All The Bigshots Love Me [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 71: Yin Prey Factory 10


In the distance, the lanterns of the palace are beginning to come on, and the Chang'an Palace is hidden in the twilight.

The room was darker than the outside. Jiang Rui was sitting by the window. Looking from behind, she could only see the silhouette of her body.

However, the situation of not being able to see the facial expression in this way is more in line with Lu Xingzhou's intention.

He suddenly spoke, his voice soft, as if he was afraid to startle someone, "Niangniang."

The figure in front of the window slowly turned around, and the swaying steps on the bun trembled slightly. She didn't seem to be shocked or afraid, and she only showed a little surprise to this powerful eunuch who suddenly appeared in her bedroom when night was about to fall.

"Why is your father-in-law here?"

Lu Xingzhou smiled lightly, as he said before, he underestimated the Empress Dowager.

He approached slowly and squatted down on one knee in front of Jiang Rui.

Jiang Rui lowered her eyes slightly to look at him, the night was all around, and the only little light left outside the window fell into his eyes, making his eyes like ancient wells darker.

Look at him like this.

That's how you should look at him.

Under her gaze, Lu Xingzhou's gloomy gaze became focused and enthusiastic, with a hint of excitement.

The worrying about gains and losses, anxiety and irritability of the past few days are all gone at this time, and he finally knows what he wants.

He wants her to always have him in her eyes.

Only him.

He reached out his hand unconsciously, wanting to touch those eyes, but she turned her head slightly at this moment.

His fingers curled up in the air, and Lu Xingzhou seemed to regain his senses. He smiled and retracted his hand, "I take the liberty of interrupting, there are a few small things that I want to give to Empress."

He held a brocade box on his other hand, opened it, and there were all kinds of rings and bracelets, even if the light was dim, they still had a lustrous luster. It's just as casual inside, enough for an ordinary person to eat and wear for a lifetime.

Jiang Rui calmly said, "Father-in-law has his mind, but—"

"I want to put it on for my mother in person." Before she could finish speaking, Lu Xingzhou spoke.

This means that rejection is not allowed, Jiang Rui rolled her eyes, "If I don't agree, what will my father-in-law do?"

Lu Xingzhou said with a smile: "I can only beg your mother to agree."

Jiang Rui didn't say anything, just looked at him.

Lu Xingzhou stretched out his hand again and held her palm, which was casually hanging on the edge of the couch, as soft as imagined, slender and delicate, but weak and boneless. He took out a pair of imperial concubine bracelets from the brocade box and put them on the same wrist in turn.

Jiang Rui moved slightly, and the two jade bracelets on her wrist collided, making a crisp and melodious strike.

Lu Xingzhou sighed in admiration, "The lady's hand is really beautiful. I was fortunate enough to see it that day, and I know that only the most precious treasures can match it."

He took out a few more rings and put them on one finger at a time. When he was about to put it on his thumb, Jiang Rui finally shook his wrist and pulled out his hand.


The sky was completely dark, and Jiang Rui couldn't see what she was wearing on her hands, "I'm sorry father-in-law let my palace maid come in to hold the lamp."

Hearing her tone of voice as usual, Lu Xingzhou smiled and said, "Why do you need someone else, this minister should serve the goddess."

Although it was a long time later than usual, the candlestick was still lit.

Jiang Rui admired her hands under the candlelight. A pair of red imperial concubine bracelets were wrapped around her fair and soft wrists. Because of the slender wrists, the bracelets almost slipped to her elbows, revealing large areas of delicate skin. Except for the thumb, each of the other four fingers wears a ring, ruby, sapphire, agate, cat's eye, and one ring face is larger than the other.

She only glanced at it, and felt it was unsightly. She planned to take it off, but was stopped by a hand stretched out beside her.

"Doesn't the lady like it?"


Lu Xingzhou said with a smile, but the minister liked it very much. He put Jiang Rui's hand in his palm and rubbed his thumb lightly, "My lady is like this hand in the eyes of the minister, she is graceful and luxurious, beautiful and flawless, and she is born with many foils. Not allowed?"

"Why does the father-in-law have to ask this?" Jiang Rui squinted at him, "It's like this bracelet, even if I don't agree, the father-in-law also wears it. What's the difference between asking or not?"

Lu Xingzhou smiled slightly, wishful thinking and accepted are of course different. But no matter which one it is, at least for now, her hand is in his palm, which is enough.

He lowered his head and looked at the hands carefully. The bruises on his wrists had disappeared, and there will be no chance of them appearing again in the future. "I apologize to Niangniang for my recklessness and rudeness in the past, and I hope Niangniang will forgive me once."

"If you don't forgive, what will you do?"

"You should listen to your mother's orders." Lu Xingzhou smiled helplessly, "I just ask your mother not to drive the ministers away from her side."

He spoke pitifully and lowered his posture, but Jiang Rui and he both knew that even if she wanted to chase him, she would not be able to chase him away. This is just his usual style. He seems to be polite, humble and docile, but he can't refuse.

Suddenly there was a movement outside the hall. Jiang Rui listened carefully and heard the voice of Han Yan. She thought that she came back after delivering Yun Jin and noticed something unusual in Chang'an Palace, but she didn't come in and should have been stopped.

"Father-in-law should go back," she said.

"I really want to watch Empress fall asleep." Lu Xingzhou sighed softly. But needless to say, I knew that it was impossible right now, so I could only reluctantly put down Jiang Rui's hand and said softly with a smile: "My lady goes to bed early, the servants bid farewell, and I will come back to disturb you tomorrow."

Jiang Rui sat still, watching him go out.

Outside the palace gate, Han Yan was burning with anxiety. Before entering Chang'an Palace just now, she vaguely felt that something was wrong. As soon as she entered the palace gate, she immediately found that outside the palace, there were people guarding Eunuch Lu, and there was only a dim yellow lamp in the palace, and no one who was supposed to be served was there. . She immediately realized that there were only Empress and Eunuch Lu inside.

It's so late, what did Eunuch Lu come to do? Why don't you let people serve you? Why do you want to be alone with your mother-in-law

Hanyan remembered the strange eyes of those people in the palace of other concubines recently, the sudden polite attitude of Sanqi, and the good things that Eunuch Lu had sent, and suddenly panicked. Qing, the tears fell down.

When the door of the palace opened, she didn't even care about the etiquette and rushed in directly.

"Niangniang! Woohoo..."

Hearing the cry, Jiang Rui turned around in surprise, "Why, the people outside bullied you?"

"You've suffered." Han Yan smoked and pounced on her, pulling up her right hand, thinking she would see a black hand, but the whole arm was flawless, not to mention black and blue scars, not even a few cold hairs.

She wiped away her tears and went to pull the other hand, only to see that the hand was heavy, full of bracelets and rings, and there was no space for her thumb. I was afraid that the rich and rich in the country would not be so rich.

Hanyan hiccups and burps, staring blankly at the empress who should have been sober, but now has an inexplicable temperament.

Jiang Rui shook her arm, and there was a tinkling. She also felt that Lu Xingzhou had a good eye, and all he brought were treasures, but this taste... It was really hard to describe. The first few world's upstarts with big gold chains met him, I am afraid they would also be willing to bow down.

The author has something to say:

Regarding the question of whether the fourth child will work or not, someone asks the author to say it. First of all, he must be a real eunuch, and then I checked the information. At first, the eunuch cut all the eggs, but later found that cutting the penis could easily lead to death, so it turned into cutting the eggs and leaving the penis. Later, medicine was more developed, cutting penis. The resulting mortality rate was greatly reduced, and the method of total cutting was restored, such as the Qing Dynasty. But I don't want to write about the Qing Dynasty, so let the fourth child be a big eunuch with no eggs.

PS: I don't know why you guys care so much about this, even if he has two big dicks, his driver's license was detained by Da Jinjiang :p