Almighty Coach

Chapter 547: Take credit


In the studio, 27 gold medals were arranged in three rows and hung around Dai Li's neck. Dai Li grinned and forced a smile.

"Coach Li, hold on, you'll be fine soon." The photographer comforted him and quickly pressed the shutter button.

The weight of the Olympic gold medal is 500 grams, which is one pound. The weight of 27 gold medals is 27 pounds. Hanging around the neck is equivalent to the weight of the shackles on the necks of ancient prisoners.

Finally, the photo was taken, and Dai Li breathed a sigh of relief.

This photo will be placed on the cover of Time Magazine, and Dai Li will also become the cover character of Time Magazine. If it weren't for a well-known big media like "Times", maybe Dai Li wouldn't have suffered this crime and took such a photo.

Although the Olympic Games are over, the topic about the Olympic Games is still very hot. For example, the 27 gold medals won by the U.S. track and field team have become something that the American people talk about.

There are only 47 gold medals in the Olympic track and field competition, and the American team directly took away 27 of them. Such a record and such dominance have never appeared in the history of the Olympic Games.

In the media voting after the Olympics, Li Dai was well deserved to be named the best coach of the Olympics. Although this is not an official award, and there is no trophy or bonus, it represents public recognition.

Dai Li's training center also became famous because of this, and Dai Li even began to consider whether to open two more branches to amplify the voice.

Just as the Olympic Games have just ended, various meetings related to the Olympic Games are also being held in China to commend meritorious personnel and summarize various projects.

A conference room that is not too big, but today there are nearly a hundred people squeezed into it. Those who can sit on the oval conference table in the middle, in addition to the leaders of the General Administration of Sports, are the main leaders of the provincial sports bureaus. As for the others , then sit on the chairs around.

The seat in the middle of the conference table was vacant. Even the senior official from the General Administration did not sit on it. Obviously there were bigger leaders who were not present.

After a while, the door opened, and the big leader appeared in front of everyone. Everyone looked closely and saw that it was the big leader in charge of sports at the top. The next second, everyone in the conference room stood up.

"Everyone, sit down!" The leader waved to everyone kindly, and then sat in the vacant seat.

The meeting started soon, and the heads of several provincial sports bureaus began to report back one after another. Athletes from these provinces all performed well in the Olympics. To put it bluntly, they are the "medal-producing provinces" in the Olympics. Now let them report, The first is to introduce their respective experiences so that everyone can communicate and learn more; the second is to allow them to show their faces in front of big leaders and have an opportunity to show their merits.

Finally, it was the turn of Director Li of the Hanbei Provincial Sports Bureau to report on his work.

Director Li usually speaks a lot, but this time, facing the senior leaders, he seemed very embarrassed. He looked like he was sitting upright, reporting word for word to the materials in his hand, for fear that the leader would not hear clearly.

"In addition, our province also attaches great importance to the construction of the coaching echelon. In the past few years, our province has trained many outstanding coaches... "

When Director Li said this, the leader tilted his head slightly and his eyes stayed directly on Director Li.

In fact, in this kind of reporting meeting, everyone reports the same situation, which can be said to be the same. Just like during the Chinese New Year, everyone's New Year's greetings are "Happy New Year". When the first person says this, it may make people think It has a very "New Year flavor", but the more people talk about it and the more people listen to it, the more it becomes dull.

The construction of the "coaching echelon" mentioned by Director Li was obviously not mentioned in the previous reports. Therefore, the leaders heard something new and immediately became interested.

While making the report, Director Li also secretly observed the reactions of the senior leaders. This observation of words and expressions is also a basic skill when reporting on work. When he saw the leader looking at him, Director Li felt happy. He knew very well that this topic had caused a stir. Leader's attention.

Reporting work is also a learning process. It is not done just by reading out the script. You must know how to save time for the leader. If there is something that the leader does not like to hear, just report a few key points and explain the matter clearly. And if the leader is interested, he will naturally explain it in more detail.

Director Li also knew this very well, and he had made preparations before coming. He already knew the same content in detail, and how to say it in a simple way. Having said that, if Director Li didn't have this ability, he wouldn't be able to sit in this position.

Director Li felt that the leader wanted to learn more about this topic, so he changed his voice and immediately started a detailed report. Several people nearby cast envious glances at Director Li. Being able to attract the attention of the big boss in charge of sports and have the boss recognize his work ability is an opportunity that everyone here longs for.

Director Li talked and talked, and finally talked about the "detailed results" of Hanbei Province in the construction of the coaching echelon.

"For example, Li Dai, the head coach of the U.S. national track and field team, is a representative of the outstanding coaches trained by our province. As a Chinese coach, being able to become the head coach of the national team of the United States, the world's number one track and field power, represents in itself Outstanding ability, and in this Olympic Games, Coach Li Dai also led the US track and field team to achieve the best result in history with 27 gold medals... "

Director Li said with a calm face and a heartbeat, almost saying that the 27 gold medals won by the United States were all due to their Hanbei Provincial Sports Bureau.

"This old Li is really good at bragging! He can even involve the US team's gold medal in it."

"Our bureau counts our own national team's gold medal in our bureau's credit book. It's already quite shameless. This Lao Li is even more shameless than us. Even the US team's gold medal must be counted in his credit book. !”

Several people nearby looked at Li's situation with disdain, while Director Li pretended to turn a blind eye. Anyway, the cow has been blown out, can it be taken back

However, the big leader sitting in the middle coughed dryly and interrupted Director Li: "Let me interrupt and ask, I have also heard of this Dai Li. It is said that he is very famous in the United States. He is a Chinese-American, right? I thought he was a second- or third-generation Chinese born in the United States, but turns out he is from northern Han Dynasty?"

Director Li immediately nodded: "As for Dai Li, let me report to you. Dai Li was born in Yuzhou City, Hanbei Province. He has not yet become a U.S. citizen, and his household registration is still in our Hanbei Province. Bei, the comrades of our bureau have personally confirmed this with him."

"Oh? He's not an American, which means that this Dai Li is our own coach!" After hearing the news, the big leader's eyes flashed with satisfaction.

Just listen to Director Li continue to say: "Not long after Li Dai graduated from university, he joined our Hanbei Provincial Sports Bureau. Director Xu Zhongyi, who was still working as a front-line coach in our bureau at the time, personally discovered him and asked him to come to our training Team coach.”

Director Li said, looking back at the chair behind him. Xu Zhongyi, who was sitting there, stood up in a hurry and bowed slightly to the big leader.

The big leader nodded at Xu Zhongyi and remembered Xu Zhongyi's name. For Xu Zhongyi, this was already the biggest gain today.

Director Li went on to report: "While Coach Li Dai was working in the training team of our bureau, we also focused on training him. Our bureau sent him to the national team to study many times, and the bureau had opportunities to study abroad, which also allowed him to study abroad. Coach Dai Lee was involved.”

"Later, coach Li Dai accepted the recruitment of the national team and left our Hanbei Provincial Sports Bureau. In addition to providing excellent athletes to the national team, our provincial training team must also provide excellent athletes to the national team. Coaching is also our responsibility." Director Li said with a righteous expression.

The big leader gave Director Li an approving look. He did not worry about how Dai Li ended up going abroad. In his opinion, it is understandable for outstanding talents to want to go abroad, and it is not the same for domestic talents who have gone abroad in recent years. Few, after all, those developed countries can provide better treatment, but they can't go out. Maybe they really don't have much ability, and developed countries don't care about them.

But what the big boss cares more about is Dai Li’s nationality. As long as Dai Li still retains his Chinese nationality, it will have publicity value. Being able to teach the world’s number one track and field team, the United States, obviously sounds very bluffing. What's more, Dai Li also achieved unprecedented good results.

Moreover, similar situations have occurred in China. For example, in volleyball, there was a precedent for Chinese coaches coaching foreign teams and achieving good results, which was widely reported by domestic media at the time.

Thinking of this, the big leader asked: "Why don't we see any news about Coach Li Dai in our reports about the Olympics? I only heard about this name after reading reports in the American media. Our own coach , we ourselves did not report on him or promote him, but instead asked foreigners to report and promote him. The comrades responsible for interviewing and reporting on the Olympics did not do their job well. We should work harder!"

The leader's words were neither serious nor serious, but in the seat behind him, a deputy director of CCTV who came to attend the meeting suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

In such a public meeting room, being told by a big leader at this level that "the work was not done properly" is undoubtedly a criticism.

"How did you do it? You neglected such an important piece of news material. You are derelict in your duty!" The deputy director sat in the car back to Taiwan and made a phone call, criticizing the other party. educate.

A few minutes later, the man who had just been criticized and educated also took the phone and said angrily: "We sent people to Rio de Janeiro, are they just for tourism? We didn't see such a big living person? 27 gold medals Haven’t you seen it? And it’s track and field, the biggest event in the Olympics! You are derelict in your duties!”

The "dereliction of duty" mentioned above became "dereliction of duty" in his words, which increased the seriousness by no means the slightest bit.

Editor-in-Chief Zhao, who was severely punished by the leader, hung up the phone. He didn't understand why the leader would get so angry about this matter, even using such a serious duty as "malfeasance", many years of work experience and being a media person. His sensitivity told him that there must be a reason for everything.

Editor-in-chief Zhao has been working for many years. He worked his way up to this position from a reporter and accumulated some connections. He immediately went to inquire about it and soon learned from a friend in the propaganda department that the deputy director of the station was in During the meeting, I was criticized by the superiors.

Editor-in-Chief Zhao immediately understood the importance of the matter. He knew that he must come up with a remedy as soon as possible. Even if the matter cannot be completely remedied, he must show a positive attitude. If he makes a mistake, he must show a positive attitude. If not, then his career will really be in vain.

Editor-in-chief Zhao called immediately and found several reporters who were going to the Rio Olympics to cover track and field events.

Liu Ran didn't know why Editor-in-Chief Zhao suddenly found her. You must know that she and Editor-in-Chief Zhao are several levels apart. Most reporters in CCTV may not be able to climb to the position of Editor-in-Chief Zhao after working for a lifetime.

When Liu Ran came to the door of Chief Editor Zhao's office and saw several of his colleagues, he suddenly had some enlightenment in his heart.

"They were all colleagues who were covering the Olympic track and field competition at that time. Could it be that there was something wrong with the report on the Olympic track and field competition?"

Liu Ran thought with a guilty conscience, and then he and other colleagues walked into Editor Zhao's office. When she saw Chief Editor Zhao's livid expression, she knew something was definitely up to nothing.

"When you were covering Olympic track and field events, did you notice Dai Li, the head coach of the US team?" Editor Zhao asked.

Several people nodded at the same time, but they didn't understand what kind of medicine Chief Editor Zhao was selling.

"Then do you know that Coach Li of the American team is Chinese?" Editor Zhao continued to ask.




Several people said in unison.

"You know? Then why didn't you do an exclusive interview with him? Even if you can't do an exclusive interview, it shouldn't be difficult to interview him a few more times, right? A Chinese can be the head coach of the American track and field team. Do you think this Isn’t there any news? Moreover, this time the US team still set a record of 27 gold medals. Do you think that such an achievement is not worth reporting at all? You can be reporters and go abroad to cover, don’t you think you can even do this? Isn’t this news sensitive?” Chief Editor Zhao asked angrily.

Editor Zhao's angry look silenced several people.

Finally, a mosquito-like female voice whispered: "Report to the editor-in-chief, during the Olympics, I conducted an exclusive interview with Coach Li very early."

It was Liu Ran who spoke.

"What did you say? Did you do an exclusive interview? Why didn't I see it?" Chief Editor Zhao stared at Liu Ran with a fierce look.

"I sent Coach Li's interview back, but our director refused to let it go," Liu Ran continued in a low voice.

"Why aren't you allowed to publish?" Editor-in-chief Zhao became much calmer after hearing the news. He looked at Liu Ran and then said: "Are you Xiao Liu? Don't be nervous. Speak slowly and explain to me clearly why. Did you do an exclusive interview but didn’t publish it?”

"It's because our director said we need harmony, so we didn't publish this interview." Liu Ran answered.

"Harmonious? Well, is there any disharmony in the content of the interview? Did Dai Li say something inappropriate?" Editor Zhao continued to ask.

"That's not true." Liu Ran shook his head.

"Is that because Dai Li has some unhealthy views? It violates the principles of our reporting?" Chief Editor Zhao continued to ask.

"No." Liu Ran shook his head again.

"What's so disharmonious?" Editor Zhao continued to ask.

"Our director said that there is a piece of content about Coach Li's resignation after being transferred. If it is broadcast, it may offend people, and offend those who gave him a job transfer at that time." Liu Ran answered honestly. .

"Offend people? Our CCTV is still afraid of offending people!" The anger in Editor Zhao's heart suddenly rushed to his forehead.

"You were afraid of offending people, but you caused me to be scolded by the leader. You have become a good person, but I took the blame for you, and the deputy director was criticized by the superiors because of this! It's really a failure of success and a failure of things. More than enough!"

Chief Editor Zhao scolded the director who "wanted harmony" in his heart, and had already sentenced him to "death" in his heart.

Then Editor-in-Chief Zhao asked: "Is this interview still available?"

"It should be there. I sent it back and it should be stored in our system." Liu Ran nodded.

"Let's go to the editing room. I want this interview now. If there are no issues of principle, it will be broadcast tonight!" Chief Editor Zhao stood up.