Almighty Coach

Chapter 457: Use yourself to save others


"Alexander actually won!" Sebastian couldn't help but exclaimed.

In Sebastian's view, it was not unusual for Alexander to win a certain game, but when Alexander defeated Wharton and won, it was really beyond his expectation.

"Did Wharton run too slowly today?" Sebastian thought of this and looked at the large scoreboard on the wall.

The scoreboard showed that Walton's time was 9.91 seconds, which is a very good result. It also has a great chance of winning in the IAAF competition.

"Wharton's score was not slow, but he lost. The only explanation is that Alexander's score was too good." Sebastian found Alexander's name on the scoreboard, which showed that his score was 9 seconds 87.

The difference of 0.04 seconds is not even enough time for a blink of an eye, and even exceeds human thinking and perception. However, in the 100-meter dash, especially in the results of less than 10 seconds, this 0.04 seconds is a huge gap.

Sebastian thought back to Alexander who was speeding on the track just now. The feeling was exactly the same as that of Alexander at his peak four years ago!

"Has he returned to his original form? Impossible, absolutely impossible! Even if his competitive form can be restored to four years ago, it won't be so fast, at least it won't be possible if I train him. Yeah, how could that guy named Li Dai be more powerful than me!"

Sebastian's self-confidence seemed to have been dealt a huge blow. He always felt that he was the best track and field coach in the world. He felt that other coaches could not do what he could not do.

But reality taught him a lesson. Alexander's score of 9.87 seconds was obviously telling everyone that he had returned to the state he was in four years ago, and it only took a relatively short time.

"That Chinese coach is just a physical fitness coach, not a professional sprint coach. How could his training level be higher than mine! But how can we explain that Alexander has regained his form in such a short period of time?" Sebastian rolled his eyes: "Unless that Chinese coach used something he shouldn't have used! Yes, that must be the case!"

There was a fire of hope in Sebastian's eyes, and he concluded that Alexander had used doping to be able to return to the state he was four years ago in such a short period of time.

"The champion is 100% required to undergo a urine test. If he has used doping, it will definitely be detected, it will definitely be!" Sebastian couldn't help comforting himself.

The day after the game, Sebastian kept asking about the urine test results from yesterday's game, but to his disappointment, no athletes were found to have used doping.

Although Sebastian was unhappy with this result, he felt relieved after thinking about it carefully.

The technical level of biological laboratories in the United States is often higher than that of the anti-doping committee. For example, the Franklin Laboratory that Sebastian cooperates with is at least two years ahead of the International Olympic Committee's anti-doping committee. In other words, the anti-doping committee will not be able to detect the doping they have researched for at least two years.

Since the products of Franklin Laboratory cannot be detected for the time being, it is not a new thing that the products of other laboratories cannot be detected either.

But what makes Sebastian feel uneasy is that Alexander regained his form so quickly!

"Could it be said that the stimulants Alexander is using now are more effective than the products from Franklin Laboratory? Yes, that must be the case. It is precisely because the products are more effective that Alexander can regain his form so quickly! No wonder Alexander was If you reject me, it turns out there is a better choice."

Sebastian used doping drugs for athletes, so he took it for granted that Li Dai would also use doping drugs for athletes. Especially Alexander's performance was so outstanding, which made Sebastian think that Alexander used doping drugs with better effects. Stimulants.

"But as far as I know, the products of Franklin Laboratory are already the best in the world. Where did Dai Li get a product with better effects? Could there be other scientific research institutions secretly cooperating with him! "

Sebastian suddenly felt very anxious. He knew that with Alexander's sprinting talent, if coupled with a more effective stimulant, his performance would definitely crush Wharton.

"The technology of Franklin Laboratory is obviously lagging behind others. No, I have to inform them of this matter as soon as possible, and let them find ways to get Alexander's body fluid specimens!"

Sebastian thought of this, picked up the phone, and dialed the number of Franklin Laboratory.

Alexander walked to the door of the men's room, only to find a sign on the door that said it was under maintenance.

"Is the toilet broken?" Alexander was about to leave to find another toilet, but the door of the toilet opened, and a young man dressed as a plumber walked out.

"Sorry, there is something wrong with the pipes inside. I am repairing it. If you just need to pee, you can come in first. I have repaired the first urinal. You can use that one." The plumber said with a kind face.

"Oh, thank you." Alexander walked in and came to the first urinal.

"Yes, that's it." The plumber said while staring at Alexander, as if he was going to pee at Alexander.

Being stared at while going to the toilet was naturally not a good toilet experience, so Alexander couldn't help but glance sideways at the plumber.

"Why is this guy always staring at me, and also staring at my little brother? Could he be a homosexual? I have to protect my anus." Alexander only felt goosebumps all over his body, and he didn't even pee like that It's smooth.

At this time, the plumber also felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward. He turned around pretending to be calm and tried hard to look like a passerby.

Alexander finished peeing as quickly as possible, and then pressed the flush button, but there was no response.

"That one hasn't been fixed yet by me." The plumber's voice sounded again.

"Oh." Alexander nodded, quickly picked up his pants, and then ran out of the men's bathroom.

After walking out of the toilet and into the corridor, Alexander breathed a sigh of relief. Although he did not discriminate against homosexuals, he did not want to be alone in the bathroom with a strange gay man, especially when the other man stared at his little brother with a special look.

"Click", the sound of a door locking sounded behind Alexander.

"Is the door locked?" Alexander looked at the toilet door behind him in surprise. The maintenance sign hanging on the door was still very conspicuous.

"Weird plumber!" Alexander shook his head and strode out.

Andrew is an investigator for an investigation company. His work scope is very wide, such as investigating other people's hidden assets; investigating someone's extramarital affair; investigating who owns a certain piece of art, etc.

Today, Andrew was commissioned to obtain a urine sample from an athlete.

Andrew has seen many strange clients and received many strange commissions, but this is the first time he has encountered this kind of thing. However, as an experienced investigator, this kind of thing is not difficult for him, not to mention the person commissioned this time. The commissions are also very good.

So Andrew pretended to be a plumber, tampered with the urinal in the toilet in advance, and then hung a maintenance sign in front of the toilet door, waiting for the athlete to take the bait.

Everything went well. The athlete came to the toilet and peeed in the tampered urinal under Andrew's supervision. Andrew also successfully obtained the sample.

The only thing that made Andrew unhappy was that the other party seemed to regard him as "crooked"!