All The Bigshots Love Me [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 70: Yin Prey Factory 09


The study suddenly became extraordinarily quiet. Sanqi thought that he had said something he shouldn't have said, so he immediately shut his mouth and lowered his head in trembling.

However, seeing the complex and strange expression on the Governor's face, he seemed suspicious and shocked, and seemed to be even more confused. He was still a little confused and slightly confused.

This kind of expression shouldn't be right.

Sanqi forgot to be afraid, and pondered in confusion in his heart, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he realized later: Could it be that he was wrong from the beginning to the end? !

If so...

Thinking about the consequences of being wise, Sanqi wanted to cry, but when her legs were weak, she was about to kneel down, and then listened to the superintendent, "Who told you this?"

Sanqi hurriedly said with a bitter face: "No one, it's my little self guessing randomly, please punish the Lord."

Lu Xingzhou did not say whether he was punished or not, and asked, "What rumors are there in the palace?"

"This..." Sanqi gritted her teeth and said, "I don't dare to hide the lord, because the empress dowager often comes to the Chongzheng Palace these days, and the lord seems to be getting closer to the niece. Several concubines are in the palace. There is some gossip, but no one knows about the previous dynasty."

Lu Xingzhou was silent for a long time before he said, "I see, you go out and let people keep their mouths tighter."

"Yes." Sanqi, as if receiving amnesty, hurriedly backed out, and only dared to straighten up when he reached the door, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and was afraid after a while.

Only now did I have the heart to savor the Lord's attitude towards this matter.

Although he misunderstood, Sanqi asked himself about his understanding of the overseer. If this matter was really just chasing the wind, I am afraid it would not have been exposed so lightly.

Therefore, the director is in the end... Sanqi is a little confused, but thinking about it, it's not wrong to continue to be polite to the people of Chang'an Palace.

In the study, Lu Xingzhou looked at the brocade box in front of him with a strange expression, and finally opened the drawer and put the box in.

Two days later, the little emperor recovered completely, and Jiang Rui continued to teach him to study.

She soon discovered that Lu Xingzhou, who used to review memorials in the Chongzheng Palace, suddenly became uncertain whereabouts, and she hadn't been seen by her for several days.

She pretended to ask casually, and the inner servant said something since she was a child. It turned out that before she came to Chongde Hall, Lu Xingzhou was still there, and whenever she was about to come, he happened to go elsewhere.

There had been no such situation in the past two months, let alone several days in a row.

Jiang Rui understood that Lu Xingzhou was deliberately avoiding.

When she came to this conclusion, not only was she not in a hurry, but she became more and more calm.

It's good for her that he hides from her.

If to Lu Xingzhou, she was just an irrelevant person, why should he hide from her

Only when one person has a different meaning in another person's mind will there be a mentality of uncertainty, withdrawal, and avoidance.

Since he wants to hide, let him hide.

Jiang Rui, as usual, went to Chongzheng Hall every afternoon to teach the little emperor to read. Sometimes I would ask Lu Xingzhou to the servant, sometimes I didn't, as if she asked him casually, but it was just a whim, a temporary idea.

At night, Lu Xingzhou's private residence.

"...Teaching His Majesty to write for the third quarter of the year, Shen Shiyi had a snack, and you went back to Chang'an Palace..." One person reported from the ground floor.

After he finished speaking, the room was quiet for a long time before another voice sounded: "What else did she say?"

"No." The man answered honestly.

The candlelight flickered slightly, and Lu Xingzhou sat in the dark, unable to see his expression clearly.

Sanqi stood outside the room, bored staring at a firefly in the grass under the steps. The door creaked, and someone came out and closed the door again.

He hurriedly leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Has the niangniang asked about the governor today?"

Twenty-eight is still in that unwavering tone, "Never."

"Oh," Sanqi suddenly grimaced, "The Governor must be in a bad mood tonight, we're going to have a bad time again."

"It's you who is having a hard time." Erba said.

Sanqi hated and stared at him: "Don't be complacent, kid. Do you think you are stupid? During the day in front of the goddess, the goddess didn't ask you to mention it? Wouldn't you lead the goddess to ask? You say you are such a wood Your head is not as good as me, people are not as smart as me, and your mouth is not as sweet as me, how could Bitao fall in love with you?"

Erba didn't speak, just looked down at the top of his head, the meaning was obvious.

Sanqi jumped up in anger and kicked him.

After the kick, Erba went back to rest, and he had to sigh and guard.

Who can be blamed? It's not that I blame myself for being cheap, and I'm talking nonsense in front of the overseer, but now it's good, people who are not normal in the first place are about to go crazy.

But he really couldn't figure out what the Governor was thinking.

Saying that he likes the empress, he doesn't seem to mean that, and he has been avoiding it for the past few days.

Say he doesn't like it. In the past two days, people have started to report on the whereabouts of the empress. He needs to know when, where, what, and what he said.

If I learned that the niece had asked him about him today, the aura of the whole body would not be like a spring breeze, but a gentle drizzle. If Niangniang didn't ask at all, it would be over, and for the rest of the day, it would be called a gloomy wind, and it would be horrifying.

Sanqi could only sigh secretly that his life was bitter, and the evil he had done, he had to do it even when he cried.

This state lasted for a few days before Lu Xingzhou resumed his usual behavior.

When Jiang Rui came to Chongzheng Hall, he could always be seen sitting behind the desk. But unlike the previous situation where he came to talk to her from time to time, now Lu Xingzhou saw her with a smile on his face, but his tone was alien and distant, like the relationship between the two when she first became Empress Dowager Xie.

Jiang Rui just pretended that he didn't notice anything unusual about him, and was still the same as before. If he didn't come to talk to her, she would never speak, and only accompanied the little emperor.

But many times, she could feel the sight of secretly observing.

The gaze sometimes fell on her face, scanning her expression over and over again. Sometimes it falls on her hand holding the book, especially when she raises her hand slightly and her sleeves slide down, the gaze gathered on her wrist can almost feel the heat.

If she noticed something, she glanced back, and the person behind the desk smiled and looked away calmly.

If there is no response, it will take a long time to look back. At this time, Jiang Rui glanced at him unintentionally. Eight or nine times out of ten, he could catch a slightly gloomy face.

After a short while, the weather became hotter and hotter. When the late emperor was there, he would take his favored concubine and prince out of the palace to escape the summer heat.

Now that he's not here, and the little emperor is still young, Jiang Rui naturally has to arrange this. In the past few days, some harem concubines have come to her to ask if she is going to escape the summer this year.

Jiang Rui didn't want to stay in the capital either. Although there was ice, it was still hot, and except for the imperial garden, there were few trees in other parts of the palace. At first glance, everyone was yellow and miserable, looking depressed.

But right now the entire palace is in Lu Xingzhou's hands, and it is up to him to decide whether to let him escape the heat.

On this day, Jiang Rui arranged a few words for the little emperor to write, and left the inner hall by himself.

"Is your father-in-law free now?"

As soon as she walked out, Lu Xingzhou had already noticed it. He pretended to look at the memorial in front of her. When she spoke, she put down the memorial, got up and led her to sit down. The corner of her mouth curled slightly, "If you have something to say, please speak."

"It's getting hotter and hotter recently. Your Majesty is young, and some of the concubines in the palace are frail and can't stand the heat. I think it's time to go out of the palace to escape the heat?"

Lu Xingzhou stared at the tea cup under his hand, the lid of the cup did not fiddle with the tea, the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious, but he couldn't hear the tone in his words, "The mother is really doing this to escape the heat, or—"

Or to avoid people

Jiang Rui raised her brows slightly, "Why not go to the summer resort and not escape the summer heat?"

"The lady really doesn't understand?" Lu Xingzhou's meaning is unclear.

Jiang Rui said, "If your father-in-law has something to say, he might as well say it directly."

Lu Xingzhou raised his head and looked directly into her eyes.

Jiang Rui did not dodge.

He suddenly smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, "The minister is wrong, it's not that the maiden doesn't understand, but the minister has never understood the maiden."

After saying this, he put down the teacup and got up and left.

Tea is good tea, Jiang Rui watched him walk away and took another sip.

Sanqi followed behind Lu Xingzhou, looked at the figure of the overseer in front of him, and then looked back at the empress sitting on the spot drinking tea, he suddenly felt that this scene was a bit familiar, it happened not long ago, and it was like this at that time, empress fluttered her sleeves. When he left, the Governor was drinking tea without hesitation.

It's just that the roles of the two have changed.

Returning to Chang'an Palace, Han Yan said expectantly, "Niang Niang, did Eunuch Lu agree to escape the summer?"

"And it needs to be discussed, it must not be a trivial matter."

"Okay." Han Yan's face collapsed.

Jiang Rui smiled and said, "What's your expression like? If you want to go, you can always go, just a few days earlier and later."

Han Yan worriedly said: "I hope it will be as the mother said."

There was still some light after dinner, Jiang Rui leaned on the cool couch in front of the window, Han Yan kept beside him and fanned.

It had been sultry for a whole day, and until this moment, the wind was blowing with a hint of coolness.

Jiang Ruibai looked at Hongxia in the sky with boredom, and suddenly noticed something, listened for a few breaths, and said to Hanyan: "There are two cloud brocades in the warehouse, while it's cool now, you can take them out and send them to Jing Taifei's palace. , said that I made clothes for the Fifth Princess."

"Why do you want to send something to someone else?" Han Yan was unhappy, but got up and went.

After she left, Jiang Rui rested her cheeks in one hand and looked at the last light of the west sky. Slowly, the twilight finally engulfed all Caixia, and the palace servant who was supposed to be in charge of the lantern did not appear for some reason, leaving only a drowsy scene inside and outside the house.

Behind him, imperceptible footsteps approached slowly.

The author has something to say:

Overlord: She likes me, she doesn't like me, she likes me...

If you are suppressed, you will become perverted, and if you are perverted, it will be easy to handle.

Sanqi whispered: Originally perverted...

Thirty-seven, died.