Almighty Coach

Chapter 497: The fish takes the bait


At two o'clock in the afternoon, the trial continued, and now it was lawyer Wilfrid's turn to ask questions.

"Mr. Li, on the day of the incident, you shot and wounded the injured person, Mr. Sam Gardner. What I want to ask is, why did you choose Mr. Sam Gardner as your target instead of Others?" Wilfrid asked.

"Because Mr. Sam Gardner happened to pass by there. At that time, my field of vision was limited to the exhaust vent, so I could only look outside the exhaust vent, waiting for someone to enter my field of vision, and Mr. Gardner It just happened to come into my field of vision, so it is not up to me to decide who to shoot." Li Dai said.

"In other words, you shot at Mr. Gardner because he appeared in your field of vision. The target you chose to shoot was not randomly selected? It depended on who entered your field of vision first. Among them?" Attorney Wilfrid asked immediately.

"Yes. Due to the limitation of my field of vision, it is impossible for me to actively select targets. I can only passively accept them." Dai Li answered.

"Then why did you choose to hit the injured man's leg?" reporter Wilfrid asked.

"Because that will not cause fatal harm to the injured." Dai Li replied.

"Then why not hit the arm? Being shot in the arm is not fatal." Wilfrid continued to ask.

"Because the arm is in the upper body, it is closer to the chest and heart, and it is also closer to the head. If you aim at the arm, the risk of causing fatal injuries to the injured will be greater." Dai Li answered.

"That is to say, before you fired, you had fully considered the danger that the shot might cause to the injured person's life, and in order to reduce the possibility of this risk, you took targeted measures. When shooting, avoid areas that may cause fatal injuries to the injured." Wilfrid asked.

"Yes." Dai Li nodded.

"But you still haven't considered that the injured person may die due to excessive blood loss, or the injured person did not bring a mobile phone, or the injured person fainted due to pain," Wilfrid continued.

"Yes, I did not think of this at the time. I would like to express my apologies to the injured Mr. Sam Gardner." Dai Li said.

Li Dai did not say that he shot Gardner in the leg. Another reason was to prevent Gardner from escaping without calling the police. Of course, he would directly ignore this reason that was not conducive to Li Dai and just face the police. Talk about what is beneficial to you.

Prosecutor Nick Reese looked at Dai Li and Wilfrid singing a double act with a sneer on his face. Wilfrid was Dai Li's lawyer. What questions he wanted to ask and how Dai Li should answer them must have been known before. It has been discussed, and there is no need for Nick Reese to delve into the loopholes. It is meaningless. Instead, he might have fallen into a trap set by Wilfrid.

And Wilfrid said: "I think everyone has heard it. The prosecutor accused the defendant of completely disregarding the life and death of the injured. This accusation is unfounded. My client deliberately avoided the upper body of the injured when he fired. The position was to avoid causing fatal injuries to the injured as much as possible, which means that he did not want to harm Mr. Gardner’s life.”

"As for what the prosecutor mentioned, the injured person may have bled to death, or the injured person did not have a mobile phone and was unable to call the police, or the injured person fainted on the spot after being shot. These possibilities do exist, and the defendant also I admit that I did not consider this at the time. I think none of us can guarantee that every decision we make will be perfectly considered and we can think of all possibilities without omitting anything. So This alone does not prove that the defendant ignored the life of the injured, and there is no causal relationship."

"And considering that the defendant was kidnapped by the kidnappers at the time, he must have been panicked and helpless. Under that situation, it was very difficult for the defendant to avoid hitting the injured person's vital parts as much as possible. That's the case. That situation is not the current trial, and the defendant cannot sit in a chair and think calmly like we do now. We can no longer ask the defendant to think so much."

Wilfrid nodded towards the judge as he spoke: "Your Honor, I have finished asking all my questions."

"Prosecutor, do you have anything else to add?" The judge looked at Prosecutor Reese.

Reese stood up immediately: "Yes, I have a few new questions to ask the defendant."

As he spoke, Reese came to Dai Li and asked, "Mr. Li, according to what you just said, you avoided the vital parts of the injured person when you fired, so you chose to hit the injured person's vital parts." Legs, right?”

Dai Li thought for a while and felt that there was no trap in Reese's words, so he nodded: "Yes."

"Then how did you do what you said and hit the injured person's leg without hitting other parts of the injured person's body, especially the vital parts?" Reese then asked.

"Sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean." Dai Li said.

"Okay, let me ask from another angle, how can you ensure that you only hit the injured person's legs and not hit the vital parts of the injured person's body?" Reese continued: "If you can't guarantee that your shot can Completely avoiding the vital points of the injured person, that is to say, the shot you fired may still kill the injured person directly. From this perspective, the injured person was not killed by you just because you did not hit the injured person. vital parts without saying you didn't commit a murder."

Dai Li roughly understood what Reese meant.

"Sure enough, as lawyer Wilfrid expected, Reese asked such a question. It seems that the fish has bitten the hook."

Thinking of this, Dai Li smiled slightly: "Of course I can ensure that my shot will only hit the injured person's leg, but not his vital parts."

"What guarantee do you have?" Reese asked immediately.

"I am very confident in my own shooting skills." Dai Li said confidently.

"Mr. Li, I want to remind you that this is a court, and self-confidence cannot be used as evidence in court." Reese said coldly.

"Okay, let me put it another way, my marksmanship is very accurate." Li Dai replied.

"Very accurate? This is a very broad concept. Everyone has a different understanding of accuracy. Maybe what you think of as 'very accurate marksmanship' may not be the same concept in the eyes of others. Just rely on your dictation of 'marksmanship' "Very accurate," in my opinion, is completely baseless and cannot be used as evidence," Reese said with good reason.

Dai Li pretended to be thoughtful. After a few seconds, he spoke: "I can hit a coin with a rifle at a distance of fifty meters. This is what I know as 'very accurate marksmanship'. May I ask Rui Prosecutor Sri Lanka, as well as everyone here, can my understanding be called 'the marksmanship is very accurate'? Does it conform to your understanding of the description of 'the marksmanship is very accurate'? If you think this cannot be regarded as ' If your marksmanship is very accurate, you can provide your own evidence."

At this moment, both the judge and the jury looked at Dai Li with surprised eyes.

Reese was also shocked. The standard of "accurate marksmanship" proposed by Dai Li was far beyond Reese's knowledge. In Reese's view, a gun that hits 10 rings in the shooting range is considered a very accurate shot. However, Dai Li said that he hit a coin 50 meters away, which is beyond Reese's understanding.

Reese subconsciously glanced in the direction of the court door. He was standing about thirty meters away from the court door, and he couldn't even see the keyhole of the door clearly.

"You're bragging. How is it possible to hit a coin at a distance of 50 meters? I can't even see the keychain at a distance of 30 meters. If I put a coin fifty meters away, I'm afraid I won't be able to see it at all. ! He must be bluffing."

Reese immediately asked: "Mr. Li, are you sure you said 50 meters, not 5 meters or 10 meters? What you want to hit is a coin? Not a tire?"

"It seems that Prosecutor Reese didn't hear clearly. Let me say it again. I can hit a coin with a rifle at a distance of fifty meters." Dai Li deliberately slowed down his speech this time to let the court Everyone on the left and right could hear it clearly.

"Mr. Li, I must remind you that this is a court, not a talk show, and every word and sentence you say is evidence in court and must be recorded. If you lie, I will You can be charged with perjury." Reese stared at Dai Li with a sharp gaze.

"Prosecutor Reese, just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean it's not true. Just like you charged me with first-degree murder and assaulting a police officer, it's because you don't admit that I'm not guilty, but the fact is that I'm not guilty. " Dai Li shrugged.

Reese frowned in embarrassment. Dai Li's analogy was obviously a challenge to him.

"Whether you are guilty or not depends on the court, but what you just said, that you can hit a coin at a distance of 50 meters, is not just casual talk." Reese said.

"If I can really hit a coin at a distance of 50 meters, does it prove that I am fully capable of hitting the injured person's leg without causing fatal injuries to the injured person?" Dai Li asked immediately.

"Well..." Reese hesitated, not wanting to give a definite answer. Although Reese did not think it was possible for Dai Li to hit a coin at a distance of 50 meters, his professional sensitivity made him feel that it was better to leave some room for success.

Dai Li continued as if he was unreasonable: "Prosecutor Reese, you were the one who questioned my marksmanship just now and asked me to prove that my marksmanship is accurate. Now I am going to prove it according to your request." , but you seem to be going back on your word. Prosecutor Reese, what are you afraid of? Or do you think I am not guilty at all? "

Everyone at the scene turned their attention to Reese, including the jurors present. Reese could clearly sense that the jurors had developed a feeling of distrust in him.

"It seems that we can't agree if we don't agree." Reese took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Li, if you can really prove that your marksmanship is very accurate, then our prosecutor will be able to recognize that you have the ability to only hit the wounded. legs without causing fatal injuries to the injured person."

"Very good." Dai Li turned his attention to lawyer Wilfrid.

Lawyer Wilfrid also stood up immediately and said to the judge: "Your Honor, in view of the new circumstances in this case, the prosecutor has requested new evidence from us. As the defendant's attorney, I am applying to the court. The court is adjourned temporarily and the retrial will be postponed so that we can have time to prepare evidence."

The judge nodded and looked at Reese again: "Prosecutor, what do you think?"

"Your Honor, our prosecutor agrees with the request of the defendant's attorney for a temporary adjournment and postponement of the retrial. However, our prosecutor believes that the new evidence provided by the defendant's attorney must be approved by the court and the prosecutor." Rui Si spoke.

"Prosecutor Reese, what do you mean by the evidence that needs to be recognized by the court and the prosecutor?" Wilfrid asked immediately.

Prosecutor Reese replied: "It's very simple. Since the defendant claimed that he could hit a coin 50 meters away, then I hope that the court and our prosecutors can personally witness the defendant's self-incriminating behavior instead of the defense attorney." The document provided by the notary office is out, or a video of a few minutes.”

"Defendant's attorney, can you accept the prosecutor's request?" the judge asked.

Wilfrid looked at Dai Li with a questioning look, and Dai Li nodded towards Wilfrid.

"We can accept the prosecutor's request." Wilfrid replied.

"So jury, can you accept the prosecutor's request?" the judge asked the jury again.

The jury deliberated and found that most people were still curious about whether Dai Li could hit a coin from 50 meters away, so the jury agreed to Reese's request.

"Our plan was successful, but I thought that we only needed to do everything well under the witness of the notary. But I didn't expect that Reis would use this trick. Mr. Li, Reis was deliberately trying to hurt you. Create obstacles,” Wilfrid said.

"I know that Nick Reese thinks that when there are more people watching, I will be nervous and my shots will be inaccurate. But this time he made the wrong calculation. My psychological quality is very good." Li Dai smiled confidently.

If ordinary people are showing off their marksmanship and there are a lot of people watching, they may be nervous and inaccurate. This is a normal behavior. Just like those young athletes who lack competition experience, they usually perform very vigorously during training, but when they get to the actual competition scene, they will not be able to let go and cannot perform to the level of usual training.

However, Dai Li didn't care about people watching, because he wanted to use Adam Holly's copy card to obtain 70% of Adam Holly's abilities.

Adam Holly, a world-class athlete, has participated in countless competitions, and there are many world-class competitions. In competitions at that level, it is common for thousands of people to watch at the scene, and there will also be dozens of cameras pointed at him for a live broadcast or something. For such athletes, they are not afraid of global live broadcasts, and the crowds of twenty or thirty people are even more childish, and they will not feel nervous at all. Dai Li can obtain 70% of Adam Holly's ability, so naturally he will not panic on the spot.

Next to him, lawyer Wilfrid asked again: "Mr. Li, can you really hit a coin at a distance of 50 meters? I don't want to question you, but in my opinion, this is too It’s unbelievable. A coin is so small. If you put it fifty meters away, you wouldn’t even be able to see it, let alone hit it with a gun.”

"Lawyer Wilfrid, have you ever seen the 50-meter air rifle competition?" Dai Li asked rhetorically.

"Well, I've watched a few, and the one I've watched the most is Adam Holly's game." Wilfrid replied.

"Then you should know that it is not difficult for professional shooters to hit the 9th ring." Li Dai said and gestured with his hand: "A coin is about the same size as the 9th ring on a 50-meter air rifle target. .”