Almighty Coach

Chapter 594: Because of dignity


Ossef had one successful battle with drug addiction, and was soon followed by a second and third.

A basketball player who can make a name for himself in the NBA must have a strong willpower, otherwise it would be impossible to gain a foothold in the NBA. As long as you successfully "anti-drug" once, subsequent successes will actually become easier.

What's more important is that in Los Angeles, Ossef couldn't buy drugs at all. The Mexican drug dealers had taken Li Dai's money and already said they would not sell the goods to Ossef. The drug dealers in Los Angeles would not be willing to buy drugs just because of Ossef. A buyer offends a supplier. Furthermore, Ossef was a celebrity after all, and he almost died due to overdose. If Ossef really sold drugs to Ossef, if Ossef really died from drug abuse, the seller would definitely be in trouble as well.

Ousef couldn't buy drugs, so he had to forcibly detoxify. After surviving the pain of the first few days, and with Ousef training all day long, his physical condition improved.

In the training room, Dai Li came to Ossef. He looked at Ossef, who was sweating profusely, and said, "Your recent condition looks very good. If you keep at it, you will be able to do it in a few months." Back on the court again.”

"I hope so." Ossef stopped and said: "Actually, I have already planned to go overseas. I asked my agent to contact European teams for me. I don't know if any European leagues are willing to take me. If If they don't even want me in Europe, I will have no choice but to go to Asia. Coach Li, if I go to China to play, I need you to introduce me."

"Go to China? Why don't you return to the NBA? That's where you should go." Dai Li said.

Ossef sighed helplessly: "I have a lot of criminal records. I don't think any NBA team is willing to hire a loser like me."

"That's not necessarily the case." Dai Li smiled slightly and said, "If you can really get back to your previous state, no, as long as you can get back 70% of your past state, you can stay in Los Angeles."

"You mean to let me return to the Lakers?" Ossef asked subconsciously, then shook his head: "Impossible, the Lakers will not want me again."

"There is not only the Lakers in Los Angeles, don't forget there is also the Clippers. And the head coach of the Clippers is standing in front of you." Dai Li replied with a smile.

Ossef was stunned. He suddenly remembered Dai Li's other identity, so Ossef asked tentatively: "Coach Li, are you kidding me?"

"No, what I said is true." Dai Li said with a solemn expression: "My team does need reinforcements on the front line. I can give you this opportunity, but the premise is that you have to work hard. You have to start over, like a rookie, and use your performance to get yourself a contract, and it will probably be an unguaranteed contract!"

The NBA has entered the offseason, and various trade rumors are flying everywhere. Players are looking for a better club, and teams are busy making reinforcements.

Reporters from all walks of life also began to take notice of the news and collect information everywhere, hoping to get first-hand information on player transactions and signings.

Soon, reporters noticed that Osef was training at Dai Li's training center.

In fact, there may not be reporters who pay special attention to Osef, a former star, but his "socialite" wife is really eye-catching. There will be entertainment news every three days, and even Osef is also mentioned by the media. mentioned. Of course, this kind of mention is not positive, but more of a mockery of his "a piece of grassland above his head".

Naturally, head coach Dai Li attended the Clippers' media meeting in person.

After reporters asked several questions about the summer league, one finally asked about Ossef.

"Coach Li, I heard that Ossef is undergoing recovery training at your physical training center. Is he really planning to come back?" a reporter asked.

"Please don't ask questions that have nothing to do with the team." The emcee at the scene immediately stopped the reporter's question.

Dai Li made a "no problem" gesture, picked up the microphone and replied: "Osef had already announced his comeback at the end of the regular season. The media reported it at the time. Isn't this news?"

"So is Ousev planning to join the Clippers?" the reporter then asked.

"Why do you have such an idea? Did Ossef tell you?" Li Dai asked with a smile. He even guessed that Ossef leaked the news.

"I'm very sorry, Coach Li, this is just my personal guess. After all, Ossef is currently training in your physical training center, and you are the head coach of the Clippers." The reporter replied.

"The physical training center is my personal business, but it will not involve my work with the Clippers, nor will it affect my duties as head coach. I have always been able to distinguish between public and private matters." Dai Li Having said this, he deliberately looked like he was thinking, then thought for a few seconds, and then replied: "But your words reminded me that the Clippers' forward line does need reinforcements. If Osef can If he returns to form, I will advise the management to give Ousefu a contract."

The next day, various news appeared in the media.

"The best sixth man of the past will return with the Clippers"

"The Clippers are interested in signing Ousefu"

"Osef returns, one-year veteran signs with Clippers with minimum salary"

Although Dai Li only mentioned a possibility, when it came to the news media, it almost became a certainty, and even what kind of contract he would sign was predicted.

"Coach, your move is really beautiful. You deliberately said that you want to give Osef a contract. I think Ronnie must be anxious now." Cassell pointed to the headline of the sports magazine and said.

"You don't think that I arranged that reporter in advance, do you?" Li Dai asked.

"Isn't it?" Cassel showed a surprised expression.

"Of course not!" Dai Li shook his head.

Cassell's eyes widened: "Aren't you going to use this incident with Ossef to put pressure on Ronnie so that we can be in a more favorable position during contract renewal negotiations?"

Dai Li shook his head again: "You are thinking too much. But if Ossef can really regain his former form, do we still need Ronnie? On the surface, although Ronnie's scoring average is higher than Ossef , but Ronnie is the core of the team, and Osef is the sixth man. In terms of offensive methods and offensive efficiency, Osef is only better than Ronnie. And Osef also has organizational skills. , among NBA teams, it is rare to see a triple-double as a substitute..."

"Wait a minute." Cassel interrupted Li Dai and then asked: "Coach, do you really want to give Ossef a contract? That guy only sees drugs and women. He already has It’s useless!”

Dai Li shook his head disapprovingly and said confidently: "Don't forget, he is training in my training center. Athletes trained by me can only jump higher, run faster, and become better. Stronger!"

Ever since Ronnie offered a five-year, $125 million contract extension, he has been on the sidelines for a long time.

Ronnie originally thought that the Clippers' expression of consideration meant that the team's management had tended to compromise and would eventually accept the five-year $125 million condition he proposed. However, he did not expect that this "consideration" , there is no follow-up news.

Ronnie finally got tired of waiting. He asked his agent to ask the Clippers how they were considering it, but the response from the Clippers management was still "considering it."

Gradually, Ronnie felt that the Clippers were deliberately delaying time, so he began to release news and expressed his willingness to listen to offers from other teams. But so far, no team has extended an olive branch to him. After all, all teams know that Ronnie's asking price is not low, and the Clippers are very likely to match other teams' offers.

As time goes by, many free agents have received new contracts, many of which are big contracts. Each signing is equivalent to eating into the team's salary space. Now several teams have entered the luxury contract period. The tax team cannot afford a new contract at all, and there are even fewer teams that can offer Ronnie a big contract.

The Clippers are still "considering" it, and Ronnie's patience is being worn away bit by bit.

Finally, Ronnie saw the news about Osef in the media.

"What? Ossef is back and wants to join the Clippers!" Ronnie looked at the news with mixed feelings in his heart.

As a forward player, Ousefu, who can play from the first position to the fifth position, is definitely what any team wants. If the Clippers really sign Ousefu, then Ronnie's appearance will definitely be reduced. If Ousefu returns to his previous form, maybe the Clippers really don't need Ronnie.

Ronnie immediately called his agent.

"Don't worry, this is just a way for the Clippers to lower the price. That loser Osef almost died from overdose last year. How can he return to the game this year? Don't forget that he also takes drugs. I know him Among drug addicts, no one can successfully detoxify. So you don’t have to worry at all, don’t fall into the Clippers’ scheme,” the economic man comforted.

"But now there are fewer and fewer teams that can offer me big contracts. I'm worried... "

"Don't worry." The agent interrupted Ronnie: "I will talk to the Clippers. Don't forget, they offered you a five-year, 100 million contract before. I think it is definitely not theirs. Bottom line, we can definitely get the Clippers to make more money!"

In the physical training center, Ossef was training frantically.

"Osef has been training very hard recently. I am even a little worried about whether his body can withstand such high-intensity training." Payton reported to Li Daihui.

Dai Li nodded with satisfaction: "It seems like the prodigal son has really turned around."

"I talked to him during training. He really wanted to return to the NBA. He said that you promised that the Clippers would give him a chance to return to the NBA, so he didn't want to disappoint you." Payton paused. After a pause, he continued: "I grew up in a gang family. I have seen many drug addicts, and I have seen many people die because of drugs. There are very few people who can successfully quit drugs and change their ways. Coach Li, Maybe in this world, you are the only one who has the ability to change a person."

"Don't flatter me. I just gave him a hope. The key is to look at himself." Dai Li looked at Ossef, sighed, and then said: "Ossef has experienced so many bad things, even he His wife is publicly belittling and ridiculing him, making him lose face and making him a laughing stock in the eyes of everyone, so he needs to regain his dignity as a man, and now he is fighting for his own dignity!"