Almighty Coach

Chapter 567: recommend


Castnero is the core midfielder of Real Madrid's U15 team. He has entered Real Madrid's youth training system since he was a child. Step by step, he has eliminated opponents one by one, and has always been among Real Madrid's age groups. Having a place in the youth academy is enough to prove Castnero's strength.

And at the beginning, Nairo was also a main member of the Spanish national team. His prospects are very bright. It is only a matter of time for Castnero to enter the Real Madrid first team.

Today, Castnero followed Real Madrid's U15 team to Villarreal, Castellon Province, Valencian Autonomous Region, Spain. This is the home of the "Yellow Submarine" and Real Madrid's U15 team. The team is going to play a game here with the archrival Barcelona U15 team.

Coincidentally, Real Madrid and Barcelona checked into the same hotel.

The players on both teams know each other and are familiar with each other. They are all the best in this age group. Many of them have been fighting against each other since they were children of seven or eight years old. It can be said that they have been old rivals for many years.

At the same time, many of them are also members of Spain's national youth team, and have also been teammates, fighting for Spain's honor.

Castnero met a former teammate and current opponent in the corridor of the hotel.

"Francisco, long time no see!" Castnero greeted the other party with a smile.

Francisco is a young player trained by Barcelona, but he also once joined the Spanish national youth team and was teammates with Castnero. And he is also a midfielder. Francisco's technical characteristics complement Castnero's. One of them is more organization-oriented and the other is more defensive. So when the Spanish national youth team was in that session, the two formed the Spanish National Youth Team. The team's two midfielders have a relatively good understanding and cooperation.

Now, although Francisco and Castnero are their own masters, the friendship between the two still maintains.

"Francisco, we met again and I always beat you. I'm really embarrassed." Castnero said jokingly.

In the U15 level team, Barcelona is indeed better than Real Madrid, so as Castnero said, Real Madrid always beats Barcelona.

Francisco knew Castnero meant no harm, he was just teasing. So he didn't get angry, but said: "Castnero, you always won in the past, but it's our turn to win this year!"

"Fuck you! You're dreaming!" Castnero said with a smile. The two of them were familiar with each other, so he spoke more casually.

Francisco shook his head: "What I said is true. I didn't lie to you, because this year we have a very powerful newcomer. To be honest, I have never seen such a powerful guy!"

"Really? Where is he?" Castnero asked.

"I'll take you to see him." Francisco took Castnero to the hotel swimming pool. Then Francisco pointed to Howles by the pool and said, "Look, that's him!"

"That thin and small guy?" Castnero looked at Halls. At this time, Halls was sitting alone by the pool, soaking his feet in the water and playing with himself.

"This kid is the new guy you said was so awesome? Why haven't I seen him before?" Castnero asked.

"He is from Argentina and just came to Spain." Francisco replied.

Castnero curled his lips with some disdain. He always felt that Francisco liked to brag, so he didn't believe Francisco's words at all.

"This Francisco must be setting off smoke bombs on purpose! I won't believe it!" Castnero thought to himself.

On the field, Castnero looked at the score, Barcelona 3-0 Real Madrid. At this time, he realized that this Real Madrid U15 youth team had been crushed by Halls.

Today's Barcelona team has been using short passing tactics. No matter what position it is, whether it is a set piece in the center or on the wing, that kind of very fast short passing will quickly pass the football to Halls' feet.

And whenever football comes to the feet of Halls, it is the most terrifying thing for Real Madrid. Howles, who looks thin and small, is full of strength, like a hard stone, giving defenders headaches.

The craziest thing is Howles' ball control. Castnero has never seen such fierce ball control. The defender responsible for the defense has no way to steal the ball from Howles' feet. It can be said that Howles One person can mess up Real Madrid's entire midfield and even the defense.

"How could there be such a scary guy!" Castnero gasped, his eyes exuding a color of fear.

For a midfielder who prefers to defend, seeing such a powerful forward player in a rival team is really a very bad thing. Castnero has realized that this player from Argentina Being a small man may become a nightmare for his career in the next ten years!

"We shouldn't have missed him. It was all my fault. I should have tried to pay more attention to him at the time." Henry's expression looked melancholy. He sighed and continued: "More importantly, our enemy Barcelona got him! That's what worries me the most. I think everyone sees the potential in this player. Such a talented player, and he is only fifteen years old, will give us two headaches in Barcelona. Ten years.”

"Henry, this is not your fault. No one can imagine that a child with dwarfism can grow to the height of a normal person. I believe that the top management of any team would not be in a position where a child with dwarfism would grow up." It's a waste of time on the patient." Someone next to him comforted him.

"No, this is my responsibility. I underestimated that Li Dai." Henry shook his head and continued: "When he said that he wanted to make the child with dwarfism grow taller through training, I My heart was full of disdain, and I even laughed at him secretly, but now it seems that I should be the one who should be laughed at, and I am the ignorant person."

Royal College of Physicians of England.

Helen Pepe looked at the white-haired doctor in front of her nervously, as if he was a prisoner waiting for sentencing.

Finally, the white-haired doctor said: "Miss Pepe, your strain injury is inherently complicated to treat. If you want to cure it completely, as long as you are still engaged in tennis, you can do it." That kind of intense training, it's just impossible. So there's really nothing I can do."

"Professor Green, you are an authority in sports rehabilitation, but there is nothing you can do about it?" Pepe Chuchu looked at the doctor pitifully.

Professor Green shook his head decisively: "Medically, I really have no choice. Your inflammatory hip injury cannot be treated surgically, and for medical treatment, many drugs are prohibited by the International Tennis Federation. Once drug treatment is used, you may need to enter the offseason for two to three years, which should be unacceptable to you. The only thing that can relieve your injury now is physical therapy."

"I have undergone a lot of physical therapy, but the effect is not obvious." Pepe said.

"This is not surprising. In your current situation, the effect of physical therapy cannot be guaranteed." Professor Green said.

Peppa suddenly looked depressed, as if he were a beautiful injured kitten, which was lovable.

Although Professor Green is not young, he is also a man with normal sexual orientation. Seeing Pepe like this, he still felt a little bit unbearable, so he lowered his voice and said: "I know a person, he He is very good at sports rehabilitation. Our British Duke Gale was once injured and sat in a wheelchair for more than ten years. Rehabilitation experts all over Europe, including me, were at a loss to do anything about it, but that man made Duke Gale fight again. Get up. I think in your current situation, he might be able to find a solution."

"Really? Who is he? Do you have his contact information?" Pepe asked immediately.

"His name is Li Dai. He is Chinese. He now runs a training center in the United States. By the way, he is the best coach with the Lawrence Award." Professor Green answered.

"It's him again!" Pepe suddenly remembered the man who saw through his hip injury at Lawrence's cocktail party.