Almighty Coach

Chapter 511: Coach Logan


Just a few minutes ago, Met was discussing with his companions that the new coach of the US team was Chinese. His words were full of contempt and he vowed that even if the coach came to invite him, he would not join the US team.

But a few minutes later, Dai Li actually appeared in front of him and invited him to join the American team. At this moment, Met was completely confused. He seriously felt that real life was full of malice towards him.

The head coach of the US team personally invited Met to join, so what choice should Met make

Only a fool would say no.

"Coach Li, you just said that I can join the US team? Can I go to the Olympics?" Mete's voice was trembling with excitement.

"Yes. If you are willing." Dai Li said calmly.

"Yes, of course I am willing! I am very willing," Matt said without hesitation.

The declaration of "I won't go if you please" a few minutes ago has been forgotten by Mate. It's cool to brag, and it's also very honorable to brag about your awesomeness, but when faced with realistic choices, Mate is still very honest. Yes, he didn't care about being embarrassed in front of his friends and agreed without hesitation.

As an athlete, if you say that you don't want to join the national team or participate in the Olympics, that's 10,000% a lie. In fact, before that, Mette just had sour grapes. When the opportunity to join the US national team and participate in the Olympics came to him, how could he be willing to refuse it.

Ellis Met was the athlete that Dai Li had discovered before that had A+ talent, but was eliminated in the first round of the trials. From Dai Li's professional perspective, Met performed very poorly in that game and made many mistakes that professional athletes should not make.

Dai Li could feel that that was definitely not Matt's true strength. Matt was paying tuition to stay young, and he could definitely run faster. Li Dai even felt that with Mete's talent and strength, if he performed better, it wouldn't be a surprise to win the Olympics.

This is also the reason why Li Dai came to invite Mate in person.

Dai Li has gained the power to personally select athletes, and he has a good idea of who to select. However, the number of athletes in the US team is really too big, and Dai Li doesn’t know the magic of splitting, so it is naturally impossible for him to personally invite all the athletes. . For the vast majority of athletes, Dai Li sent invitation letters in the name of the U.S. National Track and Field Team. For some athletes who seemed important to Dai Li, Dai Li personally visited to ensure that the athletes were willing to join the U.S. Track and Field Team.

The University of Oregon in Eugene is a famous sports school in North America, famous for its football and track and field. In the last Olympic Games, 10 athletes on the U.S. track and field delegation were alumni of the University of Oregon. There are only about 150 people in a U.S. track and field team, which means that one-fifteenth of the athletes are from the same university. You must know that there are many excellent universities in the United States, and the competition between them is also very fierce. Moreover, the United States has a long sports culture and countless excellent athletes. The proportion of one-fifteenth is really terrible.

The head coach of the University of Oregon is named Logan. He has served as the head coach of the U.S. National Track and Field Team twice, so he can be regarded as a track and field coach with both strength and qualifications.

When the doping scandal broke out not long ago, the United States Track and Field Association also invited coach Rogan, hoping that he could turn the tide, but Rogan refused. Rogan knew that this U.S. track and field team was hopeless, and he cherished feathers. I don’t want to be known as a “loser” before I retire.

Logan is over 70 years old this year. He lived in England for a period of time when he was young, so he developed the habit of afternoon tea. So every day when it was afternoon tea time, it became a break for the track and field team. The coaches and athletes would stop, and Logan would make himself a cup of black tea, take out a few snacks, and enjoy his afternoon tea.

The taste of the snacks satisfied Logan. He leaned on the sofa with a smile on his face, looking comfortable.

Next to him, several of his coaches were talking about interesting things that had happened recently.

"I really didn't expect that the Athletics Association finally chose a Chinese coach. Is it so difficult to find an American coach?"

"Who says otherwise! This may become the most wrong decision in the history of the Athletics Association."

"Maybe the Chinese coach gave money to the officials of the Athletics Association? I heard that the Chinese coach is very rich and has a chain of physical training centers in Los Angeles."

"I don't think that Chinese coach has any abilities. I think it's better for you to be the head coach!"

"Haha, you are better than him!"

"We are all better than him!"

Everyone laughed unbridled.

There was no smile on Logan's face. He coughed dryly, stopped everyone's conversation, and then said: "You guys don't have to think about it. If that Chinese coach really doesn't have any ability, how dare you Take over this USA Track and Field mess.”

Everyone immediately became silent and looked at Coach Logan.

Coach Logan said: "He has a chain of physical training centers in Los Angeles, and they are very famous. At least a few of you haven't done this, right? Also, the first track and field athlete he trained was that 'Blade Runner' Philip, let a person who has lost his legs run faster than a healthy person, none of you can do this, right?"

"Maybe that's just his luck and a coincidence." Someone said.

"Coincidence? When Alvin comes back, there are so many well-known coaches to choose from, but he is chosen. Is this also a coincidence? Do you think an athlete of Alvin's level would be a fool and would choose an incompetent coach? Coach?" Logan asked.

Everyone fell silent for a moment.

Rogge continued: "Don't always think that you are smarter than others, and don't always criticize others without thinking! If others can achieve achievements that you cannot, it means that they must have advantages that you do not have. If you also have that kind of advantage, you should also achieve the same achievement. You must learn to see the advantages of others instead of always imagining other people's shortcomings in your mind! Even if you think of everyone in the world as idiots, you can't You won’t get any smarter.”

At this moment, an administrator from the school walked in from outside and said, "Coach Logan, there is someone outside looking for you. He claims to be the new head coach of the national track and field team."

"Is it the Chinese coach? I really can't bear to talk about who is coming." Logan stood up and adjusted his clothes: "Invite him in!"