Almighty Coach

Chapter 508: Blue is better than blue


"New coach of U.S. national track and field team announced"

"U.S. track and field team welcomes first foreign coach in history"

"A Chinese coach was appointed to coach the U.S. national track and field team"

"The Decline of American Track and Field?" We couldn't find an American coach! 》

The next day, news reports that Li Dai became the head coach of the U.S. national track and field team almost appeared in the sports sections of major media.

Most media reports are relatively neutral, or relatively simple. This is just a brief overview without detailed coverage.

Some media dug into Dai Li's resume and found that he had trained "Blade Runner" Philip, and the 400-meter king Jimmy Irvine also chose Dai Li as his coach for his comeback. At the same time, Dai Li also There is a chain of physical training centers. From these points of view, Dai Li is qualified to serve as the head coach of the US track and field team.

There are also a lot of negative voices from the media. They obviously feel that the U.S. national track and field team should not allow a Chinese to be the head coach.

"The United States is the world's number one track and field power, but now it wants to find a foreign coach to be the head coach of our national track and field team!"

"Does American track and field need to be saved by a Chinese coach? What are our American coaches doing?"

"Is the Athletic Association crazy? Let a Chinese lead our track and field team! The Olympic gold medals they won are less than a fraction of ours!"

"Although China is not a weak country in track and field, it is definitely not a strong country in track and field. What qualifications does a Chinese coach have to lead the most powerful American track and field team in the world!"

The United States is a country of immigrants, and its society is still tolerant. It is not uncommon for foreigners to serve as the head coach of a national team in a certain sport. There have been many non-American head coaches in the history of the U.S. Olympic team.

But there has never been a non-American head coach in a strong American program. For example, American basketball has never had a non-American head coach, and the NBA has never had a non-American head coach in its decades-long history. Occasionally there are some dual-nationality coaches, all of whom were cultivated by American basketball culture. from.

Track and field is also a traditional strong sport in the United States. In the 1980s and 1990s, the United States once became the ruler of world track and field. The former American track and field team was more powerful than the current American basketball dream team, so the United States There has never been a non-American track and field coach in history.

Therefore, some Americans cannot accept a non-American head coach to lead their national track and field team from the bottom of their hearts.

Some media gave negative comments to Dai Li, and some media also raised objections. Some people on the Internet said that a foreigner should not be allowed to serve as the head coach of the U.S. track and field team. But in general, this did not cause a lot of social repercussions.

After all, coaches don't attract as much attention as athletes. Few people will pay special attention to who the coach of a certain athlete is. Some people even only pay attention to who wins the championship and don't even care about the runner-up and third place. Such people will naturally not be interested in news about a coach.

In the Internet age, news spreads in seconds. News that appears in the United States will be seen immediately on the other side of the ocean.

It's morning in the United States, and it's evening in China. At this time, many domestic Internet companies have not yet got off work.

For domestic Internet companies, the 996 work system is very common. You go to work at 9 a.m. and get off work at 9 p.m., working 6 days a day. It has become the rule for many Internet companies. This kind of working hours has far exceeded It violates the provisions of the labor law, but Internet companies are happy to do so, and many companies are even proud of it.

It is also because of this 996 work system that the editors of news websites who are still working overtime late at night also received the news as soon as possible.

In the sports section editorial room of a certain portal website, editor A read a piece of news from an American website.

""The new coach of the U.S. National Track and Field Team is announced." There was such a big scandal, and even the head coach was involved in the case. This U.S. track and field team is probably going to be in trouble. I don’t know what kind of head coach they have found this time. Save Team America." Editor A said to himself.

In fact, he doesn't care much about this news. The domestic people, like the American people, pay far less attention to coaches than athletes. Even coaches from their own country don't care much, let alone foreign coaches.

There is nothing worth reporting on this kind of news in translation, so the editor has no intention of clicking on it. However, thinking about the recent doping scandal that broke out in the United States, out of the mentality of watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously, the editor I clicked on the news anyway.

"Huh? I read that right! The head coach of the US team is Chinese!" the editor exclaimed.

"What's the noise about? You scared me!" A complaining voice sounded from the side. This person was secretly sleeping just now, but was woken up by Xiaobianjia's voice.

After all, not everyone can hold on to the 996 job, and it’s normal to be unable to hold on for a while.

"Come and see, the new head coach of the U.S. national track and field team is Chinese!" Editor A said again.

"Is it fake? With the level of American track and field, do you still need to find foreign coaches? There are excellent track and field coaches everywhere."

"When I think about it, it seems impossible. What is the strength of American track and field? What is the strength of our country's track and field? We are not even one-tenth as good as others! Why should we teach Americans track and field?"

Everyone thought that Editor A was "releasing satellites", and some people came over to expose Xiao Editor's lies, but found that Editor A was not lying.

"Holy crap, it's true, that's what the news really says!" the man said.

"Isn't it?" Everyone around him gathered around, some started searching on other websites, and some even logged into the USATF website and got the same information.

The United States is the world's number one track and field power, and the majestic U.S. national track and field team has actually found a Chinese as its head coach. This is big news in the eyes of the editors, and it can definitely be regarded as bringing glory to the country.

In fact, many Chinese people still have a weak mentality, thinking that everything in foreign countries is developed and powerful. What foreigners say is good must be good, and the moon in foreign countries must be rounder. Therefore, as long as Chinese people can achieve even a little bit of success in developed countries in Europe and the United States, it can be regarded as bringing glory to the country.

Excessive self-deprecation and admiration for foreigners are certainly not worth advocating, but as far as track and field is concerned, the United States is indeed sufficiently developed and powerful that no country in the world can compare with it. This is an indisputable fact.

So the poor editors started a new round of overtime work. The news that Dai Li was appointed to the US national track and field team instantly made the headlines of the sports sections of major portal websites. Some websites even put this matter at the top of the list. version location.

Early in the morning, in a quiet community in the third ring road of the capital, an old man with a shaved head and a somewhat ferocious face walked out, humming a tune.

This old man is Xue Li, the former deputy head coach of the national track and field team. Now he has already enjoyed his retirement life.

There is an old bean juice shop at the entrance of the community. This is also the place that Xue Li visits every morning. He walked straight in and ordered a bowl of bean juice. He looked at the freshly fried rings, swallowed, and finally ordered Had a tea egg.

"Hey, Lao Xue, why didn't you ask for a focus circle today?" someone next to him asked.

"Fried food is not healthy. I have high blood pressure, so I have to eat less of it. I already ate it yesterday, but I don't dare to eat it today." Xue Li shook his head helplessly, then took the bean juice and tea eggs and found a table. Sit down.

Xue Li knew all the people at the table. There were two old men who also came here for breakfast every day. The other middle-aged man in his thirties was the manager of a nearby real estate agency and also lived nearby, so he was considered a neighbor here.

A few old men gathered together and naturally started chatting, and the real estate agent started checking his cell phone.

"Hey, what's new? The U.S. track and field team has hired a Chinese as its head coach!" the middle-aged real estate agent suddenly said.

"What did you say? Really or not? Americans are so good at track and field, they need us as their head coaches!" an old man next to him asked with a surprised look on his face.

"That's what it said on the news, Uncle Chen, if you don't believe it, just read it!" The real estate agent handed the phone to the old man.

The old man took out his reading glasses from his jacket pocket, put them on and started reading the news on his phone.

"It's really like this. The U.S. track and field team has welcomed its first foreign coach in history." The old man read the headline of the news, and then continued: "Look at the photo, this guy is quite young. Being able to be the head coach of an American is such a big deal. The guy is pretty awesome too.”

"Let me see!" Another old man grabbed the phone, read the news, and then said to Xue Li: "Old Xue, this young man is better than you. You have been around all your life, and at most you are the deputy of our national team. Head coach, I’m not even a head coach, look at this guy, he’s half your age and he’s already the head coach of the U.S. National Track and Field Team!”

At first glance, the old man who spoke looked like the kind of person who would sit around looking for trouble all day long.

Xue Li looked unconvinced and said, "Are you bragging! The level of American track and field is so high that they would ask us to be their head coach? I think it's fake news!"

"If you don't believe it, just look at it! That's what it says on the news. It says it was announced by the USA Track and Field Association, and there are photos on it!" The old man handed the phone to Xue Li.

Xue Li took the phone with disdain. When he saw Dai Li's photo on the news on his phone, his expression suddenly solidified.

The next second, the chopsticks in Xue Li's hand suddenly fell to the ground, and tears suddenly rolled in his eyes.

When the old man who just spoke saw Xue Li's look, he thought he had irritated Xue Li. He immediately said: "Old Xue, what's wrong with you? Don't be like this! I was just joking. I have a bad mouth. , I’m just teasing you! Can’t I just say I’m sorry?”

However, Xue Li couldn't help but shed tears.

"Old Sun, look at you, you don't know what to say, you must have offended Lao Xue!" Another old man next to him scolded.

"Don't blame Lao Sun, I'm happy!" Xue Li wiped away his tears. He pointed to the photo of Li Dai on his phone and continued: "This man is my apprentice! His name is Li Dai. He is My apprentice!"

"What? He is your apprentice?"

"Really or not? Lao Xue, you are so awesome, you can teach a head coach of the American team!"

"The American head coaches are all your apprentices, Lao Xue, you are hiding it!"

Several people nearby who were familiar with Xue Li immediately came over.

Even the store owner came over. He looked at Dai Li's photo and then said: "Old Xue, your apprentice looks very young. When you were as old as him, you just joined our national team as a coach. Right! Isn’t this considered to be better than the old?"

"Yes, the best is better than the last! The best is better than the last!" Xue Li took a deep breath, but at this time he felt that his heart was still boiling uncontrollably.