Almighty Coach

Chapter 539: It was he who saved American track and field


Sean Ford won the men's 200 meters championship, which was also the fifth gold medal won by the U.S. track and field team on this day.

Previously, the U.S. track and field team had won four gold medals in a single day on the fifth day of competition. With five gold medals in a single day today, the U.S. track and field team also reached a higher level.

This is also the 18th gold medal won by the U.S. track and field team at this Olympics. This result has exceeded the number of track and field gold medals won by the United States in the Olympic Games.

In the 1980s and 1990s, when track and field sports exploded, it was also the time when the U.S. team had its best track and field results.

In the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, due to the boycott of the Soviet camp, a total of 19 countries and regions did not participate in the Olympics, including track and field powers such as the Soviet Union and the Democratic Republic of Germany. This also made the U.S. team the dominant player in the Olympics. In addition, the U.S. team played at home. In the end, the U.S. team won 16 gold medals in track and field events.

In the subsequent 1988 Seoul Olympics, with the participation of the Soviet camp, the number of gold medals won by the American team also decreased, but in track and field events, the United States still won 13 gold medals each.

At the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, the U.S. track and field team won 12 gold medals, and at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, the U.S. track and field team won 13 gold medals. In the subsequent Olympic Games, the number of gold medals won by the US team also hovered around 10 gold medals.

In this Olympics, the track and field competition is not over yet. The United States has won 18 gold medals in track and field events, surpassing the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics and setting the best result in the history of the American team.

On this night, the busiest person was Frey, chief operating officer of USATF. He kept calling the major media, and then promised advertising sponsorship one after another. He was busy until dawn without rest, but he His spirit is always in a state of excitement.

The next morning, a headline like this appeared on the front pages of major domestic media in the United States: The strongest American track and field team in history is born!

The 18 gold medals have broken the best performance of the U.S. track and field team in the history of the Olympic Games. It can indeed be called the strongest in history. However, before the Olympics, no one was optimistic about this U.S. track and field team, and most media even called it the weakest U.S. team in history.

In eight match days, from the weakest to the strongest, the American team has completed a major counterattack.

The negative impact of the doping scandal not long ago has been diluted at this moment. Ordinary people are forgetful. Faced with the good results achieved by the US team in the Olympics, who will still dwell on the stains of the past.

With the U.S. team's counterattack, Li Dai, as the head coach, also entered people's attention.

When Li Dai became the head coach of the US team, he was controversial. As a non-American coach, no one was optimistic about Li Dai at the time. But Dai Li created the strongest American team in history, and everyone's attitude towards Dai Li instantly changed 180 degrees.

The voices that originally questioned and criticized Li Dai have long since disappeared, replaced by all kinds of flattery, as if they want to make Li Dai the number one track and field coach in the world.

As Dai Li said, in front of the gold medal, nationality and race are not important, the glory of honor will cover up everything.

The so-called success or failure depends on the hero, and this is especially true in competitive sports. Those who can win are the heroes in people's eyes. As for sportsmanship, it is just a step that losers give themselves.

Although every Olympic Games will shout out the Olympic spirit of unity and friendship, and although people often talk about "friendship first, competition second" when participating in competitions, no athlete participates in competitions to enhance friendship with their opponents. If you really want to enhance friendship, find a restaurant to have a meal, or find a bar to have a drink together. The effect will definitely be much better than a head-to-head competition between two people.

James is a very famous sports commentator, and many sports media will ask him for articles, or simply pay him a fee to reprint his comments.

At this time, James was sitting in front of the computer, watching the morning games of the Olympic Games.

The phone rang, and James looked at the caller ID. The caller was the editor-in-chief of a sports magazine. This is a well-selling sports magazine in the United States and a major partner of James. This magazine often asks James for articles.

Facing the God of Wealth who gave him his job, James didn't dare to show any concern. He muted the TV and then picked up his cell phone.

"Mr. Julian, I'm James, nice to hear your voice." James said.

"James, do you have time today? We need a manuscript, and we need it today." Julian, the editor-in-chief of the magazine, said.

Hearing that someone was asking for a manuscript, which meant that money was coming to his door, James immediately became energetic and said immediately: "Mr. Julian, of course I have time. If you need it, I can give you all my time today." .What kind of manuscript do you need?"

"The head coach of the U.S. track and field team, the Chinese Li Dai, I want to write about him." Julian replied.

"It's that Chinese coach again. I've written comments about him before, is it still the same as the previous articles?" James asked immediately.

A month ago, James had published several articles questioning Li Dai, including questioning Li Dai's coaching ability, questioning Li Dai's standards for selecting athletes, etc. At that time, he also gave a conclusion that the US team was not as good as Li Dai. Under the leadership of , it has become completely "cool". Two of the articles were published in this sports magazine.

But this time, James obviously understood it wrong. Julian said: "Mr. James, didn't you pay attention to the news this morning? This American track and field team has been called the strongest in history. Team USA. Our track and field team has won 18 Olympic gold medals, and this number will continue to increase. Readers also want to hear those exciting and good news. Are we going to belittle the man who led our United States at this time? A head coach whose team keeps winning!"

"Uh, Mr. Julian, what do you mean?" James asked curiously.

"Of course I want to praise him! To praise him is to praise a person. This shouldn't be a problem for you." Julian said.

"But a month ago, I just questioned that Chinese coach, and it was published in your magazine." James said weakly.

"So what? As a magazine maker, we always want to tell what readers want to hear most. A month ago, readers wanted to hear questions, so we would question them. But now, what readers want to hear is what they want to hear. It's good news, news of victory. What they want to see is also a winner, so we have to praise the winner." Julian's voice changed, and then said: "Mr. James, you have to understand that the only way to publish something is to Our magazine can only sell the news that readers want to see, and only when our magazine is sold can we have money to hire you for articles."

"I understand." James agreed helplessly.

As a professional sports commentator, James still hopes to be able to give his professional judgment without interference, instead of acting like a clown and acting according to the circumstances. But facing reality, he could only compromise again.

"You want me to praise someone, right? You want me to sing praises, right? Okay, no problem, I will definitely praise that Chinese coach as the best in the world!"

James turned on the computer with a feeling of frustration, thought for a while, and finally typed this title:

It was he who saved American track and field!