Almighty Coach

Chapter 548: Dwarfism


CCTV was still very efficient. That night, Dai Li’s interview was broadcast.

Editor-in-chief Zhao's superiors and the station's deputy director were naturally very happy. When other media saw CCTV starting to report on Dai Li, they also took action. For a while, the reporters who came to interview Li Dai's home There was an endless stream of reporters, and Li Dai’s former unit, the Hanbei Provincial Sports Bureau, also received a large number of reporters.

The Olympic Games had just ended, and the common people had read too many stories about champions, and even said they were a little tired of it. Now it was not athletes but coaches who appeared, which immediately brought a sense of freshness to the common people.

What's more, Dai Li still coaches the American team. In the eyes of most people, he is definitely more capable than teaching the Chinese if he can teach Americans.

Soon, someone paid attention to the period of history in which Li Dai was transferred to the Tai Chi World Heritage Committee.

On a certain self-media, a headline like this appeared: The United States lets the best coaches train the best athletes, but we let the best coaches apply for cultural heritage.

Immediately afterwards, all the more provocative headlines also appeared: Who is to blame for the best coach in the Olympics being forced to go to the United States

The self-media has always liked to use some inflammatory headlines to attract people's attention. Under the publicity of these self-media, the matters surrounding Dai Li's resignation were also dug out, including the national table tennis strike, Gu Zhizhong's promotion and demotion, etc. Things can easily be linked to Dai Li.

The turmoil in public opinion also made some people unable to sit still. After all, they transferred Li Dai to the Tai Chi World Heritage Committee in order to eliminate Gu Zhizhong's direct descendants. However, they did not expect that the inconspicuous person back then would The physical fitness coach has now become the head coach of the U.S. track and field team, and is also the track and field coach with the best performance in the Olympics. I am afraid that the crime of forcing away our own people and destroying the Great Wall will never be cleared away.

Gu Zhizhong had already been unemployed at home. At this time, he also noticed the media reports about Dai Li, especially some self-media reports.

"Hey!" Gu Zhizhong sighed.

"What's wrong? Why are you sighing?" the wife asked.

"These self-media said that Li Dai will have no chance to return to China to coach in the future." Gu Zhizhong said.

"That's right." The wife stopped what she was doing: "Dai Li was forced to leave back then. Now that he has become famous, the more famous he is, the less those people dare to let him come back. But Dai Li is now in the United States. If you stay well, they may not be willing to come back. Besides, being the head coach of the U.S. track and field team is not much better than returning to China to be a coach? There are so many high-level athletes in China!"

Gu Zhizhong sighed again: "I just feel it's a pity. Dai Li is a rare talent, but it's a pity that he can't be used by the country!"

"Then there must be someone willing to use him." The wife snorted coldly and continued; "Just like you, you have played for the national team for most of your life, but didn't you end up like this in the end? I actually think that Li Dai went abroad to develop. It’s good, at least I can show off my talents and not waste my time!”

Argentina, Buenos Aires.

River Plate Football Club is a giant in the Argentine League. This football club was founded in 1901 and has a history of more than 100 years. It is known as a model of Argentine football.

At this time, in the office of River Plate's manager, a middle-aged man with a thick beard on his lips was begging River Plate's general manager Aguero.

"Mr. Aguero, please give Halls another chance! Please!" the middle-aged man said with a sincere face, and there was even a faint sparkle in his eyes.

However, River Plate general manager Aguero shook his head: "Mr. Forrest, forgive me for my helplessness. I admit that our River Plate team was very optimistic about Halls before and hoped to recruit him to our River Plate team. However, Hall In his current situation, I am afraid that he will not be able to become a professional football player."

"Mr. Aguero, there is a chance that Halls' disease can be cured." The middle-aged man Forrest continued.

"Indeed, it is possible, but how likely is it? As far as I know, Halls's epiphyseal line has been closed. In this case, it will be difficult for him to grow taller. And if this disease really If it were so easy, I think Halls’ home team, Newell’s, wouldn’t give up on him, right? So Mr. Forrest, I’m very sorry.”

Aguero showed a helpless expression and continued: "Mr. Forrest, I hope you understand that we are not running a football club for charity. Our ultimate goal is to make profit, so that we can benefit the team." The shareholders have been accountable. Therefore, we cannot waste too many resources on a child whose future is uncertain."

Forrest walked out of Aguero's office with a disappointed look on his face. For him, River Plate was the last straw. If even River Plate refuses, then he really has no choice.

At this time, Aguero's secretary came from a distance, and he saw Forrest, who was still standing in a daze at the door of the manager's office.

"Mr. Forrest, you'd better leave as soon as possible. Our manager will be welcoming guests from Europe later." The secretary said in a farewell tone.

"Guests from Europe? Are they from big European clubs?" Forrest asked.

"Yes. He is very interested in our midfielder and winger. Maybe we can negotiate a deal this time." The secretary said.

"So that's it, then I won't bother you." Forrest nodded, but he had other plans in mind.

For South American professional football players, the best destination is to play in the five major European leagues. The European leagues have a higher level and can earn more money.

South American football clubs don't have that much money to retain athletes with high salaries, so they simply take advantage of the fact that the athletes are valuable and sell them to European teams to get a large transfer fee. Even for many South American clubs, developing athletes and then selling them to European football clubs is their main source of income.

River Plate is the top football club in Argentina, and it also brings together the top players in Argentina. Naturally, it will also attract the attention of European giants, so every year there will always be people from Europe to inspect River Plate players, and River Plate is also very likely. By displaying their players, they hope to sell them at a good price.

"Mr. Claude, welcome!" Aguero extended his hand to the other party.

This guest from Europe was Toby Crowder, the chief physical coach of the Harman team at that time.

Haman's contract with Dingtian has ended, and he chose to take a break and return to his family temporarily. After all, Haman is also an old man in his seventies. He always insists on the front line of training, but he is somewhat unable to do what he wants. If he didn't really love football, maybe he wouldn't continue coaching at this age.

As for the members of the Harman team, they also need to make a living on their own. However, no one who can gain a foothold in the Harman team is an idle person. They want to find a suitable job in football. Difficult things are even hot commodities in the talent market. For example, Toby Crowder is a top-notch physical coach in Europe and is also proficient in football. Such a talent is what the top European clubs are clamoring for.

Today, Claude was hired away by Atletico Madrid Football Club in La Liga with a high salary and became Atletico Madrid's physical fitness coach.

Argentina was once a colony of Spain, and the two countries have many similarities in language and culture, so Spain often goes to Argentina to select players.

Claude actually had an inspection goal when he came this time, but he also wanted to see more of the other athletes on the River Plate team, maybe he would make unexpected discoveries.

As for the River Plate team, they also hope that Claude can inspect a few more people. In Aguero's eyes, the team has nothing that is not for sale. As long as Atletico Madrid can afford the money, there is no problem in buying anyone.

Crowder observed River Plate's training, and River Plate even arranged a small training match for Crowder in order to let their players perform.

After the observation, Claude had a rough assessment of the two athletes that Atletico Madrid was interested in, but he did not express any clear opinions. He was also worried that his performance would affect the price of the club's signings. After all, it is the manager's job to negotiate the price. His action is just to write a specific evaluation report, listing the athletes' strengths and weaknesses, and then report it to the club.

Aguero personally sent Claude to the door. He didn't know whether Claude had taken a fancy to River Plate players, but it didn't matter even if he hadn't. The so-called business cannot be done without mercy, between River Plate and Atletico Madrid. This is not a one-time deal, there are many opportunities for cooperation in the future.

At this moment, a man suddenly ran over, it was Fraster with a beard on his mouth.

"Sir, sir, I would like to ask you to take a look at this!" Forrest said as he took out his mobile phone.

Claude was startled by the sudden rush of a man. If he hadn't been in the River Plate Club, he might have worried that he had been robbed. After all, Argentina's unemployment rate has remained high in recent years, and the domestic security has become increasingly worse. A pure German like Claude looks different from the Indo-European mixed race people in Argentina. This is an easy target for robbers.

"Fraster, why are you here!" Aguero showed an angry expression. Apparently he was worried that Forster would collide with Claude.

"So we know each other." Claude felt relieved. He showed a gentlemanly smile and asked, "Sir, what do you want me to see?"

"Sir, are you from Europe? Are you here to select players? I would like to ask you to take a look at this." Forrest handed his mobile phone to Claude.

Claude glanced at it and saw that it was a video of a child playing football. The resolution was average, and the camera was shaking very much. It seemed that it was taken by his mobile phone.

"Is he your child?" Claude asked.

Frost nodded: "Yes, he is my son Halls Frost. He is thirteen years old this year."

Claude took another look at the content captured on his cell phone, but secretly thought that there are probably many such parents in Argentina, hoping that their sons can be spotted by European teams and soar into the sky.

However, Claude has never cared much about such self-recommended people. Claude grew up in Europe, where the football player training system is very mature. Talented players are discovered early and enter the youth training camps of professional clubs. The best among them will be valued by the top giants and invest a lot of resources in their training, so there will not be those players who are very talented but are buried.

Although Argentina is not as good as Europe, it is a famous football kingdom. Although Argentina's football player training system is not as good as Europe, Argentina has many football teams and many youth training camps. Naturally, it will not let outstanding players Buried. The best football talents in Argentina have probably been taken away by clubs like River Plate, trained and then sold to European giants for a large price. Therefore, those who come to us on their own initiative will definitely not be talented. players.

Claude looked at the phone screen with a playful look, but in his mind he was thinking about how to reject this father.

However, in just ten seconds, Claude was attracted by the video shot on his mobile phone.

After a while, the video finished playing, and the Cloud couldn't help but ask: "Is there anything more?"

"Yes! There are many more!" Forlast was immediately overjoyed. He hurriedly found another video and played it to Claude.

Then came the third and fourth videos...

After watching several videos, Claude felt a faint feeling of shock in his heart.

"You just said that your son is only thirteen years old this year?" Claude asked.

"Yes, I just turned thirteen in June." Forrest replied.

"To be able to do this at the age of thirteen, a genius! A true genius! Maybe this kid will become a football champion in the future!" Claude thought to himself.

Although Claude is a physical fitness coach, he has been engaged in football training for many years, and has been following the world's top football coaches like Hamann. He has met and coached many top athletes. The vision cultivated by many years of work experience makes Claude De confirmed at a glance that this child was definitely a talented player rarely seen in decades.

"Haha, Mr. Aguero, it seems that River Plate still has some treasures that they are not willing to show to me! Your youth training camp gave me a surprise." Claude said with a smile.

"Mr. Claude, you misunderstood. Howles is not a player in our River Plate youth academy." Aguero replied.

"Oh? Which team is he from?" Claude asked.

"It doesn't matter which team. He is a free man now." Aguero replied.

"Free man?" Claude really showed a surprised expression this time.

Through several videos taken on his mobile phone, Crowder has realized that this player named Halls Forrest is a talented player. How could he not see something that a football fitness coach like himself could see with the Argentinian's level of football? How could such a talented prospect not be favored by a professional team and still be a free agent

What's more, River Plate's manager Aguero obviously knows this middle-aged man and the player Halls Forst, so he must have already seen the terrifying football of Halls Forst. Talent, but he did not recruit Howles to River Plate's youth training camp. This is obviously illogical.

"Mr. Aguero, this child is very talented, but he has not entered the youth training camp of a professional team. Is there something wrong with this child?" Claude asked softly.

"Yes." Aguero did not hide it. He replied in a low voice: "Two years ago, this child was diagnosed with a lack of developmental hormones. In layman's terms, he suffers from dwarfism!"