Almighty Coach

Chapter 494: Take action


So far in the trial, Wilfrid's lawyer has clearly had the upper hand. Every move Nick Reese makes is under Wilfrid's control and resolved by Wilfrid.

However, Nick Reese's calm expression made Wilfrid feel slightly worried.

Wilfrid and Prosecutor Reese have had many encounters. Based on Wilfrid's understanding of Reese, he is definitely not the kind of prosecutor who would accept a passive situation. As the only prosecutor in California with a 100% conviction rate, Wilfrid is definitely more than capable.

"I have the upper hand, but Nick Reese is still very calm. He must have other trump cards, so he is so calm." Wilfrid took a deep breath, knowing that it was not yet When to take it lightly.

Finally, it was the turn of questioning the defendant Li Dai.

Nick Reese walked up to Dai Li, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and his tone suddenly became stern.

"Mr. Li, according to the information, you successfully escaped from the kidnappers' control, subdued three kidnappers, and took away their guns, right?" Inspector Reese asked.

"Yes." Dai Li replied.

"Then you subdued them with your bare hands?" Reese then asked.

"Yes. I didn't have any weapons before I subdued the kidnappers. It wasn't until I beat them all that I wrested the guns from their hands." Li Dai replied.

"That is to say, you subdued three armed robbers with your bare hands." Reese said, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"To be precise, two of the robbers were armed with guns." Dai Li felt that there was nothing wrong with his answer.

Reese did not dwell on this. He took out three photos and then said: "I have seen the information of the three robbers who were subdued by you. This man was smuggled from Colombia. He was once a subordinate of a Colombian drug lord. , is a very cruel guy, he has several names in his hand."

Reese took out a photo of Sandos. He showed the photo to everyone, and then changed it to another photo of a tall black man.

"This man has a lot of criminal records. He has also been in jail for robbery and wounding. His information is probably this thick in the police station's archives." Reese gestured with his hand, and then took the third photo. Show it to everyone.

"This man has received professional boxing training. He was once a boxer, but he had to say goodbye to his career as a boxer because he almost beat his opponent to death. And among the criminal organizations in Los Angeles, he is also a very famous fighter. , because his fighting skills are very superb."

"These three robbers are obviously not the kind of weak people. They are all very capable of fighting. To be honest, if it were me, even if they were bare-handed, I would not be able to defeat them one-on-one. I believe they will never be able to defeat them." Most people can't do this, let alone subdue three people at the same time. I think if it were a SEAL team, they should be able to subdue these three people. So Mr. Li, I'm curious, were you a soldier before? Reese asked.

"No." Dai Li shook his head decisively.

"So are you a fighter? Or have you obtained any fighting degrees? For example, a black belt in judo, a black belt in taekwondo, a Muay Thai armband, etc.?" Reese then asked.

"No." Dai Li replied.

Reese smiled coldly: "Then have you received professional fighting training?"

Li Dai felt that Reese's question was a trap. He thought for a while and said, "I once worked as a physical trainer for super boxing champion Kevin Taylor. When I coached Kevin Taylor, I learned boxing skills. .”

"I just learned some skills during the coaching process, rather than professional boxing training like a boxer. I can understand it that way, right?" Reese asked immediately.

Dai Li thought for a moment and nodded: "Yes."

"Then do you have any special interest in combat sports?" Reese then asked.

"As a sports coach, I am interested in all sports, including combat sports. This is not just a matter of hobby, this is my job." Li Dai replied.

"Then do you usually conduct special fighting skills training?" Reese asked again.

At this time, lawyer Wilfrid suddenly stood up: "Objection, the prosecutor's question has nothing to do with this case!"

Although Wilfrid had not figured out what medicine was sold in Reese's gourd, Reese did not say anything about the shooting for a long time. Instead, he focused his questions on the three robbers that Dai Li subdued. Reese felt uneasy, so he decided to interrupt Reese's question.

Reese said calmly: "Your Honor, the defendant's shooting was also part of the kidnapping, so my question is completely related to this case.

The judge nodded: "The objection is invalid, prosecutor, you can continue to ask questions."

Reese turned around with a satisfied look on his face and continued to ask Dai Li: "Mr. Li, do you usually conduct special fighting skills training?"

"No." Dai Li replied.

"How did a person who was not a soldier, who had not obtained any ranking in any fighting event, and who did not usually do fighting training, subdue three robbers with his bare hands? And one of the robbers was a former boxer. ! Do you think this is incredible?"

Reese turned to look at the others, and then said: "Obviously, the only explanation is that the defendant has violent tendencies! According to scientific research, people with violent tendencies can be more powerful than usual when attacking others. , it is precisely because Mr. Li has violent tendencies that he was able to subdue three robbers with his bare hands."

"Objection! The prosecutor's conclusion has no factual basis. If the prosecutor believes that my client is violent, please provide solid evidence." Wilfrid stood up.

The judge immediately looked at Reese: "Prosecutor, do you have any evidence?"

"Since the defendant has not received a psychological evaluation, I don't have definite evidence yet. However, this conclusion is a reasonable inference based on the facts of this case." Reese said.

"Prosecutor Reese, do you want to use an inference to convict others?" Wilfrid snorted coldly.

"Of course not. But Lawyer Wilfrid, can you give any other answers? Why can a person who is not a soldier, has not obtained any ranking in combat events, and does not usually conduct combat training, can do it with bare hands? To subdue the three robbers?" Reese asked.

"Because I am very talented in boxing!" Dai Li suddenly said.

Everyone's eyes fell on Dai Li, and Dai Li said: "I think I am a boxing genius. There are so-called geniuses in all walks of life. They can achieve results without putting in a lot of effort. I It should not be difficult to find such cases in reality.”

"Boxing genius? Mr. Li, what evidence do you have to prove that you are a boxing genius? Just relying on 'you think' cannot be used as evidence." Reese asked in a mocking tone.

"Then what evidence do you have to prove that I'm not?" Li Dai immediately asked.

The judge felt that it was pointless to dwell on this issue. He knocked the hammer in his hand and stopped the two men from continuing to express their opinions: "Please note that this is a court. Do not discuss matters unrelated to this case. Prosecutor , you are a professional and should pay more attention.”

"I'm very sorry." Reese gave the judge an apologetic look, then turned around and asked: "Mr. Li, my next question is, was it random or random that you shot Mr. Sam Gardner?" Have you made a plan in advance?”

"This is part of my plan to seek help. I plan to injure a passerby, so that the injured passerby will definitely call the police." Li Dai said.

"Then before you fired, did you ever think about what if your shot didn't hit the injured person's leg, but hit his chest, or hit his heart, or directly shot him in the head? If you do, the injured person will be beaten to death directly by you!" Reese asked.

"So I have to aim at the opponent's leg and shoot." Li Dai said.

"So, you thought of the above possibility at that time? You just need to answer yes or no." Reese emphasized his tone.

"Yes." Dai Li nodded.

"Then before you shot, did you ever think that the injured person you shot might not have called the police because of certain circumstances. For example, he did not have a mobile phone, his mobile phone was out of battery, and he fainted because of the pain." Reese added asked.

"No, in that case, I might die at any time, so I didn't think too much about it." Dai Li replied.

"Then do you know that if the injured person does not seek help from others in time, he may die from excessive blood loss?" Reese then asked.

"I didn't think about it that much." Dai Li replied.

Reese's voice suddenly rose one decibel, and he said: "According to the defendant's account, we can understand that the defendant knew before shooting that his shot was likely to cause direct death to the injured, but he Still fired the shot. At the same time, the defendant also knew very well that if the injured did not seek help from the police in time, he would also bleed to death. Obviously, the defendant was not as kind and great as the defense lawyer said. On the contrary, he He was very selfish, he didn't care about the life or death of the injured, the defendant only cared about whether he could be rescued."

"And judging from the fact that the defendant was able to subdue the three kidnappers, he is good at fighting and is likely to have violent tendencies. Think about it, a person with violent tendencies has a gun in his hand, but due to legal and moral constraints, he He cannot shoot other people. But one day, if he has a reasonable reason to shoot other people, will he still suppress his violent tendencies? Will he look forward to shooting other people? "

"This is why our prosecutors decided to charge the defendant with first-degree murder. First of all, the defendant's shooting behavior was planned and premeditated; secondly, the defendant is likely to have violent tendencies, and his behavior is not just asking for help, but may evolve into It became an act endangering public safety; third, the defendant’s motive. The defendant always argued that his motive for shooting was to ask for help from the outside world, but in fact he did not care about the life or death of the injured. He knew that he might kill someone. Under such circumstances, he still chose to shoot, which obviously complies with the legal definition of murder! In addition to the previous planning and premeditation, there is no doubt that it constitutes first-degree murder."

At the defense lawyer's table, Attorney Wilfrid had already frowned. As the jury's seats settled, some people were already nodding silently, apparently thinking that Reese's statement made sense.

As Reese said before, the members of the jury are all people who are easily influenced by others. When Reese said that "it met the legal definition of murder" and "it was undoubtedly first-degree murder," it obviously affected the jurors' judgment.

After all, the jurors are not proficient in the law, but the prosecutor is obviously a legal professional. When the prosecutor talks about the law plausibly in front of them, they are more inclined to believe the prosecutor's words.

Wilfrid felt that the situation was not good. Originally, he was completely at an advantage, but now, the situation has been reversed a lot by Reese.

"Rise really took action. I thought he would stick to the 'deliberate act' point, but I didn't expect that he would suddenly switch to 'shooting motive' and forcibly link the two with first-degree murder. . And what he did did have an effect, and some people on the jury were swayed."

Wilfrid took a deep breath, he had to find a way to reverse this situation. And the next part where he asked Dai Li a question was obviously the best way to reverse the situation.

"I need some time to think about countermeasures, and I also need some time to communicate with the person involved." Wilfrid thought of this, looked at his watch, and quickly thought of a method in his mind.

"Your Honor, I apply for a temporary adjournment." Wilfrid said.

"Defense lawyer, what reasons do you have?" the judge asked.

"I have doubts about what the prosecutor just said, 'People with violent tendencies can be more powerful than usual when attacking others.' The prosecutor claims that this is scientifically studied, but I have never I have not seen similar research results, so I need some time to consult relevant experts to see if it is really what the prosecutor said." Wilfrid said.

Reese also stood up: "Your Honor, the conclusion I mentioned has a scientific basis. Because I am a prosecutor and I will come into contact with many suspects with violent tendencies in my work, so I conducted this research project. Experts have asked me to collect research samples. I have detailed research reports and research papers published in relevant magazines. If the defense lawyer has any questions, I can provide them to him."

"Okay. Prosecutor, how long will it take for you to provide the information to the defense lawyer?" the judge asked.

"I have prepared this information in advance and put it in my suitcase. If the defense lawyer needs it, I can provide it now." Reese was obviously prepared.

"Defense lawyer, how much time do you need to verify this information?" The judge asked Wilfrid again.

"It depends on how much data there is." Wilfrid gave a very ambiguous answer.

Reese waved to his assistant, who took a thin stack of documents and handed them to Reese.

"I think it should take less than an hour to read this information, right?" Reese asked.

The judge looked at the thickness of the document and then looked at his watch. He realized that it was almost lunch time after an hour. And by that time, it will be impossible to continue the case. So the judge picked up the hammer and said, "I adjourn the court. The next court session will be at two o'clock in the afternoon."

"Bang!" The small hammer fell, and there was a crisp sound.