Almighty Coach

Chapter 602: Home for the elderly, weak, sick and disabled


"According to a Clippers team reporter, the Clippers have signed a one-year veteran's minimum salary contract with free agent Osev. The contract amount is approximately US$2.32 million. In the new season, Osev will return to his familiar Los Angeles. Taips Arena, and put on a Clippers jersey. Is it true? That guy Ossef has been ruined by drugs and women, and he can still play ball?"

"The Clippers reporter broke the news, and it was really detailed, and even the specific amount was included. I think it is nine times out of ten that it is true. And there were reports a few days ago that Osef has begun preparations for his comeback. , and began to resume training. The place where he trained was the training center opened by the head coach of the Clippers! Now that Ossev has joined the Clippers, I am not surprised at all."

Before the start of the training camp of the new season, the news of Ossev signing with the Clippers was finally revealed. The one-year veteran's basic salary is not high, but for Ossev, it is an opportunity to regain his dignity. .

When last season just ended, there were rumors in the league that Osef would join the Clippers. The current news only confirms this rumor, so no one who learned the news was surprised.

It's just that Ossef has too many "black histories", and once you get into drugs, it's difficult to quit. No one will believe a drug addict, so naturally no one is optimistic about Ossef's story. Returned for the first time, and the Clippers' signing was also considered a very bad decision.

In the American sports media, those sports commentators unanimously gave this signing a very low rating. Among the scores of more than a dozen sports commentators, the best rating given to this signing was only C, not even a C+ rating. nothing.

However, just two days later, the Clippers announced another signing. They signed the free agent "Yellow Mamba" Hall for a price of US$8.5 million over two years.

8.5 million for two years, with an average of more than 4 million a year. This price is less than a regular middle-class contract and more than a mini-middle-class contract. Moreover, the second year of the contract is a team option. If Hall performs poorly, the Clippers will not execute the second year of his contract.

Of course, in Dai Li's plan, it is impossible to use Hall for only one year. An athlete can use three athlete patches, which means that Hall will not be troubled by the lack of meniscus in the next three seasons, so Hall can play at his peak level for three seasons.

Dai Li plans to give Hall one year first so that he can prove his strength, and then give him a two-year contract. After all, Hall is a star-level player, and he should receive a salary commensurate with his abilities.

However, after this signing was disclosed by the media, there was another round of criticism.

"Now Hall is no longer the 'Yellow Mamba' he used to be. He has no meniscus in both knees. He can't run or jump. He is already a disabled person. I really don't understand why the Clippers want to sign him. Get off him."

"For 8.5 million in two years, it's better to try out a few undrafted rookies. Maybe I can pick up one or two useful players."

"If Hall could still play, he wouldn't have retired back then. First they signed a useless Osef, and now they signed Hall. I really can't understand what the Clippers are doing this year!"

Hall's comeback was not optimistic, not only because he lost the meniscus in both knees, but also because he had returned to the game after losing the meniscus in both knees, but the final result was that he really can no longer adapt to the intensity of NBA games.

Hall was unable to continue playing when his body was at its peak. Now, a few years later, Hall is several years older and is even less likely to make a successful comeback.

The news of the Clippers' signings did not end there. The next day, the sports section of the national media was dominated by such a headline:

Legendary superstar Raymond announced his comeback!

A two-time scoring champion and seven-time All-Star, he was a well-deserved superstar in the NBA as a player. Raymond can indeed be described as "legend".

Seeing this news, countless Raymond fans suddenly became excited. Many people didn't care whether Raymond could play the kind of superstar data again. They only cared that Raymond could return to the court.

People began to speculate about which team Raymond would eventually join, or which team would give him an olive branch. Some people even worried that no team in the NBA would accept Raymond. After all, Raymond has been injured all over after playing for so many years, and he has retired for a while. Now Raymond may not be able to adapt to the rhythm of NBA games.

This worry is obviously unnecessary. Just a few hours after Raymond announced his comeback, the Clippers released the news and reached a three-year contract worth 25.8 million US dollars with Raymond, of which the third year is a team option.

For Raymond, salary is not the most important thing to him. He is not short of money and has earned hundreds of millions of dollars in his career. What he values more is the starting position in the team that Li Dai promised. After all, Raymond was a superstar back then, and he still needs the face of a superstar. If the team is willing to ensure his starting position, he doesn't mind taking less salary.

From the perspective of the Clippers, 25.8 million in three years for a superstar like Raymond is certainly a very cost-effective deal.

But except for the Clippers, no one thinks that Raymond is still worth 25.8 million for three years.

Sure enough, after the Clippers announced that they had signed Raymond at this price, almost everyone felt that the Clippers were stupid and had too much money. They were typical rich and successful spendthrifts who would actually spend money on a star like Raymond. Such a waste of money.

In the Clippers' training hall, Raymond was sitting on the sidelines, holding some of the latest newspapers in his hands, and his face was extremely livid.

Raymond is in a very unhappy mood now. The media actually said that he is not worth the three-year salary of 25.8 million yuan. Some even say that he is only worth a veteran's basic salary. In Raymond's view, this is simply an insult!

On the other side, Gray also looked depressed.

The Clippers also announced that they had signed Gray at the veteran's minimum salary, but not many people paid attention to this news. People's eyes were focused on Raymond.

Gray felt very lost, and he hated this feeling of being ignored. As the once proud son of heaven and the "Great Emperor" with high hopes, he is now like an inconspicuous grain of sand. Even if he is thrown into the water, it will not stir up too many waves.

In the distance, Noel walked over excitedly.

"Noel, how are you doing there? Has the league approved your return to the court?" Raymond asked.

"The league still has concerns. They asked me to provide at least six months of physical examination reports to prove that there are no new clots in my body, so that I can be allowed to play. But now I only have one month of physical examination reports." Noel was helpless. shrugged.

"That means you have to wait at least five months before you can play on the court, which will be January next year!" Raymond counted with his fingers.

Noel nodded: "So in the first half of the season, the team's performance depends entirely on you. I can only sit on the sidelines wearing a suit and cheer you on."

New York, NBA headquarters, the league's regular press conference.

The league's press officer sat on the podium and answered reporters' questions with a smile: "Indeed, we received Noel's application to participate in the game, but for the sake of the player's safety, we require him to provide a six-month physical examination report. To prove that the clot in his body has been completely eliminated and will not prevent him from playing normally."

"If Noel returns to the court, can he only return to the Miami Heat, or can he join another team?" the reporter then asked.

"Noel has been waived by the Heat, so he is now a free agent. Any NBA team can choose to sign him, but he cannot play on the court without the approval of the league." the press officer said. replied.

At this moment, a certain reporter's mobile phone vibrated. He immediately took out his mobile phone and took a look, and suddenly showed a surprised expression.

"The Los Angeles Clippers announced that they have completed the signing of free agent Noel!"

"The Clippers again? Hall, Raymond and Gray a few days ago, and now even Noel has signed with the Clippers!"

"What are the Clippers doing? Why have they signed so many retired players? Can they still play?"

Everyone immediately started talking quietly.

On a sports commentary program, the commentator was talking to the camera.

"For the Los Angeles Clippers' operations this summer, I can only give him a D! They originally had enough salary space to re-sign Ronny and sign several role players from the free market as supplements, but they They didn’t, look who they chose!”

"A Osef who takes drugs and is cheated on by his wife, a disabled player Hall who has no meniscus, a retired superstar Raymond who is full of injuries, a glass man Gray with long and short legs, and Noel who has a blood clot in his body , this is what the Clippers are recruiting this season."

"In my opinion, this is a really bad operation. It can even be said to be the worst operation in the NBA this summer. They did not offer potential new stars, did not recruit existing stars, and did not renew their core players. Instead, they Sign players who have been cut off from the NBA."

"For example, if you have some money now, you can buy a brand new Ford or a second-hand BMW, but you go to the scrapyard and find a Porsche that cannot be driven on the road at all! Well, then Even though it’s a Porsche, a scrapped Porsche is just a pile of scrap metal. This is really stupid.”

"I'm just making an analogy, and I don't mean to offend the players, but I still have to say that the current Los Angeles Clippers are not like an NBA team, but more like an NBA asylum for the elderly, the sick and the disabled!"