Almighty Coach

Chapter 524: Something to protect


On the second competition day of Olympic track and field events, a total of five gold medals were produced on the track and field field. The American team's results on this day were 2 gold medals, 1 silver medal and 2 bronze medals, which can be described as a bumper harvest.

In the first two days of comprehensive track and field competition, the U.S. track and field team won a total of 3 gold medals, 1 silver and 2 bronze medals. Their performance was perfect. Even the most demanding audience would give the U.S. track and field team a perfect score.

However, the track and field competition has just begun. There are still eight competition days to come, and only 8 of the 47 gold medals have been awarded, which can only be regarded as a fraction. The U.S. track and field team still has a long way to go.

On the third competition day of the track and field event, there was no competition scheduled at the Maracanã Stadium, the main Olympic venue, in the morning, and only one women's marathon in the entire track and field event was held outdoors on the street.

The women's marathon is another event that the African long-distance running duo is good at. The competition between Kenya and Ethiopia lasted from the beginning to the end of the competition. Although other countries also sent strong players, when it came to competing for the gold medal, they still could not win in the hands of the super running duo.

In the evening competition, the first event to produce a gold medal was the women's triple jump. A player from the American team entered the finals.

Dai Li repeated his old tricks and used the condition scale again, but this time Dai Li's luck was not very good. The first two trial jumps were all in poor condition. The best result of an American athlete was only 13.93 meters.

"Do you want to gamble again? If you are in bad shape next time, you won't even be able to get into the top eight, and the next three trial jumps will be gone."

Dai Li hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to remove the status scale first and let the players get a guaranteed result first. They must at least enter the top eight and get the opportunity to try the next three jumps.

This time, the American athlete jumped 14.33 meters and entered the last three trial jumps.

Dai Li had three more opportunities to bet on luck. He once again used the condition scale for athletes, but his luck was still a bit bad. In the next three trial jumps, only one of the American selections was in full form, and the other two were also in perfect condition. Oops.

This made Li Dai feel very dissatisfied. Out of five opportunities, he only managed to be in peak form once. The remaining four times were all in bad form, with a probability of only 20%.

"Libra in this state is really a double-edged sword!" Li Dai sighed helplessly. He looked at the score sheet. The American athlete's final score was 14.88 meters, ranking third and winning the gold medal. A bronze medal.

"I have already won two gold medals in the women's shot put and men's long jump by relying on the condition scale. The benefits brought to me by the condition balance are already large enough. Although I did not win the gold medal this time, a bronze medal is better than nothing." Li Dai He comforted himself in his heart.

At the same time as the women's triple jump finals, the men's 100-meter semi-finals are taking place on the track, and Justin Alexander is about to appear.

Alexander is an athlete trained by Li Dai personally. Li Dai still has great trust in Alexander's strength. Li Dai always believes that Alexander can win the men's 100 meters championship, even if there are powerful Jamaicans among his opponents.

Alexander also lived up to Li Dai's expectations and successfully qualified with first place in the group.

After the men's 100-meter semi-finals, the women's 1500-meter semi-finals were held on the field, followed by a high-profile trapeze battle: the men's 400-meter final.

This is the strongest event for the American team, which also occupies three finals spots.

Many American spectators at the scene have already put up slogans supporting Jimmy Irvine. They are looking forward to the "400-meter King"'s fourth consecutive Olympic championship.

The participating athletes walked out of the athletes' tunnel one after another and began to prepare for the competition. Dai Li detected the contestants who entered the finals one by one. When he detected a black South African athlete, his expression suddenly froze.

"Talent S+! Personal ability value is 900. Who is this guy! Is there such a powerful person among the contestants? Why haven't I noticed this person before." Dai Li hurriedly took the list of participating athletes and information.

"South African athlete Nick Zuma, 21 years old, is participating in the Olympics for the first time. He has not participated in the World Athletics Championships, nor the IAAF Grand Prix and Diamond League. The only time he participated in an international event was in the UK. At the Commonwealth Games, I won a bronze medal.”

Dai Li looked at this South African young man and became increasingly vigilant.

"This South African will pose a threat to Alvin, so he needs to be warned."

Thinking of this, Dai Li came to Alvin and said, "Jimmy, have you seen that South African player?"

"I don't know him." Alvin replied.

"Be careful with this guy. He is very strong and may pose a threat to you." Dai Li continued.

Alvin's first reaction was that he was a little surprised. As the "King of 400 Meters", he had no need to face up to a player he didn't know at all, and the opponent seemed to be a youngster.

But these words came out of Li Dai's mouth, and Alvin had to be wary of the South African youngster. Alvin knew very well that his coach had extremely ruthless vision. Since Dai Li had said that this South African was very strong, Alvin would not take him lightly.

Once again standing in the Olympic finals, Alvin's emotions were a bit complicated.

"This will be my last Olympics." This thought flashed through Alvin's mind, and then he shook his head mockingly.

"I thought the same thing about the Olympics four years ago! But today, four years later, I'm still standing here. Fortune has its way!"

The referee's voice reminded the athletes to prepare, and Alvin took a starting position.

"This time is really my last Olympics. Four years from now, I won't be able to run even if I want to."

With a gunshot, the game officially begins.

Alvin's start went smoothly, and he quickly got into the running rhythm that he was good at. However, his thoughts also inexplicably fell into memories. His past experiences in participating in the Olympic Games turned into fragments. came to his mind.

He recalled that more than ten years ago, when he participated in the Olympics for the first time, he was still a fledgling youth. As a white athlete, no one expected him to win the championship in this event that has always been dominated by black people. However, he did win. The media at the time used the word "upset" to describe the final champion because he was a white man. If a white man won the 400-meter championship, it could indeed be called an "upset."

Many people in the media said he was lucky, and many sports commentators thought he was a flash in the pan. However, four years later at the Olympics, he made a comeback and once again won the 400-meter Olympic championship. From that day on, he started his 400-meter career. The road to victory.

The entire audience had stood up, and chaotic cheers reached Alvin's ears. Some people held up slogans supporting him, some shook his large posters, and some were waving the American Stars and Stripes. This scene , to Alvin, they all look so familiar.

"The Olympics four years ago are like this now. Everyone is cheering for me. Everyone hopes that I can win three consecutive Olympic Games and create an era. But at that time, I succeeded! I won it. Olympic champion, and then retired..."

"At that time, I was fighting for honor, but now? What am I fighting for? What about another championship, an unprecedented four consecutive Olympic championships? Why do I feel that three consecutive and four consecutive Olympic championships are nothing? It’s different!”

"If I hadn't failed to invest in shale oil, I wouldn't have made this comeback. At this time, I should be staying at home, holding a glass of champagne, watching TV leisurely, and evaluating the performance of other athletes. If I'm in the mood If it's good, maybe go back to ESPN or something and make a guest commentator."

Alvin's thoughts were suddenly confused, but his running rhythm was still very good and his speed was fast enough.

Running has formed a conditioned reflex in his body and has become his instinct. Even if his thinking is stagnant, his body will automatically enter the state of competition.

"It's a competition, and it's the finals of the Olympic Games. What am I thinking about? Why do I think of such a bad investment failure?"

Alvin's attention was focused on the track again. At this time, the race had entered the second half, and he was about to enter the final straight sprint.

"Fortunately, I am in a leading position. When I get this gold medal, the additional bonuses provided by the sponsors should be fulfilled. And new sponsors will also flock to me, and I will be as busy as before. .”

Alvin was the first to hit the final straight, and he began to accelerate for the final sprint.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared next to him.

"Someone has caught up with me!" Alvin was startled. He turned his head slightly and saw an unfamiliar face and sportswear with the main color of grass green.

"The grass is green, it should be an African country, it's that young South African player! Coach Li told me to pay attention to him!" Alvin suddenly remembered Dai Li's instructions before the game.

However, the next second, South African teenager Zuma surpassed Irvine.

"Oh oh oh..." There were exclamations in the surrounding auditorium. No one could have imagined that the great king of the 400 meters would be surpassed by an unknown runner in the final sprint.

"I surpassed Alvin!" Nick Zuma's heart suddenly went blank.

Immediately afterwards, Zuma suddenly realized that he had a chance to win, that he might defeat Alvin, and that he might push the 400-meter king off his throne!

"When Alvin participated in the Olympics for the first time in more than ten years, he was a little-known person like me. He stepped on the shoulders of his predecessors and climbed to the top to become the first person in the world in the 400 meters."

"Today, I have the opportunity to copy the Alvin I was back then. I will become the second Jimmy Alvin, and I will become the new 400-meter king!"

"No, I don't want to be the second Jimmy Irvine. I am who I am. I don't want to be a copy of others. I want to be myself! I want to surpass Jimmy Irvine! I want to be in the 400-meter record. , all written with my name, Nick Zouma!"

At this time, Zuma's heart was surging. He felt that his whole body was full of strength. He used all his strength to rush to the finish line dozens of meters away.

"Am I going to lose?" Alvin was suddenly at a loss.

The moment Zuma surpassed him, Alvin finally felt panic. It was a long-lost panic.

He is the king of the 400 meters. For more than ten years, he has never lost in all important events, and no opponent can make him panic.

But now, this young South African guy has done it. He made Alvin see the possibility of failure.

"I remember having this feeling a few months ago, but it was not on the court, but when the oil price plummeted. I almost lost all my property. I was also panicked at that time! I was very nervous at the time. I was worried that I would go bankrupt, my villa, my car, my yacht, everything would be taken away by the bank, I would have nothing, I would lose my life... So I chose to come back because I didn't want to have nothing! "

At this moment, Alvin suddenly understood that he chose to return to the arena and compete for the only championship with athletes who were more than ten years younger than him, not because of his desire for honor, but because of his love for poverty. fear!

Alvin grew up living in a middle-class family. After becoming famous at a young age, he quickly accumulated a lot of wealth. He has never lived a hard life for even one day, and he does not know how to live the life of a poor man. .

Unlike those sports stars who grew up in slums, Alvin has experienced the precarious life at the bottom, but from the perspective of a middle-class family, life in the slums is a very scary thing, and it is something they never want to touch in their entire lives. to things.

Now Alvin has won enough championships and received too many honors. The applause has made him feel numb, and all kinds of praise have almost made his ears calluses. Championships, honors, and the title of 400-meter king are not what Alvin hopes to get most.

What he wants most is to enjoy a safe and carefree life, and this requires money to maintain.

If Alvin loses this game, he will not get the extra bonuses provided by his sponsors, and the advertising endorsements he can get will be much reduced, although the remaining advertising endorsements will still make him live a wealthy life. In the second half of life, the quality of life will definitely be reduced a lot.

"It turns out that I always knew what I was fighting for! Not honor, not applause, not fame, but the lifestyle I pursued! That kind of free life, that is my dream! I want to keep it My life! That’s what I have to protect.”

Alvin suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment. He suddenly found his direction, the goal he was fighting for, and what he needed to protect.

At this moment, Alvin was no longer confused. His eyes looked towards the destination ahead and became extremely firm. His whole person's aura became completely different from before.

His speed also became faster and faster. In just one breath, he had caught up with the South African teenager Zuma and kept pace with him.

"Alvin is catching up again! The last 100 meters of sprint is when Alvin is at his strongest. But I will not admit defeat to you." Zuma, instead of flinching, ignited a raging fighting spirit in his heart. , he wants to defeat Alvin.

Zuma turned his head slightly. He wanted to determine how fast Alvin was, but he felt a sense of oppression coming towards him.

At this moment, Zuma suddenly had the illusion that he was facing a majestic giant. Just standing in front of him made him feel frightened.

"How could this happen! Why do I suddenly have an uneasy feeling, as if there is some danger waiting for me ahead!" Zuma thought to himself.

This was the first time Zuma encountered this situation. He and Alvin were clearly separated by two tracks, but the sense of oppression coming from Alvin still gave him the illusion of being suffocated.

This is Alvin's momentum, the coercion conveyed by the 400-meter ruler, and the unique temperament that can only be accumulated by countless champions.

He is telling the challenger in this way that this is his territory and he is the king here!

In another second, Alvin overtook Zuma.

Zuma is still unwilling to fail, and he still wants to challenge Alvin.

But at this time, Alvin already understood what he wanted to protect, and he was doing his best to do so.

"Alvin, we are ahead. The lead is getting bigger and bigger. There is no suspense anymore. Cross the finish line! Alvin wins. Congratulations to Alvin for his unprecedented four consecutive Olympic Games titles!"

The commentator roared loudly, but his voice was quickly drowned out by the shouts of the audience.

Dai Li breathed a sigh of relief. The moment Zuma surpassed Irwin, he was really worried that Irwin would lose the game.

"I was shocked. I was really worried that Alvin would capsize in the gutter. But this South African guy is really good, with S+ level talent. I believe that after Alvin retires, he will become the dominant player in the men's 400 meters." By."