Almighty Coach

Chapter 498: Sharpshooter


In a certain shooting training hall, Dai Li stood in front of the 50-meter rifle shooting stand, and the target paper was replaced with a piece of white paper, with a circle the same size as a coin blackened in the middle.

The judge in charge of the case, members of the jury, prosecutor Nick Reese, and personnel from the notary office were all present.

Wilfrid held a coin in his hand, marked the black circle in the center of the target paper, and then said: "Everyone, this is the target paper we are using today, with a black circle in the middle. It happens to be the same size as the coin in my hand, do you have any objection to us using this kind of target paper for testing?"

No one questioned the target paper. Wilfrid took out another competition air rifle and then said to the notary: "This is a competition-specific rifle. Mr. Notary, please check this one." gun."

The notary took the gun, looked at it carefully, and then returned the gun to Wilfrid, saying at the same time: "There is nothing wrong with this gun."

"Let me explain in advance that the sight on this gun does not have a magnifying function, which means that what you see through the sight is the same size as the real thing. Mr. Notary, am I right?" Wei. Alfred looked at the notary.

"It's like this." The notary gave a positive answer.

"In that case, I think we can get started." Wilfrid handed the gun to Dai Li's hand.

The members of the jury all looked at the gun target 50 meters away, hoping to see with their own eyes whether Li Dai could hit the black dot in the center of the target paper. But what disappointed them was that at this distance, although they could see the target. paper, but the coin-sized black circle on the target paper could not be seen at all.

"Can you see the target clearly?"

"I can only see a target paper in the distance, but there is nothing on the target paper that I can see at all."

"The same is true for me. From a distance of 50 meters, it's the size of a coin. I can't even see it, let alone hit it."

"I have long thought that hitting a coin from 50 meters is almost impossible. I don't think the defendant can do it at all."

"But if he really can't do it, why would he take the initiative? I think he can do it."

"If he can really hit the target at this distance, then I have to admit that his marksmanship is really very accurate."

The members of the jury were discussing quietly, and Nick Reese's face showed a confident expression.

"At such a long distance, it was impossible to see the target clearly on the target paper, and the gun's sight did not have a magnifying function, so it was impossible for him to hit it."

Dai Li seemed very calm. He once again used Adam Holly's copy card, gaining 70% of Holly's strength.

A coin fifty meters away is simply an undetectable target in the eyes of ordinary people, but from the perspective of a professional shooter, the black circle on the target paper is roughly equivalent to the size of nine rings in a competition. If it is in a formal competition, a score of 9 rings can even be regarded as a failing score for athletes, so 9 rings can be regarded as the lowest standard for professional shooters.

Adam Holly is the top shooter in the world. Even if he only shows 70% of his strength, he is still comparable to ordinary Olympic-level athletes. There is still no pressure to shoot nine rings.

Li Dai raised his gun, aimed at the target in the distance, and then pulled the trigger.

The air rifle used for competition does not have the sound of gunpowder explosion like a real gun. Its sound is very clear and easy to identify. When Dai Li fired, people's attention focused on the gun target again.

"Did you hit it?"

"I don't know how it is possible to see clearly from such a long distance."

Dai Li signaled to the staff at the shooting gallery. The staff pressed the button and the target paper slid along the roller. Only when the target paper got closer did everyone see clearly, there was an obvious hole in the black circle drawn in the center of the target paper.

"Oh my god, it hit, it really hit!"

"At such a long distance, we couldn't even see clearly, and he actually hit it."

"How does this guy aim? Does he have eagle eyes?"

someone in the jury exclaimed.

Nick Reese's expression also solidified at this moment. Dai Li actually hit the target with one shot from such a long distance, which was completely beyond his imagination.

But Nick Reese immediately calmed himself down and said, "It was just a hit. The possibility of coincidence cannot be ruled out."

Dai Li seemed to have expected that Reese would say this. He said to the staff next to him: "Change a new target paper, and I will take another shot."

The staff immediately replaced a new target paper, then pressed the button to send the target paper 50 meters away. Then Li Dai aimed again and fired.

The sound of the roller sounded, and the second target paper also appeared in front of everyone's eyes. The gun hole in the black circle in the middle was still very eye-catching.

"It hit again. If it hits twice in a row, it can't be a coincidence, right?" One juror said softly, and several other jurors beside him also nodded in agreement.

Reese's face became embarrassed. Just as he said it might be a coincidence, he was slapped in the face.

However, Reese would not give in so easily, and he would find other excuses to argue.

Dai Li didn't give him a chance to speak. He directly said to the shooting range staff: "Get a new target paper!"

The third target paper appeared in front of everyone. After the previous two shots were fired, Dai Li also adjusted his aim. This time the eye of the gun was close to the center of the small black circle on the target paper. If it were replaced by 50 The target for the rice rifle competition is definitely a 10-ring score.

"This is almost the center, right? It's incredible that it can hit the center of the target paper from such a long distance!"

"The defendant did not brag. I have to admit that he is really a sharpshooter."

"I think the snipers in the special forces are nothing more than that, right?"

"No, I don't think snipers are necessarily that powerful. Sniper rifles have scopes. Didn't the defendant's attorney just say that the scope of the air rifle does not have any magnifying function? He relied entirely on it. Aim with the naked eye.”

"Not only his eyesight is good, but his aiming movements must also be very precise. At a distance of 50 meters, just a slight movement of the arm will cause a big deviation."

These conversations fell into Nick Reese's ears, making him feel particularly harsh.

However, the third shot was not the end. Dai Li signaled the staff at the shooting gallery to replace the fourth target paper, and then Dai Li hit the target steadily.

Then came the fifth shot, the sixth shot, the seventh shot...

Dai Li fired ten shots in total, and the gun hit the black circle on the target paper.

The judges and jury members watching from the side also changed from shocked to accustomed. At first, they all thought it was incredible to hit a coin fifty meters away. However, when Dai Li hit every shot, they gradually started to get used to it.

After ten shots, Dai Li stopped shooting, and lawyer Wilfrid displayed a stack of target paper in front of everyone.

"Everyone, I think everyone has seen that my client is indeed capable of hitting a coin at a distance of 50 meters. You will no longer question the accuracy of my client's marksmanship, right?" Wilfer Reed asked.

The members of the jury nodded their heads. They obviously recognized Dai Li's shooting skills.

The only one who didn't want to admit this result was Nick Reese.

Once he admitted the accuracy of Li Dai's marksmanship, it meant that Li Dai was able to only hit Gardner's leg, but not the vital parts of Gardner's body. This also meant that Li Dai could not hit Gardner's legs. With the motive and possibility of murder, he lost the basis to continue to accuse Dai Li of first-degree murder.

"I couldn't see it from such a long distance, but he was able to hit the target. Could it be that the gun had been tampered with? But the notary has already checked it. It is said that there can be no problem with the air rifle in his hand. of."

Nick Reese frowned and thought for a long time, then suddenly said: "Wait a minute, I want to check that air rifle!"

Reese felt that it was better not to let go of any possibility, even if the possibility he expected was almost non-existent.

"No problem." Attorney Wilfrid took the air rifle and handed it to Reese's hand.

The expression of the notary next to him became gloomy, and he looked at Nick Reese with a hostile look.

Before that, the notary had personally inspected the air rifle, and now Nick Reese asked to inspect it again in person. This was undoubtedly a slap in the face of the notary. It seemed to be questioning the conspiracy of the notary and the defendant to deliberately make false claims. Naturally, the notary Will be hostile to Reese.

Reese fiddled with the air rifle and aimed it at a distant target to confirm whether the sight on the air rifle had a magnifying function.

Lawyer Wilfrid also suddenly spoke at this time: "I think it's better to do this. Prosecutor Reese, can you try to fire a few shots?"

Wilfrid said, and asked the staff of the shooting gallery to change a new gun target again.

Reese hesitated for a moment, then stood in front of the shooting stand. He raised the air rifle and aimed at the target in front of him.

As a well-known prosecutor, Reese's marksmanship is still very good. This is not because he needs to test his marksmanship as a prosecutor, but because as a prosecutor, he often sends suspects to prison. This kind of offending activity There is a possibility of retaliation from the suspect or the suspect's family. And the United States is a country with a lot of guns. Maybe one day, someone who has been sent to prison by Reese will take revenge on him with a gun, so Reese himself has also developed a very good set of guns. His marksmanship allows him to protect himself when in danger.

However, at this time, Reese discovered that his marksmanship was quite good, but it was of no use at all. The target paper placed fifty meters away was just a target that Reese could catch. As for the black circle on the target paper that was as big as a coin, Reese couldn't see it at all.

"Damn it, you can't see that black circle at all. How can you aim if you can't see it? How can you shoot? How did Dai Li hit it!" Reese began to complain in his heart.

Reese moved his arms slightly, trying to aim at the target as much as possible, but he found that at this distance, if his arms moved just a little bit, there would be a large deviation on the gun target. , and may even miss the target directly.

As time passed by, Reese kept aiming, but the more he tried to aim, the more his arms shook.

Three minutes passed, and Reese still didn't fire.

"Prosecutor Reese, the time of the judge and jurors is precious. Can you please hurry up?" Wilfrid deliberately urged.

"I need time to aim! Didn't the defendant just shoot after taking precise aim?" Reese retorted.

"But my client only aimed for more than a minute, and you have been aiming for more than three minutes. And I feel that even if I give you another three minutes, you may not be able to complete the aim. You can't let us have so many Can people wait indefinitely?" Wilfrid deliberately used words to stimulate Reiss.

Reese also knew that Wilfrid was stimulating him, so he ignored the other person and continued to aim his gun at the target.

Finally, Reese pulled the trigger.

After the gunshot sounded, Reese looked at the gun target expectantly. He really hoped that he could hit the target, but at this distance, he couldn't see the target paper clearly at all.

The staff at the shooting gallery pressed the button and the roller pushed the target paper in front of everyone. The target paper was empty, not even a small hole.

Reese's shot missed the target.

"Prosecutor Reese, I suggest you fire a few shots in succession, maybe you can hit the target paper." Wilfrid said with a proud look on his face.

Reese's expression was very unnatural. Fortunately, the judge stood up and asked: "Prosecutor Reese, after your inspection, is there anything wrong with this gun?"

The judge's question relieved Reese's embarrassment, and Reese shook his head helplessly: "There is nothing wrong with this gun."

"That means that my client has proven that his marksmanship is very accurate. I think everyone at the scene agrees with this result, right?" Wilfrid asked immediately, but his eyes looked at Reese .

The judge and jury have obviously recognized this result, and are now waiting for the prosecutor Reese to nod.

In fact, there were notaries at the scene, and even if Reese wanted to deny it, he would not be able to pass the court test. Faced with the facts, Reese nodded helplessly and admitted in a low voice: "Yes, the defendant's shooting skills are very accurate."

Wilfrid showed a proud smile, then he took the briefcase from his assistant, then took out a document from it, and continued: "This one in my hand is the psychological evaluation report of my client. This report was issued by the Institute of Psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles. The results of the psychological evaluation report showed that my client did not have violent tendencies. In other words, the prosecutor’s belief that my client had violent tendencies was completely unfounded. Later, I will present this report as evidence in court."

Looking at the psychological evaluation report in Wilfrid's hand, Nick Reese's expression became more and more depressed, and his heart felt even colder. He knew that the basis for his accusation of Dai Li's first-degree murder had been revealed one by one. In rebuttal, it is obviously impossible to charge Dai Li with first-degree murder.

In the current situation, even if Nick Reese instead accuses Dai Li of intentional injury, the chance of successfully convicting Dai Li is slim. After previous confrontations between the prosecution and the defense, the jurors were obviously more in favor of Dai Li. If Reese continued to accuse Dai Li of intentional injury, it would make the jury feel that Reese was deliberately looking for trouble, and they would sympathize with Dai Li. , will also be more biased towards Li Dai when making a judgment.

"It seems that my 100% conviction rate is coming to an end..."