Almighty Coach

Chapter 512: This coach is not easy


Dai Li walked into the room and saw Coach Logan. The two greeted each other, and then after the guests and hosts took their seats, Coach Logan took the lead and asked: "Coach Li, I don't know why you came here this time? "

"I'm here to recruit athletes for the national team." Li Dai said, took out a list of athletes from his arms, handed it to Logan, and continued: "The five athletes on this list are currently in Oregon. They are all your disciples who are studying in the university, and I hope to invite them to join the U.S. national track and field team."

Logan took the list and looked at the names on it, but the expression on his face became serious.

"Coach Li, what criteria did you use to select these five athletes? As far as I know, their performance in the Olympic trials was not very good. At least based on their performance rankings, they have no chance of entering the national team. There are more than one or two athletes named before them," Coach Logan said.

"This is not selected based on the results of the trials. These five people are all athletes that I personally like." Li Dai said.

"But according to the regulations of the national team, athletes should be selected in order of performance." Logan's expression became more serious, and he continued: "Coach Li, if my understanding is correct, you can do it according to your own wishes. To select athletes?”

"That's right." Dai Li nodded.

Coach Logan's expression softened a lot, and an enigmatic smile appeared on his face: "Coach Li, I guess this is the condition for you to agree to take over the US national team, right?"

"Yes, due to time constraints, I need to have a certain degree of autonomy. Otherwise, we may not even have the number of athletes." Li Dai replied.

Logan shook the list of five athletes with names in his hand, and then said: "Who recommended the athletes on this list to you?"

"No one recommended them to me." Li Dai said.

"Then how did you select these five people from the many lists of athletes? As I said just now, their results in the selection competition were not the best." Logan asked.

"I have seen their performance in the trials, and I think they have the strength to represent the United States in the Olympics. As for the trials, I think they just didn't perform well at the time," Dai Li replied.

Coach Logan stared at Dai Li with a half-smiling look.

Luo Gen didn't believe Li Dai's statement that "no one recommended him." But what Dai Li said later, that these five people have the ability to represent the United States in the Olympics, is also what Logan agrees with.

The five athletes on the list were all trained by Logan himself. How much weight they have, Logan knows very well. Rogan was also the head coach of the U.S. track and field team. Based on Rogan's assessment, the strength of these five athletes has indeed met the standards for entering the U.S. national team.

It's just that people stumble and horses stumble, and athletes will always be in poor condition. However, these five athletes did not perform well enough in the Olympic trials, so they did not even enter the finals.

This situation occurs a lot in every US team selection. After all, victory or defeat is determined by one battle, and no matter how good an athlete is, he or she may fail in the selection. It is not once or twice that the world record holder failed to make it out of the trials in the United States. It is normal for ordinary athletes to fail in the trials.

But what surprised Logan was that Dai Li came in person and asked for these five people by name. He obviously knew the strength of these five people. If it was just a coincidence, Logan would never believe it.

"There are many athletes participating in the trials. It is really not easy for Dai Li to choose these five people from many players!" Thinking of this, Logan became even more curious about Dai Li. He decided to find an opportunity to test Li Dai.

"My tea time is coming to an end." Logan looked at his watch and then said, "Coach Li, are you interested in visiting my training?" Logan then asked.

"It's a great honor!" Li Dai nodded and agreed.

The University of Oregon is located in Eugene, the capital of track and field. The track and field team of the University of Oregon is also superior to the track and field teams of other universities. Whether it is hardware facilities, coaching level or the talent of athletes, the University of Oregon is the best in the United States.

"Coach Li, what do you think of these young people?" Coach Logan asked with a smile on his face.

"They are all very good. Coach Logan is really good at coaching." Li Dai said politely.

Coach Logan was not satisfied with Dai Li's answer. He continued, "Coach Li, you are the head coach of the U.S. Track and Field Team. If you can give these young people some pointers, they will be very happy."

After Logan finished speaking, he ignored whether Dai Li agreed or not and waved directly to the assistant coach next to him. The assistant coach understood and immediately recruited several athletes from the training ground.

"Are you trying to give me a showdown, or are you trying to test my quality?" Although Li Dai couldn't figure out what Luo Gen was thinking, since the other party had already made a move, Li Dai had no reason not to take the move.

At this time, several other coaches also stopped what they were doing and gathered around. They wanted to see how capable Dai Li, the new head coach of the US team, was, and they also wanted to see Dai Li make a fool of himself.

Dai Li looked at the first athlete and activated the detection at the same time.

"Did you strain your thigh not long ago? It's not okay for you to start high-intensity training before you are 100% fully recovered. This may cause more serious damage again and ruin your health." Career. You are still young now and have plenty of time. I suggest you reduce your training load and do more training that is helpful for recovery." Li Dai said to the first athlete.

"How did he know that Jim was injured a few days ago!" The coaches around him all looked at Dai Li with surprised eyes.

Coach Rogge even asked directly: "Jim, has your leg injury not fully recovered yet?"

"Well, the doctor said it's still a little bit worse, but I think there's no problem..." the athlete replied with a guilty look on his face.

"You think there is no problem? Are you a doctor?" Coach Logan snorted, and then said: "Stop training now, and then go to the team doctor for a check-up. I will not allow you to come back to training until the doctor's report comes out."

Dai Li looked at the second athlete.

"Has your shoulder been dislocated before?" Dai Li asked.

"How do you know?" the athlete said immediately: "Am I the same as Jim, who has not fully recovered? I feel a little awkward in my shoulders, and now I always have trouble throwing the javelin."

Dai Li shook his head: "No, you are different from the athlete just now. He has not fully recovered, but you have fully recovered, but you feel that you have not recovered. To be precise, your body has recovered, but Your psychology is not yet good, and you will always worry about being injured again or dislocating your shoulder again, so subconsciously you will not dare to exert force. I suggest you go to a psychiatrist and get psychological counseling for rehabilitation."

Dai Li looked at the third athlete, a long jumper.

Before Dai Li could speak, the third athlete took the lead and said, "Well, I haven't been injured."

"I know you have not been injured, but your skills need to be improved. In high school, you can defeat your opponents with your physical talents. In college, your physical talents can also give you some advantages, but If you compete with real professional athletes, your physical talent will not be so advantageous, and you must rely on better skills." Li Dai said.

"I think my skills are pretty good," the athlete said with an unhappy look.

"Really? I just watched your long jump training, and I found that you have a total of eleven areas that need improvement in your long jump technique. The first one is... "

Dai Li talked non-stop.

It took Dai Li five or six minutes to finish all the shortcomings of this athlete. At this time, the coaches around him all fell silent and looked at Dai Li with incredulous eyes.

As for the athlete, in addition to being shocked, there was also frustration on his face. Before that, he thought he was a very good long jumper, but after Dai Li's comments, he suddenly realized that he was worthless.

"How is it possible? He just glanced at it a few times. How could he understand it in such detail? It sounds like he has been training with the athletes for several months. Could it be that someone among my coaches leaked the information to him in advance? "Coach Logan looked at his subordinates subconsciously. Their expressions were even more surprised than his own, and they obviously didn't look like they had leaked the news to Dai Li in advance.

"It's probably not someone here who leaked the news. This Li Dai has revealed a total of eleven shortcomings. With all the coaches under me, no one has the ability to discover so many shortcomings."

"Did Dai Li really see it himself? He discovered so much just by looking at it a few times. How is this possible! I don't believe it."

At this time, Dai Li looked at the fourth athlete, who suddenly felt frightened.

Having your shortcomings pointed out in front of so many people, and having dozens of them pointed out at once, is not a good experience.

Ten minutes later, Coach Logan was convinced by Dai Li. Dai Li’s comments on every athlete are spot-on. Some athletes have flaws that even Coach Logan himself has not discovered.

"No wonder this Dai Li is able to open a chain of physical training centers in Los Angeles. With his keen observation, he is beyond the reach of others. In this regard, he is much better than me." Coach Logan couldn't help but He didn't admit that there were things about Dai Li that were three points better than him, the former head coach of the US track and field team. At this time, Coach Logan had no intention of testing Dai Li anymore.

And Dai Li's eyes also came to a tall athlete.

He is a white man, over 1.9 meters tall, with blond hair, blue eyes, and sharp edges on his face. Judging from his appearance alone, he is definitely a handsome guy.

However, after Dai Li launched the detection on this white athlete, his expression instantly froze.

"The personal ability value is close to 800. This young athlete is close to the level of a world champion. More importantly, his talent is S, which is a talent that can break the world record! Who is this guy? In the hands of Coach Logan He actually hides such a big killer! If such a person allows me to train unexpectedly for a month, I might have a chance to compete for an Olympic gold medal."

Dai Li thought of this and asked, "Coach Logan, what is this athlete's name?"

"This Dai Li really noticed Muller!" Logan thought to himself, and then he answered: "His name is Muller, Franz Muller, and he is a pole vaulter."

"Franz Muller?" Li Dai thought about it carefully and said, "I don't seem to have seen this name in the list of participating athletes in the trials. Did he not participate in the trials?"

"During the Olympic trials, his mother was in a car accident, so he did not participate in the Olympic trials." Coach Logan answered.

"So has his score reached the Olympic A standard?" Dai Li asked eagerly.

"At the beginning of this year, he had already reached the Olympic A standard." Logan replied.

Dai Li's face suddenly showed joy, and Rogan continued: "Mueller's parents are both German, and he was also born in Germany. He lived in Germany when he was a child, and did not come to the United States until he was in high school. .”

"Then he is German?" Dai Li's expression suddenly became disappointed. The Germans can't represent the United States in the Olympics.

"He has German nationality and American nationality. He has dual nationality of the United States and the United States." Logan answered.

The United States is a country that recognizes dual nationality. Although there is no clear law regarding dual nationality, U.S. policy acquiesces to the existence of dual nationality, but the government has always maintained a discouraging attitude. Germany did not recognize dual citizenship until 2002.

"Then he shouldn't have joined the German national team, right?" Dai Li asked immediately.

"Yes." Logan nodded, and then said: "His father is an automotive engineer. The family came to the United States in the past few years and obtained American citizenship. This young man Muller has not had the nationality for several years. Back to Germany."

"That is to say, he can represent the United States team in the Olympics!" Li Dai's expression became excited again, and he continued: "Coach Rogge, there is one more person to add to that list, this Franz Muller. , I will also bring it to the national team!"

Coach Logan personally sent Li Dai out of the University of Oregon.

"Coach, you seem to think highly of this Chinese coach? It's been a long time since I saw you sending guests out of school in person." An assistant coach next to him said with a sour tone.

"This Coach Li is not easy!" Logan smiled slightly: "I suddenly feel that this time the U.S. track and field team has some chances."