Almighty Athlete

Chapter 947: postscript



From mid-December last year to now, after 15 months and 2.73 million words, "The All-Around Athlete" has finally been completed.

By the standards of online novels, 2.73 million words can only be considered a novella. Here, I would like to thank those readers who have supported Guan Guan for more than a year. In these fifteen months, more than 400 days and nights, you have supported "All-Around Athlete" and been by Guan Guan's side. You have worked hard. ! I sincerely thank you, thank you for your love for me, and thank you for never leaving me.

Speaking of "The All-Around Athlete", it can be regarded as creating a new genre of sports novels. I won't brag about the achievements it has made, as everyone can see it. Some people say that I can become a god with one book. However, as far as I am concerned, I think I can give this book a score of 60, which is considered a passing grade. I feel that after writing this book, I have reached the entry-level level of online writing.

A new idea, a new genre. When I write, I am crossing the river by feeling the stones. I am constantly thinking, learning and summarizing experience. In fact, the biggest problem with this writing method is that when readers feel that the movement is unfamiliar to them, they will put it down for a while or abandon the book. Once you put down the Internet article, it will be difficult to pick it up again!

I think this is also a limitation of sports novels.

Sports-related works are really too niche. Those who write about fantasy and military affairs all say that they are niche. If you compare with sports, you will be a nouveau riche! Many readers simply ignore it when they see that it is a sports novel. Just like when we watch TV programs, if you go home and turn on the TV, who will keep staring at CCTV5? Anyway, I won't.

Sports readers are too specialized. Apart from football, it is basketball. Fan authors write for fan readers. When writing about other sports, they don’t pay attention to it, don’t read it, and abandon the book! Therefore, after more than ten years of development of online literature, sports novels include football and basketball. And this also makes sports novels become more and more niche.

I think if this continues, sports novels will gradually disappear, and perhaps they will eventually become a category under urban novels.

I wanted to bring some changes through my works and my creativity, but it did not achieve the desired effect. There were too few follow-up works. I have seen several works that follow the trend, and the results are very good. However, it is still difficult to stop the general trend of football and basketball. I have also encouraged some authors to follow the trend and express their willingness to provide guidance. However, the answers I received were basically rejection. They said they only knew basketball or football, so they only wrote about basketball or football, and not what they didn't understand.

Actually I don’t understand either! I'm just a sports idiot! I don’t even watch CCTV5.

But if you don’t understand, you can look it up!

So, I looked up information and found out about "The All-Athlete".

"If you don't understand, don't write" and "If you don't understand, just look it up." I think these are two attitudes. They can be regarded as attitudes towards works and towards readers.

After all, I am a writer. When I have good ideas, I should show them to readers. How can I bury good ideas just because I don’t understand them

I know you want to see something fresh, so I brought it to you.

The next book to pass the test is a sports novel, which is another innovation, a freshness, and a feeling of passing the test.

Guan Guan once said when he won the "Twelve Heavenly Kings" award that I will not be satisfied with being a "new sports flag", I want to become a "creative god" of online articles. This is my goal and I will work hard and fight for it.

So I ask all brothers and sisters for your support and help. I am willing to use my sincerity to exchange for your trust!

In the next month, I will save manuscripts for the new book, and the new book will be uploaded in May, so brothers and sisters, see you in May!

Finally, I would like to express my special thanks to my editor-in-chief, Goddess Huihui, and wish you good health!

(End of chapter)

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