Almighty Coach

Chapter 593: Detox


The sound of smashing things in the training room gradually stopped. I don't know if Osef was tired or because he had already smashed everything he could smash.

"Should we call the police?" Blake asked from the side.

"No. If the police are called, the media will definitely write about this if it gets out, and it will be a new blow to Ossef." Dai Li shook his head and asked, "I remember there is a bottle of whiskey in your office?"

"What do you want to do?" Blake asked cautiously.

"Borrow it for use, and get two more cups by the way." Li Dai said.

"You want to give him alcohol?" Blake immediately shook his head: "No, now that he's not drinking, he's starting to smash things crazily. If he's drinking, wouldn't it mean that the entire training center will be demolished."

"Then get an extra bottle of wine and get him drunk." Li Dai continued: "A man who is cuckolded by his wife and ridiculed for his lack of sexual function may really need to get drunk at this time! "

Dai Li walked into the training room carrying a bottle of whiskey and two wine glasses.

This training room is indeed a mess, the equipment is staggered here and there, and many of them have been smashed. And Ossef was sitting on a bench, breathing heavily.

Ossef had calmed down a lot at this time. He saw Li Dai looking at everything he had smashed around him, showing a guilty expression, and then said: "I'm sorry, these things I smashed will be paid according to the price." Compensation.”

Li Dai pretended not to care about the smashed things, but handed the wine glass to Ossef and said at the same time: "Have a drink!"

Ossef did not refuse, he took the wine glass, and now he really wanted to get drunk.

The next day, Li Dai poured a glass of wine for Ossef, and then poured another for himself. However, before he had finished pouring the wine, Ossef had already drank it all.

Dai Li had no choice but to refill Ossef's wine. As a result, Ossef was suffocated again, and then he poured the wine again and drank it in one gulp.

After three glasses of wine in a row, Ossef, a strong man over two meters tall, couldn't bear it. He was drunk and his eyes were confused.

Dai Li saw that the time was almost up, and while pouring wine for Osef, he said, "I know you are very wronged now. Sometimes if you speak out your grievances, you may feel better. Although I can't help you, But you can be a good listener.”

Perhaps because of drinking, Ousef started to cry and muttered: "I love her very much, I really love her..."

Dai Li knew that the "she" in Osef's mouth was the wife who cuckolded him, so Dai Li changed the topic: "Stop thinking about these sad things, why don't you talk about how you became a basketball player."

Alcohol made Ousef become more honest, and he began to tell Dai Li about his experiences.

"I was born in New York. My father was a bastard. Not long after I was born, he abandoned us, mother and son. Later, my mother also died of cancer, so I could only live with my grandmother and aunt. It was also that When I was young, I started playing basketball. In the black neighborhoods of New York, there were many teenagers like me who played on the street basketball courts every day, hoping to one day become a professional basketball player and enter the NBA to escape poverty."

"When I was in high school, I was already very famous, and many universities offered me an olive branch, but my academic performance was very poor at the time. I failed several subjects, so in my senior year of high school, I was I failed the class and was unable to play basketball for a while. It was precisely because of my grades that I was never admitted to the university. I could only go to school as a preparatory student and could not play basketball or participate in the NCAA league."

"At that time, a European team wanted to recruit me and offered me an annual salary of half a million dollars, but I finally decided to participate in the draft. It was an adventure for me. Fortunately, I was finally selected and entered. Got to the NBA and became a professional player."

Dai Li nodded: "I know the rest of the story. You gradually became famous, and later went to the Lakers. You helped the Lakers win two championships, won the best sixth man, and almost entered the NBA. Star. You were the hottest striker at the time. You had a great future, so why did you end up taking drugs?"

"That year, my cousin passed away. I was raised by my aunt, and my cousin was also my closest relative. I was very sad. It hit me hard."

"On my way to attend my cousin's funeral, my car hit and killed a person. Although I was not driving at the time, I watched a life disappear before my eyes, and that person was about the same age as my cousin. , I seemed to feel that my cousin died right in front of me, being hit by my car."

"After attending my cousin's funeral, I came back to Los Angeles and I was depressed. I got drunk and went to bed and rolled out of bed. I woke up and saw a panty under the bed. , those are a man’s underwear, but they are not mine.”

Li Dai nodded, and Ossef found another man's underwear under his bed. He thought about it with his buttocks and knew that it was his wife who had cuckolded him.

"I was in pain, and then I ran out alone. I still remember that night, it started to rain lightly in the sky, and I was walking alone on the road. From time to time, some gangsters would look at me. I guess if I hadn't grown I’m very tall, they will definitely attack me.”

"Unknowingly, I walked to a bar, and then I went in. I asked for drinks, one glass after another. I didn't even remember how much I drank. Anyway, I was drunk, and then someone gave me a bag. It is said that after using something, you will forget your worries... "

"Is it drugs?" Li Dai asked.

"Yes, even though I was drunk at the time, I was able to realize that it was a bag of drugs. I knew I shouldn't touch that thing, but I didn't refuse. I was in pain at the time and I wanted to forget everything. I wanted to know If you use it once in a while, there should be no problem, just don’t touch that thing again in the future.”

When Ossef said this, he held his head and said in pain: "However, I underestimated that thing. After using it once, I wanted to use it a second or third time. I wanted to quit drugs many times, but I couldn’t control myself, and I really couldn’t stand the temptation. So I became what I am today, and I don’t blame anyone else but myself for my own self-destruction... "

A trace of sympathy arose in Dai Li's heart. It was wrong for Ossef to let himself fall, but Dai Li felt that Osif just made a mistake. He was like a lost lamb who wanted to return to the sheepfold but couldn't find it. With no way out, we can only wait for the shepherd’s rescue.

"Actually, when I saw you on the first day, I knew that you were not free from drugs." Dai Li said, reaching out to take the wine glass from Osef's hand, and then said: "Although I have never been exposed to drugs. , but I also know that once you are infected with that thing, it is difficult to quit. Taking drugs can indeed help you quit drugs, but the most important thing is to look at your own will."

"I know, but I really can't do it..." Ossef shook his head.

Dai Li tried to persuade him: "Maybe you should try to distract yourself. Although I don't know what it feels like when drug addiction attacks, I have experienced the feeling of collapse after excessive exercise. When you are exhausted and finally When you have a little physical strength, your limbs are numb and your thinking is stagnant. You just want to have a good rest and don't want to do anything. Maybe that can help you forget about drugs and unhappy things... "

Dai Li handed the wine glass back to Blake.

"It seems that you have successfully persuaded him." Blake said.

"It's just temporary. I don't think he can quit drugs on his own. Osef is different from other drug addicts. The vast majority of addicts have no money to buy drugs and are then forced to detox. And Osef My husband's wealth can't be spent even if he takes drugs for a lifetime." Li Dai replied.

"Then what are you going to do? You're not from a drug rehabilitation center, so you can't control him." Blake asked.

"So I plan to help him get rid of his drug addiction from the source. The best way is to prevent him from buying any drugs." Dai Li continued: "So I need Payton's help."

Soon after, Chris Payton came to Dai Li's office.

"Chris, I want to know if drug dealers have their own territory and cannot sell drugs across borders?" Dai Li asked.

"Of course. If drug dealers dare to cross the border to sell their goods, it will be tantamount to provoking a war." Payton nodded, and then asked: "Why do you ask this?"

"Is it possible for a person to be unable to buy any drugs in Los Angeles? I mean, even if he wants to buy, drugs will not be sold to him," Dai Li then asked.

Payton thought for a while and replied: "This is really difficult. Los Angeles is too big, and there are many gangs, big and small. Each gang has its own territory, and there are countless drugs. No one can control all the drugs. Destroy the house. Unless..."

"Unless what?" Dai Li asked immediately.

"Unless you ask the Mexicans for help." Payton lowered his voice and continued: "The Mexicans almost monopolize the drug business on the West Coast of the United States. If the Mexicans are willing to help, although they cannot control all the demolitions, they can let them sell a few It’s okay to save face.”

"Okay, I need you to do me a favor. I want to make it impossible for Osef to buy drugs." Dai Li said, wrote a number on the checkbook, then tore off the check and handed it to Payton. Then he said: "I know that it definitely costs money to find someone to do things, especially drug dealers. They all recognize money but not people. I'll give you this. It's better to buy it with money than to ask for favors."

"No problem, leave it to me. Although I don't know what my bright brother is doing, he must have dealings with those Mexican drug dealers." Payton nodded and agreed.

Late at night, Ossef sat alone on the bench in the villa, drowsy.

Gradually, a special feeling came over him, and Osef suddenly felt uneasy. He knew this was a sign of drug addiction.

"No, I have to hold back, I must quit drugs this time!" Ossef clenched his fists, then gritted his teeth and prepared to bear it.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

Ten minutes, fifteen minutes, twenty minutes...

The pain caused by drug addiction became more and more intense. Ossef tried hard to restrain himself, but he found it more and more unbearable.

Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore.

Ossef picked up the phone, hesitated for more than two minutes, and then dialed a phone number.

"Hey, I'm Ossef, send me some goods quickly, now, I want it now!" Ossef said to the mobile phone.

When the other party heard that it was Ossef, he immediately replied: "I'm afraid I won't be able to go. I have no goods now."

After the other party finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Ossef cursed inwardly and immediately dialed another phone number.

"It's me, Osef. I need goods now. You can send me some as soon as possible." Osef said.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Osef, my goods have just been sold out..."

"No more!" Ossef got a little angry and hung up the phone, then dialed the third number.

This time Ossef asked directly: "Do you still have any goods there?"

"Of course, what kind do you want?" the other party replied without hesitation.

"The best, send me some," Osef said.

"No problem, but door-to-door delivery will cost extra." The other party said.

"I know this, and I won't give you a penny less." Ossef replied.

"Okay then, wherever you are, I'll ask my little brother to send you there right away." The other party agreed.

"I'm Ossef, you should know my address, right?" Ossef said.

"Osef?" The other party obviously hesitated when he heard the name, and then said: "Sorry, I am short of manpower today and can't deliver the goods to you."

After the other party finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Ossef already felt that something was wrong. He could feel that these drug dealers seemed to be deliberately avoiding him because they did not want to sell to him.

The pain of drug addiction became more and more intense, and Osef could no longer bear it. He lay on the ground and began to struggle. Normally, he would never have experienced this kind of pain, but at this time, he could not buy drugs. You can only resist forcefully.

Finally, Ossef remembered what Dai Li said. He forced himself to get up and walked into the gym of the villa. Then he turned on the treadmill as fast as possible and started running like crazy.

After running for more than ten minutes, Ossef was out of breath, but he did not stop, but did push-ups on the ground.

At this time, Ossef was trying to do what Li Dai said. He started to exercise crazily, and he wanted to use up all the energy in his body.

I don't know how long it took, but Ossef finally collapsed on the ground from exhaustion. He just felt that the pain caused by drug addiction was indeed much lighter.

In fact, too much physical energy consumption caused his limbs to become numb, and even his feelings became less sensitive. At this time, even if he wanted to struggle, it became difficult.

The feeling of exhaustion became stronger and stronger, but the pain caused by drug addiction gradually disappeared over time. Ossef felt that his thinking began to stagnate. He closed his eyes and gradually fell asleep...

This time, Ousef finally succeeded in resisting the onset of drug addiction.