Almighty Coach

Chapter 459: The former 400m ruler


"You said Jimmy Irvine is coming back?" Blake's surprised expression revealed an aura of excitement.

Dai Li nodded: "Yes, Taylor told me personally. Alvin lost a lot of money in investment, so he plans to come back. He hopes to participate in the Olympics again and wants me to help him return to the competitive state he was in before retiring. .”

"Oh my God, Jimmy Irvine is back. This is definitely the most sensational sports news this week! He is a three-time Olympic champion. With this achievement, as long as he can appear in the next Olympics, it will be great. There will be a lack of top sponsors!” exclaimed Blake.

Jimmy Irvine is a white track and field athlete who is engaged in the 400-meter dash.

In sprint events, black people have unparalleled racial advantages. Whether it is 100 meters, 200 meters or 400 meters, black athletes are the best. Especially in heavyweight competitions such as the World Championships or the Olympic Games, the quota for the finals of sprint events Almost dominated by black athletes.

But in the men's 400-meter dash, the ruler is a white man, Jimmy Irvine.

Jimmy Irvine can be regarded as one of the greatest track and field athletes in the world. When he participated in the Olympics for the first time at the age of eighteen, he won the gold medal in the 400-meter dash and the gold medal in the 4x400-meter relay. In the next two Olympic Games, he also won gold medals in the 400-meter dash and the 4x400-meter relay. Three Olympic Games, six gold medals, and dominated the Olympic 400-meter event for 12 consecutive years.

In the World Championships, Jimmy Irvine's record was equally brilliant. He participated in two World Championships and won the 400-meter dash and the 4x400-meter relay championship both times. In addition, Irvine has also overcome obstacles and won numerous championships in the IAAF Grand Prix, Golden League and Diamond League.

Since the 400 meters attracts far less attention than the 100 meters, internationally, Irvine's name is not as loud as that of "the world's number one flyer" Gitter, but in the United States, Jimmy Irvine is a household name. character, his influence is even greater than that of NBA superstars.

The reason why Alvin is famous is also due to the rise of sprint events in Central America and the Caribbean in recent years.

Since the 1980s, the United States has been dominating sprinting. However, after entering the 21st century, Jamaican sprinters have rapidly risen. In just a few years, they have been on par with the Americans. The sprinting movement has formed two strong players. A situation of struggle for hegemony.

Then the abnormally strong Gittel appeared. His strength instantly overwhelmed all other athletes and dealt a fatal blow to American sprinters. Since then, no American has won a race in which Gittel has participated.

It’s not just Jamaicans. Indeed, other countries in Central America and the Caribbean have also begun to pay attention to sprinting. The racial talents of black people, the special climate of Central America and the Caribbean, and the original environment have created a large number of top sprinters. Sprinters from small countries such as the Bahamas, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago, and St. Kitts and Nevis continue to challenge the status of American athletes in international competitions. There was a time when the American couldn't even finish fourth if Justin Alexander didn't play.

But in the 400-meter event, the Americans are still dominant because of Jimmy Irvine. His strength far exceeds that of other 400-meter runners, and therefore, he has become a popular target among Americans.

People like to praise winners. For an athlete, no matter how good he is, if he never wins the game, it cannot be said to be a success. For example, Justin Alexander, although he continues to create better results and constantly refreshes the American 100-meter dash record, as long as there is Gittel above his head, Alexander will never be able to get ahead.

But Jimmy Irvine can always bring victory. Based on this alone, his popularity is far more than Alexander. In people's eyes, Alexander is only regarded as the world's top athlete, while Jimmy Irvine can be called a "great" athlete.

More importantly, Jimmy Irvine is white.

Mainstream American society is still dominated by white people. The elites in politics, economy, culture, entertainment, technology, and various industries are all white people. Most of the huge middle class in the United States are also white people. Even in the sports industry, the most influential people are white people. The most influential athletes are not the black superstars of basketball and NBA, but the white quarterbacks of football and NFL.

As a white man, Jimmy Irvine has an inherent advantage in gaining influence, and the biggest role of this influence is to attract advertising sponsors, and they are also top advertising sponsors. With Alvin's three consecutive Olympic championships, as long as he can pass the domestic selection in the United States and successfully advance to the Olympic Games, it will be easy to get millions of dollars in advertising sponsorships.

Knowing that Jimmy Irvine was going to pay, Blake couldn't hide his excitement. He asked in a very expectant tone: "Will you accept this business?"

"It is very difficult to help such athletes who have retired for several years return to competitive form. Alvin is already 34 years old. For sprinting, a sport that is extremely demanding on the body, few people will persist until 34. Years old. You know, age is the enemy that athletes can never resist." Dai Li said.

"Does that mean you don't plan to take this business?" Blake's tone instantly became disappointed.

"Who says I won't take it? I'm just emphasizing the difficulty. Because this business is quite difficult, I have to add money!" Dai Li paused and said with a smile, "As usual, I want him for the next three years. revenue share!”

For Dai Li, an athlete of Jimmy Irvine's level is definitely worth using three age reduction cards.

In the 1990s, Franklin, a professor at a well-known university, left the school laboratory, established a company, and established a joint laboratory, the Franklin Laboratory.

On the surface, the main job of Franklin's laboratory is to research and manufacture nutritional products. Their main products can help the blood and excretory system circulation, and replenish vitamins and minerals in the body. But at the same time, the Flexline Laboratory has been researching the latest steroid-based stimulants.

The scientific name of steroids is adrenocorticoid. The adrenal glands of normal people secrete a certain amount of steroids every day to maintain normal physiological operations in the body. Clinically, steroids are also very good drugs. They are widely used to treat a variety of common diseases, such as cancer, cerebral edema, rheumatism, skin diseases, sepsis, meningitis, etc. It can almost be called It can be used for all diseases.

Therefore, the development of steroid derivatives has become a research topic with great commercial value. If you are lucky, a new derivative will become a new drug and bring hundreds of millions of profits.

Making research products into stimulants for athletes is equivalent to finding free experimental subjects, and can obtain a lot of data while continuing research and development. Once athletes use doping, they will definitely not dare to publicly announce it. Even if there is any physical problem, they will only find a laboratory to solve it privately, rather than through legal channels.

It has to be said that Franklin Laboratory's doping is indeed very effective, and it is not easy to be detected by the anti-doping committee. Over the past 20 years, Franklin Labs has become more and more famous. Many well-known coaches and athletes have sought the help of Franklin Labs. After they achieved results, they have become the spokespersons of Franklin Labs products.

Sebastian is the most loyal partner in Franklin's laboratory, and he and Professor Franklin have also been friends for many years. But today, there seems to be a disagreement between the two people over something.

The door to Franklin's office was closed and the curtains were drawn. It looked like they were discussing some ulterior secret.

"No stimulant ingredients were found in Alexander's sample? How is this possible!" Sebastian looked completely unbelieving.

"We have used all testing methods, but the test results show that everything is normal for Alexander. There is no trace of doping in his specimens. To be precise, there is no trace of doping." Franklin handed over the test report. To Sebastian.

"This is impossible! Did you make a mistake? For example, something was missed during the test?" Sebastian asked.

"We tested it three times." Franklin shrugged: "But we really found nothing."

"How could Alexander run so fast without doping? Could it be that it took him such a short time to regain his pre-suspended form? This is impossible. There is no such good training effect in this world. Sebastian shook his head: "He must have used doping, but we haven't discovered it yet."

"Theoretically, there is this possibility. Alexander used a new type of stimulant, and this stimulant cannot be detected by us. But that only exists in theory, so that we cannot detect it at all. Unless it completely crushes us technically." Franklin showed a confident expression and continued: "My laboratory may not be the best in the world, but it is definitely the best in the world. There are no other experiments possible. The chamber is so far ahead of us in technology! So, I think it’s another possibility.”

Franklin held out two fingers and continued: "The second possibility is that Alexander really did not use doping. He relied on his own strength to achieve a good time of less than 9 seconds and 90 seconds."

"He was banned for four years! It's impossible to return to form so quickly." Sebastian said with certainty.

Franklin's face was a little gloomy. He was very dissatisfied with Sebastian's attitude. He said in a scientist's tone: "I'm not very proficient in the training of athletes. You are an expert in this area, so how long does it take for Alexander to train?" I can't give an accurate judgment on whether I can regain my original competitive state. But one thing I still know is that people's states are good and bad, and it is possible for athletes to perform beyond their level in the competition."

Sebastian frowned. He was no longer Alexander's coach, and he didn't know what Alexander's current status was, let alone whether Alexander was performing beyond his level. But it cannot be denied that the possibility that Franklin mentioned exists with a high probability. Maybe Alexander really performed beyond his level in that game.

Franklin continued: "In short, I have not detected any doping ingredients here. I think since I can't detect it here, it won't be detected elsewhere. Even if Alexander really used doping, if it can't be detected, , and it doesn’t make any sense, you can’t do anything to him.”

"I understand!" Sebastian nodded helplessly, his eyes full of unwillingness.

"Okay, my old friend, don't get hung up on that Justin Alexander. Our next focus is the Olympic trials. I hope more athletes who use our products can pass the trials and go to the Olympics!" Franklin Franklin He eased the atmosphere for a moment and then asked: "I heard that the head coach of the U.S. track and field team has not yet been decided for this Olympics, and you are one of the candidates?"

"Yes, I am one of the candidates, and I have a greater chance of becoming the head coach." Sebastian's expression was no longer so helpless. When he mentioned this matter, his mood was much better...