Almighty Coach

Chapter 549: A visitor has arrived


Knowing that the talented football boy in front of him turned out to be a patient with dwarfism, Claude suddenly showed a regretful expression. As a professional coach, Claude certainly knows that it is impossible for a dwarf to engage in professional football.

"Sir, my son does suffer from dwarfism, but his disease can be cured." Forrest said eagerly.

Claude nodded: "As far as I know, dwarfism does have the possibility of being cured. The main cause of dwarfism is the lack of hormones necessary for growth and development in the body. If growth hormone injections are given for a long time, it is possible. Let the patient grow to a normal height."

"Yes, my son has been receiving growth hormone injections for treatment!" Forrest immediately agreed.

"Mr. Claude, as far as I know, Halls's epiphyseal line has been closed. This is the professional report given by the doctor." Raquero said to Claude in a low voice.

"So that's it." Claude nodded in confusion. He finally understood why the River Plate team gave up on this talented football boy.

Injecting growth hormone to treat dwarfism does cost some money, but compared with cultivating a talented player, this investment is nothing. Treating a person with dwarfism costs tens of thousands of dollars at most, but for a talented player with potential, wealthy clubs in Europe are willing to invest tens of millions of euros in transfer fees. This is a return on investment ratio of thousands of times, and you have a little economic sense. All the teams have done the math and know that this is a very worthwhile investment.

However, many teams in Argentina, including River Plate, chose to give up on this talented football boy. This is of course not because the manager of River Plate has a lack of brains, but because the epiphyseal line of this talented football boy has been closed. .

In the human body, the cartilage between the epiphysis and metaphysis will appear as a wide light-transmitting band on X-rays in early childhood, which is the so-called epiphyseal line. As we age, this light-transmitting zone will gradually become shorter. When the epiphysis is completely ossified with the metaphyseal cartilage, the original radiolucent zone becomes a tight seam, which means that the epiphyseal line is completely closed and the bone will stop growing.

After a normal person develops during puberty, the epiphyseal line closes, and it is difficult for the long bones in the body to grow again. The legs and arms will not become longer, and people will not grow taller through the growth of long bones.

However, although the long bones will not grow again, the spine and interosseous tissue will still grow, so there is a folk saying of "scurrying twenty-three".

For football players, it is acceptable if the height is a little short, but if the legs are short, it is really unacceptable. Therefore, if the epiphyseal line is closed and the legs cannot continue to grow, for Halls-Fer For Rust, the football genius, it was really a fatal blow, almost a death sentence for his football career.

"If we were in Europe, such as Germany or the UK, with better medical conditions and better trainers, we might have a chance to save this child, but this is Argentina, and the conditions here are far inferior to those in Europe. This child is considered Wasted." Claude felt a little pity in his heart that an athlete with the potential to become a generational football champion was wasted like this.

So Claude comforted him: "Actually, even if the epiphyseal line is completely closed, there is still the possibility of growing taller. With nutritious meals, scientific training, and some treatments, this child still has the possibility of growing taller. of."

Claude's words were a kind of comfort to everyone around him, but in Forrest's ears, this comfort was more like a bright light, bringing him a fire of hope.

"Sir, you mean, you have a way to make Howles grow taller, right?" Forrest asked.

In front of so many people, Claude was embarrassed to say that he had nothing to do, otherwise he would appear to be too incompetent. As the top physical coach in Europe, he still had to save face. So he had no choice but to nod: "If you let me train, it is indeed a possibility."

"Sir, I beg you, please take my child away! As long as it can make him grow taller and allow him to continue playing football, I will do anything." Forrest said with great sincerity.

"Sir, I want you to understand that I am here on behalf of my club, so the final decision to purchase that player is up to my club, and I have no power to take anyone away. "Claude shrugged, expressing his helplessness.

Forrest also knew that his request was indeed a bit excessive, but he still looked at Claude expectantly.

Deep down in his heart, Claude also felt some resentment. As a coach, when he discovered a young athlete with unparalleled talent, he did not want to see the athlete's talent buried.

Claude thought for a while and said: "Sir, I know a person whose training may be able to make your son grow taller. In terms of physical training and rehabilitation training for athletes, his level is higher than mine." . I think if even he can’t help your son, I’m afraid no one in this world can help your son.”

"Who is he? Is he also in Europe?" Forrest asked eagerly.

"No, he is in the United States. His name is Dai Li." Claude replied.

"Li Dai, this sounds like a Chinese name." Forrest said subconsciously.

"Yes, he is a Chinese, and he opened a physical training center in Los Angeles. If I tell you his name directly, you may not know him, but if I tell you his identity, you will definitely know him." Claude said suddenly After a pause, he continued: "I wonder if you paid attention to the Olympics a few days ago. The US team won 27 gold medals in track and field events, and this coach Dai Li is the head coach of the US track and field team."

"It turns out it's him!" Foraster suddenly thought of some news media reports.

As far as Dai Li's performance in the Olympics is concerned, no one will question his coaching ability, not to mention everyone knows that an excellent track and field coach must be an excellent physical fitness coach.

Claude took out a business card and handed it to Forster, while continuing: "Coach Dai Li and I have worked together before, so if you go to the United States to find him, you can say that I introduced him. , show him my business card, I think he will definitely meet you."

Los Angeles, USA.

A special guest came to Dai Li's training center. He was the Olympic triathlon runner-up, British athlete Hanson Brown.

"Mr. Brown, you are very welcome to visit my training center." Dai Li looked at Brown with a smile. At the same time, Dai Li was very curious at night why Brown would come all the way to the United States to find his own training center.

After the Olympics, as Dai Li's reputation grew, Dai Li's training center also became the undisputed number one physical training center in the United States. Countless outstanding athletes came here, including some of the best athletes in the world in various sports. Top athletes.

In the triathlon sport, Hansen-Brown is definitely considered the world's top athlete. So far, he has won two Olympic bronze medals and was the runner-up in two Ironman World Championships.

However, as a British athlete, there is no need for Brown to come to the United States for training, because the training conditions and training levels in the United Kingdom are very good, at least in triathlon, not inferior to the United States at all.

Triathlon has always been the strength of white people. White people are better than black people in swimming events, and better than yellow people in long-distance running events. And white people generally have longer legs, so they are more likely to lose weight in cycling events. Strength, so triathlon is simply an event tailor-made for white people.

There are many excellent triathletes in the United States, Australia and Europe, and this sport is also very popular in these three regions. In addition to professional athletes who specialize in this project, there are also a large number of amateurs, so In European and American countries, many triathlon competitions are often held.

In Europe, the strongest country in triathlon is the United Kingdom. There are hundreds of thousands of athletes officially registered with the British Triathlon Association, and even more amateurs who are not registered. In the UK, triathlon is a billion-pound industry, and this only counts running shoes, wetsuits and Bicycles and other competition equipment, as well as competition-related expenses, do not include sports nutrition products used by athletes.

If you look at the proportion of the population participating in triathlon, triathlon in the UK is even stronger than in the United States.

If a country is strong in a certain sport, its training level must also be very strong. With the training level of the British triathlon, there is no need for Brown to make a special trip to the United States.

What's more, Hansen-Brown is an Olympic runner-up himself, and the training he received in the UK must be the world's top training. From this point of view, there is no need for him to fly across the Atlantic, across the entire United States, and come to Los Angeles specifically to find Li. Wear for training.

Dai Li is still self-aware. Although he knows that he is very famous now, he is not willing to let athletes like Hanson Brown spend such a high cost to come to him.

"Mr. Brown, I'm very curious, what is the reason that made you fly all the way from London to Los Angeles to find my training center?" Dai Li asked directly.

"Coach Li, I don't know how much you know about me. Let me introduce myself first. I was born in a sports family. My father is a cyclist, my mother is a long-distance runner, and my My uncle is a swimmer, and my brother and I have been practicing swimming with my uncle since we were young. We originally wanted to be swimmers."

“When I was ten years old and my brother was twelve, we were first exposed to triathlon. My brother and I both felt that this sport was more challenging and more suitable for us, so we both Switching to triathlon. Under the guidance of my father and mother, we brothers quickly became the best triathletes in the UK."

"My brother and I have participated in many competitions, including world-class competitions such as the Ironman World Championships and the Olympic Games, and have won many honors. The name 'Brown Brothers' has become an endorsement of triathlon. Everyone in the UK who talks about triathlon talks about our brothers."

Dai Li nodded: "Yes, in the past five or six years, triathlon has been dominated by your Brown brothers. At the just-concluded Olympic Games, the media also called the triathlon competition the 'Brown Brothers' performance.' .”

"But I have never defeated my brother!" Hansen-Brown seemed excited.

Dai Li knew Hanson Brown’s brother, his name was Tyler Brown, who was two years older than Hanson. Compared with his younger brother, Hanson Brown’s achievements were more dazzling. He had won two Ironman World Championships. champion, and a two-time Olympic triathlon champion. In the just-concluded Rio Olympics, in what the media called the "Hansen Brothers' Performance," younger brother Hansen also won the runner-up, and the championship was won by older brother Tyr Brown.

Just listen to Hanson Brown continue to say: "In every competition before, as long as my brother and I competed at the same time, I was always the runner-up, and he was always the champion. I never beat him. I just felt that this All because I am younger than him and my body is not as mature as his, so I lost to him, but now, we are both adults, but I still lost to him!"

Hansen-Brown's tone became excited, and he said in unison: "I want to win, I want to beat my brother, and I don't want to always be the runner-up, so I train harder and harder, but it has no effect, isn't it in Rio de Janeiro?" , I lost to him again in the Olympics."

"I know it's time for me to make some changes. Over the years, my brother and I have trained together, and we both do the same training. What he does, I do, and what I do, he does too. , so I realized that if I continued like this, I would never be able to beat my brother."

"So you found me? You hope that I can provide you with a training method that is different from your brother's. Do you want to defeat your brother Tyr Brown with this?" Li Dai asked.

"Yes!" Hansen-Brown nodded affirmatively.

On the contrary, Dai Li frowned and began to think seriously.

He has already detected Hansen Brown. Hansen is an A+ athlete with a personal ability value close to 900. It can be said that he has almost reached the limit of an A+ athlete. In other words, there is almost no room for improvement for Hansen-Brown.

As for his brother Tyr Brown, although Dai Li has never met him, judging from the fact that he can defeat his younger brother Hansen every time, Dai Li guesses that Tyr is at least an S-level athlete, and possibly an S-level athlete. Athletes, maybe even S+ level athletes. After all, Tyre-Brown has almost never lost in the competitions he participated in. It can be said that since Tyre reached the peak, he has indeed dominated the triathlon sport and can show dominant strength in a certain sport. There is a high possibility that he is an S+ level athlete.

"Judging from Hansen's ability value, he has almost reached the limit that an A+ athlete can achieve, but even so, he still can't beat his brother Thiel. It seems that it will be difficult for Hansen to defeat his brother Thiel in this generation. ”

Dai Li did not tell Hansen-Brown his conclusion. He did not want to damage Hansen's self-confidence. However, he did not reject Hansen-Brown. Instead, he said: "Mr. Brown, I can provide you with a solution." A targeted training program can make you better, but I can't guarantee whether you can eventually defeat your brother Tyr Brown. The only thing I can guarantee is that as long as you believe me, after a while, You will be stronger than you are now!"

"I believe in you!" Hansen-Brown nodded solemnly: "You can lead the U.S. track and field team to create miracles, and I believe you can also allow me to create miracles."

After sending Hanson Brown out of the reception room, the receptionist at the front desk hurried over.

"Boss, there is someone outside who doesn't have enough money, but wants to see you." The receptionist said.

"No appointment? No see. If he insists on seeing me, make an appointment for him." Dai Li said.

"Boss, he handed me a business card and said that after you read this business card, you will meet him." The receptionist handed the business card to Dai Li.

Dai Li took the business card and saw Tobe Crowder's name on it.

"It's Claude who's here!" Li Dai suddenly felt a sense of joy in meeting an old friend in a foreign land.

When he was at Dingtian Club, Claude took great care of Dai Li, and finally recommended Li Dai to join Haman's team, so Dai Li was still very grateful to Claude.

But Dai Li then thought about it. Claude had his own phone number. If he wanted to find him, he could just call him directly. Why would he need to find the receptionist and hand over a business card.

"So the person from outside is not Claude! But he should be related to Claude." Dai Li immediately made a judgment.

Thinking of this, Li Dai said: "Invite that guest to the reception room!"