Almighty Coach

Chapter 595: Because of the example


In the Clippers conference room, the management was discussing Ronnie's contract extension.

"Yesterday morning, Ronnie's agent came to me again and asked about the contract extension. My answer to him was that the team was considering it. Regarding Ronnie's contract extension, we have been delaying it for a long time. I I think we should solve this problem now.”

The speaker was a white man named Johnson, the new general manager of the Clippers.

When Dingtian Group took over the Clippers, the Clippers' management was always in a state of staff shortage. The team's original general manager was the former owner. After the Clippers changed ownership, the former general manager He resigned, so in the second half of the season, Xiao Yunan, the CEO, was temporarily in charge of the team's general manager.

It is impossible for Xiao Yunan to hold two positions all the time, so not long ago, the Clippers hired Johnson as the team's general manager, and Xiao Yunan can also focus on the work of CEO.

Johnson was also an NBA player when he was young. Although he was not a superstar, he won a championship ring with the team. After retiring, he worked in the management of many NBA teams. With many years of experience, he can be regarded as an NBA player. An expert, he is also the most suitable candidate that the Clippers can currently find for the position of team manager.

Johnson is the new leader's first asset. He wants to make some results right away to gain recognition from the team. Renewing Ronnie's contract at a relatively low price is obviously an opportunity for him to perform.

Just listen to Johnson continue to say: "Previously, Ronnie's agent asked for a five-year contract extension of 125 million U.S. dollars. This price is indeed a bit high. I am confident that Ronnie's renewal price will exceed the five-year contract renewal price of 100 million U.S. dollars." .”

"The price of US$100 million in five years is still too high." Li Dai shook his head first, and then continued: "Next season, Wood's maximum salary will occupy the team's salary space of 35 million, and then Ronnie will take it away. If it’s 20 million, it will be difficult for us to make any big signings.”

The NBA's salary cap next season is US$99 million, and the luxury tax threshold is US$125 million. If the team's total salary exceeds this number, it will have to pay luxury tax. The current Clippers are a team in the rebuilding period, so naturally they will not pay the luxury tax. Since there are no requirements for the team's performance, it is best to control the total salary near the salary cap, so that the team can save more money.

The Clippers are still carrying Wood's max-salary garbage contract. If Ronny is renewed for another 20 million, the team's salary space will only be over 40 million, which is equivalent to completely blocking the Clippers. To continue operating, the Clippers can only sign some players with minimum salaries at most.

"It seems that our coaching staff feels that Ronnie is not worth so much money." Johnson looked at Dai Li and continued: "But last season, after all, Ronnie played 19+5+3. Compared with There has been a big improvement before. I think it is acceptable to renew a player like this for five years and 100 million. If his data can improve in the future and he even enters the All-Star lineup, we will extend this contract. You can get rich rewards if you make an appointment.”

Li Dai shook his head: "Ronnie's statistics have improved, but this is based on him becoming the core of the team. Many tactics are specially arranged for him. In fact, his shooting rate and shot selection are not as good as He has not improved. He has not shown a dominant level on both ends of the offense and defense. Moreover, many times, he also focuses on himself and does not create opportunities for other teammates. This is not what a team leader should do. So our coaching staff believes that Ronnie has reached his ceiling and he is not worthy of our training."

Johnson naturally knew that Dai Li was actually the consort of the team owner, so he did not argue with Dai Li anymore, but chose to compromise.

So Johnson continued: "Since the coaching staff thinks the price is too high, then we will follow the renewal conditions we negotiated for Ronnie before, which is 90 million for five years. I will work hard to negotiate with him towards this goal."

"Actually, I think the price of 90 million in five years is still too high." Dai Li shook his head again, and he continued: "We selected Kumar this year. I think he is more talented than Ronnie. player, give him two years, he can completely replace Ronnie. And I have been inspecting forward players among free agents recently, and I hope to find Ronnie's replacement from the free market."

"Coach Li, the free agent you are talking about, could it be Ossef?" Johnson asked.

"He is indeed a choice." Dai Li nodded.

"Coach Li, I know that Ossef is training at your training center, but I don't think Ossev can return to the court! That troubled guy is now even more addicted to drugs. He is useless. !" Johnson said.

"Osef has given up drugs." Dai Li replied.

Johnson shook his head disapprovingly: "Once an athlete is contaminated with that thing, it is impossible to return to the competition. At least among the drug addicts I have seen, no one can truly stay away from drugs."

There were differences between Dai Li and Johnson, the new general manager, and the meeting eventually broke up.

After the meeting ended, Dai Li sat alone in the office, thinking about the team's development path next season.

"Osef has too much dark history, and it is understandable that Johnson would question him."

"As for Kumar, he is still a rookie. He has never played in an NBA game. It is normal for Johnson not to trust him."

As the head coach of a team, it is not a good thing to have disagreements with the team manager. A trace of sadness appeared between Dai Li's eyebrows, and then he rubbed his temples.

There was a sudden knock on the door, and after Dai Li shouted "come in", he saw Wood walking in.

"Wood, what do you want from me?" Dai Li asked.

"Coach Li, I want to communicate with you about the recent training." Wood sat down, hesitated for a few seconds, and finally said: "Coach Li, I can feel that your training is very effective, and I feel that the state I have recovered a lot, and my knees are much better than before, but I also know that my knees have suffered too much damage and it is impossible to go back to what they were before."

Dai Li thought for a while and asked, "Did the recent training effect not meet your expectations?"

Wood did not answer, but judging from his expression, it was obvious that Dai Li had been right.

According to Dai Li's previous promise, Wood's knee can be restored to the state it was in before the injury, but now it seems that the recovery effect is a bit slow or even far-off, so Wood has already had the idea of giving up.

Dai Li couldn't help but laugh.

Wood's knees have been injured many times, and most of the injuries are really irreparable. This is equivalent to part of the function of the knee being disabled. If you want to restore Wood's knees to their former glory, you need to use athlete patches.

Since an athlete patch can only last for twelve months, Dai Li did not use the athlete patch for Wood immediately. He hoped to wait until the season was about to start before using the athlete patch. But now Wood doesn't seem to have the patience to wait.

"Wood, our training has just begun. I don't want to see results until early September. Don't you think it would be a pity to give up now?" Dai Li asked with a smile.

Dai Li's confident smile infected Wood, but he still seemed a little uncertain.

Dai Li changed his tone and asked, "Wood, tell me why you wanted to become a basketball player in the first place?"

"Because of Michael." Wood replied without hesitation.

"I almost forgot, you are from Chicago. When Michael created the Bulls dynasty twice, you were still a child, right?" Dai Li then asked.

Wood nodded: "Michael had a really great influence on me. In fact, in Chicago at that time, and even in the entire United States, Michael was the idol of every child or teenager. We dreamed of becoming a professional like Michael when we grew up. Basketball player, become the 'God of Basketball.' I think if it weren't for Michael, I might not play basketball. I might go to college like an ordinary person and find an ordinary job after college."

"Later you were selected by the Bulls. I guess you will feel that you are one step closer to your idol, right?" Dai Li smiled casually: "It seems that he is not only your idol, but also your role model. , I guess you must want to be a player like him."

"When I first entered the NBA a few years ago, he was indeed my goal. But the longer I stayed in the NBA, the more I discovered how great he was back then. Maybe there is no one like him anymore in the world. People can surpass him." Wood sighed.

"So you no longer plan to catch up with your role model? Although you are still far away from your role model, you may not achieve his achievements in your life, but you have always been on the road to catch up with him. And now You realized that you couldn't surpass him, so you gave up?" Li Daiyou asked solemnly.

"No, I didn't give up!" Wood said without hesitation.

Dai Li's voice became serious: "Since you have not given up chasing your example, then why are you sitting here? You should be sweating like rain on the training ground now. Your leg injury is like this, I think you can fully Recovery, and you don’t seem to have confidence in it. In fact, what is in front of you is a possibility, even if it is only a slim possibility, but you have worked hard, you have tried, even if you failed in the end, at least you have not I will regret it!”

Wood left Dai Li's office, and Dai Li still remembered Wood's back when he left.

Because of the power of example, Wood embarked on the path of basketball. Although Wood can never surpass the "God of Basketball", the "God of Basketball" has established a belief in Wood's heart. Dai Li I believe that a person with faith will not give up easily.

Suddenly, a bold idea came to Dai Li's mind.

"Wood needs an athlete patch to get back to his former self. There should be a lot of players like Wood in the NBA. Anyway, a sheep can be herded, and a group of sheep can be herded. How about just playing a big game?"

Thinking of this, Dai Li picked up the phone and dialed the number of the team's data analysis team.

"I am Dai Li. I need a list. I want a list of players who have declined or retired due to various reasons in recent years. It is best to be stars or superstars. I want the best players. Don't leave out anyone!"