang Rui gradually showed impatience, frowning slightly: "I should say this to my father-in-law, Your Majesty is only ignorant of young children and illiterate, and staying in the Chongzheng Hall is only to cause trouble, does the father-in-law really want him to take care of everything? "

"His Majesty's honor of the ninety-five is naturally different from ordinary people." Lu Xingzhou said lightly.

"Enough." Jiang Rui pursed her lips and raised her chin slightly, "What is Eunuch Lu worried about? Is it because he is afraid that His Majesty will open his eyes and become wiser, so he will not be able to control it in the future? I don't know, Eunuch Lu is so daring. Xiao, with your current power, do you still need to worry about a child with a bow?"

Lu Xingzhou smiled slightly, and fiddled with the tea leaves in the cup: "Niangniang, the method of aggressiveness won't work for me. If you want me to relax, you might as well think of other methods."

Jiang Rui was annoyed and angry when he said the most important thing, her face flushed slightly red, but her lips were white, as if she couldn't stand his slight, she got up and left.

Lu Xingzhou didn't stop her, and when she was about to step out of the palace door, he said calmly: "Miss, you must know that after this village, there is no such shop, I still have a little free time today, I'm afraid that there will be a lot of business tomorrow, and I want to see the maiden. It’s all an extravagant hope, and when the Empress wants to talk about your Majesty’s admission, there will be no one to talk about.”

"You—" Jiang Rui turned around and stared at him angrily.

"Why should Niangniang get angry?" Lu Xingzhou smiled, "Why don't you sit down and talk slowly."

The two stood and sat for a long time, and Jiang Rui finally had to walk back.

Lu Xingzhou smiled even more.

Jiang Rui suppressed her anger, "Why don't you tell me what conditions your father-in-law has?"

"Niangniang..." Lu Xingzhou paused, "Is this asking for a minister?"

Jiang Rui's face turned red and white, but she didn't say anything to refute, it was the default meaning.

Lu Xingzhou smiled, his tone was soft, but the words he said were somewhat cool, "But Niangniang, you should have the attitude of asking for help."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Rui asked immediately, clenching her palms tightly.

"It means literally." Lu Xingzhou smiled lightly.

"Presumptuous!" Jiang Rui stood up suddenly, her chest heaving violently, "Lu Xingzhou, don't forget your identity!"

"My minister will never forget it." Lu Xingzhou stood up and seemed to take two steps towards her at will. Since he was much taller than Jiang Rui, he bowed his head slightly.

Jiang Rui stepped back unconsciously due to his momentum, and fell back on the chair. She was frightened, panicked and angry, waving her hand to hit him.

Lu Xingzhou easily grabbed the wrist, and laughed softly, but there was no smile in his eyes.

"I have already said it, the skin is rough and the flesh is thick and I am afraid that I will hurt the mother's hand, why can't the mother remember? Look..."

He slightly lifted the hand holding Jiang Rui, and the sleeve of the palace dress slipped down, revealing a wrist that was as white as jade.

"Lu Xingzhou, you are arrogant!" Jiang Rui panicked, but couldn't break free, her face was pale with fright, her eyes were red, her body trembled slightly, but her back was still straight.

As if he hadn't heard it, Lu Xingzhou carefully looked at the fat-like arm, and seemed to say regretfully: "My lady does not know how to take care of her body, it really hurts my heart."

"Shameless!" Jiang Rui struggled endlessly and was so angry that she ignored her manners and kicked him with her feet.

Lu Xingzhou took a step back and was freed by her.

Jiang Rui got up immediately and left in a panic almost as if he were running away.

Lu Xingzhou stood there with a smile on his lips, admiring her flustered back very happily, with one hand behind his back, rubbing for a while, and there seemed to be a delicate touch left on his fingertips.

The little inner supervisor who was guarding the door shrank his neck in trembling. He seemed to see his eyes were red when he saw the empress leave. Thinking of the words he heard just now, and the actions of the superintendent these days, the little inner supervisor seemed to have a flash in his heart. Thunder, is the Governor to the Empress Dowager—


"Hey!" Hearing the overseer calling him, Sanqi hurriedly bowed and entered.

"Go and deliver the Mingqian Longjing presented yesterday to Chang'an Palace."

"How much?" Sanqi asked cautiously.

Lu Xingzhou said indifferently, "Send them all."

In his opinion, just a little tea, if it can be exchanged for another good show, it is really worth it.

But not knowing this casual sentence, Sanqi was so frightened that he couldn't close his mouth, and his heart turned violent: Sure enough! Make him guess right!