Almighty Coach

Chapter 476: kidnapping


Randy Blake has recently become obsessed with cigars. After lunch every day, Blake will get himself a cup of coffee, then light a cigar and stay quietly in the reception room, enjoying this moment of leisure time.

After all, Blake is the number two person in the training center, so few people will bother him except Dai Li.

Dai Li walked in holding an extra-large teacup filled with large-leaf tea from China. This is a habit that Li Dai developed in the domestic training team. At that time, many coaches had a big teapot, a handful of big leaf tea, and drank it all afternoon.

"Hey, Lee, I heard that you have already met that Derrickson. What is he going to do?" Blake blew out a smoke ring and then said: "This guy didn't explain his purpose, but asked to see you by name. It shouldn't be Is it that simple to just sell it?”

"This guy is not a salesman. He is here to give me money. It's a big deal. The seven-digit check was slapped directly on my face." Dai Li said with a smile.

"Is he here for training? Seven figures? Our fees are not cheap, but they are not that high! Who is this representative of a pharmaceutical company? A super rich second generation?" Blake asked several questions in succession.

"He's not here for training, nor is he a rich second generation, he's here to buy things." Li Dai said.

"What can we sell him for? Seven figures, and the most advanced training equipment we have here is far from worth the money. Is it possible to buy our entire stadium? This should be something a real estate developer does, right? Doesn't this guy claim to be a representative of a pharmaceutical company?" Blake looked curious.

Li Dai put down the extra-large tea cup and said helplessly: "He wants to buy stimulants."

"Stimulants? How can we have that kind of thing here? Is this Derrickson having a mental problem?" Blake said.

"He firmly believes that we have a new type of stimulant here." Li Dai shrugged: "I explained it to him many times and told him that we never use illegal drugs here, but he just didn't believe it. In the end, I really didn't have time to talk to him. After going around in circles, he sent him away. When he walked out of the door, he still looked aggrieved."

"Could this guy be a reporter, pretending to be another identity, and deliberately trying to trick you?" Blake sat upright, and his expression became serious. He pointed to his eyes and continued: "You He probably didn’t say anything that would be caught, right? If he was really a reporter, he would have secretly recorded it.”

Dai Li recalled the meeting with Derrickson, and then shook his head: "I think there should be no problem. Although my answer is not watertight, it will not leave him with any clues."

"That's good." Blake let out a long breath: To be honest, if I hadn't watched you train with my own eyes, I would have suspected you of doping athletes. "

"Is it just because of Alvin's successful comeback?" Dai Li asked.

"Irvin is just one of them, as well as Alexander and Ford. They are now back to the competitive level at their peak. Earlier, there was Kevin Taylor. After your training, he is even better than when he was young. Excellent," Blake replied.

"Taylor is different, and that's also due to Coach Iris." Dai Li said humbly.

"Iris is only responsible for technical guidance and tactical formulation, and the physical training is completed by you." Blake took a deep puff of his cigar and continued: "But Derrickson's incident also reminded me I, as the saying goes, a big tree attracts wind, I am worried that some people will be jealous and may do something bad to us. We will have to inform the security company later and install more cameras in the center. "

Bu Laiqie carried a black suitcase and walked into his company.

The secretary immediately came over and said, "Boss, there is a Mr. Lyon who said he has an appointment with you and is waiting in the reception room now."

"Yes, I made an appointment with him. I'll go there right now." Bu Laiqie walked towards the reception room. Just halfway, he turned back and said to his secretary: "From now on, no one can do anything without my permission." You are not allowed to enter the reception room.”

"Okay, boss." The secretary suddenly remembered something, then lowered his voice and asked: "Boss, there is one more thing. What should we do with the person we caught last night?"

"Didn't I ask you to lock him up?" Bu Laiqie asked with a frown.

"He was locked up in the utility room, but he can't be locked up like this forever! Should he be handed over to the police?" the secretary asked.

"If we wanted to hand him over to the police, we would have handed him over a long time ago. Why wait until now? When we caught him, we did not hand him over to the police immediately, but locked him up privately. That was already illegal detention. So we Let alone hand him over to the police." Bu Laiqie snorted: "Wait a moment, I will tell you what to do later."

After Bu Laiqie finished speaking, he walked into the reception room carrying the black box.

On the sofa in the reception room, a black-haired man was sitting there. This man looked very fierce, especially the long scar on his face, which gave people the feeling of being inaccessible to strangers.

"Leon, long time no see." Bu Laiqie greeted the man.

The man named Leon did not respond in kind. He asked directly: "Did you get the money?"

"They're all here, count them." Blatche placed the black suitcase in front of Lyon, opened it, and inside was a wad of U.S. bills.

Seeing the green dollar bills, Leon's eyes were filled with heat. He took out an ultraviolet fluorescent banknote detector and began to check the authenticity of the banknotes.

"Don't worry, it's all true. But having said that, you always refuse to accept checks or transfers. You have to pay cash every time. This is really troublesome. I have to go to the bank in advance to make an appointment, and then I have to take it with me So much money is going around." Bu Laiqie said with some complaints.

While counting the money, Leon said: "What we do is shady. It is safest to collect cash. If we use a bank account, we may be targeted by the police. We don't want to be caught by the police."

"Yeah, I don't have a bank account, and I don't have to pay taxes. I really envy you." Bu Laiqie said with a smile.

"Money is no problem." Leon then closed the box and continued: "I have found the interrogation expert you want. He is a Colombian smuggler. He has worked with Colombian drug lords before. He not only knows interrogation techniques, but also Torture techniques. My people are ready, when do you plan to take action?"

"Of course the sooner the better." Bu Laiqie said.

"Okay, I'll go back now and tell my men to do things." Leon picked up the box, stood up, and planned to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Blatche stopped Leon, and then said: "It's not that I can't trust you, but I still want to know whether the interrogation expert is worthy of his name. I plan to give him a try."

"How to try?" Leon asked.

"Last night, a guy sneaked in and I caught him. He shouldn't be an ordinary thief, because he sneaked into our computer control room, where there are many core secrets of the company, so I concluded that he was A commercial spy, specifically here to steal business intelligence. I did not hand this person over to the police. If I had handed him over to the police, at most he would have been charged with illegal trespassing or theft, and he would have been released on bail soon. .”

Blatche continued: "But I want to know more about who sent him and what he wants from me. So I plan to hand this person over to you and to the interrogation expert. I think he should Can you help me find an answer?"

"No problem, just give me the commercial spy. You will know the answer soon. This is a gift from me. There is no extra charge." Leon showed a confident expression.

"Ding dong!" The doorbell rang.

"Who is it, knocking on the door so late?" Li Dai walked to the door and saw two unfamiliar policemen standing outside the door through the monitor.

Dai Li opened the door and asked, "Two police officers, what's the matter?"

"Someone reported that you are hiding illegal immigrants here." One of the policemen said.

"Hiding illegal immigrants? Absolutely not. Someone must have falsely accused me." Li Dai shook his head: "Two police officers, I think you all know that those who can live in this neighborhood are people with a certain social status. The security around here has always been very good, and it is impossible for illegal immigrants to come here."

"But if someone reports it, we have to do something. I need to go in and take a look." Another policeman said coldly.

"Okay." Dai Li nodded helplessly and opened the door: "Two police officers, please come in."

Two police officers walked into the room. When Dai Li closed the door smoothly, he glanced outside the door. There was only a black minivan outside, not a police car.

Dai Li couldn't help but feel a little suspicious. It was said that when the police were on duty, they would always come in police cars, and they would also flash police lights, which could be seen from a long distance away.

"Two police officers, how did you get here? Didn't you drive a police car?" Dai Li said as he turned around.

"Papapapapapap..." A series of click-like sounds suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, one of the policemen rushed forward with an electric shock device in his hand, and directly extended the electric shock device to Dai Li's neck.

The blue electric light emitted by the electric shock device flashed in front of Dai Li's eyes. The next second, Dai Li only felt a pain in his neck, and then a numb feeling spread throughout his body.

"Oops, we were hit, they are not the police!" This thought flashed through Dai Li's mind, and then he lost consciousness.

The two men dressed as police officers immediately stepped forward to support Dai Li and then led him out of the room. The black minivan in the distance also drove over and opened the door.

The two policemen threw Li Dai directly into the pickup truck, and then the two of them got into the pickup truck, and the pickup truck drove away...

Leon dialed Bulayche's number.

"Mr. Blatche, we have succeeded. Everything went smoothly. We caught him without alerting anyone, let alone the police, but he is not awake yet. In addition, the person you asked me to interrogate has also confessed. ." Leon said.

"If you don't agree on the phone, I'll go to your place now." Bu Laiche put down the phone and clenched his fists excitedly.

"That new stimulant will be available soon!"