Almighty Coach

Chapter 488: Fermentation


USATF CEO Williams looked at the laptop in front of him with a complicated expression on his face.

Frey, chief operating officer of the Athletics Association, held a printed list of people in his hand and kept shaking his head: "With so many people involved, this can't be true. This must be the investigative reporter named Edward Snow. , made up to attract attention.”

Williams looked at Frey but said nothing.

Frey continued to defend: "I took a quick look and found that more than half of the athletes on our current national track and field team who will participate in the Olympics are on this list, which means that at least half of our competitors are Illegal drugs were used, how is this possible! This is not true!”

Williams sighed and leaned back in his chair: "When I first saw this list, I thought it was impossible. But after thinking about it carefully, this list may be true. We have a large number of track and field athletes using it. Illegal drugs, this is an open secret, you and I both know this. And this time it also involves many biological laboratories, as well as the 'father of hormones' Blatche. Think about Blatche back then. What he did, that scumbag, killed so many outstanding athletes, what can’t he do?”

"But there are too many people involved, right? Is there moisture in it?" Frey's tone softened a little.

"I don't know if there is water or not, but the investigation report has published the molecular formulas of twenty-seven steroid derivatives. I have just consulted our experts. With the molecular formulas of these chemicals, the Anti-Doping Committee will soon be able to study Come up with testing methods. Then the truth will be revealed. Athletes who have used banned drugs will not be able to pass the drug test." Williams said with a worried look.

"But I still don't believe there are so many athletes using doping." Ferre shook his head.

Williams let out a long sigh: "There are a large number of athletes on this list, and they also include athletes who are 'legally using drugs.' The investigative reporter's report pointed out that many doctors deliberately prescribed false prescriptions to athletes, so that they could They can use drugs rationally. You and I know this very well, including the International Olympic Committee, but we all turn a blind eye and no one is willing to pierce this window. But now, that investigation Reporters exposed all this, and I think the FBI and the Doctors Association will get involved. Prescribing fake prescriptions is inherently illegal, and as long as this kind of thing is investigated, it can't be concealed."

"Coaches are also mentioned on the list. All the coaches of our national team are on the list." Frey pointed to the list. In the row of coaches, the first name is Sebastian. He is our Head coach of Team USA! "

"So if this list is true, we will suffer a fatal blow! From the head coach to the ordinary athletes, at least half of our athletes will not be able to participate in this Olympics because of the use of banned drugs. We All the coaches are unable to participate in this Olympics because of the involvement! How I hope now that this list is fake." When Williams said this, he seemed to have aged ten years.

"Then what should we do?" Frey asked.

"Let's wait and see. After all, we are not yet convinced of the authenticity of this investigation report." Williams said.

There is still a trace of luck in Williams' heart, but Williams also knows that as an investigative reporter, Edward Snow will definitely not fight with uncertainty. Since he broke the news, it is almost possible. Sure, it's true.

Montreal, Canada, is where the International Anti-Doping Organization is headquartered.

Lewis, the chairman of the anti-doping organization, called a meeting of all cadres.

"You must have read the news in the United States, right? If the contents of that investigation report are true, this will be the biggest scandal in sports history. What do you think about this matter?" Lewis asked .

"I think that investigation report is fake. It involves so many athletes, coaches, and so many biological laboratories. It's impossible to think about it." Someone said.

"I don't think so. I think this investigation report is true. The use of illegal drugs by athletes has been repeatedly prohibited for decades. There are hundreds of drug-related incidents among athletes around the world every year, and every time we test the drugs stored many years ago, When B-standard samples are taken, it is always found that someone has used illegal drugs, including many Olympic champions." Another person immediately expressed a different opinion.

Someone next to you can immediately add: "Moreover, a large part of the drug list disclosed by the media are 'legal drug users'. They have obtained the qualifications to use drugs legally through fake prescriptions issued by doctors, and they are also our anti-doping agents." It was approved by the committee. In this regard, we also have an unshirkable responsibility."

"In terms of data, American athletes have the most applications for legal drug use, and their number exceeds the total number of applications from athletes from other countries. And the ones we approve are mainly American athletes, and their number also exceeds athletes from other countries. I As everyone knows, we have to do this because our funding mainly comes from the United States, so in this matter, we only gave the green light to American athletes."

"Ahem!" Chairman Lewis coughed twice and stopped the man from speaking. He obviously didn't want to talk about this disgraceful topic. He said: "Let's put aside the issue of legal drug approval for now. The discussion is about how authentic the investigation report published by the media is. Professor Lawrence, you are an expert in illegal drug research, what do you think of the authenticity of this investigation report?"

An old man wearing glasses who looked like a scholar cleared his throat and said, "I think it's too early to make a judgment now, but in terms of technology, there is indeed a gap between us and the first-class biological laboratories in the United States. , for example, we cannot detect the ingredients of illegal drugs in sample bottle A, but a few years later, we can detect the ingredients of illegal drugs in sample bottle B, which fully shows that our technology is at a backward stage. So there are One thing is certain, the latest illegal drugs cannot be detected with our current technology."

"I noticed that the chemical formulas of twenty-seven substances appeared in the investigation report published by the media. Although we have not conducted tests yet, I can confirm just by looking at the chemical formulas that they are all steroid derivatives. And we have never found these twenty-seven substances during the testing process. Although I cannot yet determine the clinical role of these substances, steroid derivatives are indeed the most mainstream stimulants now."

"Steroids and their derivatives, regardless of their clinical effects, are prohibited from use. Even if they do not have the effect of stimulants, they are still illegal drugs." After Chairman Lewis finished speaking, he pinched his chin and thought. After a few seconds, he then asked:

"Professor Lawrence, according to what you mean, can I understand that if one of these twenty-seven substances is detected in an athlete's specimen, it can be determined that the athlete has used banned drugs?"

Professor Lawrence nodded: "That's true."

"Then can we detect these twenty-seven substances?" Lewis then asked.

"It was definitely not possible before, but now, the chemical formulas of substances have been announced. Although we cannot synthesize these substances yet, it is still relatively easy if we just conduct detection." Lawrence said.

"How long do you need?" Lewis continued to ask.

Professor Lawrence held out three fingers: "Three days, three days is enough for me to design a method for detecting these twenty-seven substances."

"Very good, notify the United States immediately. In three days, we will test the B bottle samples of all drug-related athletes." Lewis said without hesitation.

"Mr. Chairman, after all, this matter involves a lot. Should we take the United States into consideration?" someone reminded.

"The matter has become so big that even the Americans themselves are demanding the truth. If we don't do this, we will lose credibility. Don't forget that the Olympics are to be held this year! If a group of drug-related athletes are allowed to participate, in the future But what can we do about the Olympics?" Lewis sighed after speaking: "At this point, any cover-up is an act of ignorance."

"How come the molecular formulas of twenty-seven derivatives have been leaked! It's over, I'm really done this time!" Blatche's face was full of despair.

"Did those biological laboratories leak the secret? No, I only gave the laboratory twenty-four derivatives, and there were three derivatives. I did not provide them to any biological laboratory, but they were still announced! The problem arises in me here."

"It's that investigative reporter, that damn investigative reporter, it must be him! He should have been killed directly from the beginning!"

Bu Laiqie knew that this time he was completely finished. These twenty-seven steroid derivatives were the clearest evidence that he had been providing banned drugs to athletes through those biological laboratories. Considering his With a criminal record, he may receive a very serious sentence this time. And his company is destined to fail.

Bu Laiqie came to the window and opened it, hoping to breathe some fresh air and relieve his depression. However, he saw a black Chevrolet coming from a distance and parked in front of his company.

It was a Chevrolet Suburban. This car is a household name in the United States. For example, in the president's motorcade, this car must be the first one. At the same time, this car is also called the FBI's exclusive car.

"The FBI finally came." Bu Laiche had already guessed the identity of the other party. His legs softened and he collapsed involuntarily on his seat.