Almighty Coach

Chapter 514: The light of a domineering president


There were more than a dozen people gathered in the conference room, all of whom were managers of the U.S. national track and field team. Including the team leader and manager of the USA Track and Field team, team doctors, rehabilitation trainers, nutritionists, and even a lawyer specializing in legal issues. In addition, there are several assistant coaches.

Affected by the doping scandal, the coaching team originally formed by Sebastian had long been wiped out. The second coach Rivers was appointed at the critical moment and left sadly before he could build his own team. The current U.S. track and field team does not even have a special coach in charge of a certain project, let alone an associate head coach. There are only a few assistant coaches recruited temporarily.

At this time, these assistant coaches were chatting in low voices, and some of them looked slightly excited.

"The new Coach Li came here yesterday morning. He locked himself in the office all day. Even he ordered takeout for lunch. I haven't seen him yet." One of them spoke.

"I saw him when I got off work yesterday. Let me tell you some news, he came alone." Another person said mysteriously.

"Alone? So what?" A person next to him asked in confusion.

"A person means that he has not yet formed his own coaching team! Maybe one of us will have the opportunity to become a coach in a certain specialty." The man replied.

Several assistant coaches immediately became interested. They are considered the lowest coaches in the national team. They can only serve as the lowest performers in daily training. After the training camp is over, even if their jobs are over, they will not be able to follow the United States. team to compete in the Olympic Games.

If you can join the head coach's coaching team, the situation will be completely different. At least as a special coach, responsible for a certain project, you can follow the US team to the Olympics.

Someone next to him poured cold water: "I think you should stop thinking nonsense. There are so many coaches in the United States. Even if the new head coach wants to form a new team, he won't be able to use us."

"But the third training camp is about to start. The new head coach will not have time to form a new coaching team. He still has to rely on us."

As the head coach of the U.S. track and field team, Dai Li must first form his own coaching team if he wants to work smoothly. He needs at least two assistants. In addition, sprinting, middle and long-distance running and marathon, high jump, long jump, throwing, walking, hurdles and obstacle course all require a special coach to be responsible for it.

It's just that forming a coaching team is not something that can be completed in a moment. It took Sebastian several weeks to form his own coaching team. Nowadays, many coaches have been involved in doping scandals. Dai Li has fewer people to choose from, and it becomes more difficult to form a coaching team.

Several assistant coaches were discussing, and a series of footsteps sounded from the corridor outside.

"It seems like a lot of people are coming." Everyone looked in the direction of the door. A few seconds later, they saw Dai Li pushing the door open and walking in, with eight or nine people following behind him.

"Why did you bring so many people?" Everyone looked at Dai Li curiously.

Dai Li coughed dryly, cleared his throat, and said, "Hello everyone, I am the new head coach Li Dai. These are my coaching team behind me. I will introduce them to everyone in a moment."

The expressions of the assistant coaches who were looking forward to it suddenly turned gloomy. Everyone couldn't understand why Dai Li, who came alone yesterday, had an entire coaching team today.

"Coach Li, I really didn't expect you to form a coaching team so quickly. But these coaches seem to be very familiar to each other." Downey, the leader and manager of the U.S. Track and Field Team who spoke, had met Li Dai before.

"These are the coaches from my own physical training center." Li Dai pointed behind him and continued: "Time is tight, I don't have time to contact other coaches, and a new team also needs time to adjust, so I simply lead When my people come, we are familiar with each other and have already formed a tacit understanding, which can save time on running in and get into work faster."

"So that's it." Downey thought to himself, rich coaches are different. It's so simple to set up a coaching team. Others would take weeks to complete, but Dai Li directly hired his employees. It's done easily.

Under the leadership of Dai Li, the third training camp of the U.S. track and field team was carried out step by step. The training went smoothly. There were no unexpected changes, and no athletes deliberately caused trouble or disobeyed management. Everything was according to Dai Li's plan. conduct.

The list of participants for the U.S. team has been reported to the International Olympic Committee, and the U.S. Olympic delegation has been officially established. As usual, after confirming the participants, each sports association will also hold a media meeting.

The U.S. track and field team has always been the team with the largest number of people in the U.S. Olympic delegation, so the scale of media meetings has always been relatively large. Every media meeting can be said to be full of big names. But this time, the U.S. track and field team's media meeting was somewhat dim. Affected by the doping scandal, too many big-name athletes were unable to participate. So at the media meeting, only a few people including Alvin held on to the scene.

Although there are a lot fewer celebrities, there are quite a few reporters present. Most of the reporters are very good people. They want to see the state of this team that has just experienced a doping scandal. In addition, there are also people holding the They come for other purposes, such as looking for trouble.

A male reporter wearing black-rimmed glasses took the microphone and asked: "I heard some rumors that the selection of national team athletes this time was unfair. Some athletes did not perform outstandingly in the selection. , were even eliminated in the first round, but were selected into the national team; and there are some athletes whose results in the trials were obviously better, but were not selected. I want to know if this rumor is true. of?"

"Sure enough, someone raised such a question." Chief Operating Officer Frey smiled calmly and said calmly: "Before this, our only criterion for selecting athletes was the results of the Olympic trials, but this year's situation is a bit special. Some of our athletes were involved in doping scandals and withdrew from the current national team. Due to the registration time limit of the International Olympic Committee, we must report the list of athletes to the International Olympic Organizing Committee as soon as possible, so some athletes , was personally selected by our head coach Mr. Dai Li.”

The reporter wearing glasses then asked: "So, coach Li, when you select athletes, how do you ensure the fairness of the selection

The microphone was handed to Dai Li's hand. Dai Li thought for a while and said, "As for the selection of athletes, I will give priority to the better athletes."

"Then how do you determine that an athlete is better than others? What are your evaluation criteria?" the reporter wearing glasses asked in a pestering tone.

"There are many evaluation criteria, such as physical condition, personal talent, athletic ability, overall strength, effort level, mental stability, injuries, and even the desire to win. They are all within the scope of my consideration. I will consider them comprehensively and then Select a suitable athlete." Dai Li said slowly.

"Your comprehensive consideration?" The eye reporter smiled disdainfully: "Then can I think that you rely on personal preferences to select athletes?"

Dai Li frowned slightly. This reporter asked such a pointed and pointed question. He was obviously looking for trouble because he was worried that the world would not be in chaos.

"Of course you can't think so, because your understanding itself is wrong." Dai Li's expression became serious, and he continued: "If you want to be selected by me, the athlete's comprehensive ability must be recognized by me. This has nothing to do with personal preferences. Recognizing someone's ability and having a good impression of someone are completely different things."

Dai Li spread his hands and continued: "Just like the Oscar for Best Actor every year, you may not like him, but you will definitely recognize his acting skills. You can't say that because you don't like this actor, you think he has no acting skills. ; Or do you think that every Oscar winner wins not because their acting skills are good enough, but because the judges like them more?"

The reporter wearing glasses was at a loss for words. He originally wanted to use a trick to change the concept, but he didn't expect that Dai Li was also good at using this trick.

"Then how do you prove that the athletes you selected are more capable? What if there are parallel imports among them?" the reporter wearing glasses asked angrily.

"You are a reporter, and you should be able to see the news value of a report, because this is your professional skill. Similarly, I am a coach, so of course I can also see the overall ability of an athlete. This is also my professional skill. You are not a coach, so you may think that what I say is a bit fanciful, but if you let me, a sports coach, do your job, for example, to distinguish whether a report has I would also feel confused about the news value." Dai Li replied.

When it comes to the professionalism of sports coaches, reporters wearing glasses are obviously no match for Li Dai. Even sports reporters who specialize in sports news may write sports-related comments in a clear and logical manner, but when it comes to professionalism, they ?It’s impossible to beat a professional coach.

The reporter was obviously unwilling to fail. He went on to say: "Coach Li, according to you, only athletes you approve can enter the national team? You make me feel like you are a dictator. This is not at all democracy."

"Democracy? Do you think that voting should be used to determine who should enter the national team? Then there is no need for the Olympic Games. The champions are determined by voting. Doesn't this achieve the democracy you mentioned?" Li Dai looked at it indifferently. He looked at the reporter with glasses and continued: "There is no democracy in competitive sports. This is a world where the jungle prevails and the winner takes all. Your democracy cannot help the American team win even one more medal!"

Dai Li patted his chest as he spoke: "And I am the head coach of the U.S. Track and Field Team, so my approval is the standard for entering the U.S. Track and Field Team!"

At this moment, Dai Li exuded the light of a domineering president.