Almighty Coach

Chapter 550: Future football king


Dai Li met Forrest and his son in the reception room.

At the beginning, Dai Li didn't pay attention to the child. He focused all his attention on his father, Old Frost.

Forrest looks like a very rough Argentinian man. If you say he is a sports coach, some people will definitely believe him.

In fact, Forster is indeed a football coach, but he is not well-known, so his life is not very rich. At most, he is just above the subsistence level, and he still does not meet the standards of the middle class. In Argentina, there are many people who love football and many people who are engaged in football. Such football coaches who are only in the subsistence stage are everywhere.

Dai Li also felt that Foraster had the temperament of a sports coach, so his immediate reaction was that Foraster was looking for a job.

It wasn't until Forrest spoke that Dai Li knew that he had guessed wrong.

"Coach Li, please help my son. Coach Claude told me that you are the only one in the world who can help him." Forrest said, his English had a strong accent and many syllables. The pronunciation habit is more like Spanish, which took Dai Li a moment to understand.

"Your son?" Li Dai then noticed that the child in front of him was not tall and looked to be only eleven or twelve years old.

"My son suffers from a developmental hormone deficiency, which hinders the growth of his bones and prevents him from growing taller," Forrest explained.

"Development hormone deficiency? Is it dwarfism?" Dai Li asked.

"Yes." Forrest replied.

"Then you should find a doctor and ask him to prescribe you some drugs such as growth hormone. If used for a long time, dwarfism can be cured. I am just a coach, and treating diseases is not my professional specialty." Li Dai replied road.

"But I know that scientific physical training can also make people taller, especially children in the growth and development period. That's why I came to you." Forrest said.

Dai Li nodded: "That's true. Proper physical training is indeed helpful for the growth and development of teenagers."

Dai Li said this, but he began to think in his heart: "Normally, if you have dwarfism, you will first go to a doctor. Medical means is the best way to solve the disease. As for using physical training to allow the body to grow and develop , it can only be regarded as a supplement to medical treatment. And my fees here are almost the highest in the United States. Training with me is much more expensive than going to a doctor for treatment with growth hormone injections. Unless you are a very rich person, you will choose to come to me. The training here is a supplement to medical treatment. For normal people, it would be more cost-effective to find a doctor."

Thinking of this, Dai Li looked at Forlast carefully. He could tell from Forrest's dress and appearance that Forrest was not a rich man.

"This Forrest doesn't look like a rich man. If he can afford my training fee, he might as well use the money to find a better doctor and get better treatment for his son. " Dai Li became more and more confused.

Forrest had no intention of hiding it. He said directly: "Coach Li, my son has been treated by a doctor before and was injected with growth hormone, but the effect of the treatment was not good, and the X-ray showed that his The epiphyseal line has been closed, and if growth hormone is continued to be injected, it will not have a significant effect."

"The epiphyseal line has been closed! This is indeed a bit troublesome!" Dai Li frowned. As a professional coach, he certainly knew what the closure of the epiphyseal line meant.

"Coach Li, I know you are the best coach in the world, so I want to ask you to help my son. As long as my son can grow to 170, no, 165 centimeters, he can continue to play football! My son My son is really talented in football. If he can continue playing football, he will definitely become a star." Forrest begged with sincerity: "Coach Li, please."

When it comes to playing football, the first thing Li Dai thinks of is American football. After all, in the eyes of Americans, football is football. But the next second, the father and son in front of Li Dai suddenly were from Argentina. This is a real football kingdom.

Dai Li looked at the short child in front of him and launched a detection on him.

"Football talent, S+! With this kind of talent, he may become a generational football champion!" Dai Li finally began to carefully look at the kid named Howles Forster.

Li Dai once stayed in Dingtian Club. At that time, the top foreign players introduced by Dingtian Club were already world-class stars, but they were only A+ talents.

Later, when Li Dai competed in the AFC Champions League with Dingtian Club, he also met top players from South Korea, Japan and West Asia. There were also some players from South Korea and West Asia clubs who had played in the five major European leagues, but among them, those with A-level talent , are also the core leaders of each team. It can be said that in the AFC Champions League, B-level talented players are still the mainstream.

Now Dai Li unexpectedly met an S+ player. According to the system's judgment, S+ is a player who can dominate an era. There is no doubt that he is the so-called "Ball King".

However, the detection results also revealed Halls-Frost's shortcoming, which was dwarfism.

"This child is only thirteen years old this year. Although the epiphyseal line has been closed, he is still in puberty at this age and can continue to grow taller. Using athlete patches can supplement the hormones needed for his growth and development, which can solve the problem of growth. High question. An athlete with S+ talent is definitely worth using three athlete patches." Dai Li thought to himself.

Human beings are complex individuals. The growth and development of the human body not only rely on growth hormone, but also on various other hormones and hormones. Growth hormone is only one of the hormones that is necessary and has a relatively large effect in the process of human growth and development. . And as far as the current level of science is concerned, it is impossible to synthesize all the hormones and hormones needed by the human body.

The rapid evolution from primates to today's humans has gone through more than 50 million years of evolution. The evolutionary results of 50 million years of natural selection are not something that modern biology can study thoroughly in just a few decades. If one day scientists can really synthesize all the hormones in the human body, then "man" will really become a "god" who can create species.

The effect of the athlete's patch is to make up for what is missing, so as long as the child is given the athlete's patch, it is equivalent to making up for all the hormones needed for his adolescent growth and development. Moreover, scientific physical training can really increase people's height.

"Training a ball champion is also a very fulfilling thing!" Li Dai thought of this and said to Forlast: "Mr. Forrest, I promise you, I can give your son the most scientific training to help him grow taller."

"Really, great!" Forrest was so happy that he almost jumped up, but the next second, his expression became depressed again.

"Coach Li, to be honest, our life is not rich, so I don't have that much money to pay you training fees. But I can help you work, and I can use my salary to offset the training fees. I am a football coach, and I also You can train athletes. Or you can let me do other jobs, even being a cleaner, no problem! As long as my son can stay, I can do anything!" Forrest said eagerly.

Dai Li leaned back on the chair, clasped his hands, stared at Frost, and asked: "Mr. Frost, I want to ask you, how many children do you have?"

"I have four children, three boys, and a daughter." Forrest didn't quite understand why Dai Li asked this question.

"Are they all adults?" Li Dai continued to ask.

"The eldest is almost an adult, the second is still in middle school, Halls is the third, and he has a very young sister." Forrest answered honestly.

"In other words, you are the backbone of the entire family?" Dai Li then asked.

"Yes, yes..." Forrest's voice was hesitant.

"Since you are the backbone of the entire family, what will your family do if you stay in the United States?" Dai Li then asked.

"I plan to sell my family's house. The money from selling the house should be enough for my family to live for a while." Forrest replied honestly.

"Okay, Mr. Forrest, it seems that I can't let you work here because you have a large family to support. I don't want to see your family sleeping on the street." Dai Li spread his hands.

Forrest's face suddenly turned pale. He thought Dai Li rejected him because he couldn't afford the training fee.

"Coach Li, please, please help this kid. He is really talented in football. As long as he can become a professional player, he will definitely become a star." Forrest begged.

Next to him, the young Howles looked at his father. He suddenly tugged on his father's clothes and said, "Dad, don't beg him, don't beg him anymore!"

Halls spoke Spanish, which Li Dai couldn't understand, but from Halls's expression, Li Dai guessed roughly what Halls said.

"Although he is not naturally strong enough, he is a child who is born to be strong." Dai Li smiled slightly, and then said: "Mr. Forrest, don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet."

The Forrests and his son fell silent at the same time, and Dai Li continued: "Actually, there are two payment methods in my training center. One is direct payment. You can pay in cash, write me a check, or swipe a credit card. However, Now it seems that this payment method is a bit difficult for you, so I will talk about the second payment method."

"The second payment method is income sharing. To put it simply, the athlete trains with me, and the athlete's income in the future period will be divided according to a certain proportion to offset the cost of training, just like an agent. People are divided like that.”

Dai Li's introduction made Forster's eyes light up, and he immediately asked: "Coach Li, do you mean that Halls' future income can be used as current training expenses?"

Dai Li nodded: "Your understanding is correct. Our fees here have always been relatively high. There have been cases where athletes could not afford training fees before, so they adopted this payment method. They trained first and then earned money. Then we will be divided according to the proportion. But there are not many such athletes, and our training center also needs to evaluate to see if the athletes have the ability to make money."

"Then can we pay for training in this way?" Forrest asked.

"Yes, I believe in Howles' potential, but Howles is too young. He will not have the ability to make money in the next few years, so I need his income share for the next twenty years! Your son is thirteen years old this year. Until he is thirty-three years old, part of his income will be used to repay training expenses." Li Dai said.

"Then how much do you want to share?" Forrest asked cautiously, he was very worried that Dai Li would open his mouth.

"3%!" Dai Li held out three fingers and continued: "This is much lower than the broker's share. I think this is a more appropriate price."

Frost suddenly let out a sigh of relief. A 3% income share is indeed not a very high ratio. Even if it is a share of 20 years, it is still acceptable.

What's more, Halls is only thirteen years old this year and has not yet reached adulthood. This means that he will not be able to make any money in the next five to six years. In fact, only fourteen or five years of the twenty-year share will be real. of divided time.

So Fraster agreed without hesitation.

"Mr. Forrest, I need to remind you that the income I am talking about does not only include the salary given by the team, but also includes income from advertising endorsements, image rights, etc., which will also be shared with me. "Li Dai reminded him.

"Yes, I understand." Forrest nodded.

"Also, your son is a minor now, so I hope you can explain it clearly to him, and with his consent, I don't want to wait until he reaches adulthood and overturn our contract on the grounds that he was underage when he signed the contract. ." Li Dai said.

"Okay, I will make it clear to Halls." Forrest said.

"In addition, Mr. Forrest, I have another question. Will you continue to stay in the United States? Or do you plan to return to Argentina?" Li Dai looked at Howles and then said: "Because your son is not yet an adult, so He must have a guardian in the United States."

"This..." Foraster seemed hesitant. The cost of living in the United States is higher than that in Argentina. Food, clothing, housing and transportation all cost money. Moreover, Foraster is the breadwinner of the family. If he continues to stay in the United States to take care of his son, he may really be in trouble. He is selling his house to support his wife and three other children.

Dai Li saw Foraster's hesitation, and he continued: "Mr. Foraster, if you want to return to Argentina, you need to find a guardian for your son in the United States."

"I will find a way." Forrest said this, but he was full of embarrassment. He had no relatives or friends in the United States.

"If you can't find a guardian for the time being, I can help you find one. I think I can arrange for one of our coaches to be your son's guardian in the United States." Li Dai said. In fact, he had already thought about it. found the right candidate.

"Really? That's great! Coach Li, thank you so much." Forrest said with great emotion.

"Mr. Forrest, please take a rest here first. I will entrust a lawyer to draw up a contract. In addition, I will also ask the guardian to come over to see you." After speaking, Li Dai said goodbye and left the lounge.

Then he took out his cell phone and dialed Chris Payton's phone number.

"Chris, come back, I have a difficult task for you!"

"Boss, are there any other big-name athletes you want to hand over to me?" Payton asked excitedly.

"Yes, I'll give you a ball champion!" Dai Li replied with a smile.