Almighty Coach

Chapter 571: Inadvertently inserting willows


Li Dai wore a peaked cap and sunglasses to cover the upper half of his head, and then used a scarf to wrap around the area below the nose, almost covering his entire face. Then he looked around cautiously, and then quickly walked into his training center.

"I think I got rid of those damn paparazzi this time. It was an unforeseen disaster. If I had known there would be such a scandal, I wouldn't have accepted Peipei's business in the first place. And that media, it's really unethical." Li Dai complained in his heart. ,

The receptionist at the front desk also noticed Dai Li. She stood up and asked, "Sir, what can I do for you?"

"Annie, it's me." Dai Li took off his scarf and sunglasses.

"Good morning, boss!" the beautiful receptionist greeted with a smile, but she was wondering why Dai Li was dressed like this.

"Good morning." Dai Li stopped and then asked, "Is Randy here?"

"Mr. Blake is already here. He is meeting clients in the reception room." The other party replied.

"Oh, I'll go there too." Dai Li nodded, and then walked to the reception room.

Dai Li knocked on the door of the reception room and walked in. He saw Randy Blake holding the training center's brochure and introducing the glorious achievements of the training center to customers.

Seeing Dai Li walking in, Blake immediately introduced the customer: "Mr. Hanks, let me introduce to you that this is the boss of our training center..."

"I recognize you, you must be Coach Li!" The client interrupted Blake.

Just as Li Dai was about to answer, the customer continued: "You are Helen Pepe's boyfriend, right? Coach Li, can you teach me a few tricks on how to chase the goddess?"

Li Daichuan looked helpless. He had explained it too many times in recent days, and now he really didn't want to waste his time explaining this misunderstanding. What's more, many times, others don't believe Dai Li's explanation at all. At this time, he really agrees with the saying: explanation is tantamount to cover-up.

So Dai Li didn't explain at all. He immediately brought up a different topic and diverted the customer's attention to avoid making things worse.

After sending the client away, Blake smiled and pushed Dai Li's shoulder: "Li, Helen Peppa is the goddess in the hearts of countless people. You can spend the night with her, even I envy you!"

"Okay, I have a headache from being annoyed by those paparazzi. Please stop teasing me. You know this is a misunderstanding. There is nothing wrong with Peipei and I. I am just giving her a massage." Dai Li's expression became more helpless.

Blake smiled slightly and said, "Actually, this kind of thing happens all the time, especially in Los Angeles, where there is Hollywood, the most celebrities in the world, and naturally the media that likes to capture people's opinions. The more you care about the paparazzi, The more interested they will be in you, and when you ignore them, you will do whatever you have to do. As time goes by, those paparazzi will naturally give up on you, and ordinary people will forget about it."

Dai Li nodded. In terms of dealing with scandals, American celebrities are indeed different from domestic celebrities. Domestic celebrities will wrap themselves up like rice dumplings for fear of being photographed by the paparazzi, while American celebrities can be photographed if they want. , I should do whatever I should do.

"By the way, why did you come to see me?" Blake asked.

"I have to go back to China. I have already booked my flight ticket and will leave tomorrow. So during this period, the training center will be left to you." Dai Li said.

"It's not a big deal, it's just that some media want to use this to hype it up. You don't need to hide on the other side of the world." Blake said.

"I'm not trying to hide. What I'm worried about is not the unscrupulous media in Los Angeles, but my girlfriend." Li Dai pointed to the mobile phone in his hand and continued: "After this incident, she hasn't answered my call. , even WeChat blocked me.”

"So you want to go back to put out the fire?" Blake laughed a little gloatingly, and then said: "If it were me, I would block you if I found out that my boyfriend was sleeping with a beautiful woman like Helen Pepe. Yes. But how are you going to explain it to your girlfriend? Even if you explain what happened clearly, she may not believe you."

"Fortunately, I installed surveillance cameras in the masseur. I have surveillance video here, which can prove my innocence." Dai Li said.

"You also installed surveillance cameras? So you and Helen Pepe really have nothing to do with each other?" Blake pretended to be surprised, obviously teasing Dai Li again.

Dai Li glared at Blake, who smiled triumphantly, and continued: "I have never seen you look so panicked. I never expected that you would be so confident in the Olympics." Coach Li actually has such a side. Okay, just go back to China and leave the training center to me."

"OK, I will try to come back as soon as possible." Li Dai said.

"You don't have to be anxious. It won't be too late to come back after your girlfriend's matter is settled. When a woman encounters this kind of thing, even if you explain it clearly, she will still be upset. So you don't have to rush. Please help. If that doesn't work, bring her to the United States. You can live together and let her be by your side every day. Maybe it will dispel her doubts." Blake said.

"Live together?" Dai Li was stunned and suddenly laughed. Then he grabbed Blake's shoulders excitedly and said, "Randy, thank you, thank you for reminding me, you are right, I You should marry her and live together! I’m going to buy a diamond ring right now, and I’m going to propose to her!”

"What? Propose?" Blake suddenly looked confused.

"I mean, they can try living together first. Did Li Dai misunderstand me? Did he really buy a diamond ring to propose to his girlfriend?" Blake thought to himself.

Dai Li ran out excitedly, as if he really wanted to buy a diamond ring.

Many young men and women in China choose to live together before marriage, while young people in the United States have to remove the word "before marriage" and simply live together. Although many men and women truly love each other, it is normal for them to live together without getting married for a decade or two. Even if both parties have children, there is no need to "marriage with their children."

For example, many American sports stars have children first, or have several children before getting married. When a son goes to his biological parents' wedding, he sometimes puts on a suit and acts as a flower girl for his parents. This is normal in the United States, but it is something that is difficult to experience in China.

So what Blake means by "living together" is the simple American cohabitation.

Dai Li is not an American, so he took Blake's suggestion as an intention to propose to Xiao Yunan.

Blake looked at Dai Li's retreating figure and immediately planned to stop Dai Li, and then told Dai Li that he had misunderstood his idea.

However, when the words came to his lips, Blake swallowed them back.

"Lee, your decision may be just a hothead, but I really hope to attend your wedding." Blake smiled and shook his head, and then he suddenly thought of his wife.

"We haven't had a romantic world for two people for a long time..." Blake took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone number of a restaurant:

"Hello, my name is Randy Blake. I want to make a reservation for tonight. By the way, please prepare a bouquet of roses for me..."